All posts by LoreneB

About LoreneB

Lorene Benoit is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator. Qualifications include Bachelor of Education Biology, French and Phys. Ed; Masters of Holistic Healing; Certified Herbal Consultant; Iridologist; Contact Reflex Analyst; Live Blood Analyst; plus certifications in Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing. Benoit founded Lorene Benoit Health Education Services in 1989. She presents, with humour and life, to health practitioners, corporations and the public, from workshops to annual 4 day herbal intensives. Her passion is teaching healthy lifestyles on all levels, so that people can take control of moving toward optimum health !

Herbal Intensive August, 2017

Herbal Intensive: What, Why and How?

The Cowichan Valley supports a lush growth of plants that have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes, as well as for food. Join us to  study indigenous, wild, and  cultivated botanical with a Master Herbalist who has more than 35 years experience.

Friday, August 4th  – Monday August  7th, 2017

In this 3 1/2   day Intensive you will learn:

Ø       introduction to botanical terms

Ø       identification of common weeds & cultivated herbs

Ø       harvesting, drying and storage

Ø       doctrine of signatures

Ø       medicine wheel & plant energy

You will also learn how to prepare and apply herbs in a practical and fun “hands on” setting:

Ø       Poultices, fomentations and compresses

Ø       Infusions,  decoctions and juices

Ø       Sweat baths, inhalations

Ø       Herbal oils and salves

Ø       Enemas and douches

Ø       Tinctures, herbal vinegars

Ø       Preparations for eyes, teeth, sinus and nose

Ø       Glycerites, syrups and more…

Someone might get a poultice applied; another a compress. Faces often contort as we taste the various decoctions!

We learn how to prepare and apply herbs in a practical and fun “hands on” setting.

Includes: 1/2 day Medicine Wheel Workshop, August 4th, 1-4 pm

Ø     Understand the 4 element model that has endured from ancient cultures around the world

Ø     Learn to apply this to 4 pillars of health:

  • physical
  • spiritual
  • mental
  • emotional

Ø      Learn to understand  herbal properties and actions

You can take Medicine Wheel Workshop on its own for $50, (contact our office). This is included for those attending the Intensive.

What past participants have to say:

“When is your next Intensive? I know some people who want to take this course. I loved it and learned so much, as well as feeling refreshed before heading back to my busy life and health business.” 
Cheryn Donaldson McInnis, Specialized Instructor & Practitioner SIP and Kinisiology, Vancouver, BC

One trained practitioner from Calgary, Alberta wrote this in her evaluation:
I learned to identify herbs out in the field, herbs which I have used with people for many years but never knew what they looked like.  It was great to see them in their natural habitat.  It helped me get to know them better as living beings! ”
Monica Hirai, Herbal & Homeopathic Consultant,  Calgary, AB.

“I was one of the lucky participants, and it was so worth the time and cost. The setting was lovely, the other participants were generous in sharing their own experiences, the food was delicious, and the learning was boundless! Lorene is a born teacher, and the breadth of her expertise is amazing to me. This was just the workshop I needed to get me started in my own learning about herbs. Thank you!” 
Miriam S. Duncan, BC

“I can only encourage everyone to attend this inspiring & educational event. Once you embark on this opportunity to identify, smell, and work with a wide variety of herbs you will gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the healing powers herbs have to offer. The medicine wheel and other teachings on all pillars of health will bring you closer to nature and discovering your true inner self – reminding you the importance of incorporating all aspects of life into your daily living to achieve well-being. Take advantage of this event held in a beautiful paradise – only a walk away from a crystal clear river, taught by a very knowledgeable and successful instructor & provided with delicious meals fresh from the garden!  ”           
Monica Franey, BSc RN, Annapolis Valley, NS

More comments can be read on the Herbal Intensive 2012 , and Herbal Training 2013 (comments on Sunscreen & Salves) .    

Join us to experience the healing powers we have been provided with by getting in touch with herbs. Feel the peace of nature seep into your cells, guided by one of Canada’s leading herbal experts,  Master Herbalist and Healer of over 30 years.

On beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia – build a holiday of your lifetime around this event! Please contact our office for posters with details.

You will keep a minimum of three herbal products you help make.


Investment: $350  paid by July 14th & save $100 

                     $450 after July 14th 

Includes: ½ day Medicine Wheel Workshop Fri,  3  full days Sat. Sun. Mon, all supplies, samples, and organic lunches.

Medicine Wheel workshop only $50

Registration closes July 28th   $50 of registration fee is non-refundable


About the InstructorLorene Benoit is a Health Educator with a Bachelor of Education in Biology and Physical Education. She has a Masters of Holistic Health; Certifications as Herbal Consultant, Iridologist, Contact Reflex Analyst and several Body-Mind Healing modalities.  She has engendered nutrition, lifestyle management and natural therapies for more than 30 years. Her passion is empowering people through down to earth education of   their own bodies, herbs and health on all levels.  In her vision to help people move towards optimum health, she offers consultations in her Vancouver Island office, writes and travels extensively to lecture and teach, and promote her book: The Paw Paw Program, a natural approach to cancer and health optimization.  This annual intensive is a favourite, where all the connections of healing come together in nature!  

This course is on 5 wild and cultivated acres within the temperate rain forest of Vancouver Island, registered as a Conservation Steward of the Cowichan Community Land Trust, with over 300 plant species!

