Category Archives: Cancer

RF Radio Frequency, Smart?? meters and your health

Recently Doctors Martin Pall and Paul Dart made an hour long presentation to the Oregon State Health Committee to present summaries of over 20,000 scientific research studies clearly pointing to health dangers of ever-increasing Radiation Frequency (RF).

Existing scientific research offers strong evidence that chronic exposure of the public to Radiation Frequency  transmissions produces  serious acute and chronic health effects to a significant portion of the population.

RF emissions  are coming from WiFi, SMART meters, cell phones, baby monitors, portable phones and cell towers, all on the increase , especially in NA, without thought to the short and long term consequences. More and more people are being diagnosed with Electro Hyper Sensitivity, and these are just the “canaries in the mineshaft”, alerting us all to what  are doing to ourselves.

Interestingly it is Europe where the majority of these studies have been conducted, as these countries have had mobile technology the longest: West Germany 1952, Sweden 1956 and USSR 1958. They are conducting these studies because they are concerned about the welfare and associated health care costs of their citizens, and some are moving away from mass RF exposure. A few examples are:

  • In 2008 the National Library of Europe removed their WIFI.
  • Shortly after several Medical Univesity Libraries, such as Sorbonne, also removed theirs.
  • In France, all  child care centres have had WIFI removed, as it has been proven that the RF effects are much more serious on developing brains.
  • In Spain, communities are being developed by people who do not want RF exposure – seeking valleys that can be protected by cell towers emissions.

Studies from  Egypt, Austria, Sweden, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain Israel, and Brazil, to name a few,  have shown definitively that the closer a person lives to  cell towers, the greater the incidence of the most commonly reported negative effects of excess RF exposure: autism, fertility, memory loss, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, and DNA damage leading to birth defects and cancers.

An Austrian extensive  study from 1984-1997, showed people living within 1200 meters of a cell phone tower  had an increase in breast cancer of 23 times greater  and brain cancer 121 times ! For learn about safe, effective cancer treatment and prevention, see Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program –  A Natural Approach to Cancer.

Rates of RF are thousands of times more than generally accepted safe standards, and still are, especially in North American outdated standards. This means that safety standards, controlled by industrial complex interests, are NOT protecting the public.

While Europe  is taking some positive steps to reduce RF radiation, North America seem to be finding every possible way to force more of it upon us! Local Hydro companies still spout the safety of Smart meters that a few of their scientists say are  safe, but there are thousands of doctors and scientists, not connected with their industry, that are showing us the truth. Educate yourself.

LOOK  at and LISTEN:

Changing Genetics with More Love?

Dr. Bruce Lipton, in a lecture on Healing with the Masters, asks the question, “Do we have enough love?”

His findings are based on stem cells studies. Everyday we replace billions of our cells from embryonic cells, which we call stem cells. Dependent on what medium or culture in which the stem cells are grown will determine what type of cells they become, whether muscle, bone, fat or any other of many possible cells. Plus, whether they are healthy or abnormal cells. So, in a nutshell, our  genetics do not determine the outcome of the cells – it is the environment in which they are immersed.

One of the healthiest environments is one which is infused with love. Sick stem cells transferred into a healthy environment become well and vice versa.

Our human body is a community of fifty trillion cells living according to what the brain perceives.  The brain’s perception of the world controls the neurotransmitters which determine the chemistry of the blood, which determines the fate of our cells, so ultimately the brain controls our state of health. This concurs with epigenetics which states that environment controls the fate of genetics.

A mind in love and a mind in fear have two different chemistries which will affect the physical health of our cells, no matter what the genetics. Being in love releases dopamine, oxytocin, vasopressin. These chemicals grow exuberant  stem cells. Fear and stress hormones hinder healthy cellular growth.

Conscious mind (prefrontal cortex, about 10%)  has our wishes, desires for future & creativity. Sub conscious mind (about 90%) has the pre-recorded programs, habits, instincts and learned experiences, acquired in the first 7 years of our life through our observed environment and culture. It is this 90% subconscious which determines what the 10% conscious achieves.

Talking to your subconscious does NOT work – it is akin to talking to a CD player. The subconscious mind learns 3 ways: hypnosis, habituation (repetition & practice), and energy modalities that engage subconscious processes to reprogram it.

In Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, Chapter 6, The Road to Wellness – The Four Pillars of Health, includes emotional healing as one of the 4 essential Pillars. The importance of loving support when dealing with any chronic health conditions is critical and is backed by more and more research from the field of quantum physics.

