Category Archives: Healthy Solutions

Digestion, Breathing & Lymphatic Swelling Improve with Paw Paw Program

Mar 12, 2021

Hi Lorene,

You said there was info on your site about what we seem to experience every 3 weeks or so. He hasn’t wanted to eat all day but of course because of his weight he has pushed through. Here we were trying to decide how to make supper easier on him. Roasted split chicken breast with baked sweet potato and steamed brussel sprouts seemed far from hitting the mark! As soon as I opened your email I went right to your site and read “Crisis Management: Healing Crisis or Disease?”

You described exactly how this suddenly comes on, elevated temperature, he calls it flu-ish. You should have seen his face when I told him you said don’t eat if you’re not hungry and when you do eat, eat fruit! His face lit up, “I could eat an apple!” I fixed him a good sized half a bowl of apple, blueberries, pineapple and a little kiwi. I can’t believe how quickly he was able to eat it! And got a good night sleep too!

L and D

April 24, 2021

Hi Lorene,
I just had to send you this quick note. If you remember our last conversation, March 30, D. had just seen his chiropractor the previous Saturday. She had found a lymph node on the left side of his neck that was bigger. You instructed me to rub a little Lobelia into it and talk to it thanking it for doing such a good job removing waste from his system. Like Jesus said to talk to the mountain in Mark 11:23. Well this morning he saw her again and it felt perfectly normal!
Thank you so much for all you do for us!

L and D


Notes from Lorene Benoit:

These are heart warming testimonials as D has had ongoing health issues since Nov. 2015, with surgeries to remove several organs, including left upper quadrant abdominal mass; left kidney, left adrenal gland, spleen, 1/4 of pancreas, and  periaortic lymph nodes. 

His diagnosis was Oncocytic Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma (ACC). From April, 2016 to Dec, 2020 he under went treatments with 7 types of  chemo /immuno therapies,  2 rounds of 3 week radiation.  There were breaks in chemo treatment  when he would be hospitalized, unable to eat, and too sick to tolerate more. 

They started researching alternatives Jan, 2021 and started Paw Paw Program end Feb. 2021.

As a committed couple, they have worked on diet and lifestyle improvement, are fully committed to a natural program and prayer. Other positive benefits in the first two months of  in D’s healing journey have been:

  • no longer  needing an inhaler and drugs for coughing and breathing issues,
  • stomach discomfort is gone,
  • several other medications have been discontinued,
  • he is enjoying meals, and eating healthier
  • improved sleep, and
  • happier.

After 5 years of medical cancer therapies, this is quite remarkable improvement  in less than 2 months! Our bodies were created to heal when given the optimum tools provided by nature and the Creator.

Thank you for sharing L&D, as others can see there ARE healthier options for helping the body heal from ALL conditions!

The concepts and ideas presented in Benoit’s book, Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer, The World IS Round and Cancer CAN be Treated Naturally, apply to all dis-eased conditions, not just cancer.


Canadian Doctors & Nurses- Why NOT to be Afraid of COVID

If you have an open mind, this 11 minute video is brief, excellent information from 10 different Canadian doctors.
Canadian Doctors Speak Out – Why NOT to Be Afraid of Covid – Safe Alternatives

I applaud all of these medical professionals for stepping up and out of the box of fear to share their views and successes. They know that they do this at the risk of condemnation from their medical boards, College of Physicians, or employers. There are thousands of doctors world-wide doing the same. These Canadian doctors add their voices to the growing masses that are questioning and asking for science to be reinstated.

These are doctors who take their Hippocratic Oath seriously: “Do No Harm“.

More than a year after the the start of what was alleged to be a pandemic, science is still being censored whenever it does not agree with the political/economic/pharmaceutical agenda. If you are not yet aware of any agenda, you can easily look up Agenda 2020, Agenda 2030, or links in my past COVID articles, dating back to Mar 14, 2019.

Of course these agendas have been branded as “conspiracy theories”, even though they are supported with official government documentation, and even though most  “theories” have already happened, or are in the process of happening, according to planned timeline. Any medical professional presenting research that contradicts the WHO directives has been branded as heretic, quack, and numerous other derogatory names.

If you are afraid to accept that there may be another approach that does not involve living in fear, then ignore this. It will be different than what you  read or hear on mainstream media.

If this makes sense to you after listening, then you have to decide what you are going to do about what you learn. Your decision  may affect the history of humankind moving forward.

Equally compelling is this longer video with four nurses, 2 Canadian,  2 American, sharing  their in-depth front line experiences  working with COVID in hospitals; fact versus fiction.

Please learn why harm is being caused to children by current covid meausures, please listen to these doctors, 21 min. :

Protecting Our Children From Harm

Summary take home points:

  • 99.997% survival rate for children – far lower than seasonal flu
  • pyschological, physical, social, emotional, and intellectual damage caused by masking and social distancing
  • at 16 mins, you can learn about covid  experimental injection risks – ESPECIALLY children

Health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children – Is There A Difference?

The Public have been asking for this study for decades…..finally…..

Dr. Paul Thomas,  a pediatrician for 35 years,  published a study Nov. 2020  titled “Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination” in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. His study showed unvaccinated children in his practice were significantly healthier than those who were vaccinated.

His medical license was revoked Dec. 2020. Unfortunately  scientific inquiry and medical research have been increasingly censored, or labelled conspiracy, since 2020.*

His study involved a comparison  of 3,324 children Dr. Paul had seen in his practice from 2008 to 2019.  Of  these children 2,763 had been vaccinated with between 1 and 40 vaccines, while 561 had received no vaccines. The study revealed a clear curve:  the more vaccines a child received, the more chronic diseases they developed.

To summarize, this study showed that:

  • 5% of unvaccinated children had chronic health issues, while 50% of those vaccinated did.
  • 0% of those unvaccinated had diabetes, versus 10% of those vaccinated had diabetes.