5175 Bills Road, DuncanBritish ColumbiaV9L 6S7Canada

Register by phone: 250 748-6802  or

by email: or                                               


A list of local accommodations, B&Bs, or camping options & other activities available to help you stay and enjoy the Cowichan Valley paradise!

Vaccination and trusting ‘authorities’??

I get so many articles detailing ongoing research about the devastating side effects and life long immune problems being created by our ever-increasing onslaught of vaccinations. Since I first studied the vaccination issues in 1984, when pregnant with our  daughter, I get daily confirmation that we made the right decision to question the status quo.

Whether it is injecting multiple toxins directly into the blood stream of unsuspecting infants, whose immune systems and brains are not yet fully developed, or forcing seniors with already weakened systems into adding this toxic burden to their drug laden bodies, it is nothing short of criminal. Big pharma vaccine producers previously paid billions in fines & lawsuits, but have since lobbied government not only to promote their dangerous goods, but then to provide legal immunity for their damages.

I have many other articles and references in  Vaccine archives, along with tips to naturally exercise and develop a healthy natural immune system.

My website provides a whole list of Vaccine References, where you can continue your own research, and make an EDUCATED decision, not one based on fear and coercion.

Please contact the author if you wish to get you or your family onto a HEALTH PROGRAM and learn how to take control of your own health.

IF you have already subjected yourself or your family to vaccines, do not beat yourself up – this is what you were told to do, and you trusted, right? There ARE natural solutions to rebuild your immune system and regain health.

Since 1974, I have not found a condition yet that could not be treated naturally, at least as well, and most of us think better, than any drug based approach. This includes pneumonia, rashes, measles, whooping cough, bronchitis, cancer, diabetes, gout, arthritis, burns, puncture wounds, and the usual colds & flus, you name it.

Giving the body the tools to heal itself is what works! 

Silver Sol, Colloidal Silver, The Differences & Facts

One of the most useful health aids we have, in Canada and US, is NSP Silver Solution.

In the US there are several products,  with  various names: Silver Shield with AqualSol,  Silver Shield Gel 

In Canada there are twoSilver Guard, (which is really FAR more than a mouthwash – an ‘unHealth’ Canada enforced label),  and Silver Shield Gel.

Please contact Benoit Health Educationh to help you place first order and ensure you get the best price – up to 25% discount , plus Free Shipping to your door.
Links change more often than we would like;  we can ensure you get the right product at the best price……
No obligations,; just great education! You can also call our office 250-748-6802 and leave a message. A real woman will return your call.

There are slight differences in ppm of Silver and FDA/HC labelling, but all basically offer the same benefits and applications.

Since 2008, I have been asked many times to explain the difference between these Silver Solutions and the well known Colloidal Silver, so this article is well over-due. Since we have had access to these stellar health aids,  we have had many success stories  and we believe every household should always have Silver Liquid and Gel in the home. We were glad we did for every flu that has come along – Avian swine, bird, Covid, monkey pox, seasonal, etc. etc.)  We never leave our home for any trips without at least a tube of Silver Gel.

Nature’s Sunshine Silver is made by Aqua Sol Technology using a patented process with strict quality control to verify potency and purity.

The result is fine, bioavailable, nano-particle sized colloids.


What’s the advantage of Silver Shield?

This Silver is processed by the kidneys, does not affect populations of beneficial bacteria in the colon like pharmaceutical antibiotics, and cannot accumulate in the body or skin to create Argyria or argyrosis or “blue skin”, a permanent skin discoloration caused by excess silver accumulation; often a problem with homemade colloids or inexpensive deals found online. In other words, NSP Silver is safe.

Learn why it is also more effective:

Liquid (Colloidal) Silver                                  Silver Sol

5 – 10 ppm concentration                              18 – 24 ppm

110 V DC used in manufacture                      10,000 V AC used in manufacture

One silver particle kills one pathogen       One particle kills many   pathogens

Conventional colloidal technology             New, patented AquaSol  technology

Kills bacteria by one method                          Kills bacteria and viruses 3 ways

Works metabolically in body                          Works catabolically in body

Silver (Ag) is ionic and is                                   Silver (Ag) is bonded to water
separate                                                                   molecule and is one unit

How Does Silver Solution Work?

As mentioned above, Silver Shield/Silver Guard works by 3 separate mechanisms to stop the growth and spread of harmful pathogens. Peer studies have shown Aquasol silver to be effective on over 600 bacteria, viruses, yeast and fungus, including Malaria, MRSA, Avian flu, limb regrowth, Swine flu, burns, Lyme & MS

  1. Silver Oxide

The silver oxide coating of the nano-particle kills bacteria by pulling away one of the electrons on the bacteria cell membrane, which contributes to the rupture of the membrane and ultimate death of the cell.  This is also how the older generation Liquid Silver worked, but in the case of Liquid Silver, once the silver oxide had pulled an electron away from the bacteria cell, it stopped functioning.  The new Silver Shield has a double + charge on the silver molecule (explanation in FAQs below).  This double charge, coupled with the fact that the silver in Silver Shield exists as a core of pure silver metal with an oxide coating on the outside, allows for this reaction to regenerate itself, so that one silver particle kills many bacteria, instead of just one bacteria.


