Category Archives: COVID-19

Tips to Make the Avian Flu Fly Away (and other infections)

UPDATED August, 2024:

Looks like the Avian flu will be our next plandemic. Be prepared for another onslaught of fear based propaganda.

“They” have had years since my 2009 post to ensure the avian flu will transmit to other species, in their biolabs. They have had 15 YEARS to refine their media propaganda campaigns.

They will use this as a great excuse to further reduce our REAL food supply,  already happening with chickens and eggs;  turkeys and cows, and spend yet more billions of YOUR taxpayers’ money to enrich Big Pharma and global  control over chemical food, every human activity and every personal choice.

If you are not aware of any of  this, or who “they” is, just read a few my many research articles on the Convid/ Covid) Plandemic, since Mar 2020.  Time for everyone to protect any freedoms for future generations. Learn to say “I DO NOT CONSENT“, and stick to your convictions. Trust the real science, your common sense, and not the govt talking heads.

UPDATED Jan, 2020:

Tips to Make the Avian Flu Fly Away applies to ALL infectious conditions, viral and bacterial, including CoronaVirus, SARS, Swine, all varieties of “Flu” , Colds, Rhinovirus, MRSA, Strep, and any other “epidemic” threatening to wipe out human existence and frighten us into injecting more vaccine toxins into our already overloaded bodies.

Natural healing works to bring the body into balance and maintain our natural immunity, which is our best defence. It will not weaken our system, nor contribute to creation of anti-biotic resistant mutations, which is what has happened with pharmaceutical overuse and misuse.

Herbs that worked during the 1800’s plague;  Chinese anti-viral herbs that have worked for 5,000 years, like VS-C  (liquid or capsules) in US ;  HRP-C – liquid or capsules in CA; and adaptogens such as Astragalus; plus improved processing of products like ionic Silver, will continue to  work to our benefit.

Original post Oct 18, 2008
Five inexpensive and SAFE suggestions for those who are worried about any seasonal infections:

1. Drink 1 capful  (about 4 ml) of NSP Silver Shield Liquid per day. If you have researched and can find another fully lab-tested, certified nano particle silver solution that has a solid track record, then use this.

2. Use NSP Silver Shield Liquid in a spray bottle to:

  • inhale
  • sterilize hands
  • take a swig, gargle  and hold 6 minutes, then swallow, at the first sign of any throat irritation
  • Silver Shield Liquid can also be put into nasal spray bottles (available at our office), to help get it farther into nasal passages and for sinus related conditions
  • Silver Shield is far more effective than Colloidal Silver  – learn the difference.

3. Take 1-4 per day of Nature’s Sunshine quality Vitamin D3. How much? This depends!Up to 10,000 IU per day, depending on your outdoor activities, diet, age, latitude, and state of immune function. Multiple research confirms the beneficial role of Vit. D3 in treatment and  prevention of Cancer, Diabetes, MS, osteoporosis, depression, immune function… name a few.  Click on search bar in top right of blog for more research on Vit. D3 or contact Lorene for assistance.

4. And from one of Dr. Pedersen’s webinars for doctors and other health professionals, who are likely people to come in contact with this flu and many other infections on a daily basis:
Dab some NSP Silver Shield Gel in each nostril 1-3 times a day; it keeps your mucous membranes naturally moist. In addition,  the Silver will kill inhaled contaminants. We always use this when flying or in any crowded, enclosed area for hours, such as schools, shopping malls, parties…..

5. Check out my “TIPS TO BALANCE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM” …..comments welcome!

Remember – whether our body is a good host to germs, viruses and any pathogens is up to us! This is all dependant upon our diet, stress levels, and seasonal cleansing to help keep it clean and pure so we do NOT provide a good host.

Should all the above measures not all be in place and you do find yourself sick, please check out CRISIS MANAGEMENT on our website.

Be healthy, happy and wise!

Note re links:
Links change more often than we would like;  please contact Benoit Health Education to ensure you get the right product at the best price….PLUS free S/H to your door. No obligations,; just great education! You can also call our office 250-748-6802 and leave a message. A real woman will return your call.

Science on the Covid Injections as of July 2024

Some people still have not heard the FACT that Covid injections are not what they were promised. They have been SCIENTIFICALLY AND EMPIRICALLY PROVEN to be NEITHER SAFE, NOR EFFECTIVE.

I also need to make sure you understand why I call these an injection, or jab, or vax, or shot, because they are NOT what vaccines used to be. Hopefully by now you are aware that the definition of a vaccine was changed to promote these dangerous injections. Yes, the world has been duped. But enough of that.

