Category Archives: Cancer

Q&A: Paw Paw for Prevention


I am writing for a friend who does not have a computer. In a CT scan of his one kidney for stones, the doctors discovered a malignant tumor beneath the kidney. They removed the kidney surgically and lasered the large stones. They said the tumor was intact and told him to come back in a year. I am concerned that he will get another tumor because of his acid diet. Does Paw Paw prevent the formation of tumors?




Whatever conditions* this man had in his body to allow the growth of the tumor, if they are NOT changed, then yes, he may be susceptible to more abnormal growth.

Contributing factors, such as acidic diet, plus underlying infection, irritation or something causing inflammation must have been present for the growth to have occurred in the first place. These need to be changed/corrected for ongoing health.

Research shows that Paw Paw Cell Reg helps prevent abnormal cell growth, through 4 different mechanisms as outlined in my book, pgs. 89-95.  There are a couple ways to take it for prevention, either taking low dosage daily, or the regular dosage to tolerance 3-4 times per year, along with the other essential components of the program. Remember good health practitioners work with a program to cover all 4 pillars of health (Chapter 6 of The Paw Paw Program),  not just one miracle product.

In the US, Paw Paw is part of the 10 day Para Cleanse, a suggested seasonal whole body cleanse.  In Canada, the Paw Paw can be added to Para Pak for the same effect.

You may also want to read Kidney Stones: Causes, Prevention & Emergency Treatment. Some of the suggestions for prevention do help to alkalize the body, so you are on the right track!

Please contact us if you want to have a wholesale account set up to get the same professional nutrition that we have used successfully for since 1990. At TakeTheNaturalPath.MyNSP.Com, you can see what products we have to offer, learn about the Quality, and see prices (go to More Info and choose your country at the top of page).

*The wording in your question is a little confusing, as you said they removed the kidney, then lasered the stones, which would not make much sense – why laser them if kidney is gone? Perhaps they just removed the tumor, then lasered the stones? Ot removed 1 kidney and lasered stones in the other? In any case, the above information would apply.

Thank you for contacting us and helping your friend!

Studies Show Radiation Increases Cancer Risk

Updated Aug. 20, 2020:

It is  well established that exposure to ionizing radiation can trigger mutations and other genetic damage that can contribute to rampant growth of  normal cells. This article presents studies on Breast Cancer, but radiation affects all cells.

So it seems amazing how mainstream medicine and governing Health departments  contunally dismiss the idea that medical imaging tests from mammograms to CT scans do not play a role in causing breast cancer. Take this example from the web site for Cornell University’s Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors:

In answer to the question “Is ionizing radiation a cause of breast cancer?”, the Cornell experts say “Yes ….. female breast tissue is highly susceptible to radiation effects.” But then they disregard the possible hazard from mammography x-rays saying the risk …”should not be a factor in individual decisions to undergo this procedure. The same is true for most diagnostic x-ray procedures.”

If that’s not confusing enough, they turn around and state: “Nonetheless, unnecessary radiation exposures should be avoided and continued vigilance is required to ensure that the benefits associated with specific procedures outweigh the future risks.”

Risk – benefit ratios are often overlooked in pharmaceutical medicine.


Why radiation increases risk of breast cancer

Common sense suggests there is plenty of reason to be worried about radiation causing breast cancer. And now there’s a new reason to be concerned. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have discovered that radiation exposure can alter cells’ micro-environment (the environment surrounding cells). And that greatly raises the odds that future cells will become cancerous.

The reason is that signals from a cell’s micro-environment, altered by radiation exposure, can cause a cell’s phenotype to change by regulating or de-regulating the way a cell uses its genes. The result can be a cell that not only becomes pre-cancerous but that passes this pre-malignant condition on to future cells.

“Our work shows that radiation can change the micro-environment of breast cells ….. a much greater potential to be cancerous,” stated Paul Yaswen, cell biologist and breast cancer research specialist with Berkeley Lab’s Life Sciences Division.

