Category Archives: Silver

Q&A: Vaginal Infections


 I have a question about the silver sol usage for vaginal yeast infection problems and would like to know how to use silver sol  and how much it will cost on a monthly base. We much appreciate your time. KG


Yes, Silver Gel has been used successfully for vaginal infections, as research has shown that Silver Gel can kill candida albicans, as well as hundreds of other bacteria  including streptococcus, staphylococcus, salmonella, plus viruses such as Influenza A and Hepatitis B.

Two ways to treat the vaginal infection are: insert the Liquid Silver Guard, about 2 ounces and hold for 12 minutes. Or apply to Silver Gel to a natural fiber tampon and insert into the vagina. The Gel may also be applied with a vaginal syringe, or if you do not have this a squeeze bottle or anything clean with no sharp surfaces. Using a finger may also have some results, although it is best if approximately 1/2 tsp. can be inserted once or twice per day.

To answer your question on cost, this would depend on what country you are in, whether you are a member, and how many Silver Gel tubes you purchase at once. I would estimate that 1 tube would last one month, using 1 tsp. per day. It would definitely be less expensive than any prescription drug, which in our opinion does not work as effectively and frequently causes side effects.

If a person is sexually active, the partner should be treating for Candida as well, or re-infection may occur. In addition follow lifestyle and dietary suggestions,such as those recommended  in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Refer to a previous article on Candida to understand more about underlying conditions, causes, symptoms and diet.

If you want to order Silver Gel or Silver Guard, at discount prices direct to your home, please contact our office at 250-748-6802 or email: If you prefer to order online at, select country of your choice and use sponsor #309344 to open your own account and receive a discount. There is no charge for membership with an order and no obligations.



July Natural Health Newsletter



For information to help you achieve optimum health, please contact our office:

Phone:       250-748-6802


** please use this email for all correspondence **



Lorene Benoit’s book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health, as well as specifics for Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

Ongoing special for books, which offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office.


 Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link: 

Herbal Intensive 2012 a Success! 

Bi Polar Natural Aids

Diet for Cancer… and Creation of Optimum Health

Plus two Success Stories:

Ear Infection in Infant and Silver Guard

NSP Silver Guard and Gel for eliminating thrush

Success Stories

We encourage you to share your stories with others on our website or via email. Success stories can be read at:

Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video :


Office Clearance of Herbal Education: I am letting go of my collection of audio and VHS lectures, CRA training, Tree of Light Herbal Hours – about 3 pages cataloged, that go back to 1980. It is time for clearing out and I hope I have most of this great education stored somewhere in my brain computer. If anyone wants any of this information, email me with subject: “Education resources list”. If you are local, we can arrange pick-up. If mailing out, you will just have to pay postage. Or, for those attending Convention in Toronto in October, we may be able to bring with us.

 Business Coaching and Brilliant Body

There is ongoing coaching to help others start their own business using the Brilliant Body CD’s!  The package includes 10 Power Points and all the tools to educate yourself and others on how your body works – all this for only $25! Phone the office anytime for help!

Vaccination Awareness

A new vaccine was just announced in the US, which combines two more vaccines for 2 month old babies. This brings the total to about 9 vaccines to be injected into a baby’s blood before 6 months; suggesting to give them ALL at the same time! Unfortunately for future generations NO studies have been done to determine the long term effects on a child’s immune system by assaulting them with things like formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum, chicken eggs, viruses and other foreign toxins.

In the natural health field, we DO see children becoming less resistant to basic germs due to weaker immunity. At the same time there is an increase in allergies to everything, in learning and behavioral challenges, and an increase in autism.

Before you dumb your child down with unproven vaccines, that ‘may’ offer ‘some’ immunity for ‘some’ time (although no scientists are really sure how much, or how long), please study the issues. Also for adults, especially seniors, who are often frightened into annual flu shots, only to get sick within the month. However, if they die, well…. they were old, right? Then of course there are the scams we know have happened where vaccines such as the swine flu have caused more deaths than they have prevented….. I could go on, but suggest instead that you do your own research. Contact our office for a list of excellent websites to start your own research, and check out some tips on our website for Safe Vaccine Alternatives.









Upcoming Courses in Cowichan Valley – sneak previews – mark the dates – details to follow:

Free Paw Paw Program Presentation

Thursday Sept. 13th 6:30-7:30 pm     South Cowichan Library Mill Bay

The Four Pillars of Health, Mon Oct 15th.  7 pm to 9:30 pm at Island Savings

Chinese Herbs and Constitutions – in Nanaimo in late Sept. or October

 National Health Convention, Toronto – Oct.25-27th



 For Canadians the current six week campaign offers 10 % off or Buy 3 get 1 free, for a  selection of Digestive Aids, Summer Cold Relief,  Safe Personal and Home Cleaning Products, Pain relief and a few more to help ensure optimum health.