The data compiled on these and many other diseases is quite compelling. You can read the full report on link in first sentence of this article.

The “official” stance on vaccines is that they are safe and effective. The “claim” is that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh any side effects caused by the vaccines . This is called the Risk- Benefit ratio.

The Childrens’ Health Defence compiled a  collection of over 50 other studies….

These are published studies done by respected Medical researchers: many from  PubMed; others from Journal of Translational Science, Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, The Lancet, plus Nederlands researchers.

The  charts in this study  make it very easy to see the differences in health, comparing individuals who were vaccinated with those who were not. This raises serious questions about whether the risks ARE acceptable for the alleged benefits.

Hopefully it will cause you to pause and question if the risks are acceptable for  you, or your loved ones,  before you decide to take the next jab “to protect you”.

There are natural ways to maintain and regain a healthy immune system. Some articles that you may wish to look at are below. For any questions or specific assistance, or information about any broken links, many caused by censorship, please contact the author.

References and Further Research:

Safe Vaccine Alternatives

Canadian Doctors Speak Out – Why NOT to Be Afraid of Covid – Safe Alternatives – 11 minutes

Tips to Make the Flu Fly Away – and other Infections

Crisis Management

What About Polio?

Safety & Effectiveness of MMR and Flu Vaccines?

Vaccine Choice Canada

Vaccines Research, Websites, Books

* Not too surprisingly, but very unfortunately for truth seekers, Dr. Thomas’ study was quickly debunked by writers who are paid by several organizations to defame and dispute anything that does not fit the current political/medical/economic point of view. Read the studies provided here and make your own decisions and choices.

I prefer to think many people DO still have working brains and they should have the choice to read studies and decide what is valid. The SAME world wide research is available to EVERYONE on the internet – this is how science is supposed to evolve – by sharing theories and research!

What is now too often labelled “Conspiracy Theory” becomes accepted science years later….. round earth; chem trails (now labelled geoengineering), black holes , computers that fit into your hand (cell phones?), space ships, somatids, nano-particles, were all at one time a conspiracy theory, remember?



Shakes are still considered a boost to optimum health, so I have updated this with some helpful notes. During times of change and uncertainty,  super nutrition is essential!
For help choosing or ordering any products in either CA or US, contact Lorene Benoit Health Education.  Names and links change to meet  approved health standards in each country, research, customer needs, and top quality sources. As part of our team, there is no charge for this personal, professional service.
Original from “Shake It Up Contest” Sept. 14th, 2012

These were the Shake Recipes entered in our at our Nature’s Sunshine Educational Event, where we learned details about the Quality for which NSP is known. It is the Quality Control that has made NSP The Leader in the Nutritional supplement industry since 1972. All entrants won one of the products that are in these health giving Shakes.

Shakes are a great way to supplement when one needs extra nutrition for children, elderly, those in recovery from surgery, illness, dental surgery, or underweight. As well they can serve as a meal replacement for those wanting to lose weight. They were ALL delicious!


1. HELGA’S GREEN SMOOTHIE – my delicious breakfast drink!                                                             by Helga Lambrecht Health, CHC, NHC

Note from Lorene Benoit: although this a heavy duty drink, Helga is now in her late 70’s with a metabolic age early 40’s, living proof that great nutrition pays off in spades! She was my first Canadian student to complete both the Certified Health Consultant and Natural Health Consultant certifications.

1 cup pure water
1 scoop Nature’s Harvest
1 scoop  Protein Supplement   – several from which to choose or Nutri-Burn
1 scoop Ultimate GreenZone
1/2 – 1 packet Rejuvenaid
10 mL pure olive oil
Blend until it emulsifies


By Lucy Taylor, C.H.H.P. PHOENIX HOLISTIC HEALING CLINIC, Nanaimo Telephone: 250 758 0660 E mail:

1 cup water
1 packet Solstic Nutrition *Vitamin & mineral supplement tropical fruit punch drink CA NSP – several Solstic products to choose from in US, and other also in CA.
1/3 cup Greek yoghurt (or other non-dairy alternative)
1 ounce Zambroza*  CA / Thai Go US are same: (Anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, circulation, immune, skin, nervous system – ENERGY !)
½ to 1 cup Frozen Strawberries
Add 1 scoop of NutriBurn Vanilla to make this a satisfying meal replacement!

Blend on high and enjoy a delicious and tasty supplement rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.
Nature’s Sunshine Products have a low glycemic index and a powerhouse of nutrition !



Blueberries, strawberries, banana, cinnamon, ginger, protein and almond milk.
The amounts can be varied with what you have in stock;  I love it with pineapple too, along with the spices.

Lois has been a Nature’s Sunshine herb fan since 1991! She uses the products regularly so she can now enjoy a her retirement in great health!



1 scoop Nature’s Harvest                                                                                                                                       1 scoop Protein Powder
1 packet Solstic Energy
1 cup blueberries
2 cups water
Optional: Banana, raspberries, kale or other greens in summer, Ultimate GreenZone in winter, if fresh, organic greens not available.
Blend and enjoy!

Alain Chabot is life long partner of Lorene Benoit and has been using NSP productssince 1985. His famous dressing for salads, vegetables, and just about anything else is included in Lorene’s Paw Paw Program book.


Other ideas for superior nutrition…….

can be found both in the Recipes Chapter 10, and throughout Lorene’s book The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Other posts relating to super nutritional shakes can be read here:

Super Foods and Super Shakes still going strong!
Lupus, Cleansing, Super Shakes and Energy!
Super Foods And Super Shakes



Human Experimental Jab – Do YOU Consent or Were You Coerced?