  1. Resonance

The silver particles in Silver Shield resonate at a frequency of 890 – 910 THz.  This is the exact same frequency used in blue germicidal lights in laboratories.  The silver sol nano-particles are small enough to get in close proximity to a virus or bacteria.  The “good vibrations” of their resonant frequency will rupture the bacterial or viral cells without damaging surrounding healthy tissue.


  1. Magnetic Viral DNA Disruption

Silver Shield works by its electromagnetic charge. The silver nano-particle is magnetically attracted to the virus and overpowers its DNA, rendering the virus impotent and unable to replicate.  Viral DNA has a slight magnetic charge while healthy DNA does not, so healthy cells remain unaffected by the Silver Shield.

The Silver Shield is a liquid product that can be applied via mister, nasal sprayer, atomizer, inhaler, dropper, teaspoon (swallowing for internal applications) or topically.  It is safe for all applications and is safe for children.

Silver Shield Gel has all of the benefits of the liquid . It provides 20- 24 ppm of silver ins. It states for topical use but we and many of our clients have also used ti internally for many years. The Gel ALWAYS goes travelling with us.


There has been a great deal of interest in this product since its launch, and many success stories – see Silver Archives.  Here are some Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What are the ingredients of Silver Shield?

Silver Shield is manufactured solely from high purity water and high purity silver metal, with no other ingredients involved.

Q: How is the gel manufactured?  What are the extra ingredients in it?

Silver Shield Gel is manufactured by taking the Silver Shield solution and adding a gelling agent and triethanolamine. The gelling agent is declared on the label by its INCI name, acrylates\C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer (we are required by law to declare cosmetic ingredients by their INCI nomenclature). The triethanolamine acts as a surfactant (emulsifying agent) to keep the gel stable under all conditions.

Q: How is the silver oxide coating created?

The patented manufacturing process causes very small silver particles to be formed – about 90% between 0.05 microns and 0.15 microns – and the high energy environment in which they are formed causes these particles to acquire a surface layer of a multi-valent silver oxide (empirical formula AgO, molecular formula Ag4O4).  The product may also contain a small amount of ionic silver (as silver nitrate) and a few particles larger than 0.15 microns.  (A micron is one-millionth of a meter).

Q: How can the silver have a 2+ charge?  I thought silver had only a 1+ charge?

Purely ionic silver compounds such as silver nitrate or silver chloride occur with silver having a 1+ charge.  As mentioned in explaining how the silver oxide coating is created, the molecular formula for the oxide is Ag4O4, translating to an empirical formula of AgO.  Oxygen occurs with a 2- charge, so in order to achieve electrical balance, the silver in this case must have a 2+ charge.

Q: Is Silver Shield a colloidal silver or not?

The best scientific description of this complex mixture is a hydrosol.  Most of it could accurately be described as a colloid, and up to two or three percent of the silver may exist in ionic form.

Q: The Silver Shield label has a warning about thyroid medications and antibiotics.  Can someone take Silver Shield if they are already taking these medications?

When we first developed the label for the Canadian market we consulted several different sources of information for contraindications, warnings and known risks, keeping in mind that Health Canada is overly cautious in requiring this kind of information on our product labels.

We found reliable scientific databases that advised there was a theoretical concern that colloidal silver products could interfere with the absorption of both thyroid and antibiotic medications.

The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database’s monograph for silver issues cautions against concomitant use with levothyroxine (synthroid) and certain antibiotics.  These cautions are all based on theoretical consideration of the pharmacology of colloidal silver.  In each case, the caution is that taking silver with these medications at the same time could reduce the absorption of the medication, making it less effective. The US parent does not advertise these cautions on their label and the US and Canadian products are exactly the same. We know from Dr. Pederson’s presentation that the silver actually makes antibiotics more effective. We still felt it was best to put this warning on the label to begin with, since Health Canada would most likely require us to add it before a product licence was granted (our Product Licence Application is under review as of this writing). The best advice at this time is that in order to avoid any possible interactions, patients should take the Silver Shield and their thyroid or antibiotic medications two hours apart.

Q: Is Silver Shield safe for pregnant or nursing mothers?  There is a warning on the label against this.

Information presented during the product launch would seem to indicate that the Silver Shield would be acceptable for use in these cases.  However, medical databases we have consulted advise caution, saying there is inadequate testing of silver compounds in these cases.  That is also the standard position of Health Canada.  It is somewhat paradoxical, because no pregnant or nursing mother will ever volunteer herself as a test subject to find out if some ingredient or product is harmful to herself or her child. So it is unlikely that ‘adequate testing’ will ever happen. Almost ALL pharmaceuticals state that they are not tested on pregnant or lactating women or children or the elderly, yet they are prescribed frequently to these groups.

Our best advise is to consult your natural health care professional in these cases.

Q: If I take too much silver, will I turn blue?

No.  The famous “blue man” who made the news in early 2008 was making his own silver solution at home and drinking it every day for many years.  There are many internet sites that advertise “Make your own silver solution” as well.  We would strongly advise our customers not to do that, and to leave the manufacture of these products to the professionals.  In the case of home-made products, there would be a lack of quality control to say the least!

Q: Is the silver toxic?

No.  Upon ingestion, silver compounds are known to clear out of the body by 90 to 99% by the second day after ingestion.  Silver Sol TM passes through the body via the urine with no toxic metabolites. Research suggests you would have to take Silver Shield every day for more than 200 years before it built up to exceed .05mg/kg.

Q: Is the silver organic?

No. By definition, metallic elements and their oxides are not organic.