One of my 22 year favourites is Tei Fu Oil, useful for so many respiratory and pain relief benefits. See Success Story on Tei Fu Oil. Also Nature’s Sunshine’s Digestive Enzymes have helped so many people with GERD  belching, bloating, and burping.

These specials run July 22nd – August 31st.

Dr. Kim Balas has recorded a Webinar, also available in a Power Point, on 3 of the products, Nature’s Fresh, Aloe Vera and Energ-V, which is available to all members at

Order by calling our office 250-748-6802 to help you locate a local Herb Specialist, or if you are a member call NSP at your country’s toll free number.

We are bringing back the old Herbasaurs Multi Vitamins Plus Iron. It will be labelled as a Sunshine Heroes product, hopefully back by September, ready for school start up.


How does Membership Benefit You?

Click here to find out How does  NSP Membership benefit you?

 You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

 Members receive great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.

Members can access recorded sessions at: NSP resource Centre



The Sun Never Says

Even after all this time

The sun never says to the earth,

“You owe me”

Look what happens with a love like that?

It lights the whole sky.


Flash orchestra mob and choir 9th Symphony in Sabadella, near Barcelona, Spain. Wonderful!


Video Pick and Political Scene combined

Only 1 minute, 30 seconds – humourous and to the point. The Enbridge Pipeline is a disaster waiting to happen. Please make your voice heard before it is too late. Some experts have stated that the proposed location is purposely so ludicrously dangerous so when they decide to move it to Prince Rupert (which was original plan) we will all be happy. ARE Canadians that easily duped?????   

In BC you can contact Minister of the Environment

Dr. Terry Lake:   E-mail:

Phone: 250 387-1187 or 250 554-5413   Fax: 250 387-1356  or 250 554-5417

As this is a national issue, meaning BC may not really have any say in the decision, please also contact Stephen Harper:     Phone: 1-613-992-4211         Fax: 613-941-6900      E-mail:


Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education


Ph/Fax    250-748-6802                  Email:


Ear Infection in Infant and Silver Guard


One 6 month old baby had a chronic ear infection, 3 different antibiotics and cortisone drops were used to no avail. The grandma purchased Silver Guard and put 4 drops into the ear with an eyedropper 3X/ day. She also gave the baby drops of Silver Guard into the mouth. Within 30 hours the baby totally improved . There was no more green stuff coming out of the ear and no more pain. This program was continued for 4 more days to insure that all the infection was gone.


Let me know if you want a bottle to try. Contact us at office 250-748-6802 or via our website.

Lifestyle recommendations as explained in Benoit’s Book The Paw Paw Program should be followed for optimum health and for all conditions.

NSP Silver Guard and Gel for eliminating thrush

C”s mouth was full of thrush, we cleaned as best as we could with a swab and water, and gave her NSP Silver Guard Liquid to swallow, then put the NSP Silver Shield Gel in her mouth. Two hours later she was trying to spit something out, so we got another swab and what came out was the whole lining of skin from her mouth. We kept applying twice a day, in 2 days all the thrush was gone. BL from Vancouver, BC

Lorene Benoit’s comments: Both Silver Guard Liquid and Silver Gel are great for all mouth sores, ulcers, gum inflammation, pyrohhea, absecces and tooth decay (both prevention and treatment).  Although Health Canada has insisted we label the Silver Guard as Mouthwash, everyone realizes it is exactly the same product that we also  take internally. It has been proven to  kill over 600 strains of bacteria, virus and fungus.






April Health Newsletter


April 2012

 For information to help you achieve optimum health, please contact our office:

Phone:   250-748-6802



Address:  5175 Bills Road · Duncan, BC V9L 6S7


Benoit’s book blog: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

Ongoing special for books, which offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office for this special.



 Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link for those you want to read.

Sinus Conditions

Prescription antibiotics, inhalants and OTC decongestant drugs may reduce inflammation and swelling, however they do nothing to promote healing or removal of the cause. Long term use can increase dependency and reduce effectiveness, leading to stronger drugs or surgery.

Questions and Answers

We have added a new category to our blog for questions and answers. Anytime there is something we can help with, please ask your question either by email, or via our website Contact Form.

Our first three Q&A include:
Silver solutions for Candida, food allergies and sinus nasal flush
Menopause and Hormonal issues, Heart /Stroke and Calcium Magnesium

Herbal Intensive July 6th – 9th, 2012

The Cowichan Valley supports a lush growth of plants that have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes, as well as for food. We will study indigenous, wild, and some cultivated botanicals with a Master Herbalist who has 30 years experience.

Success Stories

Another new category added to our blog is Success Stories. If you have some herbal stories you would like to share, feel free to submit them either by email, or website Contact Form. Initials only will be used or you can also invent a pen name, but we need to know from whom they come to be able to verify their truth.