“Many in the cancer research community have been slow to acknowledge and incorporate in their work the idea that cells in human tissues are not independent entities, but are highly communicative with each other and with their micro-environment,” he added.

To find out what radiation exposure does to the cellular environment and how it could impact the future of cell behavior, the Berkeley Lab scientists grew normal breast tissue in culture dishes for about a week. Then they zapped each set with a single treatment of a low-to-moderate dose of radiation and compared the irradiated cells to sets of breast cells that had not been irradiated.

The published results showed that four to six weeks after the radiation exposure, the normal breast cancer cells showed premature cell senescence (aging & deterioration).

The researchers pointed out that the levels of radiation used in their experiments were not as much as a woman would be exposed to during a single routine mammogram but were comparable to those a woman could receive during a CT scans or radiotherapy “and could represent sources of concern.”

Women are often pushed to get annual mammograms, raising their overall radiation exposure through the years. Mammographies are referred to in Lorene Benoit’s book:  The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturallyon pages 34-35.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor is  a good starting point anytime radiation techniques are recommended.

A 2008 report from JAMA  found that the start of screening mammography programs throughout Europe has been associated with increased incidence of breast cancer:

A Johns Hopkins 2015 study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that concluded radiation exposure from mammograms could trigger malignancies in women at risk for genetic breast cancer has since been retracted, likely due to BIg Pharma & funding pressure.

ALL Electro Magnetic Frequencies and Radiation (EMF and EMR)  are causing health challenges, including wireless, smart meters, and cell phones. The cumulative effect is that we are creating a microwave within which we are being baked!

This  2015 Canadian Parliamentary Report on “RF and EM Radiation and Health of Canadians” is one of many worldwide. The full Standing Committee Report  presented major concerns  with respect to Safety Code 6, considered by hundreds of scientific experts to be grossly outdated – even in 2015. Now, in 2020, with advent of more radiation from thousands of satellites radiating the earth, 5G, 6G and 7G, this is more troubling, yet none of the recommendations from this report have been followed up by government. ie. they are NOT protecting citizens. Some Concerns from the Expert Panel:

  • there should have been a biologist on the panel,[11] 
  • the panel had insufficient expertise in epidemiology.”[12]
  • “the panel was conflicted”[13] 
  • the panel did not have adequate time to do a full review of the data, they therefore relied on reviews of other people and did not do a detailed evaluation of the studies,”[14] ,which led them to false conclusions.
  • “some of the experts [on the panel] are known to advise the telecom industry. This is a serious potential conflict of interest.”[15]

The science is clear as many countries become aware – it’s people like you who need to insist our health be taken into consideration above profits!

Conclusions: Our studies indicate that ionizing radiation can promote the outgrowth of epigenetically altered cells with pre-malignant potential.

Cancer Screening and Prevention, Mammograms, PSA

Mammograms – Physical AND Emotional Damage – make your decision wisely

Coffee Enemas


Coffee enemas have been used for pain relief since WW I, when pain medication was in short supply.  They have been part of Dr. Gerson’s cancer therapy since 1928. Research has since shown that coffee enemas help activate the liver’s defenses, plus open the bile duct so the liver can release accumulated poisons. As a bitter, coffee also helps stimulate the bowel, which can then eliminate toxins. Daily bowel movements 2- 3 times per day ensures that toxins do not accumulate and reabsorb from the bowel into the bloodstream.

As one heals the body through proper nutrition and flooding the body with the needed vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and immune building herbs, the body will begin to detoxify. This  healing helps the body increase apoptosis, or die off of renegade cells, malignant cells and tumours. Coffee enemas can aid this process. This is one protocol mentioned on page 70 of  The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Because coffee enemas help  relieve pain, they are often recommended for conditions such as headaches, including migraines, arthritis, fevers, the flu and colds. The elimination of toxins  help the liver restore, rebuild and heal.

Enemas are a fast way to help cleanse the body during any illness. They should not be uncomfortable; take your time and massage that most important organ of your body to enhance the benefits.