UPDATE: July 22, 2021

Doctors All Over The World URGENT Warnings Of Taking The Covid 19 Vaccine

This 28 min. video includes doctors from 10+ different countries each speaking concisely about their reasons for concern:   Or here: Urgent warnings of Covid 19 Vaccine

At 20 mins. Dr. K Brogan quotes: “This is penetration of Body, Mind and Spirit by the State.”

Do you trust GMO, bio-lipid nano-particles being promoted by pharmaceutical companies, who make billions, yet have NO liability?

According to all countries Vaccine Adverse Event Recording Systems, this vaccine, in a few months caused more DEATHS than ALL other vaccines combined in history! Yet, it has not been stopped. One must question WHY?

I receive so many reports daily worldwide, I find it hard to believe people are still taking these injections willingly, although I recognize that the numbers may also be a lie to coerce people to follow the flock.

Many people are not aware that there are millions of people worldwide protesting. Watch this uplifting 5 min. video from worldwide freedom rally Mar. 20, 21, as all of this news is censored on mainstream.

Look for a rally in your location:

Addend May, 2023:
If in US, ask your doctor how much of a financial incentive   he/she receives for giving you this shot:
  • Primary care providers across the U.S. were bribed with incentive programs to coerce patients into getting the toxic COVID shot. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield paid doctors $50 for each Medicaid patient aged 6 months and older, who got the experimental jab
  • Bribery is also par for the course when it comes to vaccine mandates. Pfizer paid undisclosed sums to front groups that advocated for COVID jab mandates, thereby hiding their conflict of interest
  • This has ben ongoing BEFORE Covid, but was ramped up with this money maker.


original post Jan.17, 2021


Please listen to what this brave MEDICAL EMERGENCY  PHYSICIAN  has to say about the EXPERIMENTAL Covid 19 Vaccine.  Presented at America’s Frontline Doctors Awakening Tour. This was last Jan. Despite being fired, censored and jailed, Dr. Gold continues to tour all over the US, to encourage people to question and use common sense.

Benoit’s summary: This is not a vaccine like any we  have ever had in history. This is an injection that genetically alters humans, and the consequences of this will not be evident for 6 – 24 months after injection.

How these genetic DNA/RNA changes will affect humanity are not only unknown, but they are irreversible. It IS known that this will negatively affect our innate (natural) immune system, making us more susceptible to all future  diseases and contagion, especially corona viruses.

Dr. Gold’s talk was incredibly revealing and educational, and as I am a humanitarian and truth seeker, I hope you will listen and share widely. She is an excellent speaker, who covers facts, (and is pro real-vaccines by the way):

  •  Hydroxychloroquinine, Zinc and Ivermectin and other proven effective treatments just in the first 8 mins.
  • Do you think the vaccine is going to bring us back to normal, (even if you get it every 2 months) listen:  at 16 mins
  • failure of previous coronavirus vaccines:  listen   25 mins.
  • effectiveness of vaccine, and creation of more positive tests:  31 mins.
  • how can an experimental vaccine lower a death rate that is already so incredibly low?
  • COVID survival rate :              

0 – 19 yrs.    99.997%     

20 – 49 yrs.  99.98%                                                                                       

50 – 69 yrs.  99.5%         

over 70 yrs.  94.6%

These rates are without effective treatment with Hydroxychloroquinine. Outcomes are even better with early treatment in proper doses.

Yes, the public has been told this drug is dangerous. Listen to these 3 short medical interviews about this treatment, then make your own decision.  Thousands of medical practitioners worldwide support this. Many were posted months ago; Dr. Gold’s latest lecture confirms this treatment is still effective AND safe.  The science and the stats speak for themself. –    look at stats within first 3 1/2 minutes.  This doctor also mentions Ivermectin, used successfully worldwide to cure Covid in early stages, before it becomes serious.

Both these drugs are inexpensive. If people are cured quickly, there is less financial benefit to medical system, such as the $13,000 USD if someone is hospitalized with Covid, and $39,000 if put on ventilator. Not much incentive to help people in early stages. These payments are not conspiracy theory, they are facts.

For your immediate safety, please watch: Doctor’s Speak – Five highly respected Doctors, until 2020, when they started to speak truth and science: Drs. Larry, Northrup, Madej and Merritt and T.

Since posting this, there have been a plethora of adverse events reported to VAERS for all COV injections. These reactions have not been limited to those receiving the “jab” or injection.
What is termed vaccine shedding with normal vaccines is transmission of illness to healthy, un-vaccinated people. This has happened with polio, measles, rubella vaccines and is known to the medical profession, but considered an “acceptable risk”.

With this injection, it is transmission of spike proteins causing abnormal bleeding, hormonal disruptions causing miscarriages, and scrotal swelling to name a few.  Another topic for future posting.

Graphene oxide (GO) has been implicated as contributing or causative factor in lung, heart, liver, kidney, brain ….damage.  GO is in most blue/white masks, and used as a vaccine adjuvant for at least 5 years.  See references at end.


Censorship – Why?

It is no surprise Dr. Gold was arrested…..can’t have people telling what they believe is the truth, or presenting science that does not agree with the politicians running our world. She was a speaker at the White House rally, not a violence instigator.  Antifa promotes violence, and if you check deeply,  you will see who supports them.(Hint….not Trump, but GS, one of the world’s richest power controllers).

Front Line Doctors organization has also been censored and maligned. Why do you think  people cannot be allowed to express or hear different opinions and make their own decisions? Is this not the basis of advancing science and freedom. Or is it censorship / communism?

You Tube is censoring anything that does not support the fear mongering of a casedemic. Try searching bitchute if you want to make up your own mind.

I have never heard one of thousands of medical specialists say anything that has not been backed up by science and evidence. Over the past year, there have been  many doctors, immunologists, past Pfizer scientists, worldwide who agree about both treatment protocols and vaccine dangers.

Why did so many countries and US states stop  the vaccines due to too many side effects and deaths? Unfortunately, many resumed again or switched to another brand,  due to global agenda pressures  by those who are vastly increasing their wealth with every injection.