We have entered the first one: The Healing power of Herbs for seriously infected wounds


Cholesterol is NOT a fat and is necessary for our health, especially hormonal. It is Acetyl Co-Enzyme A.  It just happens to be transported by fats in the bloodstream. This article gives good background to support the idea we have promoted for years – that statin drugs to lower cholesterol have nothing to do with heart health and everything to do with selling more drugs. For more info read:  Cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease

Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video :


Brilliant Body Business Coaching

There is ongoing coaching to help others start their own business using the Brilliant Body CD’s!  Stay for the last half hour of our dinner classes. Phone the office anytime for help!



The new 6 week Campaigns are great – ongoing specials go to May 15th and feature Digestive and Intestinal products: enzymes, fibre, probiotics and herbal formulas for soothing, healing and rebuilding stomach, small and large intestines! These products are 10% or Buy 3 get 1 free.

Digestive Enzymes are essential for most people past the age of 30. Enzymes are the answer to correcting most issues of heartburn, GERD, acid reflux, the 3 B’s: belching, bloating and burping. For more information read a past blog:

Order by calling our office 250-748-6802 to help you locate a local Herb Specialist, or if you are a member call NSP at your country’s toll free number. If you prefer to order directly online and receive your free membership

# 309344 or #313939 to receive discount

How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

  • You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website

All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials. When you a member under our Association, please quote your number in any correspondence, which entitles you to priority and some free time concerning your personal health program.


Success Stories

A new category on our blog is Success Stories: Read the first one: The Healing power of Herbs for seriously infected wounds


If you have some herbal success stories you would like to share, feel free to submit them either by email, or website Contact Form.



Political Scene

Politically incorrect to be forcing this on humanity whether we like it or not. Please share with those who care about kids.

Every Parent Needs to See:

Every person needs to be aware of our increased wi-fi exposure from many sources and the effect it is having, especially on children. More and more school districts in Canada have wisely decided to remove all wi-fi from their schools, due to the proven negative physical and mental health challenges.

Lorene says to watch:
minute 13:00 about safe options used in Collingwood
minute 16:00 reference to Saanich school, Vancouver Island
minute 25: suggestions to make change, by retired principal and resident fighting cell tower installation
Minute 29: explanation of radiation types

Very interesting about children with cardiac arrests, several dying, atrial fibrillation up to increase headaches, lack of concentration and cancer increase.



Video Pick

The THRIVE movie is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future. The entire video (2 hours ) is worth an evening’s viewing and for now is for free or by donation at the following link.:


Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Ph/Fax    250-748-6802                  Email:


March Health Newsletter

   Benoit Associates Health Education Newsletter

                                          March 2012

For information to help you achieve optimum health, please contact our office:

Phone:        250-748-6802



Address:    5175 Bills Road · Duncan, BC V9L 6S7


Benoit’s book blog: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

Ongoing special for books, which offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office.



 Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link for those you want to read.

 Bladder Infections

Bladder infections can cause irritating problems, such as sudden urge to urinate, leakage, inability to stop the flow of urine, itching, or burning. There is no reason women, men or children should have these, and if you do, you need to get to the bottom of it and get rid of it!

 Love Your Liver!

It is largest organ in your body, performing over 500 different and essential functions, without even being reminded. A few amazing facts about your liver.

 Cancer Screening and Prevention

A recent article in the Globe and Mail regarding the risks and benefits of Cancer Screening. “ The advantages to screening have been exaggerated.” states Dr Brawley. In Canada an expert panel said that women over 40 do not need routine mammography screening . The reason being that the value of mammography has been decisively disproven.

 Arginine for Your Cardio and Heart Health

L-arginine is best known for its cardiovascular benefits. In the body, l-arginine is converted to nitric oxide, which relaxes the blood vessels. This reduces stress on the heart and improves circulation. L-arginine is the body’s major source for nitric oxide synthesis.

If you have a testimonial on Arginine Plus please submit by email to Aleks at  or fax: 1-800-822-4884 “ATTN: Aleks” by March 31st for a chance to win one large Arginine Plus. Submission must include your account number.

Nature’s Sunshine L Arginine is not only the most powerful on the Canadian market, but is now also the best priced!

Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video :

 Brilliant Body Business Coaching

There is ongoing coaching to help others start their own business using the Brilliant Body CD’s!  Stay for the last half hour of our dinner classes. Phone the office anytime for help!



March Madness is here!! 20% off, FULL PV or buy 2 get 1 FREE EVERYTHING PLUS FREE SHIPPING! This is a once in a lifetime offer to help you have a FANTASTIC MARCH!! Valid TODAY TILL SATURDAY!! Yes we are open Saturday to help you.

 Specials till the end of the March are Heart Health and Chinese Herbal Formulas.

 The new 6 week Campaigns are great – next one with specials starts April 1st – May 15th and features Digestive and Intestinal products: enzymes, fibre, pro-biotics and herbal formulas for soothing, healing and rebuilding stomach, small and large intestines! These products are 10% or Buy 3 get 1 free.

 Order by calling our office 250-748-6802 to help you locate a local Herb Specialist, or if you are a member call NSP at your country’s toll free number.