How to do a thorough coffee enema, or colema,  is clearing outlined in Dr. Jensen’s “Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management”, a hallmark book for understanding colon health and cleansing.  Many websites also detail how to give an enema safely. An enema bag can be purchased inexpensively at any pharmacy. It looks like a hot water bottle with one open end, a hose, nozzle and clip to control flow. If you have any standard hot water bottle, you can also just purchase an attachment kit. For infants and small children you can use a bulb syringe.

There are many other enemas that offer healing properties:

Catnip or yarrow enema for bringing down a fever to a safe temperature, so it can continue to do its healing work of burning out unwanted microbes. A tepid water enema can also be useful for controlling fever.

Garlic enema for parasites. If temperature is close to body temperature, this enema can be retained 15 minutes for greater effect.

Hydrated Bentonite enema for cleansing and healing.

Aloe Vera Gel enema for irritated colon and healing after color-rectal radiation.


For questions about  your colon, other aspects of your health, and Personalized Healthy Aging programs, please contact Benoit Health Education or email

Paw Paw Success: Ovarian Ca

Hi Lorene,

I thought that you would like to know that J’s latest blood chemistry results revealed that her white and red blood cell counts are increasing and hopefully they will all be in their respective normal ranges within the next 2-3 weeks. (Ed’s note: white blood cell count had gone dangerously low after chemo treatment and J felt very sick)

She is certainly feeling much better and decided not to undertake any more chemotherapy. She is now exclusively on the Paw Paw Program recommended, as well as the Budwig diet every day and a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, and nuts mostly from organic sources, as well as wild salmon, sole, free range chicken and eggs, turkey and limited amounts of red meat from lamb and free range beef.

She also takes an array of vitamin and mineral supplements. Additionally, she drinks Green Tea 2-3 times per day as well as lots of filtered water and consumes little refined sugar or processed foods. Would it be okay if she started to take B1,3 D glucan (Transfer Point) as well as curcumin and barley tablets daily or would these interact negatively with your program? Thanks for your support.

Regards,D & J


Lorene’s response:

Yes, thank you for sharing the great news that J’s cell count has improved and even better that she is feeling well! I expect that the Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic is playing a large part in both immune improvement and increased energy, in conjunction with the rest of the program.

I do not see any counter-indication against the other things you have suggested, however, I have not worked with these products. We have not found them necessary for the positive results we have had with this program. I find that a really good super shake with proven therapeutic nutrition can help one avoid having to take too many extra pills. Please read: Shake it UP and Super Foods and  Shakes for more info, ingredients that are very beneficial and some recipes.

I think you already have the SynerProtein, and things like your Barley Green can be added, or GreenZone, which contains barley green along with 33 other dense herbs, like Spirulina, which is very nutrient dense. It is also Zone balanced, ie. 30%protein, 30% fat and 40% carbs for optimum blood sugar level. This way it is more FOOD and less PILLS – part of feeling vibrant and healthy!

The other things that have been proven to work for people regaining their health are those listed in Paw Paw Upgrade and one product not mentioned here, but which is often recommended for immune system enhancement is Colostrum, which regenerates and accelerates repair and normal growth of tissues.

Your diet is sounding good, just be careful about “consuming little refined sugar or processed foods.” This of course, would be better to consume zero. There are a few dessert recipes in the Paw Paw book to help satisfy a sweet tooth.

If there are other questions, feel free to book a mini session, or call the office – no charge when less than 10 mins.
Keep up the great diet and healing for both of you, and keep me apprised of continuing progress!

Q & A: MDS – Chlorophyll Benefits & Research



My dad has MDS  (myelodysplasia) with immature red blood cells. My gut tells me Chlorophyll can help him. We got him to try the capsules; he felt better but when went to the Dr.
His blood counts were down & he has to do a transfusion and now he thinks it didn’t help. The fact that he felt better, I think it helped, perhaps replaced his bad blood cell function to some extent?
I feel like the Docs are trapped in their approved box that and they are pushing for a chemo drug next. I think they will kill him faster and its more a money thing than a healing thing. 100% waiver…your thoughts?
Any good references you can send me to I can show him? My angels are screaming Chlorophyll.