This book is full of  easy to read information that is critical to treatment and prevention of all chronic conditions, and achievement of optimum health.

FOCUS ON WHAT IS BEING BORN. As you reprogram your subconscious you effect the reality of the cells that create your future, as well as the evolution of all humanity.

Contact our office to order this book, or create your personalized optimum health program. Old fashioned phone? 250-748-6802.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

The following helpful questions are found on pages 163-164 of Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, 2nd Edition.

They can be and should be asked for any treatment options, no matter what your health condition is. 

Some questions to ask your doctor when a drug, protocol, diagnostic test, explorative surgery, or any medical treatment is recommended.

Please remember the doctor and any treatment recommended is paid by you, indirectly, via taxes; annually at least $3800 per man, woman and child in Canada. This is not including any MSP fees, prescription or other costs paid by you directly. Therefore, as you are paying the doctor, or in effect hiring him or her, you do have the right to know what you need to know to make an educated decision. Think if you were hiring a contractor to do renovations on your house – you would want the details, you would want to know that the person you hire is best suited for the job, that they would be familiar with your needs, know how to use their tools – you get the picture.
Wouldn’t you do the same for your car by making sure the mechanic is qualified, not doing anything to your car that is not necessary, and knows what needs to be fixed? Expect the same treatment for your body as you would for your house or your car.
Of course, our body is more complex than either a house or a car, but understand those treatments to which you agree and understand your options.

By taking this drug, following this treatment, having this surgery, following this recommendation….

What is the expected outcome?

How or why does it work? (ask for explanation in terms that you understand)

Can you tell me and/or give me a list of all possible side effects, to decide if the possible benefit outweighs the risks? Pharmacists will give you a small write-up for drugs; if you want more detail ask for the information from the CPS (Compendium Pharmaceutical & Specialties).

What are the percentages for side effects, re-occurrence, adhesions, damage from treatment, cure rate, life extension, etc.

Have you personally used it with other patients? What has been their response, incidence of side effects, increased life span, quality of life…..?

How long has this been approved and how long used?

Can you refer me to any studies that prove the effectiveness of this treatment option?

For what period of time will I be taking this drug, or following this treatment?
What is the likelihood that this will necessitate me taking other drugs or treatments to counteract side effects or enhance perceived benefit of treatments?

How will you determine if it is effective?

What is expected outcome if I do not choose this treatment option?

Do you mind if I do some research before I choose this route?

For other helpful suggestion when dealing with the medical system, and for especially for dealing with cancer, see  Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

3 Success Stories for Paw Paw and Rampant Cell Growth

From Canada:

We went with much fear today to get the results and treatment plan from my husband’s Oncologist. We were told by the surgeon and oncology at the hospital after the thymus tumour was removed on Feb 7 that he has lymphoma and would need chemotherapy and probably radiation.

Imagine our astonishment when Dr. I. told us the bone marrow test and recent cat scan did not turn up ANY cancer! He is completely in the clear! Dr. I said he might have recommended chemo anyway “to be on the safe side”! but was not recommending that because my husband has pulmonary hypertension and right ventricle damage from the clots and it wasn’t worth the risk. Dr. I also got him into an “elite” pulmonary hypertension clinic at Toronto General that none of the other specialists seemed to know about, so there is hope there as well. We are absolutely dizzy with relief.

My husband started the Paw Paw  (Asimina triloba) program a month ago. After two weeks, he started to smell really bad in a strange way, especially at night. He said it was mostly coming from his armpits and groin areas (where there are lymph nodes). I told him it was probably the toxins from the dying cancer cells being released. As suddenly as it started, the smell stopped about a week ago. No way to prove it, but we are crediting the Paw Paw with his remission. Thanks Lorene, for such a clear, well written book and the NSP Paw Paw program!

D.R., Toronto

Author’s Comments: Thank heavens there are other complications here which means no chemo just “to be on the safe side”! Depleting the body’s innate immune system with toxic drugs is NOT being on the safe side! Natural health works the opposite way – it supports and nourishes the immune system!


Gina had lung, liver and breast cancer in her body determined by Vega biofeedback. She took 8 Paw Paw capsules (Asimina triloba) 1 month 50 mg. capsules X 8 and all results decreased within this month.