Don’t blame yourself if you were coerced or lied into taking any of these jabs. It was a world-wide concerted effort of power, control and greed, YEARS in the planning.
This compilation of research should be enough to prove to anyone who can understand science or research as it is supposed to be:

Scientific Studies on Vaccine Injuries

Thanks to KC for compiling the above list and for sharing via Dr. Malone.

Other articles about this injection, and every other vaccine, can be found on my websiteVaccine Education.  There are MANY, as I have been studying vaccines since 1982.

If you are dealing with the consequences of Vax damage, such as any of the hundreds of side effects reported in the vax trials,  myocarditis, turbo cancers, or other unexplained symptoms, please contact me for a personalized program to cleanse and re-build your immune system to help overcome the negative effects and improve your overall health.

And PLEASE, do not take any more boosters! Each one further increases your chances of losing the Russian Roulette game.

I get scientific reports daily of side effects, including excess mortality – increased with each additional vaccine. mRNA technology and nanobot transmitters are now being researched for ALL vaccines. Although no vaccine ever protected your health, now ALL are outright dangerous.

The Covid Injection has proven that even the manufacturers either don’t know, or are outright lying, about what the ingredients are, such as foreign DNA. They also did not know what the spike proteins did or or where these went in the body.

I encourage you to do your own research, as long as you don’t rely on mainstream media or government sponsored sources as reliable or current.  The above list, and those on my website are reliable sources.

One more recent video worth watching:
Vaxxed 3

Immune system affected by Bifidophilus loss

This medical researcher proved the negative impact the spike protein from Covid vax causes to gut health microbiome and immune system.   You can watch the 7 min. info-packed video below, but here is my take away summary.

After determining that these injections decimated the gut microflora , specifically Bifido bacteria, researchers tested efficient ways to re-build a healthy  microbiome. Their research team tested  27 products. Only 3 of of 27 products  had enough active Bifidobacteria to get the desired increase, despite whatever was on the label.

Customers need to be very aware of Quality issues. This is one reason we have personally used and recommended Nature’s Sunshine products for our clients. since 1991.

With Nature’s Sunshine unsurpassed quality and in house products, what is on the label, is IN the bottle. All our probiotics also contain prebiotics. The importance of these is explained below. We have seen the results with both of these probiotics.  based on years of improved immunity and overall health for our clients ! We recommend one of these 2 products:

  1. Bifidophilus Flora Force  CA and  Bifidophilus Flora Force US , containing 1 Billion  Bifidophilus .
  2. Probiotic Eleven CA,  and Probiotic Eleven , US, containing 600 Million Bifidobacteria , plus ten other strains, totalling 4 Billion.

To  learn more about how your microbiome affects overall health and immunity, watch the interview with the researcher – seven minutes:

Update April 25, 2024: the video has unfortunately been removed – censorship of truth is well and alive. If I can find the video elsewhere I will add it. The article emphasized different brands of probiotics tested in the study. They ranged from totally ineffective to very effective, so as always, QUALITY  is essential.  I did find other supporting research.

The gut microbiota plays a key role in modulating host immune response. We conducted a prospective, observational study to examine gut microbiota composition in association with immune responses and adverse events in adults who have received the inactivated vaccine (CoronaVac; Sinovac) or the mRNA vaccine (BNT162b2; BioNTech; Comirnaty).
Conclusion: Our study has identified specific gut microbiota markers in association with improved immune response and reduced adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines. …the gut microbiome plays a significant role in immune regulation, and hence may be pivotal in influencing the immune response to COVID-19.  Importantly, our understanding of the role of the gut microbiome in COVID-19 infection remains in its infancy, but future research may potentially aid our mechanistic understanding of viral infection, and new ways in which we might approach treating it.


More on Probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics:

are all beneficial to our gut health, but are different in nature and in function.


Probiotics help to restore the balance of good bacteria in our gut and may offer various health benefits, including:

  • Improved digestive health: Probiotics can help to alleviate symptoms of digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and diarrhea.
  • Boosted immune system: Probiotics can help to enhance our immune system by producing certain antibodies and stimulating the activity of immune cells.
  • Reduced risk of infections: Probiotics can help to prevent and treat various infections such as urinary tract infections, vaginal infections, and respiratory infections.
  • Improved mental health: There is evidence that probiotics may help to improve our mental health by reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Other potential benefits: Probiotics may also have potential benefits for skin health, weight management, and reducing the risk of certain cancers.