Yes, I agree with you about both things:

1) Your Dad would be wise to  pay attention to how he feels – blood tests can be erroneous, test levels can be affected by who takes them, what time of the day, what he ate within the last 24 hrs., what lab, several other factors. How he feels is essential. Feeling better,  even as a state of mind, will positively affect his physical well being.

2) Doctors do have an agenda for which they have been exceptionally well trained – 7-10 years –  learning how to prescribe drugs to treat symptoms. Well intentioned, but not always the best for healing. Anyone who doubts this just needs to watch any or all of BOUGHT Movie- (try googling it to see online),  one of the best done summaries of our North American medical business.

I also feel the The Paw Paw program would benefit him, as Paw Paw chemotherapeutic actions are more powerful and SAFER than drug chemo. IF he does decide to take the chemo, please have him take Paw Paw with it to mitigate negative effects and enhance any benefit.

Re chlorophyll research: Please read this specific article on Chlorophyll Benefits, as well as the Chlorophyll Archives showing it’s use with some other conditions. Chlorophyll research showing health benefits to humans and pets is abundant on the internet.I have listed some specific benefits and reference at end to help.

Chlorophyll from Nature’s Sunshine has been a top selling product since 1972 – that would not happen if it was not of benefit to thousands of people. It is difficult to find a healthier beverage that is good for everyone and so inexpensive!

We offer it in several forms: the capsule offers approximately the equivalent of 3 tsp. of regular liquid Chlorophyll and 1 tsp of Extra Strength, available only in US. Please contact our office to get the best price, as well as support.

Chlorophyllin is the active part of NSP chlorophyll that contains  the nutritional value of raw chlorophyll, but is more easily absorbed. As a nutritional supplement, chlorophyllin has been extensively researched for its detoxification, antioxidant, antimutagenic, and tonic properties. Here is some research:

Protection against mutagens/carcinogens*
Testing for more than 20 years has established chlorophyllin as an antimutagenic /anticarcinogenic agent able to quench major free radicals, such as the superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide, singlet oxygen, and even the most dangerous reactive hydroxyl radical and this at very low doses.
“Taking chlorophyll chlorophyllin or eating green vegetables, like spinach, that are rich in chlorophyll may be a practical way of reducing the risk of liver cancer and other cancers caused by environmental triggers.”—Thomas Kensler, PhD.

Chlorophyllin had an ability to bind or ‘sandwich’ certain classes of chemical mutagens and carcinogens. These included polyaromatic hydrocarbons found in tobacco smoke, some heterocyclic amines (cooked meat mutagens), and aflatoxin chemicals suspected or known to cause human lung, colon, or liver cancer.”—George S. Bailey, Ph.D. OSU Distinguished Professor, Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology

The risk of liver, colon, stomach, and lung cancer which include the leading causes of cancer death in the US and the world, may easily be cut in half by appropriate daily intake of simple, safe, inexpensive chlorophyll derivatives.“—Dr. Richard C. Heimsch

Chlorophyllin is as effective as green tea catechins in combating mutagens and carcinogens in the colon. It is speculated that chlorophyllin’s antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic mechanisms are a combination of antioxidant activity and the formation of complexes that bind to and inactivate mutagens/carcinogens. — The Linus Pauling Institute and Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Oregon State University

Chlorophyllin’s antioxidant properties fight inflammation, a
major contributor to conditions such as cancer, heart disease and
arthritis. —  Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School Of Public Health

Q & A: Paw Paw & chemo & surgery?


Hi Lorene,

Thank you so much for your time yesterday. When my partner gets back, I will e- mail my order because right now I am so nervous I am going to die that I can’t do anything right. I also need to book an appointment with you; I have so many questions.