Author’s Comments:Vega is a biofeedback tool. This tool, EPFX, and Compass are all effective tools in the hands of a good practitioner. These and other healing modalities are mentioned in Lorene Benoit’s book, The Paw Paw Program, A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

GGoad, BC.



From the UK:

My friend is in advanced stages of Kidney and adrenal Cancer.

I sent her the NSP Paw Paw capsules 10 days ago and its already made dramatic differences ! I kid you not !

I want to order the book and get it sent to her ASAP in the UK.

Question: How much would the shipping be?

Answer: Shipping to Europe and Africa is usually about $18 Cdn. and arrives within 7 business days.

ColinP, England

NOTE: Emailing us directly gives you fastest service and least expensive price. We can also arrange for you to have a direct account with Nature’s Sunshine to ensure you get the same products we use with success, as well as direct discount pricing. Just contact us with your details; we’ll do the work for you!

Cancer Prevention and Treatment Approaches


As I was doing some research on Colorectal Cancer for natural health classes in Winnipeg,  Nova Scotia, and for my online interviews, I was surprised to see the change in Canadian Health Statistics. US and Canadian statistics are usually similar, so this is the North American trend.

Cancer has been the #1 cause of death since 2011. 

Many people still think heart and vascular are #1, but even combining heart disease (all types) with cerebrovascular (strokes), it is still close to 5% less than cancer. This despite the BILLIONS of dollars raised and spent running around looking for the cure!

The chart on page 26 of my book,  The Paw Paw Program,  shows cancer care costs in 2010  at $124.57 BILLION.

While we continue to fund raise and spend billions of dollars “finding” and “running for” the cure, selling daffodils and hot dogs, are we any closer to understanding the true causes OR doing anything about them?

How much money is being spent on eliminating toxic chemicals that are polluting our air, water and soil? How much money is being spent on educating people about the health hazards of untreated infections, parasites, yeasts, viruses, or how to improve our natural immunity to avoid these and treat them naturally? Here is a synopsis of some information you can learn from The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.


What to Do To When You Have Become a Statistic

and even more important

What To Do To Avoid Becoming a Statistic

Prevention is recommended, as all people develop cancerous cell growth. A healthy immune system keeps abnormal cell growth under control.

Taking an active role in your health is critical. Remember, it’s your body and your call.

  • Remove all toxic chemicals from your food, drinks, air, and home as well as hygienic products. Stop adding more toxins into your body. There is much you can do – talk to your Natural Health Care practitioner for ideas as to how and what you can do. If you do not have one, make an appointment with the author of this book.
  • STOP smoking, alcohol, coffee, tea, pop, all refined sugars, are number one step.
  • Balance pH levels of acid and alkaline – greens are your main ally for this – if you do not have plentiful organic sources of fresh greens, use GreenZone (CA)/ Ultimate Green Zone (US)
  • Oxygenate and strengthen your blood with Liquid Chlorophyll, macro and trace minerals, EFAs, and other suggested natural supplements.
  • Take Protease Plus Enzymes to help metabolize protein, keep the blood and lymphatic systems clean and help breakdown cancer cells.
  • Exercise daily to move your lymphatic system. Your lymph moves only when you do. Even 10 – 15 minutes two or three times a day will help.
  • Build Immune System with help from your Natural Health Care Practitioner. Astragalus, Colostrum and Silver Shield (silver sol) are all powerful aids for the immune system.
  • Learn how to nourish the body without feeding the cancer cells.  Super Foods will make a difference.
  • Reduce stress in your life or at the very least, learn how to support your body when under a lot of stress.
  • Your body needs rest to heal. Take rest breaks during the day and sleep for minimum 8 hours at night.Drink lots of pure water.  6 – 10 glasses a day is usually a good rule to follow, based on weight and activity. Hot water and herbal teas are also good.  Water helps flush out the toxins from your body.
  • If you are strong enough, a variety of cleanses may be suggested for you. Examples: Liver/Blood, Bowel, Parasite, Lymphatic, Yeast or Heavy Metal Cleanses.
  • Add a natural bowel stimulant with or without fibre if you are not eliminating at least one bowel movement a day. Two – three is better. LBS II is an excellent peristalsis aid.
  • Detoxify, build, detoxify, build – pay attention to your body to know which to do when. When in doubt book a phone or Skype consultation with an expert – Lorene Benoit has been helping people for over 35 years.