Prebiotics are a type of dietary fibre that is not digested by the human body but serves as food for beneficial bacteria in the gut.


Postbiotics are bioactive compounds that are metabolic by-products produced by the fermentation of of dietary fibre by gut bacteria.

Probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics are all beneficial to our gut health.


As always, if you would like further assistance with your health issues, or a live professional to help you choose the best health supplements, at the best price, please Contact our Office.


Lest We Forget About Truth and Freedom

Since my last entry “Should You Take The Next Booster?“, I had many people submit supporting research, several of which I added in the Comments  of that post. If you need truthful research to help your fellow mankind wade through propaganda, please do your part and share.

This 18 minute summary from Dr. Ryan Cole merits a new post. Dr. Cole is a well known pathologist, who also happens to be quite humorous. This very brief, but science packed presentation from Nov. 11th Florida Summit on COVID called “Food, Family and Medical Freedom”, is worthwhile and life saving.

Dr. Cole calls for a “ Return to Real Health and Wellness”, versus Wealth and Hellness“.

If you want assistance in seeking real health and wellness for you or your family, contact Benoit Health Education to guide you. We have been helping people gain optimum health for over 40 years, and are committed to HELPING YOU HELP YOURSELF, using natural approaches, such as Dr. Cole refers to in the above presentation.

Should You Take The Next Booster?

This is a fraction of the research that has come into my inbox just in one week. It should give each person enough information to make an educated decision, if that is what one is seeking.
This post is designed to educate, not instill fear. Most people who have been convinced or coerced to take this experimental injection are not doomed;  and counter measures can be taken to address health challenges.
But it is clearly proven that each successive jab is playing Russian roulette. Everyone should have by now, seen the pages of side effects in the Pfizer report; widely available online. It is conclusive.
Cancers Appearing in Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch
Dr. Ryan Cole: Alarming Cancer Trend Suggests COVID-19 Vaccines Alter Natural Immune Response
Medicare Death Data Proves Covid Vaccine Increasing Mortality
Other scientists have conclusively determined that the Pfizer and Astra Z injections contain toxic amounts of graphene oxide;

which causes symptoms exactly the same as Covid. Multiple scientists worldwide have determined graphene oxide toxicity as the factor in most deaths and side effects misleadingly blamed on a non-identifiable virus. Graphene oxide was and still is found in many masks, as well as the injections.

Increasing glutathione  production helps enable the body to neutralize graphene oxide:

Herbs/foods/supplements that are precursors or cofactors for glutathione

    • Milk Thistle TR Extract
    • NAC, N-Acetyl Cysteine (or Whey protein, which is high in amino acid cysteine) – also used for allergies and sinus
    • Curcumin Turmeric
    • Rosemary
    • Green tea
    • Schisandra berry
    • Quercetin
    • Selenium – acts as cofactor in glutathione production
    • Roobios tea – with optimal steeping time of at least 10 mins
    • Brassica and Allium  are both rich in sulfur….according to EPFX (rife technology) biofeedback machines, many people are deficient in sulphur

The Paw Paw Program is still the most effective natural program to combat cancer that we have used since our 40 years in the natural health field.

Contact Benoit Health Education for more information or to check out quality, reasonably priced sources for these.
United States:
Total compensation paid by National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program over the life of the program up to 2021 is $5,070,467,797.02 – over $5 billion. And less than half the claims are accepted.
The charts say updated Sept 2023 but have Covid shots are not listed, as they are exempt, meaning Vaccine manufacturers are NOT liable:
“Pfizer intentionally misrepresented the efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine and censored persons who threatened to disseminate the truth in order to facilitate fast adoption of the product and expand its commercial opportunity.”



Yes, Canadian government has now been forced to start a new compensation program for any vaccines administered after Dec. 8, 2020 – i.e. Covid injections.
Please advise if you or anyone injured that you know has tried to apply for this compensation program. Not likely it will be easy to prove, as any doctor who is involved. will face job loss, ostracization, and possible legal action.
When people are compensated and if anyone is compensated under this new program, who will pay? Taxpayers!

Will the Big Pharmaceutical companies EVER have to repay, or will it always be the taxpayers, while Vaccine manufacturers’ profits increase by billions?


UPDATE: Oct. 16th, 2023:

Just had to add this recent study, especially for those over 60 years of age. I continue to receive multiple negative reports daily. Thankfully, the general public are also starting to hear that Covid injections are neither safe nor effective, and compliance rates worldwide are dropping drastically!