Do you feel I should have surgery to remove the tumor 3.6 cm. & so far one positive lymph node,or do these tumors get broken up with a natural protocol? The surgeon said maybe do chemo first, I am not crazy about that idea.

Can I use paw paw if I have gall bladder issues?

Please help me. Thank you so much, Lorene. Sorry this is so long respectfully yours, DN



There is no contra-indication for Paw Paw with gall bladder issues.

I cannot recommend what someone should or should not do. Nor can any professional, including oncologists; although they are legally allowed to. I can only say what I think I would do in a similar position.
I base my decisions on  my experiences and training; likewise they do – from an entirely different set of concepts, experiences and training.


I would not attack my immune system with unproven toxic chemicals, which have no clear evidence of working,  before trying natural, more effective chemotherapy that does no harm to the body, as I believe in the first maxim of medicine: “Do No Harm“.
IF I were going to do chemo I would definitely do Paw Paw Program along with it, as explained in my book: 1) to make it more effective and 2) to lessen the side effects of the toxic chemicals.


Surgery is sometimes the lesser of 3 evils, but again, it can always be chosen later if natural treatment does not show results within 2-3 months.

From speaking with you, you have been “terrified” (your words) and are not feeling capable of making sensible decisions – part of the medical environment surrounding cancer, which needs to change. In my book, I refer to it as a “disease of fear”; not a good space to be in for healing.


If you have a 3.6 cm. tumor it did not get there overnight; your decisions also do not need to be made overnight – do not be pressured. So at this point, breathe, calm down, hug that dog of yours. And read  The Paw Paw book when it arrives – it is packed with useful information to improve your health, no matter what choice of treatment you make.


If you choose to follow this program, we’ll get the herbs and nutrition sent to you. Let me know when you would like the appointment to discuss further; just email me two times. Or we can schedule it a week after you start the program – your choice!


Q & A Paw Paw use & Conflicting Dosage


I’m really overwhelmed and confused about the Paw Paw Program and haven’t received your book yet. I’ve tried to pay for it and your site won’t respond to it.

Reading some of your information on the site about dosage is not consistent with the other sites, and what you told me. One site also said do not take any of these products more than a month, especially the paw paw. So, what is what???? I did receive one bottle of paw paw today from nature sunshine . Still not sure how much and when to take capsules due to conflicting info. JF



Hi JF.
The Paw Paw Program book was just mailed 3 days ago at night.  To arrive in US, it will be at least 1 week, as I think I mentioned on our free introductory consult.
Sorry about your confusion;  I know it can be overwhelming. I cannot speak for what other sites are saying. Our program is based on research from Dr. Jerry McLaughlin. Many sites are not or the writers have not studied with him recently, or seen all his research,  as I have.
I think this is clear in his recent endorsement of my book: “This book offers an excellent explanation of a safe, effective and affordable program for cancer that can be a Godsend for those dealing with this or other chronic conditions.”
What is on my website, especially Paw Paw Program – Dose & Specifics and what we discussed via phone and what is in my book will be consistent. And you are correct, this may not be what FDA says on the bottle either – trained herbalists will adjust dosages to suit the person.
As per paying on my website – you just need to click on the PayPal invoice I sent you, and fill in your credit card info. IF this does not work, order it via my website, and we will instruct sender to ignore it, so we don’t send out another one. Hope this helps.

Herbs ARE Effective – Science Recognizes 5000+ Years History

Below are 3 quotes from learned people that give us food for thought about keeping an open mind and looking outside the box on many “accepted” ideas:

“This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.” Western Union internal memo, 1876

“I think there is world market for maybe five computers” -Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943

640K ought to be enough for anybody.” – Bill Gates, 1981

It is as hard to believe that these statements were taken seriously,  as it that people once believed that the world was flat. Or that rampant cell growth, aka cancer,  can only be treated with surgery, chemical poisons or radiation. This gives you some idea why the title of Lorene Benoit’s book on healing is named:  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Having  been in the natural health field since 1974, and seriously using herbs since 1980, it is very heartening to see science supporting traditional healing more every day. Not that I need the proof, having seen life changing results with natural healing for thousands of people,  but this may help move the public toward a better understanding of why herbal healing is still around after more than 5000 years. And why it is important to look outside the box and learn to take more control of our own health for a healthier, happier life!