Safe Alternatives

Canadian Doctors Speak Out – Why NOT to Be Afraid of Covid – Safe Alternatives        11 minutes of excellent information from 10 different Canadian doctors.

FDA reveals long list of serious health conditions that may result from Covid-19 vaccinations, including death. Even this could be removed or changed any day, as it also tells the truth.

These articles can help protect you from this experimental jab and help you achieve optimum health and create strong immunity:

Pine Needle Protection for Viral Transmission

7 Simple Natural Aids, (for cold & flu viruses)  with herbal prevention and immune building that works.

Safe Vaccine Alternatives – written 10 years ago, it will still be valid in 100 years from now, if we still have the options to choose a healthy lifestyle.

Contact the author if you want assistance with a personal immune enhancing program.

Please share widely. It’s time to speak up.


1. Sign and share widely this petition against medical discrimination:
2. If you belong to any union, contact them with this information and tell them you want them to represent you in your freedom of choice for medical treatment! NO medical treatment, including vaccines, should be a requirement for work.  Ask for a written response, and repeat until you get one.
3. Teach everyone to use correct terminology – this is an “experimental” vaccine.

4. Know Your Rights and support those who are actively fighting to protect them;              (this can mean letters of support, petitions, phone calls, sharing, not just money):

Read, Educate and Share: more on Vaccines  can be found:

Covid Vaccine – YES or NO? posted mid. Nov.

Vaccine Archives

Vaccine Choice

Graphene Oxide References: (three of thousands)

Functionalized graphene oxide serves as a novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for robust stimulation of cellular immunity, 2016


Gall Bladder Flush

Why do a gall bladder flush?

Gall Bladder FlushCleansing the liver of gallstones by doing a gall bladder flush can dramatically improve digestion, which one of the  basics of health.

As the liver has more than 500 known functions, many people will notice lessening of allergies, bloating, pain,  increase in energy, hormonal and mood balancing, better sleep and other overall health improvements

The liver makes one or more quarts of bile per day, which is used to emulsify or break down fats for easier digestion.

Bile also carries cholesterol and other fats into the colon and helps to lubricate this organ for effective elimination.

In cases of chronic constipation…

bile is reabsorbed and recycled. Each time it is recycled it becomes a little less effective and a little more toxic. This is one reason that adding a bulk fibre to the diet (such as Psyllium Hulls Combo) ensures proper elimination and is  beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels.

There are different theories as to why gallstones form, but it is known that formation begins in the liver and can be related to diet, cholesterol crystals, calcification, uric acid, bacteria, and/ or parasites.

Gallstone symptoms

Symptoms of gallstone formation can range from general poor health to severe pain, and may include, nausea, bloating, constipation, or discomfort after eating fatty  food.

Gallstones often lodge in the liver ducts and are not revealed on ultrasound tests. Only when they become stored in the gall bladder and have somewhat calcified will they show up. This explains why medical diagnosis sometimes  misses the mark, until it is too late and surgery is recommended.

The Gall Bladder Flush

Although not the most pleasant thing to do, it is a good health preventative measure to perform a gall bladder flush yearly and can prevent surgery. Most people experience an increased sense of well being after this flush. This cleansing.can give dramatic results. After just the first cleanse,  pains, allergies and arthritis may  all disappear.

There are several variations of this cleanse; all are personal variations on the original cleanse from Austria. 40 years since my first cleanse, this is one version I have found to be very effective. 

The Gall Bladder Flush Program

2-3 wks. before cleanse: Take 2-3 LIV-C/day. One bottle (10-15 days) if your health is generally good, 2 bottles if you experience chronic challenges. Other options are LIV-A or LIV-J  (4-6/day). All three are herbal combinations that nutritionally support the liver and gall bladder. If you have confirmed or suspected stones, also take 6-9 Hydrangea/day, which helps dissolve stones.

1-3 days before cleanse: Fast on organic, unfiltered apple juice. If you cannot fast, drink at least 1 quart  per day. The day of flush, drink only apple juice from noon on. Malic acid in apple juice is excellent for dissolving stagnant bile accumulated in the liver. 

Afternoon/Evening of cleanse: Dissolve 4 T. Epsom salt (internal, not bath Epsom salt) in 3 cups water; refrigerate. Drink 3/4 cup of  this mixture at 5 pm, repeat at 8 pm.

This will relax organs, open bile ducts, balance calcium and act as a  laxative. This may help you to evacuate before the treatment.

Before bed, no later than 10 pm. Get ready for bed, then drink, within 5-15 minutes:

4-8 oz. cup virgin olive oil 

4-8 oz. fresh  lemon juice

6 oz. real Coca Cola* (not diet)

Mix all 3 together or just mix juice & oil and use the Coke as a chaser. You can sip through a straw. You can rub Peppermint Oil in the mouth after to cut the oil and prevent nausea.

*Coke seems like an unusual addition, but the strong acid  helps break down stones for passage. We do not recommend Coke other than for this cleanse.

Go to sleep, lying on your right side.

In the morning, upon arising: drink 3/4 cup of Epsom salt mixture . Finish the last 3/4 cup 2-3 hours later. You will have one or several good bowel movements anywhere from 1-8 hours afterwards. Check the toilet, you may find stones that vary in size and color from green, tan, orange or black.

They freeze quite well, should you choose to “show and tell”.

In lieu of making Epsom salt mixture, you can buy bottled  Magnesium Citrate at a pharmacy. Herbal Laxatives, such as LBS II can also be used.

You may repeat cleanse at two week intervals.

Contact the author for assistance in ordering any health supplements at discounted price.

Follow Daily Regime for healthy diet to avoid re-creating the problem.

