All posts by LoreneB

About LoreneB

Lorene Benoit is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator. Qualifications include Bachelor of Education Biology, French and Phys. Ed; Masters of Holistic Healing; Certified Herbal Consultant; Iridologist; Contact Reflex Analyst; Live Blood Analyst; plus certifications in Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing. Benoit founded Lorene Benoit Health Education Services in 1989. She presents, with humour and life, to health practitioners, corporations and the public, from workshops to annual 4 day herbal intensives. Her passion is teaching healthy lifestyles on all levels, so that people can take control of moving toward optimum health !

Q & A: Bladder, Bowel, and cramping


Hello there….re products
 1- bwl -bld  –looks like it may cover bladder ?(bld) as well as bwl, but nothing mentioned.
2 – what do you suggest for
           a)trigger finger and for
           b) leg cramps beside lots of h2o and exercise. There is an Amish apple cider vinegar  product ( only from USA) and a homeo product in stores here.
 Thanks,  Bette


BWL BLD – stands for Bowel Build.  Having the bowels work properly and be clean does have an effect on the bladder, but this formula really has nothing to do with bladder (good guess, tho’).
Cornsilk is good for bladder incontinence; Cranberry Buchu good for treatment & prevention of bladder infections; Uva Ursi good for toning and tightening, bladder cystitis.
You will find other helpful articles about Bladder in the archives. Many topics are listed down the right hand side of my website research blog.

For both trigger finger and leg cramps, one may need more Magnesium. I work with 3 types, Magnesium tablets, Magnesium Complex and Magnesium Malate. For this challenge, most people find that Magnesium tablets work best.
Apple cider vinegar is a good source of some minerals, especially Potassium, which can be good for cramps and spasms. Rather than ordering from the US, you may find just adding 1-3 Tsp. (5-15 ml.) pure, unpasteurized apple cidre vinegar to 1 cup room temperature or warm water and take your Magnesium, plus 1 Calcium Magnesium if needed,  with this. If this does not bring needed relief, please contact  me; there are other options. But I always like to start with the simplest first. 
Hope this helps Bette. Congratulations on having taken a proactive approach to natural health. Along the way you have helped many others. You have been a loyal Nature’s Sunshine user since the early 90’s and still going strong at a good, old age! Keep it up. 

Q & A: Glucosamine and knee health


Hi Lorene,  A quick question for you , if you would be so kind.  I have a friend who has had knee replacement surgery that did not turn out very well.   My question is, will glucosamine help his other leg from degenerating to the point of surgery ?   I know you can’t state categorically that it will; but what do you think of its ability to prevent degeneration in an older person ??  Is it worth trying, and for how long ?
Thanks much for the advice. All the best, D & M


Yes, I think it can help, depending on quality and type of glucosamine. My results with NSP Glucosamine (CA) / Glucosamine (US)  have been very good. This formula also contains Cat’s Claw, Uña de gato,  which is an excellent anti-inflammatory, so is especially effective when there is pain.

Glucosamine stimulates production of cartilage in joints.  In some people, natural production of glucosamine slows with age, leaving cartilage unable to retain water and function as a shock absorber. This inability to create glucosamine is considered a major factor in the development of osteoarthritis. Benefits of taking glucosamine are reported to be cumulative, providing greater results the longer taken.

Please note:
Links for product recommendations that we know work change frequently. Please contact us for up to date recommends, as well as 20-25% discounts with Free S/H, PLUS our support.

An Italian study determined glucosamine treatment for inflammatory disorders proved
10-30 times better than treatment with a leading drug (indocin), due to the drug’s
extremely high toxicity . Inflammatory disorders, such as osteoarthritis, often require
long-term treatment.

The other supplement that I feel is very good for all structural parts of the body, is Collatrim (CA) /Collatrim(US). Collagen is the main fibrous protein of connective tissue in tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bone and skin. Collatrim Plus is an easy to take powder, which when taken before bed, also helps people sleep better, and “lose while you snooze”.

For more tips on Weight Loss, see Weight Loss Archives.

One other formula which contains Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Devil’s Claw and Hyaluronic Acid, is  Everflex  (CA) / Everflex (US). Different strokes for different folks….