There are many effective ways to use this silver. Please read: Silver Sol Uses – Why It Is Revolutionary
There are success stories on specific conditions under Silver Archives.



Lyme: What, Why, Solutions that Work

Updated Dec. 7, 2024

What Is Lyme?

Lyme is a disease carried by ticks, which are migrating across Canada, US & Europe at an alarming rate.  Lyme causes untold suffering with skin problems including rashes, scaling and scarring, muscle aches, pains and stiffness, constant fatigue, headaches, arthritis with severe joint pain and swelling, facial palsy, nerve pain, memory challenges, brain fog, and of course, with all these symptoms, depression. There are several different stages, early localized, early disseminated and late disseminated, all presenting differently.

Petitions to US & Canada’s Health officials for more than 10 years have done little to improve this situation. We need to keep trying!

Canadians sign this ongoing petition:

US: please sign:

The World Health Organization and other public health authorities worldwide have declared Lyme to be the fastest growing vector-borne infectious disease in the world.

US Centers for Disease Control confirmed Lyme an epidemic in 2008. CDC states there are 300,000 NEW cases of Lyme in the US every year.

Canadian scientists predict that by the year 2020, 80% of the population in Eastern Canada will be living in a tick-populated area.

Research shows that Lyme bacteria can be passed from pregnant mother to child in utero. There are concerns this infection may be sexually transmitted. Babesia, a Lyme Co-Infection, has been found to be in the US blood supply. For all these additional reasons, it is critical to express your desire to have this disease recognized, properly tested and treated.


Why Is Lyme Misdiagnosed, Undiagnosed,

Improperly Treated and Underfunded?

There are a multitude of books, reports & petitions explaining this. One particularly informative book by Helke Ferrie, is Creative Outrage, A Medical Journalist Reports on the Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Current Medicine.

Ferrie covers Lyme extensively pages 87-110, listing full references. I agree with her summary that the way Lyme is handled by medical authorities and government agencies has entered the domain of criminality. She says: “How are doctors supposed to know how to recognize Lyme disease when our testing protocol prevents recognition so perfectly? When they do see it, they are unprepared to treat it. Sophisticated medical research published in the most prestigious international journals is kept out of medical practice by a government policy that ensures complex new scientific discoveries about Lyme do not confuse medical minds with the true facts….”

In Cure Unknown, Pamela Weintraub, writes, “the consistent downplaying of the severity of Lyme disease, only benefits the global medical insurers, who underwrite employee disability coverage & who do not want to incur the cost of this global pandemic. The pharmaceutical industry benefits greatly by inventing a new drug to treat each of the many symptoms of Lyme Disease, making billions of dollars globally while doing no research to treat the cause of the disease or to find better diagnostic tools.”

One small example that many people have never heard about is the link to Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF). Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has treated Lyme for decades and discovered that recovery by any treatment protocol mandates that the patient be fully protected from EMF radiation. In the presence of cell phone radiation, for example, Lyme bacteria and their co-infections thrive and are able to evade therapeutic interventions. His Lyme patients must switch off main breakers at night and avoid all forms of wireless technology while undergoing treatment. Smart meters being forced on the population exacerbates this problem, which again, is unrecognized by mainstream medical.

KP Stoller MD, expert in integrative medicine and author of Incurable Me has been working with patients with brain injuries ranging from traumatic brain injury, stroke, autism, cerebral palsy, MS, chemo-brain, and Lyme brain since the late 1990s. He states, “ Untold numbers of Lyme patients have been told they don’t have Lyme, denied treatment, denied insurance reimbursement and those are the lucky ones.

Who is there to hold dishonest science accountable when “evidence based medicine” has been spun to fit biased agendas? What is the motivation to do this in the case of Lyme Disease?

It is very simple…Pharma wants to have a Lyme vaccine or at least profit from all the government funds to develop such a vaccine, but for this to be possible Lyme must fit a certain disease model. Since it does not fit a model where a vaccine would work, even on paper, the CDC seems to have conspired with both Pharma and a corrupt faction of academia to distort the truth about Lyme to enable vaccine makers to move forward on their desire to profit from a vaccine and/or its development.”

The one vaccine out of many developed, was FDA approved in 1998. It was pulled off the market within 4 years due to a class action lawsuit that represented over a hundred people who claimed they had experienced adverse reactions to the vaccine.

In summary, researchers who agree with the faulty model get the funding, so any other options will not be funded, and therefore, can “provide no evidence”.



In my 35 years in the health field, those who have recovered from Lyme to lead healthy lives, have ALL taken natural or complementary routes for healing. For those that may not be familiar with this, one excellent starting place is this NSP forum on Lyme.

Since that forum topic began in 2006, the same underlying concepts are still true. They are basically the same 4 pillars of health that are taught in Lorene Benoit’s book, The Paw Paw Program, A Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer. These pillars address the 5 causes that apply to all diseases, including LYME: Infection, Inflammation, Injury, Elimination & Circulation.

The variety of recommendations from the NSP Forum addresses these causes. Of course, different practitioners favour different programs. Here is a brief summary of those products most frequently used successfully.

Please contact Benoit Health Education for specific help with a program that will help you, for detailed product formulations, and for discount pricing and personalized ordering. .