Caution: Not recommended if you have an allergy to lemon juice or olive oil. Some proponents feel that a parasite and kidney cleanse  be performed before this flush. In cases of serious health challenges contact a qualified natural health consultant before any major cleansing.

More information on gallstones from Chinese Traditional Medicine.

Gallstones in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

In TCM, gallstones and kidney stones are said to form because of “stagnation”. Cleansing the liver and gallbladder helps resolve stagnation.

While this may sound rather unscientific, this is the language of a healing method which has proven itself for 5,000 years. In modern scientific language, one might express the same concept by saying when gallbladder bile isn’t flowing well or urine isn’t flowing well, it becomes concentrated, which causes calcium salts or cholesterols to crystallize out of solution and form stones (gallstones or kidney stones).

Based on the TCM gallbladder “meridians” (see Figure at right), gallstones may be Gallbladder Meridianalso associated with headaches, shoulder and neck pain.

According to TCM, when gallstones are present, the weak gallbladder makes energy flow along the meridians sluggish, which results in a tense and tight feeling. If blood circulation becomes so poor that the blood flow becomes stagnant, pain is the result.

In TCM, gallstones are also said to weaken the spleen, because nerves on the spleen and gallbladder are connected to each other. TCM also ties gallstones to sleep problems, dizziness, bad taste in the mouth, vomiting of bile, pain in the flanks, and even psychological problems such as anger and depression, insomnia, and nightmares.

Women are much more likely than men to develop gallstones, perhaps due to pregnancy and childbirth. Gallstones do not only develop in people who are obese or have a high fat diet.

Congested liver can cause sleep problems. Not only  difficulty falling asleep, but waking up several times every night.  As liver becomes healthier, sleep  should improve.

Reference for TCM: Sensible Health.

This post is for information only.



Vitamin D and your health

See N.B. Research update Dec. 2020 at end of article

original published 2009

If you can get some sunshine – get it! Getting outside when the altitude of the sun is high enough will help you absorb some Vit. D.  If you are housebound or totally skin covered, with clothing or sunscreen, then you need a good Vit D3 supplement. Considering the benefits of Vit. D for bones, immunity, mental outlook, cancer prevention…..why not add this to your daily health program?

Since posting this originally in December, 2009, there has been so much research on Vitamin. D3, CA / Vitamin D3   US, I  have added onto this article twice. Please  Contact our office for 25% discount & free shipping, on quality, absorbable Vit D2 to protect you.

March 2007 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition lashed out at the conventional media for its inaccurate reporting of Vitamin D supplementation. Since then, continual research has shown that the majority of those living North of Tropic of Cancer and South of Tropic of Capricorn are deficient, especially during winter months.

When one considers the wide reaching benefits, which I summarize below, and the inexpensive availability of this supplement, the medical community is negligent in not promoting higher intake. Health Canada is even more negligent by lowering the limits available in supplements, despite the plethora of research indicating otherwise.

Benefits of a quality, absorbable Vitamin D3:

  • Cancer

connection between Vitamin D3 and protection from cancer has been published since the 1940s, when doctors discovered that individuals at sunny latitudes had a reduced rate of deaths from cancer. Since then, studies have strongly suggested that Vitamin D3 deficiency is associated with an increased risk of developing many forms of cancer including breast, ovarian, prostate and colon cancer. Many people who are getting positive results with The Paw Paw Program for cancer, also add 4-10,000 units of Vit. D3 to their program.

  • Bone Health

    including osteopenia, osteoporosis and osteomalacia and arthritis. 2015 research indicates that increased knee pain during winter months is not due to the cold as much as it is lowered levels of Vit. D.

  • Depression

  • Cognitive Enhancement

  • Immune System Enhancement

  • Back Pain

  • Multi-Talented Nutrient

Vitamin D3 deficiency has been linked to a host of other conditions such as high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and an increased risk of pre-eclampsia and insulin resistance during pregnancy. Low Vitamin D3 levels have been linked to an increased prevalence of early age-related macular degeneration.

A growing number of researchers who have widely studied Vitamin D3 are almost begging the general public to consume more of this important nutrient. Due to Vitamin D3’s high safety profile in doses up to 10,000 IU per day and because of the wide role it plays in our health, consuming 2,000 to 10,000 IU per day of this nutrient at times of the year when sunlight is scarce is a prudent way to improve overall health.

Contact our office if you wish to order QUALITY supplements that your body can absorb and assimilate from the company with a proven track record since 1972. We will set up an account so you can obtain wholesale pricing from the same supplier we have used to help people since 1990.

More technical information and references are available to professionals or those who would like greater detail.


Below is just one of thousands of studies that are stating that increased Vit. D3 could prevent COVID deaths. This information is not promoted on mainstream news. Why? Could it be that this supplement is an inexpensive remdy in comparison to billions being spent on vaccines? ….follow the money. Here is the summary of 1 research:

More Than 80% of COVID Patients Are Vitamin D Deficient

Currently, the respiratory infection of note is of course COVID-19, and vitamin D appears to have a lot to do with your risk of this infection as well.

According to a Spanish study13,14,15 published online October 27, 2020, in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 82.2% of COVID-19 patients tested were found to be deficient in vitamin D. As reported by the authors:16
“In COVID-19 patients, mean± SD 25OHD levels were 13.8±7.2 ng/ml, compared to 20.9 ±7.4 ng/ml in controls. 25OHD values were lower in men than in women. Vitamin D deficiency was found in 82.2% of COVID-19 cases and 47.2% of population-based controls.
25OHD inversely correlate to serum ferritin and D-dimer levels. Vitamin D deficient COVID-19 patients had a greater prevalence of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, raised serum ferritin and troponin levels, as well as a longer length of hospital stay than those with serum 25 OHD levels ? 20 ng/ml.”