New research from Thailand indicates curcumin may be as effective as ibuprofen in relieving osteoarthritis pain.      

In a study involving 367 patients (mean age 60 years) with knee osteoarthritis, subjects were randomized into two groups who received either ibuprofen (1,200 mg/day) or a turmeric extract (75-85% total curcuminoids, 1,500 mg/day) for four weeks. Treatment efficacy was assessed via the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index for pain, stiffness and  function scores.

Comparison of WOMAC scores showed significant improvement from baseline in both the ibuprofen and curcumin groups, with no significant difference between the two groups. While both treatments were generally well tolerated, there were fewer reports of adverse gastrointestinal side-effects in the curcumin group. These findings are consistent with previous research showing curcumin to be similar or more effective than ibuprofen in efficacy and much safer for all forms of inflammation.

References: Kuptniratsaikul V, Thanakhumtorn S, et al. Efficacy and safety of Curcuma domestica extracts in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Clin Interv Aging 2014 Mar 20;9:451–8.doi:10.2147/CIA.S58535 
AlternComplement Med. 2009 Aug; 15 (8):891-7. doi: 10.1089/acm.2008.0186

Nature’s Sunshine Turmeric Curcumin Concentrated contains 400 mg of curcuminoids provided by the internationally recognized Curcumin C3 Complex®. This ingredient is patented for its unique composition ratio of the bioactive curcuminoids (95%) extracted from turmeric roots. The Curcumin C3 Complex® is highly regarded in the clinical literature for consistency, quality and integrity of the three main antioxidant and protective compounds found in turmeric root, collectively known as curcuminoids. It has the been the clinical trial material of choice for a significant number of research studies investigating its protective, antioxidant and inflammation – mediating benefits.


Stress is far worse for cardiovascular health than cholesterol will ever be

Dr. Stephen Sinatra ( no, not Frank) , MD, FACN tells us clearly shows that emotions have a tremendous effect on our physical health. He lists five of the most common negative emotions: Anger, Sadness, Heartbreak, Stress  and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). I love that last one – anytime enough people have similar challenges, an new “disorder” is created, usually to promote a new drug to treat the new disorder.

What these 5 stressful emotions have in common is that they all produce hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline and nor-adrenaline. Among other effects, these hormones  thicken the blood, and create inflammation. So instead of ingesting rat poison, aka blood thinners, consider reducing these negative emotions and supplementing your diet with  a good quality Nutri -Calm (US)/ Stress Formulas (CA)), which contain both herbs and B Vitamins. Besides helping reduce the physical effects of stress, this formula  also helps lower homocysteine levels related to Cardiovascular health.

Stress related emotions also decrease essential mineral such as Potassium  and Magnesium, two essential minerals which help regulate heart beat and kidney output. Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic is one of the best synergistic formulas to help balance these minerals AND deal with stress, while increasing our vital energy.

Drugs accomplish nothing long-term to reducing stress, but there are many things you can incorporate into your life that will. Read how Dr. Bruce Lipton has shown how just one emotion such as love can physically change our genetic fate.

One simple exercise to begin today is the Gratitude Attitude – a recent Harvard study stated that saying 3 specific things per day for which you are grateful have been shown to decrease our metabolic age by 10 years in only 21 days! Other tips for emotional healing are included in Chapter 6 of Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.


Ten Scientific Studies Prove that Genetically Modified Food Can Be Harmful To Human Health

The data “clearly underlines adverse impacts on kidneys and liver, two of our major detoxifying organs, as well as different levels of damages to heart, adrenal glands, spleen and haematopoietic system,” reported Gilles-Eric Séralini, a molecular biologist at the University of Caen.