  • ionic Silver treatment
  • High dosage Vit C
  • Cat’s Claw (una de Gato) Combination
  • Chinese anti-viral formula (VS-C in US/ HRP-C in CA)
  • Immune Support formulas ( many formulas to choose from), Contact author for YOUR best option.
  • Chelation necessary for ongoing detoxification of heavy metals: oral is best for on going support: MC Oral Chelation Program available through author.

Building the body’s natural defences with super nutrition is important for everyone! For details, see Lorene Benoit’s book, or Super Foods category. Energy medicine, Reiki, EPFX, Rife technology, Infra Red saunas have all been proven helpful. Different approaches work for different people; an experience natural health care consultant can help you.



Benoit & Associates Health Education

Medical News Today – What to Know About Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease & Co-Infections:

International Lyme and Associated Disease

Public Health Agency of Canada draft Framework:

Canada Journal of Applied Ecology, 2012:;jsessionid=BDF9CD369FD70D6E8CA8FF16A4AA5015.f04t01

Annals of Internal Medicine: 



Food & Supplement Quality

Why Bother to Supplement?

Dr. James Scala, who was a nutritional doctor for Mount Everest expeditions,  shares the statistic that over 60% of all deaths are related to poor diet. “…over 5 people in America die every 2 minutes from an illness that proper nutrition could have either prevented completely or put far into the future.”

To think that 60% of all deaths could be prevented if we only put enough nutrition into our bodies is mind boggling. In ‘developed’ countries, we have a food abundance and yet we are starving to death! How can that be? Here are 7 answers.

1. Much of the foods we eat today are empty of nutrition. We are eating too much overly processed foods, frankenstein GMO foods,  poor quality foods, and too little natural foods in proper ratios.

2. Agricultural practices have interfered with plants’ abilities to convert raw elements from the earth into bioavailable minerals and amino acids. Our plants are mineral and amino acid deficient.

3. Our society is trained to turn to medical prescriptions to solve the diseases we are becoming afflicted with. All drugs have harmful side effects that rob our immune systems from doing their job of sustaining our health.

4. We have forgotten that it is energy from the sun, from exercise, from love, from unprocessed foods with nutrients, minerals, amino acids, vitamins, essential fatty acids that will keep our bodies healthy and strong, as well as help our bodies recover from any illness we may be afflicted with. So nutrition in our present day is totally disregarded as the solution to all diseased conditions.

5. Dr. Scala stated that baby boomers may be the last generation to have increased longevity, and that their children will have a reduced average life span. He also said that with optimum nutrition, we should be living to 120 years!

6. Dr. Scala formulated the SynerPro (Synergystic Protectors) concentrate for NSP over 25 years ago, way ahead of his time. This concentrate contains broccoli, cabbage, carrot, red beet, rosemary, tomato, turmeric, grapefruit & orange bioflavonoids, and hesperidin. As detailed in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program, pages 175 – 180 these phytonutrients and phytochemicals are powerhouses for healthy cells. The concentrate blend adds nutrition, energy & enhances absorption of the SynerPro B Complex and SynerPro Calcium- Magnesium.  Years after his formulations, mainstream started expounding the benefits of lycopenes in tomatoes, anti-inflammatories in turmeric, flavonoids in rosemary, etc.

7. Benoit’s 284 page book contains great wisdom on correct diet for building health, no matter what condition a person has. Her Case Studies & Testimonials answer many questions that clients have had. Recipes to start making healthier choices are found in Chapter 10.


How to Supplement?

Many people are choosing to make improved food choices, as well as supplementing their intake with vitamins, minerals, herbs and supplemental superfoods. A good decision!  But far too many people end up spending too much money on worthless supplements.

The missing factor is quality control. Not all supplements are  the same.  Diligent research and tests from independent labs such as Brunswick, show that only 15% of nutritional & herbal companies actually have in the bottle what is printed on the label. That is because 85% of all supplements on the market are made by 3rd party companies. In other words, a company takes another company’s products and sticks their own labels on it, then sells them.  There is no quality control here.

Nature’s Sunshine is second to none in quality. Our standards are so consistent that we get results. Nature’s Sunshine has more than the required certifications as they decided in 1972  to invest in quality control, in addition to research & development. Nature’s Sunshine goes so far that they make their own capsules, so they know they are free from fillers and questionable ingredients. Pure,  Potent and Proven for over 50 years.

Nature’s Sunshine does not own any farms and therefore they are in no way obligated to sell products that may be of lesser quality. Quality is never compromised because of bad crops, harvesting, drying, or storage. They are free to choose the best quality from around the world, and they do.

One example is Kelp, which comes from Nova Scotia. 600  tests are performed on this one plant before it is released for production. One of these testing procedures is Geiger counter testing for radioactivity.  All products are manufactured in the Utah state of the art manufacturing facility, where every single batch of herbs is fully tested. All test samples are kept for 6 years. Having an organic or wild crafted label means nothing if this degree of testing is not performed. NSP is above and beyond organic; it is potent!

We are very proud to  educate & distribute a product line that demonstrates such a high  level of  sincere integrity. If this message reaches you and you are not a member of Nature’s Sunshine please contact us to start to get results with your nutritional program!