While this particular study failed to find a correlation between vitamin D levels and disease severity, other studies have shown patients with higher levels do tend to have milder disease. In fact, one such study17,18 found your risk of developing a severe case of, and dying from, COVID-19 virtually disappears once your vitamin D level gets above 30 ng/mL (75 nmol/L).

References to above studies:

Steps to Gain and Maintain Optimum Health

update Dec 6, 2022

For optimum health you need optimum tools:, including quality nutritionally dense herbs and supplements

Same Quality since 1972- now

Greater Discounts plus FREE S/H for ALL Customers

After 48 years Nature’s Sunshine Products, 1972,  has re-vamped their website, marketing and ordering to benefit consumers. By making it easier and cheaper with free shipping and bigger discounts, we hope to be able to help more people reap the benefits of QUALITY herbs & supplements, delivered to their door in a few days.

Quality is still unsurpassed, ingredients are beyond organic, and now it will be easier for more people to feel the difference. There are many reasons we have used these products in our consulting business since 1990. Now here is one more.

Becoming a Member has many benefits in addition to discounts;  with professional support, discounted consultations, and outstanding education from the company by trusted educators. It offers you a personal experience, not just an exceptional product.

            Customers:    from retail to 25% + discount – your choice

 Premium Customers

Previously Preferred Customers had 10% discount. Now called Premium Customers, discount has increased to 20% , PLUS you get 1 FREE S/H every month. No obligation, no auto ship required.  Order what you want, when you want.

Plus PC orders can qualify for additional discounts via ongoing daily, weekly and monthly specials, such as an extra 10%, buy 3 get one free, etc.

As bonus, new PCs will get 25% discount on first order and Free S/H.

It is free to become a Premium Customer until further notice. This means someone brand new, anyone previously an NSP member, but expired.

Plus, if you share a link with  your favourite products with someone new, you get 15% product credit on your account within 30 minutes! A win-win situation.

Feel free to email us all relevant info – Name, ph#, full address and payment, and we can place first order for you at no charge. As well, we offer free 10 mins. consultation to help you choose the best products for you!

Subscribe and Thrive 

For no fee,  commit to health by ordering once every 1, 2, or 3 months and  become a Subscribe and Thrive member. You get  1 order 25% discount  with Free S/H , plus 1 PC order  20% off , also with free S/H. You can choose your frequency, and choose or change your products whenever YOU choose.

Brand new Customers, including Retail Customers, will get 25% off first order and Free S/H

If you use this link for CA or US:   my name should come up as your referral, but if not, be sure to ask to have Lorene Benoit #1143615 as your sponsor. We may give you another another account # as we help others build their health business. You still get Lorene’s professional support.

For those, like myself, who prefer to talk to a real person, phone our office  for questions, or program suggestions.

I do not find their website user friendly for initial sign up, so give us a call to do it for you at no charge: 250-748-6802, or contact us via email –, or

We are here to help with personal, professional service.

These new savings apply to CA and US. With the new, more generous memberships, and FREE SHIPPING,  it is easy & inexpensive to send  healthy gifts to family and friends, anywhere in Canada or US.


                 Some always appreciated gifts are: 
These links are Canadian NSP links.  Links change. Please contact me if you have any challenge finding same products on US website. There may be name or formulation differences to meet federal regulations.

Hand & Body Lotion, for dry winter indoor air, or for the damage from too many chemical hand sanitizers. Chemical sanitizers we are encouraged to use are very unhealthy as they destroy your skin micro-biome, which is first line defence, while drying the natural, protective oils of your skin. An effective alternative is Silver Gel, or if your prefer, the Liquid Silver Guard – which can be put in a spray bottle with a couple of drops of your favourite Authentic Aromatherapy Essential Oil.

EOs such as Lavender OrganicInspire,  Recovery, and Essential Shield  are all antiseptic and antiviral, in addition to their immune enhancing properties. Links above are for 15 ml.size and can be ordered from US

Authentic therapeutic essential oils will help you make all your safe household products for dishes, laundry, toilets, poo-pourri, deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, floors, doors, kids, cats, veggies, unlimited uses!

Plus essential oils help calm mind & body, sooth sore muscles, energize thinking and increase immunity.

Other suggestions that work for everyone, all ages, to maintain health and immunity are, especially in these times:

  • my favourite product Tei Fu Oil, also available as Massage Lotion
  • Peppermint, a great pick me up and breath freshener (comes in the Starter kit)
  • Frankincense always welcome – “when in doubt take the Frankincense out!” very grounding & healing (5 ml. size  in the Starter kit)
  • best beverage ever: Chlorophyll
  • HRP-C anti-viral formula in caps and liquid. (VS-C in US). We always have a bottle on hand for first sign of any cold, flu or other virus!
  • LH-C for anyone wanting to strengthen their lungs. (Lung Support in US).
  • Vitamin D3   and Zinc & Vit. C Lozenges
  • Prosper is another of my favourite spicy blends, with clove, cinnamon and frankincense reminding me of wonderful Christmases past or homemade cookies.

The Essential Oils are all available in US, and for Canadian members, they can be ordered via Sunshine Direct. PHONE us, or NSP CA to place this order for you! 1-800-265-9163.

CA products can be sent anywhere in CA  and US products can be sent anywhere in US using your discount and free S/H. This can really simplify gift sending, by having healthy products delivered to the door of any loved ones; no hassles, just a phone call or online ordering.

Canadian members  can also:

  • send any US products anywhere in US with their CA account under the Market to Market program.
  • order many US products to Canada via Sunshine Direct

NSP CA:        1-800-265-9163
NSP US:        1-800-223-8225


                For business: Consultants – 25-30% discount & more

These changes will make it easier for natural health practitioners to encourage more people to be on a maintenance wellness program for less money, hassle-free.

Consultants now get 25% discount, or 30% on Subscribe & Thrive,  2 Free S&H per month , PLUS  get instant payback for anyone they refer.