Human health, of course, is of primary import to us, but ecological effects are also in play. Ninety-nine percent of GMO crops either tolerate or produce insecticides. This may be the reason we see bee colony collapse and massive butterfly deaths.  If GMOs are wiping out earth’s pollinators, they are far more disastrous than the threat they pose to humans and other mammals.


Vitamin C works on chicken pox, measles, polio – and without harmful side effects.

Dr. Frederick Klenner graduated from Duke University School of Medicine in 1936. In the “Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C”, Dr. Lendon H. Smith outlines numerous cases on how Dr. Klenner quickly cured a variety of viral diseases by the use of intravenous vitamin C.

He reports of a ten month old baby with high fever, watery nose, dry cough, red eyes and rash characteristic of measles. Dr Klenner gave the baby 1,000 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C every four hours and the temperature dropped, the cough stopped and the rash disappeared.

Another eight-year-old child with measles developed encephalitis, became stuporous and responded only to pain. He quickly cured the child by both intravenous and oral vitamin C.

A 23 year old man with mumps developed swollen testicles, the size of tennis balls, along with overwhelming pain. After 1,000 mg of intravenous vitamin C the pain subsided. During the next 24 hours he was given 2,000 mg of intravenous C every two hours. His fever returned to normal in 36 hours and he was up and about in 60 hours.

Dr. Lendon Smith describes how Klenner discovered that intravenous C could also quickly dry up chicken pox lesions and subdue viral hepatitis.

But Dr. Klenner’s most important study involved the great polio epidemic of 1948-50. He successfully treated 60 polio victims using intravenous doses of vitamin C, up to 200,000 mg every 12 hours for four days. None developed paralysis. He soon learned that the sicker the patient the higher the dose required.

So we need to ask ourselves:

  • are we prepared to accept age old remedies that are now being proven by “science”, and even those that have stood the test of millennium but may never get funded by big pharma to prove they work?
  • how simple and inexpensive ate these remedies  compared to the cost and damaging side effects of pharmaceuticals and mass vaccination with toxic ingredients?
  • what can we do to keep our immune systems strong so that we do not offer ourselves as a host to germs and viruses that we are all exposed to on a daily basis?
  • why would we not WANT to take safe and affordable steps to ensure our optimum health?

Time to be pro-active about healthy living and successful aging! You may choose to start by taking this simple Health Assessment, then  contact the author with your score to help develop a plan of action to improve your health on a daily basis. It is your life and your health – embrace it!

Q & A: Paw Paw for other conditions


Hi Lorene,

Is Paw Paw effective for people without cancer?

Thanks, Shelley


Yes, as explained in my book, The Paw Paw Program – a Natural Approach to Cancer  and on many of my website articles, Paw Paw, Asimina triloba, is anti-parasitic, anti- fungal and anti-viral. Because of these actions, it is included in cleanses such as  Para Cleanse (US).  The Canadian Para Pak does not contain Paw Paw, although it can be added. Both 10 day cleanses are effective and recommended for everyone for optimal health as part of seasonal cleansing program.

It can also be applied topically and taken internally for warts, moles, fungal rashes, and other skin growths. For this use it can be mixed with Silver Gel, Black Ointment (US) or similar healing salve.

As it prevents reproduction of  organisms that  are precursors to abnormal cell growth, such as cancer; it can also be used as a preventative on a periodic basis with guidance of a knowledgeable practitioner.

It is not an essential core nutrient to be taken daily by everyone, such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes and superfoods.

Hope this answers your question. If not contact us directly, which is also your best option should you choose to order any of the mentioned herbal therapeutics in this article. We can provide the best price as well as support.

Why Detoxify?


Simply stated, disease will not survive in a body that is oxygenated, is pH balanced, has a clean, toxin free liver, a vibrant lymphatic and a strong immune system.  In other words have a clean, healthy and well-nourished body to keep disease at bay.