This doubling in mortality risk per COVID-19 injection every 4–5 years is about two times faster than the (normal) 10-year doubling rate of the yearly risk of death due to key old-age illnesses such as cancer, pneumonia, and heart disease.”

References:    Recent study shows mortality data from 17 countries, including those that keep detailed records Chili & Peru……..


UPDATE: Dec. 26th, 2023:

As of December, 2023, only 14% of Canadians took the latest booster,  even though Govt. and their paid media are still pushing them. Many countries worldwide have stopped. The truth WILL prevail, but at what cost to human life and long term suffering?

You can help stop the medical misinformation and do your part to share the truth with the 14% who are still uninformed. You may save a loved one’s life.

One excerpt from the Oregon University  of Medicine  and Govt. Education Dept. Barcelona, Spain recent Review:


The review noted that COVID-19 vaccination has been associated with lymphopenia—a condition in which there is an abnormally low count of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that helps the immune system fight against foreign bacteria and viruses.

Clinical trials of the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine described a “decrease in plasma lymphocytes 6-8 days post-vaccination in 45 percent-46 percent of participants.”

“Lymphopenia has long been associated with increased cancer incidence and risk of malignancy,” said the review. “Lymphocyte alterations are frequent in patients with cancer and strongly impact prognosis and survival.”

“Extreme caution” must be observed when recommending COVID-19 to cancer patients—“especially those undergoing (medical) anticancer treatment.”

Reference: COVID-19 Vaccines Can Potentially Worsen Cancer

The above reference also contains an excellent interview with US top cardiologist. Dr. Peter McCullough, who explains in detail why these dangerous injections must be stopped.

New Zealand official reveals data of mass vaccine casualties. 9 mins. very informative.

This is NOT new information; my research blog has articles over three years old,  with challenges of this injection, all referenced. You can access here:





Conspiracy or Rational Theory? Health Related?

I have been called a Conspiracy Theorist (CT) many times over the last 40 years, due to some of my views on natural and wellness versus pharmaceutical disease modification.

Certainly have heard this term more since my 2nd Covid post Apr, 2020, the Plandemic.  Pretty sure you will agree these have all become reality, and are all now facts, not theory. Conspiracy Theorist is now supposedly a very negative name to be called. Now millions of  Canadians have been and continue to be called this.

But what happens when conspiracy “theories” become facts?

Think back to just a few of  these “Conspiracy Theories”, which are now Conspiracy FACTS:
  • Chem trails – for more than 25 years these were  a CT – spouted by tin foil hat wearers. The last 5 or more years it is a recognized FACT, with govt. admitting they have been doing this for years , but with a new name: geo-engineering. For our own protection, of course.
  • It was a CT that the Covid Plandemic outcomes would be a Cashless Society (CBDC) and Digital Global control (WEF can now tell every country what to do during the next plandemic)? – now FACTS!
  • Lockdowns  and travel restrictions were a CT – certainly never in a democratic country – did they become a FACT?
  • Medical injections as population control – do you know more than usual dying suddenly, unexpectedly, or terminally ill,  especially younger people 30-50 yrs. from MrNA injections, or choosing MAID (Medically Assisted Injection Death)? FACT
  • Medical professionals can not choose what they feel are best  treatment for their patients – this  is now true – all CA medical professionals must now follow govt. political protocols or lose their license, be jailed, fined, and client office records (supposedly private) can be confiscated without warrant. No theory – FACT, unless enough pressure is applied to repeal this nasty Bill 36 in BC. FACT
  • The covid mRNA vaxxine was not effective. This has been proven true beyond a doubt; now even by the CDC: Outbreak at CDC Conference Bigger than Reported.
  • The Covid mRNA vaxxine was not safe! One of many thousands of reports:                  5 Millions Adverse Events Reported by Pfizer
  • Canada now is offering Covid vaccine damages – this will cost taxpayers Billions, unless they decide to sue manufacturers, as some countries are now doing. Otherwise Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca continue to profit while more people die – FACT not THEORY.
  • You can decide whether the above examples are  conspiracy or not, but they are definitely not theory; they were predictions that are now FACTS.
  • This is RATIONAL THINKING, based on political, medical, scientific,  and historical knowledge.