How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

 You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

 What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website
  • Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
  • Go to; choose your country and use sponsor

# 309344 or #313939 to receive discount

 All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.

When you a member under our Association, please quote your number in any correspondence, which entitles you to priority and some free time concerning your personal health program.

Success Stories

Silver for gum and teeth health, in this case an abscessed tooth:

Some people are also using the Silver Gel for brushing teeth, then holding it in mouth after brushing before swallowing.

 Cancer – using Paw Paw approach

The following are 2 excerpts from my blog from a woman using the Paw Paw Program for cancer. Read the full comments by going to: 

The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer

Sept. 12, 2011: I received great news after my scans in August. They showed that there are no new tumors or inflammation anywhere and the tumors that were there have shrunk in size. There is greatly reduced inflammation in the bones of my hips (and the doctors are very pleased with what is happening. ……. I know the pawpaw, as well as the diet and everything else I’m doing, is contributing to my success.

From same woman, 4 months later.

Jann 31, 2012:  As for my health, it’s still phenomenal. I am so thankful to have gotten another good scan, with no new developments and no growth anywhere. I feel great, and am keeping a positive attitude. I used pawpaw again for one month before this last scan and I plan to use it again for a month in a few weeks. Thanks for checking in on me, hope you’re well.

Political Scene

Anti- depressants, SSRI’s result in decreased head size in fetal development, and low serotonin “theory” debunked. Read details of studies from Nederlands, US and Britiain:

Quotes from Shawn Buckley, lawyer of the NHPPA (Natural Health Products Protection Association)          website:

“We are told that we need the NHP Regulations to protect us from such evils as adulterated products, fraudulent claims, and unsafe products. Despite these assertions, there has never been a death caused by a natural health product in all of our history. I have asked Health Canada under an Access to Information Act request to provide any evidence of death caused by a natural health product since Confederation (1867). I was given no evidence.”

Lorene Benoit states:” I wish that prescription drugs could offer one-tenth of this safety record.”

In fact the opposite is true. There are numerous stories of people who most definitely are not being protected by the current regulations. Indisputable facts are piling up.

“There are many people with serious health conditions who have tried all of the doctor recommended chemicals either without success, or for whom the side-effects were intolerable. They have found natural products that work. Health Canada is now taking those products away. This is putting them at risk for either death, or at best tremendous suffering.”


I confess that get quite upset when people like MPs tell me the Regulations are necessary for our “safety”. Indeed, I am now of the opinion that the word “safety” when used by politicians and bureaucrats is the most dangerous word in the English language. It is the only word that over-rides critical analysis in the population and leads the average citizen to willingly give up freedoms.”

“We know, for example, that the same products can be sold in the U.S. without a licence and that the Canadian requirement for a licence is relatively new. For Health Canada to pretend that there is a serious health risk because a product does not have a licence is stretching things. Indeed, the same unlicensed products in the U.S. are presumed by law to be safe.”



Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body starts falling apart. – Caryn Leschen

But Lorene Benoit says when you look after your daily nutritional needs this doesn’t need to happen!


Video Pick

 Seletun Scientific Statement by.Dr. Olle Johansson, PhD explains how wireless technology, including telecommuncations, (cell phones, WiFi, Smart meters, towers) are biologically damaging our species and government is not protecting public from serious long term risk.

International Scientists Recommend Global Governments Adopt New Exposure Guidelines for Electromagnetic Radiation—Pointing to Biological Hazards and Risks to the Genetic Code from Unchecked Proliferation of Wireless Technologies. In this 18 minute video, Dr. Johansson, from Sweden’s renowned Karolinska Institute, and Chair of the Seletun Scientific Panel, announces a consensus agreement among international scientists on the need to reduce EMF (electromagnetic field) exposures to the population. The Seletun Scientific Panel’s recommendations are extremely important given the unchecked proliferation of wireless radiation over the past decade, such as from cell towers, wireless networks, wireless routers, cell phones, as well as because of the plans by many ignorant governments to blanket neighbourhoods in new, radiation-emitting utility ‘smart’ meters.
To read Press Releases, the Seletun Scientific Statement or get a transcript of Dr. Johansson’s remarks in this video, please go to “News” Section.


Business Building

If you are interested in blogging to increase your business, check out this video which can make it easy:

Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Ph/Fax    250-748-6802



Fungus Among Us – Athlete’s Foot and Nail Fungus

We have been asked if there are natural solutions to these two problems which afflict many people of all ages, and the answer is yes! Whether it is  athlete’s foot, the painful, burning, blistering,  and cracking under and between toes; or whether it is nail fungus on the hands or feet, there IS help naturally.  Nail fungus may result in yellowing, thickening or separation of nails.