In the book “Bio-Nutrition – Winning the War Within” by Dr. Ray Strand, he states that all diseases start decades before raising their ugly heads.  It is the accumulative effect of our bad habits for years previous that eventually catches up to us.  A lifetime of eating the wrong foods, too little exercise, smoking, alcohol and caffeine consumption, unnecessary drug use, stress and air pollution will eventually take its toll.  We seem to think we are invincible.

Detoxifying our body is one step in the prevention of disease & weight loss.  If there are too many chemicals in the foods we eat, in the liquids we drink, in the air we breathe and with poisons coming in contact with our skin, our liver will not be able to keep up with the job of detoxifying for years and years on end.  It gets tired.  Did you know that it takes 24 hours for your liver to detoxify one cup of coffee?  Consider all the other toxins your body comes in contact with in a day.  The liver cannot handle all of it so it stores it in our fat cells hoping to get to it later. Do you see why you cannot lose weight?  Our body needs the fat as storage compartments for toxins!

Consider all that is referred to as a “cancer hit.”  These are the toxic preservatives, artificial flavours and other man made chemicals found in the foods we eat, the bus and car fumes we breathe in and the first or second hand smoke.  It’s the personal care products we use on our skin everyday and the clothes we wear made with chemicals and dyes and laundered in chemicals to keep them ‘clean.’  Everywhere we turn; our bodies are exposed to major disease hits.  We can easily be exposed to 25 chemicals before breakfast, so we are in big trouble by day’s end.

Lorene Benoit’s  book:  The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancerteaches people to understand the causes of cancer and necessary steps for health. With this this knowledge one can take preventative steps as well as  learning the natural approach to treatment if one already has cancer. This book is for everyone – what applies to cancer applies to ALL chronic health conditions!

After a period of time, our liver becomes full of the toxins that it was not able to detoxify and the lymph becomes a swamp of toxins and heavy metals when it tries to help.  One of the liver’s functions is to clean blood and return it to the heart where it can be pumped to all the cells with nourishment.  Instead, the cells are being fed toxins.  Keep in mind that this same toxic mess in your blood travels to all parts of your body, including your brain.  Want to know why you are forgetful with poor long and short-term memory loss?  Yes, these toxins are in your brain cells.

The kidneys, another major eliminative organ and chemical balancer, also become stressed.

One way of helping the liver, lymphatic system and kidneys is to allow our bodies to sweat.  We however, clog our sweat pores with anti-perspirants and chemical laden soaps in our showers and baths, and in addition, add even more toxins by drinking and washing in chlorinated water.  When the lymphatic system is full of toxins and is unable to rid of them, these toxins begin to leach back into our body.  Then the immune system gets involved, trying to fight these toxins.  Due to the heavy toxic load, it cannot possibly manage and becomes stressed along with the liver kidneys and lymph.

We now have a perfect scenario for disease.


  • Help your body to detoxify by doing a 10- 30 day overall body cleanse at least 2X/year. We use both individual programs and packaged herbal cleanses to simplify this. Contact our office to get you started safe detoxing today.
  • Use fibre in your diet.  Drink lots of water.  Add mineral and antioxidant supplements.
  • Cut back on the toxins your body comes in contact with.  Every small bit helps.
  • Include physical and spiritual exercise daily for body, mind and soul. KEEP CLEAN!
  • Consider a foot detoxification spa, infra red sauna, or epsom salt and baking soda bath to fast track detoxifying the lymphatic system.
  • Replace toxic chemicals in the home and personal care products. Use: NS Concentrate biodegradable cleanser, Irish Moss Lotion, Crystal Clear Deodorant spray (Canada only), Silver Gel, Nature’s Fresh Enzyme Spray – for odors, stains, pain, skin – many uses!

Contact our office if you have questions about cleansing, or would like recommendations for a cleanse tailored to your needs: email us at  and ask for cleansing information.We believe in personal service.

And for optimum health, follow the lifestyle & dietary recommendations in Lorene Benoit’s  book:  The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer

To your health!

originally posted Oct/2010 – updated Nov/2014