Note: There is an annual fee of $50 Cdn & GST / $40 USD.  As PC’s also get referral payback, this will be your best option when you are ready to build a business.

Those who would like to receive training to help people gain & retain optimum health will continue to have access to professional educational opportunities with free webinars with Natural Health experts. If this interests you, please contact me, or your direct sponsor for direction and mentoring.

Offering personal, professional service to keep you well is what we have done for more than 35 years….we still do. 

    Did you know?          3rd Edition The Paw Paw Program

In January, 2020,  I published the 3rd EDITION of The Paw Paw Program“. Based on 35 years experience, the history of herbs,  four pillars of health, dietary and lifestyle recommendations, this book is relevant to everyone seeking optimum health. 

The principles used to heal conditions such as cancer, also work to heal the other major diseases of modern society: cardiovascular, heart and diabetes. It covers extensive suggestions for overall health and vitality.

I’ve had too much trouble, and zero Amazon support to post the 3rd Edition to Amazon CA or US, but if you order from us, (e-transfer for Canadians, PayPal for other countries, phone, or email) you will be getting the 3rd Edition. 

Our NSP Members worldwide, can order The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer (and other Diseases) – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally at a 15% discount, or Buy 3 get 1 free,  when you email us directly, or phone. Just let us know your current member number. 

            Essential Oils Funshop

Did you know that NSP has carried Therapeutic Authentic Essential Oils for over 25 years and they still remain one of the best quality and price point in North America?

Learn how to make personal & home natural products that benefit your health and make great gifts:
…..spritzers, bath salts, salt scrubs, roll-ons, massage potions & lotions…For locals: includes supplies & recipes for 3 gifts valued over $40
**   Call to arrange a class in my office in Duncan, or via Zoom   **

Investment:  $50 pre-registered for local with supplies included

Zoom options can also be arranged with pre-ordered supplies.

Register:     250-748-6802 or

Everyday you have a fresh opportunity to make the best choices for yourself .                         –  Lorene Benoit  –

Corona I.D. Injection – Yes or No?

Updated Dec. 28.2020

As a COVID vaccine, or SARS COV-19, or COronaVirus IDentification or whatever name is used, has become reality, I feel pressured to add some updated research to help those who may not be confident in their choice to vaccinate or not.

I encourage you to do your own further research, then choose wisely from an educated, not fearful perspective. This may be long, but aren’t you and your loved ones worth it?

In 2017, Italian researchers reviewed the ingredients of 44 types of  vaccines:

They discovered heavy metal debris and biological contamination in every human vaccine they tested. The researchers stated, “The quantity of foreign bodies detected and, in some cases, their unusual chemical compositions baffled us.” They then drew the obvious conclusion, namely, that because the micro- and nanocontaminants were “neither bio-compatible nor biodegradable,” they were “biopersistent” and could cause inflammatory effects right away—or later. 

Some  known ingredients in vaccines are aborted human fetal tissue (MRC-5), animal tissue, aluminum, mercury, genetically altered materials. In addition to these,  for the new COVID vaccines they have added DNA recombinant (rDNA) genetically modified molecules and ??? WHO knows what else?

The full 13 page Peer Reviewed study: “Investigations on Vaccines: Micro and Nanocontamination“:   Here are a few critical excerpts from the Italian study outlining some side effects associated with a few vaccines:

The diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP) vaccine was linked to cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) [3]; measles-mumps-rubella vaccine with autism [4,5]; multiple immunizations with immune disorders [6]; hepatitis B vaccines with multiple sclerosis, etc.

Recently, with the worldwide-adopted vaccines against Human Papillomavirus (HPV), the debate was reawakened due to adverse effects reported by some young subjects…. symptoms related to never-described-before syndromes developed after the vaccine was administered: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) [13], pain at the site of injection, swelling and uncontrollable movement of the hands, fever, headache, irritability, epileptic seizures, temporary speech loss, lower limbs dysaesthesia and paresis, hot flashes, sleep disorders, hypersensitivity reactions, muscle pain, recurrent syncope, constant hunger, significant gait impairment, incapacity to maintain the orthostatic posture are reported. [14]”

A few facts from the label of the Astra Zeneca Covid-19 Vaccine, which contains:

MRC-5 (Medical Research Council cell strain 5) is a diploid cell culture line composed of fibroblasts, originally developed from the lung tissue of a 14-week-old aborted male fetus. [1][2] The cell line was isolated by J.P. Jacobs and colleagues in September 1966 from the seventh population doubling of the original strain, and MRC-5 cells themselves are known to reach senescence in around 45 population doublings.[2][3][4]

MRC-5 cells are currently used to produce several vaccines including for Hepatitis A, varicella and polio.[5]

Recombinant DNA(rDNA) molecules are
DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods of genetic recombination (such as molecular cloning) to bring together genetic material from multiple sources, creating sequences that would not otherwise be found in the genome.
 Bill Gates Demonstrates how his COVID19 Vaccine will Alter your DNA in this 2 min. video.
As Gates has NO medical training,  it is pretty simple to understand.  And yet, he will make billions $ on “his” vaccines. Please share with those about whom you care.

Comments on ‘Vaccine trial’ from a health care professional volunteer….:

“I self-reported moderate feverish­ness, which was experienced by 21% (12 of 56) of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 paracetamol group and none of the associated control group.”

Other symptoms might also provide insight to participant side effects: … positive predictive value of 78% for malaise and 71% for myalgia (muscle pain), calculated for the combined cohort of partici­pants who received ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine with and without para­ce­ta­­mol.

Detailed study, with a couple of NB excerpts:
Volunteers with a history of laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection; those at higher risk for SARS-CoV-2 exposure pre-enrolment (ie, front-line health-care workers working in emergency departments, intensive care units, and COVID-19 wards, and close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases; and those with a new onset of fever, cough, shortness of breath, and anosmia (loss of smell) or ageusia (loss of taste) since Feb 1, 2020, were excluded from the study.