PLEASE NOTE: As links tend to change over the years, please Contact us,  for personalized, expert assistance in obtaining any supplements mentioned in this article. We have worked with one major quality professional herbal source since 1990 and can help you get the best for your health and your money. Aren’t you worth the best?


Newly Diagnosed: Consider a consult with a Natural Health Consultant to help you undertake the following suggestions. You know that cancer can be prevented; it can also be reversed. It will require some lifestyle changes and some effort on your part. One important thing is to know that people do heal cancer with natural, time proven remedies and to know and believe that you can beat this disease. Have positive hope, no matter what the prognosis is. Your body is designed to heal itself and become healthy again but it needs full help from you. In addition to above suggestions, you will also want to consider the following:

  • Support the area of the body where the cancer is. You may want to add herbs specific to your type of cancer. For example, for cancer of the prostate, support with Saw Palmetto Extract, Liver with a liver formula, as your NHC recommends.
  • MOST IMPORTANT:       This is the easy part.       Follow the Paw Paw program as per directions to start and increase only on the advice of your Natural Health Care Practitioner. The Paw Paw Program gives more detail, in fact 284 pages of information that is well researched, affordable and easy to understand and follow.
  • Depending on your cancer, you may be required to take this for 4 months – a couple of years.
  • For those who have had cancer, maintenance  is highly recommended.
  • Paw Paw can be used along with Allopathic Medical Therapy; in fact it can enhance chemotherapy effectiveness.

It is important to work with a natural health care practitioner or consultant who is comfortable working with cancer. The amount of research can be overwhelming. You would not try to strip down your car engine and rebuild it without assistance or previous knowledge. Consider this, as you need to rebuild your body to eliminate cancer or any other disease.

A qualified NHC can assist in the optimal selection of a program for you and in monitoring your results. This professional can work with others with whom you choose to share your healing journey.

Remember, cancer can be beaten naturally! Believe it! Be proactive in your cure – do not leave it all up to the medical community – work with them to help yourself.

This program is designed to enhance the natural healing abilities of your body, rather than ‘fight’ any particular disease. It is one part of a comprehensive program, including corrective diet, emotional clearing, exercise as required, proper elimination and other natural health and life building aspects.

This program is not counter-indicated with orthodox medical treatment, such as surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. It can enhance the effectiveness and decrease the negative side effects of these approaches, should you choose them.

You can  have any of the above therapeutic nutritionals delivered to your home. To ensure you are getting professional products that exceed pharmaceutical grade, direct discount pricing,  and support in choosing the best program for your specifics, please contact Lorene Benoit Health Services, MHH, CHC, BEd. 

Good old fashioned phone: 250-748-6802, email contact form or



Statistics Canada:

US National Cancer Institute

Benoit & Associates Health 2010

Pro Active Health 2010

Talk Shows about Paw Paw Program

These are links to talk shows in which I have been interviewed to share information on The Paw Paw Program, A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Learn why understanding cancer, how to heal and prevent this condition, also relates to most health challenges and provides natural health tips for YOUR optimum health.

These recordings are available 24/7  to help you understand the effectiveness of this approach to cancer and all chronic conditions.


 Great interview. I admire how articulate and passionate you are as you express yourself  in a respectful and informative manner. ”                                  Dr. Alan Simberg

Please contact Benoit Health Education directly for support, educational consultations, to order The Paw Paw Program book or nutritional herbs and supplements. You will get fastest service, correct products and the best prices.


Talk Show recordings:

July 24th, 2014 with Michael Brill – will be posted when available


July 22nd, 2014 with Dr. Alan Simberg – Life Changing Insights with Lorene Benoit – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally!

Dr. Simberg shares some interesting thoughts on the mind affecting our perceptions of experiences, then begins a 24 minute interview with Lorene Benoit just before 36 minutes.


 June 20th, 2014  pre- recorded April 14th

Click to hear interview on Outside Health and Fitness  with Steven Stearns.

Why this approach makes sense and works. Those looking for safer, effective options for both preventing and treating cancer will appreciate the health education  that applies to all chronic conditions.


 June 16th, 2014

Interview with Sheryl Glick one of the conscious leaders working to incorporate new thinking into our changing world conditions.Interview with Lorene Benoit:



May 28th, 2014

Lorene Benoit speaking with Denise Messenger, Award winning author of Health Media Now.