On the other side we have government predictions to keep us in fear and panic mode:

  • many related to “Climate Crisis”: oceans rising and flooding us all ( pre 1990 predictions), Arctic Ice disappearing, Global Cooling, Global Warming, oceans rising and flooding, oceans sinking. When all these proved to be incorrect, the term “Climate Crisis” and “Climate Change” became the terms to cover whatever nature does.
  • How many of these predictions have come true?
  • Malaria coming to NA for the next plandemic,
  • Leprosy on the rise in NA
  • crop failure and food shortages
  • drought
  • fires

Most of these that do come to pass are because  they are controlled and caused by geoengineering, bio-engineering – and if you consider this a CT – read : Ravaging Earth and Her Populations, Druthers, July 2023,  page 6. No theories here, just facts that date back to HAARP project started in 1990. While you’re reading, be sure to notice the Space Fence surveillance system.

Government  thinks they can change the course of nature. Climate and nature fluctuations have occurred since the beginning of the earth:  droughts, floods, ice ages, volcanoes, earthquakes, warming, cooling. These fluctuations have always been around – and they have NOT been caused by humans!

Read: NASA FACTS on climate change:

The govt solutions are always more taxes, more regulations, more restrictions. They can’t control their own finances; how do they possibly think they can control Nature?

Solutions and what has this to do with Health?

ALL of this relates to health: our personal health (and choices to attain and maintain health); the health of the air,  water, earth, and spirit – the traditional energetic  four elements of the medicine wheel that dates back to early Greek times and some variation of integrated into  almost every culture.

Let’s get back to the garden,  growing our own food;  learning nature’s medicine for self care; respecting the earth’s bounty, and building community with like minded rationalists!

Also learn to speak out when government is not acting in the best interests of these principles: practice saying,  “I Do Not Consent

Blessings to all those who can figure this out and stand up for their God given rights.

Gratitude to those who are Rational Thinkers! 

Enough venting; these pictures speak a million words.

How about defining what it really is?


Rational Theorist

I am proud to be a Rational Theorist!

If you want to check out the validity of my other  “conspiracy aka RATIONAL theories” on Covid since it began, you can check how many are now facts:  Covid 19

Below is one simple,  important Rational step for everyone concerned about Global domination of every country, including CA & US, formerly considered free and democratic.
Going digital and cashless IS a big threat; the last straw to total control of every person.

There are so many good sites for reliable, science based, statistical health analysis that anyone can learn from – at least those that have not been censored. Contact me if you need help finding the facts.

Each human has choice. You can choose to be Rational.

World Council Health alert to parents of babies and small children

51 seconds: World Council for Health alert to parents of babies and small children.

One could say so much more about vaccines, but remember he Covid injections, including all the boosters are  NOT vaccines; they are genetic modification loaded with toxins.

The devastating effects on adults is bad enough.  Please do not do this to your child!

Contact us, or check this website further for ways to keep your children healthy Naturally and Safely:

Herbal Viral Protection for all Ages

Protect Your Children

Recurring Ear Infections Specifics for Children

Please share.

As mentioned, the COVid injections are not true vaccines. In addition, they have now been proven to be ineffective in preventing infection AND transmission of this cold/flu. They have more side effects that all other vaccines combined since the 1950’s!  The death rate world wide continues to grow daily.

You may be a believer in childhood vaccines, but reading previous Vaccine articles on this site , or referring to any of our References, will educate you more thoroughly.

Do you have any idea what is actually in vaccines? For a complete list, please look at the list prepared by CDC (Centre for Disease Control):

You will note this does not list ingredients for Cov injections, as the manufacturers have yet to disclose this information.

As all vaccine manufacturers are protected from all liability, this means YOU, the taxpayer, pays for the millions of dollars in damages annually. Our public health officials continue to turn a blind eye to the damages caused by the cumulative exposure to harmful vaccines. Cov Vax manufacturers, who supposedly dedicated themselves to “helping the world” have posted Billion dollars profits exceeding any previous year.

Multiple References are in most articles, as well as here: References





Understand the Risk Benefit of any treatment

All medical treatments involve some risk, whether surgery, radiation, prescriptions, or injections. A reliable tool to help one choose what choices you make for your optimum health is to understand the risk to benefit ratio.

A risk–benefit ratio (or benefit-risk ratio) is the ratio of the risk of an action to its potential benefits. This is supposedly used in clinical drug trials, for example, to ensure that the physical risk is not disproportionate to the benefits. When the physical risk is minimal they must determine what psychological and social risks there may be. Risk benefit ratio is is important to determine to enable educated choices.

Example: ” What the data shows”

New mortality data from the UK government Office of National Statistics from January 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022:

This analysis shows clearly that the Covid vaccines kill more people than they save for all age groups. In other words, they shouldn’t be used by anyone. The younger you are, the less sense it makes.