For results from a current challenge, one would take at least 3 months full dosage, to effect change. For ongoing prevention and maintenance, one would continue to take, but at a lower dose. The optimum dosage may depend on many things, so paying attention to one’s body is very important.

As you know clean diet, like the one in Paw Paw Program, hydration and movement are all essential to any healing process.

Please have your friend contact you, or email me if she/he wishes to try any of these products.

Happy Earth Day – my newest intern herbalist Holt

What a great way to celebrate Earth Day. Preparing some Elecampane, Inula helenium, root with my 4 1/2 month old grandson. Start ’em young is my motto. He is one healthy herbal baby!

Our 5 yr. old neighbour, Ember, was helping dig jerusalem artichoke tubers, also known as sunchokes, (Helianthus tuberosus) – a great source of natural inulin, when we came across this forgotten elecampane plant with some very healthy roots!

Elecampane is such a wonderful herb for lung conditions and parasites. There are more uses of course, but I want to get this posted while it is still Earth Day, so that will have to do for now.

Nature’s Sunshine uses this herb in these formulas: Artemisia Combination and Caprylic Acid Combination. Both of these combinations are part of the Candida Clear Pak and the Para Pak.

Elecampane is also part of the ULC-R formula for ulcers. Elecampane kills helicobacter pylori bacteria, which is a cause of ulcers, and can lead to more serious stomach issues  if not correctly addressed.

Contact us for wholesale pricing and help order any of these products.

Q&A Hot Flashes and Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla)


Thanks again for sharing the lovely photo of you and your grandson!

On another note, I wonder what you might know about Alchemilla Vulgaris (Lady’s Mantle) to treat hot flashes – they’ve been coming and going. My friend gave me a small bottle with extract. I’ve done quite a bit of research – including on your site – where nothing came up, but I can’t seem to figure out whether it’s really worth trying it out… especially since I’ve been told by quite a few people that my liver is weak and needs more support (I’m starting ginger compresses for that) and I read that alchemilla may have deleterious effects on my liver. So confusing! Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks!  A


You are welcome….Grandson Holt  is a charmer and a healthy herbal baby!
Re: your question:
Lady’s Mantle is a wonderful herb; I don’t believe it is bad for the liver, (would like to see that research!), but it is also not my first choice for hot flashes, which I do feel ARE related to liver health.

Alchemilla vulgaris  works more with kidney, fluid energy. I have used this herb for conditions like vaginal discharge, and menstrual flooding as it has drying, toning, strengthening properties. I have made boluses for vaginal insertion, as well as used tincture with good results. As well as for purulent wound healing.
Sorry I just have not had time to enter much of my collected articles on individual herbs – maybe a retirement project? In my experience, Matthew Wood, Rosemary Gladstar  or Susun Weed would be reliable sources for herbal info –  they probably all have good websites.
Ginger on the other hand, is definitely good for liver, and as a stimulant herb, can be good for cooling, and is anti-inflammatory. The other two herbs I rely on for hot flashes are Black Cohosh, Cimicifuga racemosa,  and Dong Quai,  Angelica sinensis. I use these in combination called Flash Ease.
Also there is an excellent Chinese formula which works on balancing hormones and supporting liver function. As I know you are in Bali and cannot access many of the formulas I use, here are links for these products in N.A. .  Liver Balance (US) and    BP-C (CA).
You may be able to find similar formulas using these herb in Bali. If you can find a local herbalist, she or he may know local herbs which will be well suited to where you are presently living.  If not, let me know if anyone coming to visit wants me to order for you to bring . Shipping to Bali might be reasonable, if capsules were taken out of the bottle and sent via any special way you might know.
Other simple techniques for hot flashes are drinking lots of lemon in water, very cooling; wetting your hair before you go to bed, using a cold cloth. or ice pack during night, uncovering your feet….. but liver and hormonal balance are the biggies for sure.
If you wish more detail, feel free to book a follow-up consultation.
You may find more tips in these articles on website , which have Menopause tags: . (Found via Search bar in top right corner of Research Blog. )

All the best – you have managed lots of healing miracles, including your amazing writing of the Healing Pilgrimage on the El Camino, so trust you will do well with this.


Vaccine Choices – What about Polio?