Both of these are  fungal and or yeast infections, which place a strain on your body’s immune system,  and should not be ignored. Treating these conditions naturally is important  because many of the OTC (Over The Counter) and prescription drugs for these conditions can be very toxic to the liver.  For many people the fungus/yeast is systemic, meaning it is in various body systems such as bowel and may also need internal herbal treatment. Some suggestions can be found here: Candida/Yeast

For more specifics, or help with ordering a program for you, please contact us

The main challenge is that you MUST be persistent with these treatments, meaning twice daily until the condition is gone. If you have had it for months or years, it can take several months. If it is recent, you will usually see results within 1 – 2 weeks. Here are the external protocols we have found to be very effective.


Nail Fungus

Step #1  Soak affected feet or hands in hot salt water. This is easy to do while reading, watching TV or eating. 10 – 15 minutes  in water as warm as you like with roughly 1 tsp. salt to 4 cups/1 litre hot water. A more pleasant way to do this is  walking in the water at a warm tropical beach, but if this is not an option, the former will work. If your nails are very hardened and thickened, judicious scraping with a nail file under the nail after soaking  will help reduce thickness and make nails more open to the next 2 steps.

Step #2  Apply Tei Fu Oil  to the affected nails. It only takes a couple of drops of this multi-purpose essential oil blend, which will penetrate better after the soaking. Try to get it under the nails.

Morning and evening is best for steps 1 & 2. Then after evening treatment add step #3:

Step #3  Fill finger or toe cott (purchased at any drugstore) with Silver Gel – usually 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. depending on size of finger or toe, and roll it over the affected appendage and leave on overnight. This will allow the nail to soak in the Silver Gel for an extended period of time, so the silver can eliminate the fungus. In the morning remove and start over with step #1 or if you do not have time for soaking, just wash, dry and apply Tei Fu Oil (Step #2).

Although this may seem like a lot of time and trouble, once you get into the routine, you will find it easy to keep up and the results will be well worth it. If you miss step 1, the soaking, you can still do #2 and #3, but all 3 steps work the best. Anything is better than nothing! If you do not see results within one month, please contact our office. As mentioned in into above, some people have systemic yeast/fungus and may need internal herbal treatment.


Athlete’s Foot

Step #1  Soak affected feet or hands in hot salt water. This is easy to do while reading, watching TV or eating. 10 – 15 minutes  in water as warm as you like with roughly 1 tsp. salt to 4 cups/1 litre hot water. A more pleasant way to do this is  walking in the water at a warm tropical beach, but if this is not an option, the former will work.

Step #2  Apply the Silver Gel generously under and between the toes. Wear clean dry cotton socks, or bare feet so your feet can breathe.

Repeat Steps 1 & 2 morning and evening. If no time for step #1, still do Step #2, applying the Silver Gel.

To get your hands and feet on Tei Fu Oil, Silver Gel, or Candida Cleanse:

  • Phone our office at 250-748-6802
  • Phone 1-800-223-8225 US or 1-800-265-9163 CA  and use  referral or Sponsor #1143615 to get a discount of 20 – 25%,  FREE Shipping, plus our professional support.
  • email us at
  • or go directly to choose your country and order directly, using Referral or Sponsor #1143615 to get a discount of 20 – 25%,  FREE Shipping, plus our professional support.

To Immunize, or not to Immunize?

To Immunize, or not to Immunize? That is the question.

By the time my daughter was scheduled to have her first round of shots, I had done some research. After extensive analysis my husband and I concluded that for our family, living in a developed nation with excellent sanitation, clean running water, and with a solid basis in natural healing,  immunizations were not something we wanted to accept the risks of doing. 26 years later, we are convinced this was an intelligent, educated decision.
If we listen to the medical, government and media establishments, we are led to believe that there is almost no risk to shots. Looking at published medical research however, we see another story.

The US FDA recognizes that even though 90 percent of doctors do not report suspected vaccine damage incidents; there are still about 12,000 incidents reported annually. US statistics generally reflect Canadian stats, just reduced by a factor of 10.

Financial aid to parents who either lose a child to vaccine damage, or who are faced with medical expenses to care for a vaccine damaged child, had paid out more than $802 million dollars prior to August 31, 1997 with many cases still pending. (We do not have such a fund in Canada since we have socialized medicine.)

Drs. Mendelsohn, Lanctot, Scheibner, and Moskowitz are just a few of MANY medical doctors on record as being very anti-immunization. Many authors support their views with extensive research. Please contact Benoit & Associates Health Education for a list of websites for further research.

In addition to live or dead viruses and bacteria, vaccines may contain antibiotics; stabilizers such as aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde, and thimerosal, a mercury derivative; egg; animal DNA and RNA; as well as undetected viruses (SV-40 which triggers HIV, brain tumours, leukemia and other human cancers). Many of these additives have been documented as carcinogenic and damaging to the nervous system.


Natural immunity versus vaccine immunity

Breastfeeding grants passive immunity. Long-term breastfeeding gives the baby’s immune system time to mature and begin manufacturing its own antibodies. Our body’s natural defences include various lines of defence, called into action in a specific order dependant upon the challenge.