Lorene Benoit shares her confidence in herbal healing based on her 40 years experience in natural health. She explains why Paw Paw (Asimina triloba) is so effective as part of a health program. Includes why it works, some of Dr. McLaughlin’s research, the basic 4 components of the program, 4 Pillars of Health.

Dietary suggestions, recipes and Super Foods are essential information for everyone who wishes to achieve optimum health, whatever their state of health.


April 10th, 2014

Lorene Benoit speaking on Paw Paw Program with Janet Love

An excellent 53 minute interview, explaining how Paw Paw Program is effective for all health conditions, prevention and healing of cancer. In this interview Benoit clearly explains how this book is also relevant to most other chronic health conditions, including heart and cardio-vascular, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis and menopause.

The Four Pillars of health, dietary suggestions, recipes and Super Foods are essential information for everyone who wishes to achieve optimum health.

Lorene Benoit shares some of Dr. McLaughlin’s research, specifics of the correct Paw Paw (Asimina triloba) and correct usage, the basic 4 components of the program,  and more. The interview starts at 7 minutes.


 March 16th, 2014 

Alternatives to Big Pharma – Lorene Benoit’s interview with
Sharry Edwards  and Richard Olson                 Lorene’s interview begins at 16 minutes.


November 24th, 2013 – note this recording quality is not great; your time may be better spent listening to previous recordings.

Osberg Broadcats with Keith Williams


August 27th, 2013 1:00  – 1:30 pm PST

Dr. Alan Simberg


May 30th, 2013

Dr. Michael Smith


Jan 31st, 2013 7:00 pm PST

Gwen Green


July 20th, 2012 10:30 PST

Hollis Chapman


July 5th, 2012

Angela Levesque


June 28th, 2012

Wendy Wagoner


May 11th, 2012

Dr. Higgie and Kat


Feb. 10th, 2012

Dr. Rose


Dec 6th2011

Alicia D. Cramer


Nov. 4th, 2011

Hollis Chapman

Link for talk show:

Special offer:


Sept. 2nd, 2011

Trudy Thomas: “Living with Hope” aka thematrix777; The Body, Mind and Spirit Network

Trudy Thomas (aka thematrix777)
Host of “Living With HOPE” radio show


July 11th, 2011

Michael Vara


June 28th, 2011

Monica   Brinkman


May 9th, 2011

Tony Gambone

Q & A: Actinic Keratosis and Paw Paw


I have actinic keratosis all over my body , would paw paw be beneficial to me and clear up my skin? Please put me on your list for free monthly Natural Health Newsletter.  Cathy


Yes Cathy, as actinic keratosis is abnormal cell growth, Paw Paw, Asimina triloba,  would help. For best results, one could take small internal dosages (2- 8 per day) as well as applying Paw Paw directly to the skin surfaces affected.

One way to do this is to open capsules of Paw Paw and mix them with Silver Shield Gel, which also will help to  stop inflammation and promote healing of the lesions. If there are particular spots which can be covered with a bandage, this will hold the herbs onto the affected area longer, but if it is a larger area, just try to apply at least 3 times per day.

Another option is to mix the Paw Paw with Black Ointment, which is available via the US Nature’s Sunshine Products. Please contact our office, or 250-748-6802,  to help you place this order and get a free member account which will offer you a discount, ensure you get the correct products, and involve our support. I can also send you a more detailed Fact sheet on any of these products.

In addition, excess sun exposure is to be avoided, and general dietary and lifestyle recommendations as fully explained in my book, The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, would enhance bringing the body into balance for healing.  

The book includes the complete Paw Paw Program for health, plus the sugar and cancer connection .

Hope this helps; look forward to helping you on your journey to optimum health.


People World Wide are Waking UP!

People world wide are realizing we have to stop believing the “big guys” are looking out for us!

More and more people are waking up to these facts:


  • Vaccines are myths that are making billions for big pharma and destroying our health, slowly but surely – this will of course, mean bigger profits for more drugs as our immune systems are weakened. Please see articles that explain vaccine safety issues and present safer ways to strengthen your immune system!


  • Wireless technology –  the latest addition of digital ?smart? meters (what a huge misnomer!!) is destroying our health and privacy, while costing us MORE money!  This article is just too good to not post: WHO KNEW? The Wireless Smart Meter Meltdown


Please contact our office for expert support and access to wholesale accounts for Nature’s Sunshine Products, THE  professional quality herb and supplement company of choice, since 1972. In health!