December, 2016 Natural Health Newsletter

Benoit Associates Health Education News  

December 2016

Winter Wonderland on Vancouver Island

2016 was a year of learning, travelling, construction & gardening. Our family is grateful that I chose to use my education in a career of teaching others to improve their health using the wonderful healing that herbs and healthy lifestyle offers. The benefit of teaching others for 35 years is how it comes back to enrich me. Students and co-workers bring in new learning and sometimes remind me of things I taught them and need to re-learn! I am also grateful to my network of Managers, past & present,  who have dedicated themselves to helping others, as well as to those who have improved their own personal health.
Blessings to all of you! We wish you optimum health so that you achieve your desires for 2017.

“We must become the change we want to see.”  Gandhi

Emails:       PLEASE Note: In future, emails from    may be marked as spam, so please enter this email in your contact list:

Personal Website:
MY NSP Website:


Apologies for sending  newsletters so infrequently –  I am busy researching, consulting, answering emails, and helping others build their health business. 

I continue to put more articles on my Research Blog. The search bar in top right hand corner is useful to see if there is an article that will help you.

Tip: If you do not find a relevant answer, then contact us; I will  post a response.

Like my business Facebook page; where I post each new research article. 

 Our NSP Members worldwide, can order The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer (and other Diseases) – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally at a 15% discount, or Buy 3 get 1 free,  when you email us directly. Just let us know your current member number.

The Paw Paw Program  is  a book for healing ALL chronic health conditions, including cancer. Based on 35 years experience, the history of herbs,  four pillars of health, dietary and lifestyle recommendations, this book is relevant everyone seeking optimum health. 

Everyday YOU can tell your trillion cells in your body how wonderful you are and how grateful you are for many aspects of your life – and they WILL believe you.
-Lorene Benoit-


Our passion is for education; here are articles posted since last newsletter. 


Q&A Paw Paw for my Cat?

Q & A Graviola, Papaya versus Paw Paw – Asimina triloba

Vit D & cancer: sun, showers and supplements

Pancreatic Cancer growth halted

Detox Basics Testimony

Healthy MicroBiome and Detox for Health

Q & A? Cleanses, Children’s Health & Calcium

Thyroid Health & Hyperthyroidsim

Herbal Intensive  – check this out and consider coming next July!

Q & A: Teeth Grinding

Psoriasis and Foot fungus – connected?


We answer many questions we receive worldwide.

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Q&A Paw Paw for my Cat?



My 1 1/2 ye old cat was just diagnosed with tumors around her heart. She has gone down hill very quickly in the past 2 days. I am scheduling surgery hopefully this week for their removal. I have read great things about Paw Paw for cancer in humans. Is it safe to treat my cat with it and if so how much would administer daily for a 5lb cat? I have suffered great loss through death in 2016 in my family and losing “Monkey” is more than I can bear. I hope you can help with providing your opinion on this matter. Time is of the essence as I am sure it is with everyone asking for your time. I thank you in advance for consideration.



Sorry to hear about your cat, which is obviously very dear to you.  Yes, we have used Paw Paw successfully to extend life in pets. For animals, just as with humans, the chemo therapeutic effect of Paw Paw is self-regulating. For 5 lbs.  (that’s a small cat!) you could start with 1/4 of a capsule of Paw Paw Cell Reg, and repeat 4 times per day. If any nausea presents, then decrease this dosage. If no problem after the first day, then increase by 1/4 capsule per day. Any nausea indicates you have reached the tolerance dosage, so you would decrease to at the previous dose. If  you have further questions, and to get hold of the correct Paw Paw product that Dr. McLaughlin researched, please contact us, as knowing where you live we can help you get it fastest & least expensive way.

Q & A Graviola, Papaya versus Paw Paw – Asimina triloba

UPDATE: Mar, 2021:  at end of article



Is Sour Sop, Guanabana or Brazilian Graviola the same as in your Paw Paw Program book?  Anita R.

Is Paw Paw the same thing as Papaya Leaf?  Dan



Both the sour sop juice and papaya leaf are totally different species of the plant and totally different preparations from the Paw Paw, Latin name Asimina triloba that has been researched as effective for cancer. Although there is some correct information on the site you mentioned, there is also some misinformation, especially concerning the research reference.(see end of this article).

In the field of medicinal herbals, it is paramount to understand which species of a plant one is using. Many plants have the same family name, but chemical composition within a species, and within different parts of the plant, varies widely. The same name may also apply to completely different plants in different parts of the world. For example, many countries have different plants they call Heal All, which are not even in the same plant family. Latin names, or nomenclature, are the only way to scientifically identify, and reproduce the medicinal benefits.

For accuracy,  always use the Latin name of the plant, which in the case my book, The Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer, refers to the Paw Paw tree, Asimina triloba, standardized twig bark,  harvested at the correct time. This plant is native to the eastern U.S.

Please contact us to get the correct source, direct discount pricing, AND support from an expert.

From page 90 – 91 of Lorene Benoit’s  book: ” Paw Paw is one of the most researched and most effective herbal remedies in connection with cancer. In the past 30 years research on Paw Paw has been conducted by Dr. Jerry McLaughlin and a team of researchers at Purdue University, as well as at Wayne State University.”

Over fifty bioactive compounds, called the annonaceous acetogenins, have been found in the standardized Paw Paw concentrate of this particular species of Paw Paw. These have been described in a series of research papers as representing the most potent, major, bioactive structural types of acetogenins.

Other related species of Annona muricata, also known as graviola, guanabana, Sour sop, and Brazilian Paw Paw contain only the less potent monotetrahydrofuran acetogenins, and do not maximize acetogenin levels or standardize the product to assure consistent potency.
Beware when checking sources online, that you will not only receive the correct herb, but that you have someone to contact for ongoing support. 