Sept.13, 2020:  Polio Timeline added to References  at end of article
Oct. 12, 2024:  Research confirming SV40 (Green Monkey AIDS virus contaminated Polio Vaccines many years, causing cancers, at end

This explains the toxic connection of paralytic diseases to lead, mercury, arsenic & DDT (organochlorine), versus the myth of infection.  Scientific evidence that questions infectious agents versus environmental causes increases daily .

How Do You Make A Decision This Important ? Education !

When my husband and I had to make this important decision back in 1985, just before the birth of our daughter, we did not want to take it lightly.  What parent does?

Widespread internet, media and government vaccine promotion increases every year. It can be overwhelming to know what , or whom, to trust.  Those who know me may have accused me of analysis paralysis on some issues, but in this case it did not take me more than a couple of hours reading to know our answer. Many years later, ongoing research has confirmed our choice.

Luckily where we lived, we had other educated and like-minded people who had come to the same conclusion, so support was there. You may not be so lucky, so you need to be confident to stick to your guns.  Seeing the excellent health of our now grown daughter, ongoing research, knowing that billions of dollars have been paid in lawsuits for damages and death,  and horror stories of damaged children,  we are confident we made the right decision.

Since 1985, sharing the education on vaccines has been one goal and passion of my business. Before the “web” existed, I compiled a 156 page book of articles from worldwide authorities. I sponsored medical experts from Australia, South Africa and Quebec to come to B.C. to share their wisdom. I have many books and recordings in my library.  I have done radio interviews since 1987 on national radio (CBC) and others.  And since Nov, 2009, I have been putting vaccine articles on my research blog. The first one Nov. 18, 2009 was Tips to Make Avian Flu Fly Away.

I hope my  many vaccine entries on this Research Blog  will help simplify your choices.

Whenever a discussion around vaccines comes up, many people refer to the  mistaken idea  hat vaccines cured polio. This has been the mainstream promotion by vaccine profiteers.


Didn’t the Polio Vaccine Work?

Many people think that vaccines reduced diseases worldwide. Polio is a good example,  as it is often used as a hallmark of vaccine “success”. It is a good illustration to show the methods commonly used to make it seem as if vaccines reduced disease. These methods involve  changing  parameters such as:

  1. diagnosis
  2. disease symptoms being “redefined” 
  3. reporting – how and by whom, lab testing required?
This chart clearly and simply shows the decrease in Polio BEFORE vaccines, close to 60% .
This chart from National Vital Statistics, which  I initially had some trouble interpreting,  shows some interesting facts.
The following information may help you understand the chart:
The polio vaccine was licensed in the U.S. in 1954, the same year that diagnosis of polio was “redefined.”  From ‘50 thru ‘55, the striped and clear portions of the bars represent about 85% of the reported cases, or 30,000 per year, on average. Those cases were automatically eliminated by two radical changes the CDC (Center for Disease Control) made to the diagnostic parameters and labelling protocol of the disease, as soon as the vaccine was licensed. Results of these changes?  We were told 30,000 cases a year were eliminated by the vaccine. The real decrease in vaccines, is shown in the solid black portion of the graph. 

Over the last sixty years in the U.S., more than a million cases of what would have been diagnosed as polio pre-vaccine—same symptoms—were given different labels.

The change didn’t stop there, however. As addressed in the Ratner report, the CDC also changed the definition of a polio epidemic, greatly reducing the likelihood that any subsequent outbreaks would be so labelled. This article gives details:

How the CDC made 30,000 Polio DIagnoses Disappear

This article provides more details on changes made by government to promote vaccine effectiveness: The Salk Miracle 

By the 1990s, the only cases of polio occurring in the United States and Europe were vaccine-associated, caused by mutation of the live virus grown in monkey kidney cell culture in  the OPV vaccine.

Many billionaires have profited from the best investment available – vaccines.


Are Vaccines Effective?

Changing the parameters of what constitutes an epidemic is also used in reverse to hype fear around Flu , Zika, Avian flu “epidemics” and encourage people to get flu shots.

  • The flu vaccine, as do most others, insert sheet states “safety and effectiveness not established”
  • Most studies conclude that “No decrease in influenza” after being injected with a flu shot.
  • Which strain to use in vaccine preparation the season before is guess work

In the medical journal Vaccine, Dr. Gregory Poland, the journal’s editor-in-chief, professor of medicine and founder and leader of Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group, recently made surprising public statements about the poor effectiveness of measles vaccine in the MMR shot.