Vaccinations introduce the pathogen directly at a blood/serum level. This bypasses the normal defence systems of mucous membranes, digestive tract, blood cells and lymphatic pathways that are usually activated with exposure to pathogens. In effect, vaccinations don’t allow the body to do its job properly, and as the length of supposed immunity from most vaccines is unknown, this can leave people even more vulnerable.


General Side Effects

Immediate side effects from vaccines may include fever, crankiness, and tenderness at the injection site, ranging to severe complications which can include extended crying, (high-pitched crying for more than three hours is a sign of neurological damage), seizures, shock, and death.

Long term effects range from a five-fold increase in asthma, increase in autism, allergies, sterilization, paralization, crohn’s, as well as decrease in general immunity.


Specific side effects for particular vaccines


The Lancet reports a three-fold risk increase of Crohn’s disease and a two-fold risk increase of ulcerative colitis in people who are MMR immunized.


Clinical Infectious Diseases discovered that every case of polio since 1980 has been caused by the polio vaccine. Science reported in 1992 a possible link between polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS.

Hepatitis A & B
The New Zealand Medical Journal reports a 60 percent increase in juvenile diabetes following mass immunization for Hep B and vaccines have reportedly been inadvertently contaminated with undetected viruses including HIV.

Several medical journals have examined potentially serious side effects of the Hep B vaccine, including demyelination of central nervous system nerves, liver dysfunction, and arthritis. Research has shown that Hep B vaccine can wear off in less than four years.

The flu virus is constantly mutating. This years’ flu shot is based on last years’ virus, so effect is guesswork. Chronic fatigue, intestinal upset and increased susceptibility to flu and colds are common and rarely attributed to the actual vaccine. Death from swine flu vaccine was higher than death from the disease.

Gardasil for HPV

Judicial Watch Uncovers FDA Gardasil Records detailing 26 new reported deaths. Paralysis has also affected many previously healthy girls who received this vaccine, which has not been properly tested or researched. Washington, DC — October 19, 2011

Other Vaccines
Not enough is known about the risks and side effects of the following vaccines: haemophilus influenza type B (Hib), Chicken Pox, and Lyme Disease. These vaccines are relatively new.


If You Decide not to Vaccinate

Remember there are many things that can be done to strengthen the immune system to ward off these and many other diseases or to minimize the risk of complications. If you choose to not immunize, then you must also choose to be smart. A healthy, natural diet free of refined sugars, white flour, artificial sweeteners, chemicals and colors is critical. A positive attitude, laughter, physical exercise, loving relationships, adequate sleep, and good nutritional supplements are the foundation of a healthy body and strong immune response. Herbs are the perfect food to develop a strong immunity, as they are powerhouses of vitamins, minerals, and active ingredients. Immune herbs often contain adaptogenic properties to help the body adapt to stressors of everyday living, including germs. The Chinese concept of using herbs as daily preventative maintenance for optimum health is more effective than the curative approach, but either way herbs can make a difference in the health of you and your family!

In the event of infection or other illness herbs and natural products are also the MOST EFFECTIVE way to help the body combat these and return to health. See more articles on Benoit blog: to learn about liquid Silver Guard and HRP-C liquid/ HRP-C capsules .


If You Decide to Vaccinate

Ask to see the package insert to examine the list of known reactions for the specific vaccine being administered. Check the vial of serum and make careful notes of the manufacturer, lot/batch number, date of manufacture, expiration date, and dose size.

Plan to build the immune system for at least two weeks before administering the shots, and for another two weeks after the shots. It has been my experience that some of the best immune building in children can be done with antioxidants, such as Zambroza (Thai Go in US), Rosehips, Elderberry and other herbal aids, such as found in GreenZoneVitamin A  & D can also help.

You can also choose specifically which vaccines you want administered. What is right for one child in a family may not be right for the next child. Simple blood tests can determine antibody levels. If antibodies for chicken pox are present the vaccine is not needed.

When in doubt, delay. All shots can be ‘caught up’ at a later date. Damage, however, may not be reversible. Research thoroughly and make the best decision for your child and your family. This may be one of the toughest and important decisions you will ever make. Contact the author for more education.



August Health Newsletter – First Aid Tips, FREE specials for August, Education

** August, 2011 **

Hope you are enjoying the lazy sunny days of summer. Our garden is lush – what a great time to be filling our bodies with fresh veggies and fruits – and storing up natural Vit. D!

For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office by phone:  250-748-6802   
email:           Website
Articles added to our blog since the last newsletter, with direct link:

Annual Herbal Intensive 2011 a Success! 
Our Annual Herbal Intensive was busy and full of stewing and brewing. As we had typical West Coast winter weather, (not at all typical for July!),  picking and identifying had to fit in between sun and rain spells. Despite this we learned how to identify, harvest, store, prepare and use over 30 herbs on this 5 Acre property! Click here to read more

Skin Cancer and Paw Paw
Question from Vicki regarding treatment of skin cancer: “I have been treating skin cancer, basal cell with iodine with pretty good success but the cancer cells are very crafty and they are using my blood to move around my body.  I have just started drinking the juice from the mexican fruit guanabana.  I am getting significant better but I feel the cancer cells are not going to leave me alone.  What is this paw paw stuff?” Click here to read more

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask me on my website blog and I will do my best to answer.