In addition, the health of the tree,  part used,  time of year that the twig is harvested for optimum potency, and how it is processed,  and tested, ALL effect the outcome.

To ensure you get the correct herbal preparation that has been researched, the best price, plus support, please contact the author.

As part of Dr. McLaughlin’s research, one study of 100+ patients, with many types of tumours represented,  resulted in:

Significant reductions seen in tumor sizes (verified by CT, etc.)

Significant reductions in tumor antigen levels (PSA, CA2729, CA125, alkaline phosphatase, etc.)

Very few side effects; mostly none; nausea and vomiting (2 people); itching (1 person); many reported “increased energy”

No hair loss, no bone marrow depression, No GI bleeding

Benefits were also seen with cold sores, shingles, MS, toe nail fungus, acne, athletes foot, eczema & psoriasis (in capsules, lotion and salve formulations).

These results were with the standardized extract of Paw Paw as prepared, tested & supervised by Dr. Jerry McLaughln, and encapsulated by Nature’s Sunshine Products. To order, please contact our office. You can also receive professional advice from the author, which is not available when ordering from Amazon.

Case studies conducted by Dr. Forsythe, a Nevada oncologist are included in my book, including complete remissions with stage four cancers as well as Testimonials offered  from my own clients.

I have included excerpts from pages 6-8 of a 37 page report from the Journal Natural Products, 1999, 62 504-540, titled: Annonaceous Acetogenins: Recent Progress

by Feras Q. Alali, Xiao-Xi Liu, and Jerry L. McLaughlin*, Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy and Pharmacal Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

Should you wish the whole technical report with all 138 References included,  search online, or contact our office, with this in subject line: Acetogenins Tech Review JNP 1999

The Annonaceae (custard-apple family), is very large, 130 genera and 2300 species. Phytochemical studies and, to a lesser extent, pharmacological studies on Annonaceous species have intensified in the last 15 years; this is largely due to the discovery of the Annonaceous acetogenins, a class of natural compounds with a wide variety of biological activities.

The discovery of uvaricin in 1982,7 the first of the Annonaceous acetogenins,
as an in vivo active antileukemic (P-388) agent, invigorated wide interest in this family. The Annonaceous acetogenins are now one of the most rapidly growing classes of new natural products and offer exciting anthelmintic,(kills worms),  in vivo and cytotoxic antitumor, antimalarial, antimicrobial, antiprotozoal, and pesticidal activities and special promise of becoming new chemotypes for antitumor and pesticidalagents.

Note: American pawpaw (Asimina triloba) is not a papaya and should not be confused with Carica papaya or Annona muricata (graviola) although the species have similar common names and may be called “pawpaw.”

I agree with what the website you sent me cited, concerning why the public has not heard as much about the Paw Paw family for an effective cancer approach.

However, this site mentions tests at Purdue University showed results with graviola leaves. This is not true; graviola  (Annona muriatica) did not show the effectiveness that Paw Paw  Cell Reg (Asimina triloba) twig bark extract did, because they do not contain the acetogenin varieties or strength.

“….under federal law, a natural product is not patentable. There’s no way to make serious profits from it. There was no way the company could protect its profits–or even make back the millions it poured into research. As the dream of huge profits evaporated, their testing on Graviola came to a screeching halt.”

This is, unfortunately in our big pharma profit driven market of disease care, the truth for all natural and herbal products.


UPDATE: Mar, 2021:

Be suspicious of sites such as Wikipedia that usually negate health benefits of any natural medicines. They are supported by global pharma interests.

Two examples:

  • I just picked some Guanabana fruit in Mexico and wanted to do a bit of research on it. This is one species of the Annoncea family, Annona muricata.  Wikipedia said it was neurotoxic and of no benefit at all for cancer, beware of charlatan claims, blah, blah…..  almost no  references to support their claim.The first scientific review I looked up presented quite a different story, including research proving no neuro-toxic effects,  in any ‘normal quantity’, with results from multiple studies. It references well  more than 100 scientific research articles.
  • I then looked up Asimina triloba on Wikipedia. This is the Paw Paw that we have used as a natural chemotherapy since the extract became approved in 2003. Not one mention of medicinal benefits, although it has been used successfully since 2003. And there are hundreds, if not thousands, of references, including the 30 years of published research by Dr. Jerry McLaughlin.  A few excerpts from the first review I opened by Science Direct:

… two additional acetogenins, muricoreacin and murihexocin, showed significant cytotoxicities in six human tumor cells, including PACA-2 pancreatic carcinoma and PC-3 prostate adenocarcinoma cell lines [142].

Two annonaceous species, A. muricata and Asimina triloba (‘paw paw’),  both yield acetogenins.  Annonaceous acetogenins, bullatacin, showed 300 times the potency of taxol against L1210 murine leukemia [143,144]. Bullatacin and several other acetogenins do so by inhibiting adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. This has profound implications for the development of complex acetogenin drugs that could be very effective against multidrug-resistant tumors [145].


Vit D & cancer: sun, showers and supplements

Cancer Caused by Vitamin D Deficiency

From several studies in the last few years, it was estimated that 45,000 Americans die from cancer annually related to inadequate levels of vitamin D. Many studies continue link the UVB/vitamin D-cancer connection.