Limitations of this study include the short follow-up reported to date, the small number of participants in the prime-boost group, and single-blinded design … this is a first-in-human study of fairly young and healthy volunteers, the majority of whom were white. Further studies are required to assess the vaccine in various population groups including older age groups, those with co-morbidities, and in ethnically and geographically diverse populations.

The participants recruited in this study will be followed up for at least 1 year and further safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity (in addition to efficacy) results will be reported when data are available.

At the end of this Lancet study, the Declaration of Interests involves patent holders, U.K. Health Ministers, W.H.O. , Vaccitech, a biotechnology company, Sanofi Pasteur, Janssen, GlaxoSmithKline, Medimmune, Novavax, Pfizer, and of course, AstraZenec, all of whom will make Billions$. (Plus they are promoting another drug Paracetamol (pain killer) be given with vaccine to nominally lessen pain, muscle fatigue, inflammation, headaches, etc. – more $)


Regarding Safety, the vaccine package states:
“The MHRA urgently seeks an AI (Artificial Intelligence) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs)…”


Do you want this injected into you for YOUR safety and the good of the public???
This is just one from one vaccine – After 35 years of study, I have not seen any vaccine being any better or safer – and this does not even cover IF they are even effective! Double blind studies, considered the ‘gold standard’ have never been done for vaccines.
I have taken the time to document this research and look up links as the video explaining this will likely be censored. BUT, just in case the link is still available, here it is:
CDC and the Vaccine industry has been asked for 30 years and refused to do long term safety studies.  Nov, 2020 a group of independent medical researchers called Informed Choice published the first  PEER REVIEWED study in the  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health on the Long Term Health of Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated children. 

Interesting results, especially in the charts, which you can see in the above study.

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: The Study the CDC Refused to do — Interview with Dr. Weiler:

Of course, this study  and this brave doctor will be bashed, so do your own research, but remember to follow the money of who pays the researchers.

I offer this with love and highest intentions to those who wish to pursue optimum health, usually requiring looking “outside the box”. You may also want to look at  Safe Vaccine Alternatives  and  Seven Simple Natural Aids for Coronavirus  for healthy options. Research since March, 2020 has shown that increased Vt D3 and Zinc, in addition to a healthy lifestyle are paramount for prevention, as well as treatment of all respiratory conditions, including this virus. Contact us if you wish some help setting yourself up with a “stay healthy” program.

Concerning safety, aluminum’s effects on chronic neurological and auto-immune diseases, this 3 min. video is a must listen.  Dr. L. Palevsky explains the concerns very succinctly at a Public Health Committee hearing.

Note 2023: the video has been removed as part of Global Censorship on any scientific questioning about the truth. Questioning IS supposed to be the hallmark of good science, but not anymore. You can find his intelligent remarks online, once you eliminate the false quack reviews, which denigrate Dr. Palevsky and any professional who has questioned  the political agenda.

You may choose to research further with the following resources:  Vaccination Research, Websites and Books.

And, should you wish to consider more safety issues and the monetary links to the world’s most reknown vaccine philanthropist’s history,  please refer to  Vaccine Choices – What About Polio?  and look for video at end of article.

Please see Covid Experimental Vaccine 2: more updated info Jan. 17, 2021.

Ulcer Remedies


Good to talk with you the other night. Do you have matula tea for treatment of H-pylori? Maybe I need to talk with you as I believe some probiotics are in order as well. Have been positive for the pylori test and doctor recommended a pak of antibiotics. Took one day of it and it is not for me!!!





Good idea to go natural, as pharma antibiotics may temporarily fix some symptoms, but have the potential to cause more problems in the long run. Sounds like you already noticed some negative side effects from the antibiotics.

Here is a brief reference to this challenge:  North American Drug Ceremony

No, I have not used matula tea. An herbal formula that many have used very effectively for many years for ulcers is ULC-R   (ULCeR). As the online link says very little, I am providing some additional education.

Researchers agree that gastric ulcers, once thought to be caused by stress and related excess acid, are actually caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. H. pylori infection is also thought to be responsible for other gastrointestinal disorders including gastric cancers.

Nature’s Sunshine spent two years of intensive research evaluating the properties of various herbs to create this unique natural formula designed to have a strong inhibitory action against the growth of Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

Pau D’Arco (Tabebuia avellanedae) bark concentrate, Clove (Eugenia aromatica) flowers concentrate, Elecampane (Inula racemosa) root extract, all help inhibit the activity of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, while safely leaving friendly bacteria uninhibited in the intestinal tract. This protects your microbiome.

This brief article also refers to Elecampane.

  • DGLE (deglycyrrhizinated licorice root extract) helps soothe stomach irritation and associated discomfort caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
  • DGLE and Capsicum (Capsicum annuum) promote healing.
  • The formula helps alleviate inflammation.
  • Unlike prescription or over-the-counter antacids, it does not cause unwanted side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, or possible liver damage

If your condition has been ongoing for more than a few months, which is likely if you are at the stage of having it medically diagnosed, I would suggest doing the ULC-R for 3 months, beginning high dosage of 1 capsules 3-4 times daily, then gradually decreasing dosages, depending on your results. If you need assistance to help monitor this, please consider a consultation – if this is only challenge a mini of 20 mins. may be enough.

The probiotic I would do for one bottle is Nutribiome Bacillus Coagulans, 1 capsules twice daily, then 1 bottle of Probiotic Eleven, 1 capsule twice daily.

Please contact me if you would like assistance to order these or monitor as your condition improves.

Note: links in this article are for NSP Canada products. Please contact me for US product names, links and prices, or to order with discount under Ac#1143615.

We offer personal service to help you gain and maintain optimum health.