Monthly Specials for Members
August special for new members has been extended to include September! 

FREE membership as either Preferred Customer OR Business Associate, plus FREE Silver Guard (118 mL) PLUS FREE small Chlorophyll with $75 order – if you have been thinking of it, now is the time! You can become a member for free, (and still get FREE sm. silver) even without an order! NSP has never offered a free membership and product without an order before, but they are confident once you see the product guide, you will be impressed by the quality, education and wide range of professional products – enough to be convinced that this is the company to help you keep you and your loved ones healthy.  Call our office- no matter where you live in Canada. For other countries, see below.

How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

  • You can receive discounts from 10 – 40% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.
  • Free education, resource centre, fact sheets, webinars and professional conference calls available to all

What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website – Many have found this to be the easiest and fastest way to sign up. Just provide us with your information and we will do the rest.
  • Memberships are free in most countries with an order.
  • Go to choose your country and use sponsor # 309344 to receive discount

In Cowichan Valley monthly dinner classes  will be back by popular demand! There will be a reduced rate for those who register and pay for a series of 4. Stay tuned for topics and be prepared to invite your friends, neighbours and co-workers.

Ztyo Compass – learn what your body’s needs are: watch this 3 minute video to explain this simple, yet accurate biofeedback tool:
Assessments in group setting – fun and informative – are only $25, second time $20 – make it a party to get yours free, plus host gifts

Special Offer on Bodywork- local
I am offering a special opportunity to my clients to take advantage of an introductory treatment from a visiting European therapist. Tanja is offering a limited number of sessions of DSR Fridays Sept. 2, 9th, and 16 and Tuesdays 6th, and 13th in my office. . I have had a treatment and found it to be very relaxing. Please call our office, 250-748-6802, or email her directly to book a 45 minute appointment. Payment is by voluntary contribution.

Derma Segmental Reflexology – DSR deep massage
DSR is a powerful deep massage without any use of oil or lotion. It increases the blood flow, oxygen and nutrient supply. This will release stress and tension in muscles and tissues, while stimulating blood flow to the organs. Toxins stored in fat cells are released with DSR treatment, thereby decreasing the risks of functional disturbances. The DSR massage focuses on the increase of the blood flow, so the muscles get their flexibility back and pain is relieved.
Benefit to you
Pain, stiffness and cramping for many people tend to manifest especially in the neck, shoulder and lower back areas, which can result in spinal deformities. DSR helps to relive this, contributing to greater comfort and an overall feeling of wellness.

Health Tips
First Aid for Burns: Silver Gel heals and prevents infection. If area is too sensitive to apply Gel, Silver Guard as a spray is amazing. Dr. Pedersen has pictures, somewhat gross to look at, of an 80+ year old woman with 3rd degree burns to both legs – completely healed with no scarring using liquid silver Guard as a spray. If you do not have silver on hand, which every household should have, here is a home remedy that is almost as effective. Spray cold water on the affected area until the heat is reduced and the skin stops burning. Then spread egg whites on the affected area. If you can, beat them slightly then apply. The whites when dried and form a protective layer of natural collagen. Continue for at least one hour applying layer upon layer of beaten egg whites. Pain and scarring are reduced and skin regeneration enhanced by both of these treatments.

Wasp Stings: Keep Tei Fu Oil on hand and apply a couple of drops immediately – stops pain and prevents reactions, even in those sensitive. Works on most bites, including spider, bees, mosquitoes.

Video Picks
Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business – fairly long, but it outlines the harassment of Dr. Burzynsky who has had one alternative to medical cancer treatments for years. If you don’t have much time, at least watch the first 3 minutes. 

RAID BY FDA: Aug. 2, 2011 a short 7 minute video showing something absolutely ridiculous – unfortunately raids like this are also happening in Canada. This is one reason we need to take control of our own health. On link below, search : Rawesome Foods Raid:

Lorene’s Book

Clearly written book which explains causes, prevention and natural approach to Cancer:

The Paw Paw program has not yet been attacked by either FDA or Health Canada, and also offers safe, yet effective approach to cancer. Please read more about it in my book. For those who wish to order, it is fastest and less expensive for you to contact our office directly, but the Pay Pal on the website works just fine too. See below for link to learn more about my book.

Low Glycemic Lemonade

  • 1/2 cup lemon juice
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 1/2 cups ice
  • 20 drops clear stevia or Xylitol powder to taste

Yours in health,
Benoit & Associates Health Education
Here to serve you…….

Safe Vaccine Alternatives

Take responsibility to create better health for you and all loved ones!

The first and most important thing to say about vaccination is you don’t have to do it.