Studies from Norway, from 2004 to 2016,  show that the detection of breast, colon, and prostate cancer has a seasonal cycle correlated with vitamin D production by sunlight . Of important note is that many of their studies show that vitamin D effectively fights cancer even in the later stages. [Robsahm et al.]

To understand why so many people are deficient in this essential Vitamin, we need to understand factors which affect our ability to synthesize Vit. D from the sun:

  1. UVB doses based on location: being in the sun does NOT mean we are receiving the UVB rays necessary for our body to make Vit. D3. You can see what your exposure is, based on date and latitude, and altitude of sun, by putting your location into this table calculated by the US Naval Observatory: Only when the 2nd column (Altitude) is greater than 50 are you getting UVB rays. The rest of the time, while you tan,  you are creating free radical damage, which ages your skin and depletes your Vit D3 stores, especially if you burn.
  2. Living in an urban environment with reduced solar radiation exposure: clouds, smog, pollution all decrease your absorption.
  3. Sun screen: especially those with high SPF. Even worse are commercial products that are laden with chemicals that create a toxic soup on your skin, ready to be baked by the sun. We use Aloe Vera Gel and St. John’s Wort Oil, which we make during out Annual Summer Herbal Intensive, as our natural sun protector and moisturizer.
  4. Darkly pigmented skin absorbs less rays than light coloured skin, which is why light-skinned people burn more easily.
  5. Showering and swimming after sunning: Yes, although studies since 1937* have shown that too frequent showering depletes Vit.D, this was largely ignored until more recent studies have been showing the same thing. As it takes up to 48 hours for your body to make the Vit D3 from  the oil based sebum of the skin, you are destroying this process, especially if you wash with soap.  IF there are chemicals in your water, and/or you use toxic cleansers, then you are not only stopping production, but creating free radicals that further deplete any stores you may have. Do not fall prey to the germ-phobic, over washing, sweet smelling propaganda media to which we are continually exposed.  * Helmer AC, Jensen CH: Vitamin D precursors removed from the skin by washing. Studies Inst Divi Thomae 1937, 1:207-216. 

The two best solutions for most North Americans who do not get enough UVB rays from October to April are to take quality Vit. D supplementation and to eat more Vit. D rich foods. Optimum Daily Doses (ODA) are up to 10,000 IUs; versus (Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), which are only 600- 800 IU – maybe enough to prevent rickets, but not enough for optimum health!

Your top food sources for Vit. D are:

  • fish oils, which must be tested for toxins as these are concentrated sources. Most people are aware that many fish come from polluted water sources, which is why purchasing from a company who can perform this testing is essential to your health.
  • oily fish, such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, cod – as above, wild is better than farmed, and know your sources
  • mushrooms: Portobello, maitake are highest; brown are higher than white
  • some dairy and dairy alternatives (usually fortified)
  • tofu
  • egg yolks

Supplement your diet inexpensively:

NSP provides a quality source of Vitamin D3, that we encourage everyone to take more of during the winter months: in US it is 2000 IU, in Canada 2500 IU. This is an inexpensive supplement, so no reason to be deficient. For optimum health, your levels should be in the 50-100 ng/ml range, which can be easily determined with a Vit D25-hydroxy  blood test.

To understand why Vit D3 is so important for many health conditions, please read Vitamin D and Your Health.

If you do end up with any type of abnormal skin growths, be it basal cell, melanoma, plantar warts, moles, we encourage you to read about natural solutions to cancer. Many articles on this research website, under Cancer. 


In Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally extensive dietary recommendations are given to help people understand a healthy lifestyle, including how to eat for wellness. Some recipes are also included to promote optimum health and prevention of all chronic conditions and diseases.

Please contact author to receive assistance via consultation, or to help you order therapeutic quality supplements at wholesale price from the source she has used since 1985.

Pancreatic Cancer growth halted

Dear Lorene!

I have good news about my mom. The mass in her pancreas has not enlarged since it was found last year. And mom said that  her pain in the sides has significantly decreased. Because of mom’s condition nothing more invasive than CT can be done to diagnose more precisely the condition of the mass. Mom has been using Paw Paw since November 2015, she is using 12 pills a day. Her question is  if she should keep using 12  a day or if she can reduce the dosage. I really appreciate your support and advice about it.


Thank you to both of you for sharing these results. It can help others. This is excellent news in 10 months! It is probably in her favor that the doctors do not want to do anything more invasive – if nothing is broken, don’t fix it!
One CT scan per year is acceptable, more than that is excess radiation
If she is feeling well, she may choose to continue at the same dosage of Paw Paw, to not only stop growth, but to start to decrease the mass. The beauty of the chemotherapeutic effect of Paw Paw, Asimina triloba, is that it is self regulating in dosage. Should your Mom start to feel any nausea, cramping or continual diarrhea, THEN she can decrease by 1 per day. This would indicate she is needing a lower dose. 
Feel free to get back to me after her next scan, or if anything changes. For now, all sounds very good! Congratulations to both of you for the time & effort you are making to educate yourself and take control over your own health. 
Knowing that Nature’s Sunshine has herbs powerful enough to effect this improvement, think how important it is to benefit from their therapeutic grade products for everyday health!
Even a simple, complete nutritional approach such as that found in Super Trio is basic health insurance from which everyone can benefit. You can’t afford to not afford the basics!
Contact us if you would like assistance determining a basic health & wellness program for you!