For many years, Dr. Poland has been a strong mandatory vaccination proponent and has criticized MMR vaccine safety critics but now he is taking the lead in publicly criticizing the vaccine’s failure to prevent measles.

Are Vaccines Safe?

  • a in just one study, published in Human & Environmental Toxicology,  found that mercury-laced flu vaccines caused a 4,250 percent increase in fetal deaths during the 2009 flu season.
  • All vaccines contain toxins, including mercury, a brain-damaging, abortion-promoting heavy metal, monkey and other animal viruses & cells.
  • Flu shots have been scientifically proven to WEAKEN immunity in subsequent years, and repeated annual shots linked to significant increase in Alzheimers.
  • Read: Vaccine Myths for UBC research on Vaccines altering brain and immune system functioning in children.
  • Vaccines kill children. This is why the CDC was lobbied by vaccine makers to create the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986. Courts have paid  out billions in damages, using tax payers’ money, as this act indemnifies all  vaccine manufacturers.
  • Although it is mandatory for doctors to report adverse vaccine reactions, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System operated by CDC and FDA  states that  97.5% of vaccine related deaths and disabilities go unreported.

This study on the NCBI website indisputably shows how Polio vaccines supplied by “philanthropists” crippled almost 1/2 million Indian children from 2000-2017.

See some  Safe Options to Vaccines. Contact Benoit & Associates for personal assistance in improving your natural immunity.

Whether you believe vaccines are effective AND safe or not, do you believe that people should have choice in their health care? Should people be able to choose between drugs and natural healing? Should cancer patients be able to choose how to treat their condition? Should those with high cholesterol be mandated to take stain drugs, or depressed people be mandated to be on Prozac?

For more about Choice , please consider supporting Vaccine Choice Canada, which has been an excellent educational resource since 1982.  The US has many similar resources.

If you do not feel the articles and references on this site offer enough education to make an informed decision on this critical decision, look online for this  excellent movie discussing vaccines: Vaxxed .   Listen to as much as you can. Even 1/2 hour may be enough to make you realize you might been hearing a one sided point of view most of your life.


References and ongoing education:

Why Bill Gates switched from Microsoft to Vaccines . If this link for the  23 min. video does  not open, type this into a new browser:

The video shows Bill Gates telling the public that Vaccines are a 20 to 1 profit maker and shows how he turned 10 Billion into $200 B getting into the Vaccine BUSINESS by starting the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Polio Timeline by David Crowe:

Vaccines Court Confirms Healthy 13 yrs. old buy made tetraplegic by chicken pox vaccine.

Dissolving Illusions- The Disappearance of Polio

The US Government has paid out more than 3 Billion dollars to vaccine-injured families. This is now $5 billion. Why are the taxpayers paying this when the Vaccine makers , when they expect to make $61 TRILLION dollars in 2020? Vaccine makers have lobbied to have laws passed to indemnify them for damages to humans.


Oct. 12, 2024   – More proof of long standing safety issues

CDC Admits Polio Vaccine Tainted with Cancer Causing SV40 Virus

Merck’s premiere vaccine inventor, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, was astute enough to realize something was amiss with the production of vaccines, which he documents in the video below. (which has now been censored!! i.e. it was truthful, but damning)

The Polio Vaccine Has Cancer Virus, SV40, According to Dr. Maurice Hilleman

When he spoke about bringing the monkeys over from Africa, which they used to manufacture the polio vaccine, he had this to say, “I brought African greens in. I didn’t know we were importing AIDS virus at the time.”[1]

Dr. Hilleman stated, “Yellow fever vaccine had leukemia virus in it. This was in the day of very crude science. [1]

If you think the above was something “of a fluke” or a “figment of conspiracy theorists imaginations,” then you absolutely ought to read the U.S. Government Printing Office online published report of the September 10, 2003 Hearing of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness of the Committee on Government Reform of the House of Representatives of the 108th Congress wherein Congressman Dan Burton is on public record saying:

“There is no dispute that millions of Americans received polio vaccines that were contaminated with the virus called Simian Virus 40, or SV-40. There also is no dispute that SV-40 is capable of causing cancer, but there is a major dispute as to how many Americans may have received the contaminated vaccine, with estimates ranging from 4 million to 100 million people. There is also a major dispute as to when the polio vaccine supply got cleaned up. In addition, nobody knows how many people got sick or died because of the contaminated vaccines.”