The fact is it wouldn’t occur to a lot of us to even investigate vaccinations, particularly before we experience contraindications. More recently, however, there are more and more people taking responsibility for their health. You may find the following material conflicts with messages you have been given from the allopathic medical field. Statistics are often misrepresented by inaccurate reporting and recording; making it difficult to know the truth.

The intent of this information is to remind you that you are responsible for your own health. Secondly, it is to remind you that you are more of an expert on the subject of your self and your body than any other person or group of people – it is your decision as to what is best for you. The point is you have the right and the responsibility to determine your own action.

For those new to the concept that it is your decision whether or not to vaccinate, please be aware that The Exemption for Conscience was passed on December 14, 1984. Previous to this, mandatory vaccination was practiced in Canada. Although today it is no longer mandatory to have your children vaccinated, “social marketing” is the means of imposing vaccination. The selling of an idea to the point that it becomes your own idea, even if it goes against your conscience, is what social marketing is about.


All drugs, prescription or over the counter, have some toxic side effects. Herbs have thousands of years use as safe, natural and effective!  Herbs have been used since the birth of humankind and still stand the test of time.


For a Healthy Immune System:

Follow the Four Pillars of Health: Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Emotional. More detail on these are in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A Natural Approach to Cancer , which also addresses healing most other chronic health conditions.



Avoid sugar, food additives, chemicals, colourings, caffeine and junk food; they suppress immune function.

Keep the body clean (internally and externally). Cleanse spring and fall.

Eat a well-rounded diet of wholesome natural foods. Foods for the immune system are foods closest to their natural state: vegetables, fruits, some whole grains (sprouted), nuts and seeds.

Herbs are concentrated powerhouses of nutrition: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and all the phytochemicals that scientists will never finish discovering.

Herbs promote optimum health when used on a daily basis according to your needs and the seasons. Quality herbs used properly are also safe remedies when you are sick.

Avoid using antibiotics and synthetic drugs, as they are toxic to humans. If you feel antibiotics are necessary, replace colonic bacteria with good quality probiotics.

Reduce meat, egg and processed grains. These foods contribute to mucous production. Change the last “a” in pasta to “e” and what do you get?  Paste!

Get regular moderate exercise.

Practice deep abdominal breathing.

Seek clean air and sun. Don’t smoke. Avoid inhaling second-hand smoke.


Mental, Spiritual and Emotional:

Maintain a positive mental attitude. Research has shown that a positive mental attitude and having goals, plans, dreams, hope and faith result in a stronger immune system.

Stress is a major cause of a suppressed immune system. Learn to reduce it where possible and where not, manage it effectively.

Develop loving relationships with other people that build up your self worth.

Cry and let go of a loved one; grieve, feel your feelings. Learn to express anger constructively and in safe ways. People who suppress their feelings may be prone to having a hiatal hernia, which leads to digestive system breakdown and overall health challenges.

Keep educating yourself and ask questions.

The above four aspects of our health cannot be separated,  if one hopes to achieve optimum health.

If you have already had vaccinations……..

or if after researching about immunizations, you still decide to use them, the following herbs and combinations can help counteract some of the negative effects. These formulations also help keep the immune system strong and healthy, thus providing a safe alternative to vaccines:

HRP-C (CA)  / VS-C (US) to kill viruses and remove toxins, especially from the liver. This can be used as successful treatment for ALL viruses, including herpes; as well as taken as a preventive during cold/flu season.

Heavy Metal Detox to cleanse blood of mercury, formaldehyde, and other toxins in vaccines. Supports the liver and provides essential minerals.

Cat’s Claw Combination with Astragalus and Echinacea to kill bacteria and infections; helps lymphatic drainage.

Golden Seal & Echinacea as Goldenseal can help the body kill Hepatitis B virus from the vaccine.

Oregon Grape as natural antibiotic and immune system strengthener. A specific for staph infections with special affinity for skin conditions.

Silver Guard has research to show it can kill over 600 strains of bacteria and viruses. Once in the blood, it can help prevent most infectious pathogens. Labelled as a mouthwash due to Health Canada absurdity, it is #1 for infection. By all means use it as a mouthwash to prevent tooth and gum infection, but then swallow it so it can continue promoting health throughout your body.


As links frequently change, you can contact author……..

for full ingredient lists on any above products, as well as hundreds of other professional, quality supplements. You can also find full ingredient lists on Benoit’s NSP website:

Choose your country in top right corner. Member #1143615.

For a list of excellent websites to continue your education on vaccines, go to “Vaccine Research Websites“.

Some of the comments below relate to to other useful research relating to vaccines, or after-effects.


What do you need to do next ?

To learn more or order any of the above formulations:

  • Contact our office or phone 250-748-6802, with your name, phone number and 2 times available Mon – Thurs. mornings, 9:00 – 11.:50 am PST for old fashioned personal service!
  • Go to; choose your country and Lorene Benoit should come up as your sponsor # 1143615.

You will  receive discount and the benefits of our professional support.  We can place your initial order for you at no charge.