Anyone can validate the data and methodology. The results make it clear that the Covid vaccines should be halted immediately.  ALL mRNA injections (covid shots) are neither safe nor effective. Research confirms this for the 4 main covid shots and also the newer inoculations by Novavax and Medicago.

Risk/benefit determination from the UK data shows that for all ages, the vaccines kill more people than they save. A value of 18.8 means we kill 18.8 people from the vaccine to save 1 life from Covid.

This means is if you are 20-24 years old, the vaccine kills 18.8 people for every person it saves from dying from Covid. The younger you are, the more nonsensical vaccination is. The cells with * means that the vaccine actually caused more Covid cases  to happen than the unvaccinated.

Here’s the result of the analysis.

Figure 1. Risk/benefit determination from the UK data shows that for all ages, the vaccines kill more people than they save.
A value of 15 means we kill 15 people from the vaccine to save 1 life from Covid.

Direct link to UK govt. Statistics:



This chart from Canadian Government statistics May 1- June 5th, 2022 is very clear. There is no benefit. Even the W.H.O is admitting ineffectiveness of injections, masking and lockdowns to end Covid.



Ref: Trudeau Panics as 90% Covid Deaths are Fully Vaccinated:

See stats from US, Europe & Canada and watch this one minute video:
Justice for The Vaccinated
More references to educate yourself:

Protection for your own immunity

Learn about protection and immune support from the spike proteins, which are now ubiquitous. Doctors, live blood analysts, coroners, and funeral directors performing embalming, are all seeing clots and foreign bodies in blood , heart and arteries of the vaccinated. These are caused by ongoing damage by spike proteins.
NutriBiome Bacillus — take one every morning upon getting up, or one before bed. On empty stomach is better utilized.
Milk Thistle concentrate   -support your liver, which is critical for your immune system. Recommended one – two per day with a meal.
MC/Maximize Circulation  to support your cardiovascular system.
Zambroza /Thai Go for cardiovascular, immunity and potent anti-oxidants.
As links change often, please contact the author to help you choose and source quality supplementation at best prices. 

What in the World is Really Happening?

If you only have 2 minutes to understand WHY you do not want to consent to govt. promoted injections, implants OR consenting to digital ID, you can forward to 12 minutes in this informative, and entertaining video.

BUT, if you want to really understand what is happening globally, viral bio-weapons, genetic injections, and all forms of fear, please watch the whole 15 minutes. And no, not conspiracy theory – proof that is recorded from Davos World Economic Forum. We have seen many of these before, but JP does an amazing job of pulling them together for an EASY to UNDERSTAND explanation, for anyone with ears, eyes willing to listen and watch.

Awaken with JP.
Look for video Mar 05, 2022: “Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World?”

How is this “hacking of humans” to happen? Digital ID connected with cell phones, 5G, satellites is one way, as in China with their social credit system. Implanted chip ID, such as is in Sweden is one way. Covid as a tool to get the world jabbed to “bio-hack humans”, as explained by Dr. Harari is another.

Read what Rudolf Steiner, philosopher and educator predicted in 1917 re: vaccine to disconnect humans from Spirit.

“In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.
As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the “madness” of spiritual life. He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.”

Now you may understand why I have devoted the last 2 years of my life trying to educate people about this plandemic, one tool being used for the end goal.
(For more info, see all past posts: Covid Archives)

I have lost some long time friends and clients with these posts, but telling the truth for the good of humanity is worth it, for our future and especially that of our children and grandchildren.

The bonus of this work has been the building and nurturing of many new friendships; building new community and new person-oriented systems with people who understand what is at stake; building trust; and sharing LOVE, not fear.

Come join the “fringe minority” and be uplifted!

This video says it all. Note that most people at this event have travelled up to 4 hours to get to Victoria. It is a government town, so has many workers and retirees who depend on govt. so they won’t stand up for freedom. But these who do show up are committed to gaining freedom for ALL Canadians, now and in future!

Q&A: How to access Chinese anti-viral formula

Many people have asked this question after watching  the video “I Am Not Misinformation.”

The Chinese herbal formula we have used for 25+ years is called HRP-C in Canada, and VS-C in others.

Outside of North America, please look at the list of herbs in the links and seek similar sources from a local herbalist.

Within North America, you can use the above links to order online, or for personal, professional contact us by phone, 250-748-6802, or web contact to help you order this directly, with a discount and free shipping.

See more details for ingredients and availability in other countries in Comments below.