Q & A – Paw Paw, myeloma, chemo & other herbs



My husband has multiple myeloma.  We have been trying to avoid conventional regime. His is very aggressive. Some success and some not. He is 50 so may have high (IL-6 overexpression). Wondering about Paw Paw to help keep the cancer cells from being resistant to herbs, Vit C etc. Thanks. Jennifer


Absolutely, I know Paw Paw helps in all types of cancer. I would not say it stops cancer from being resistant to herbs though. In fact, I feel it is THE most effective herb available that I know if in my 35 years herbalism, and the science testing supports this. Perhaps you meant that Paw Paw inhibits chemo resistance? This is explained in my book and on the website.
The book can be ordered fastest and least expensive, by emailing us directly with all necessary information and payment, or you can order on the above site via PayPal.
this depends on dosage of Vit. C
If you wish 10 free minutes by phone, you need to send me your ph # as I am out of the country and do not have a number for you to call me. No charge, I have a computer phone which will come up as a California#. 9:30 PST is good for me.

Q & A: Cancer of bladder recurring and prevention


Paw Paw and its effects on bladder cancer: I have just started taking Paw Paw Cell Reg after being diagnosed with high-grade bladder cancer. Am not able to find much on the internet about its uses with Bladder CA. I was diagnosed with lung cancer 5 years ago, treated with chemo and radiation, and took graviola.

Tumor shrunk in 4 months from the size of a grapefruit to 2.9 cms. Continued the use of graviola for a year after with no recurrence. Now I have a second type of cancer. The small tumor I had in my bladder was removed 3 weeks ago, but I’m being told there are frequent recurrences with this disease, sometimes by muscle-invasive tumors, which would mean removal of the bladder.
I’m hoping to kill the cancer cells before recurrence with the held of Paw Paw. Do you know how soon Paw Paw actually begins to work or show effectiveness? As of now I have no tumors to shrink… just cells to kill.
My next question still is… since bladder cancer can be a lifetime recurring cancer, how do you know when it’s okay to stop taking it? McLaughlin says he doesn’t recommend using it as a maintenance, but more like an antibiotic… am also wondering if there is any possibility cells can also develop an MDR to Paw Paw with long term use.
Thanks very much for any help.                                  Doug M


Unfortunately we see this often – cancer treated with any or all of the BIG 3, especially chemo, then another cancer appears down the road. Whether it has been caused by the toxicity of the first treatment, or is just a reflection that the immune system is not keeping on top of daily cell metabolism, is a moot point. This clearly emphasizes the importance of looking at balancing the entire body to prevent recurrence.

Paw Paw can work quickly – some have noticed a difference in energy levels within several days, for others it can take a month. However, if graviola worked in the past for you, then I suspect Paw Paw will work even better, as it is much more effective.

You are smart to keep on top of this to prevent any further tumor growth. As you are using Paw Paw Cell Reg (US name), this IS the correct species and reparation that has undergone all the research, and had the results.

You also need to look at other aspects of your lifestyle which may be allowing the recurrence. These are all explained in my book, The Paw Paw Program, as we find a person has much more success when they do more than just take herbs, even quality ones Like Paw Paw.

I would appreciate knowing from who you are purchasing the Paw Paw Cell Reg – this IS the correct, tested brand. This is the person who should be answering any future your questions, as part of the policy with Nature’s Sunshine Products is Quality, SERVICE and Integrity. If you are purchasing off Amazon, you are not going to get service.

For any future orders, please contact our office directly, then we can also support you, as well as ensuring you get it at direct cost from the NSP Company. (This person has since ordered the book and become one of our members for direct ordering and discount.)

To answer your second question, “when it’s okay to stop taking it?”,  I will ask you one back: what tests are your doctors using to decide whether you have cancer, whether you need chemo, or how your progress is doing? I would use these parameters, PLUS, even more importantly, HOW DO YOU FEEL? There is no problem taking Paw Paw until all symptoms are gone and you get a clear bill of health. My book addresses how to take for further prevention or re-occurance.

The lifestyle suggestions in my book are also designed to help you achieve and maintain optimum health and prevent other chronic conditions.

As far as dosage, the book explains that if you can split dosage every 6 hours, this is even more effective.

And no, in over 30 years there is no research to suggest cancer cells become  MDR resistant to Paw Paw, as it is not toxic like chemotherapy; it just interrupts ATP production, DNA and RNA replication.