Dr. James Goedert, Chief of Viral Epidemiology, National Cancer Institute, provided an answer as to when the polio vaccine got cleaned up:

“In addition, using PCR technology, the FDA itself found no SV-40 DNA molecules in lots that were released between 1972 and 1996.”

When did you or your children receive the polio vaccine?

The Journal of Infectious Diseases published the article Simian Virus 40 and Human Disease wherein this was discussed:

“The reported presence of SV40 in tumors in individuals born after 1963 would seem to imply that SV40 is now established as a human infection circulating in communities.”
In another extensive report from the National Library of Medicine, titled:

Immunization Safety Review: SV40 Contamination of Polio Vaccine and Cancer

this is their summary:
“Some of the polio vaccine administered from 1955–1963 was contaminated with simian virus 40 (SV40). The virus came from the monkey kidney cell cultures used to produce the vaccine. Most, but not all, of the contamination was in the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).”

So do you still trust ANY injection proposed by ANY billionaire, government corporation, or pharma company who has ensured they have NO legal (or moral) responsibilities for any side effects, including death??

We can only thank the Covid Plandemic for making so many more people aware of the issues of Vaccine damages.

Question everything.

Trust that giving your body what it needs to heal itself, is still the only truth.

Contact us if you want suggestions to get on the path to Optimum Health and Wellness! Lorene Benoit has dedicated her life learning since the late 1970’s to educating people how to help themselves.

Herbal First Aid Kit

For years many people have asked us, “What do you use in your house and when travelling to keep so healthy and avoid the medical route and drugs ?” I have finally put this  article, published years ago in some herbal magazines,  on my own website!

With this kit in your home and mini kit for travelling+ (also see Travel First Aid Kit at end), you will have tools on hand to treat most health challenges!

MORE INFO on any product or personal health issues?  Please Contact Lorene Benoit .   As product links, names (different in US and Canada), and availability all change, contacting Lorene is best option. We can also help you order any of these, receive the best prices and personal assistance!



Herbal First Aid Suggestions by Lorene Benoit                                           BEd, MHH CHC, CI, CRA

1. Tei Fu Oil+

One drop internally:

  • respiratory and sinus congestion / infection
  • sore throat, cough
  • mental alertness
  • breath freshener
  • nausea, motion sickness

1-4 drops topically:

  • sore muscles
  • muscle spasms and cramps/ Charlie horses
  • headaches (on temple and at back of neck)
  • bites and stings
  • bruises
  • cold sores


  • respiratory and sinus congestion and infection

* Tei Fu Massage Lotion also relieves pain, injuries, arthritis and relax muscles, but for traveling light, the pure oil can be used internally, plus added to any healthy carrier oil for massage!

2. Peppermint Oil+

One drop internally:

  • settles upset stomach / nausea
  • dispels gas from intestinal system, digestive aid
  • promotes mental alertness

One drop topically:

  • canker sores / cold sores (stings then numbs);
  • bites and stings
  • headaches (on temple and at back of neck)
3. Tea Tree Oil+
  • natural antiseptic, antifungal and disinfectant
  • promotes healing of cuts, burns, scrapes, and bruises and sunburn
  • stimulates rapid growth of healthy tissue
  • internal douche and enema for yeast infections
  • kills head lice, add to NS concentrate & use as shampoo
4. Garlic ( NSP High Potency Tablets)
  • natural antibiotic in high potency odor controlled tablet
  • fights viral and fungal infections
  • helps lower blood pressure
  • improves circulation
  • helps expel parasites

Fresh garlic can be used in the following ways:

  • in ears to fight ear infections
  • on chest for respiratory congestion (use oil, salve or herbal poultice as barrier to prevent skin burning)
  • on wounds to prevent infection
5. Aloe Vera Gel+
  • burns and sunburns
  • scrapes, minor injuries
  • chapped skin
  • diaper rash
  • combine with NSP Lavender EO to speed healing, lessen inflammation
6. Lobelia+
  • bronchial dilator, healthy “puffer” substitute for asthma
  • opens lymphatic channels/ helps swollen lymph nodes
  • relaxes spasms: bronchial, stomach, bowel, muscles, uterine, heart
  • relaxes nerves and helps reduce pain
  • helps induce vomiting when taken in larger doses; allays vomiting in very small doses – Lobelia is truly a “thinking” herb
  • fills nicotine receptor sites to help stop smoking
  • Anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial: especially effective for microbes involving respiratory system.
7. Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper)+
  • stimulates blood flow
  • normalizes blood pressure, whether high or low
  • helps body to expel mucous
  • high Vit. C content helps colds
  • takes pain away for sore throat if gargled, then swallowed
  • helps for physical shock in accident victims
  • helps stop severe bleeding and hemorrhaging, externally and internally

Tei Fu Oil/ Lobelia/ Capsicum can be combined topically to relieve pain and relax muscles for subluxated neck and arthritis.

8. AL-J
  • allergies
  • respiratory decongestant- helps clear and strengthen lungs & bronchioles
  • helps settle stomach and digestion
  • pneumonia and other respiratory infections – combine with Oregon Grape or # 12
9. Licorice Root
  • promotes stamina and endurance by feeding adrenals to balance them and enable production of natural cortisone
  • helps stabilize blood sugar
  • prevent mood swings, and dizziness
  • helps overcome sugar cravings
  • helps drug and alcohol withdrawal
  • soothing & healing  for ulcers
  • helps with anorexia
  • mild decongestant and expectorant for dry cough
10. Probiotics+

Lorene works with 5 excellent probiotics: Probiotic Eleven, Bacillus Coagulans+, Bifidophilus Flora Force, Acidophilus Bifidophilus & Children’s Probiotics. 

Email her for a comparison chart or book a consultation to set up your specific program. All quality probiotics help rebuild Microbiome and: 

  • keep colon in optimum working order by ensuring probiotic bacterial growth
  • contain prebiotics to ensure growth of probiotics (pro life)
  • renew friendly flora which is destroyed by antibiotics, external environmental toxins & internal toxins
  • help control yeast levels
  • help keep bowel elimination working properly, which elevates immune response
11. Liquid Chlorophyll
  • natural deodorizer to help eliminate odour and toxins from the inside out: smelly feet , bowel movements, and bad breath
  • blood builder: increases oxygen and hemoglobin  levels in blood / helps anemia
  • good drink during labour, provides energy and minerals
  • disinfects injuries to help them heal, good for fighting infections
  • helps alkalize blood stream from acidic food, stress & toxins
  • contains no calories, sugar or chemicals, inexpensive, and tastes great!
12. Echinacea & Golden Seal
  • Combination makes this formula a powerful infection fighter / antiseptic / immune stimulant combination


  • non-specific immune stimulating effect to help body contain infection
  • helps to produce white blood cells and antibodies

Golden Seal

  • tones gastro/intestinal/lung and stomach- KING of mucous membranes
  • helps improve digestive and all liver functions
  • diabetics – helps lower blood sugar levels (if used by hypoglycemics, add Licorice Root or use Oregon Grape)
  • topically helps heal injury, infections for cuts, scrapes, abcesses

(also see Oregon Grape – is comparable to Golden Seal, less expensive and not endangered)

Echinacea / Golden Seal combined with Capsicum and Lobelia

  • dilute with water and gargle for sore throat, then swallow
13. HRP-C (CA) / VS-C (US)+
  • builds natural immunity to combat all viruses, fungus, parasites and candida
  • helps draw out impurities from liver
  • helps detoxify heavy metals (post dental amalgam removal, vaccines, metal toxicity)
  • One of the BEST for all viruses, including Herpes, Shingles, Colds, Flus
14. Vitamin C:   Time Release 1000mg capsules or 500mg/ tablets or Vit C with Zinc Lozenges
  • neutralizes toxins and chemical poisonings, including mercury
  • free radical scavenger, antioxidant
  • increases immunity;  helps prevent and get over colds, flu
15. Silver Guard, Silver Shield, Silver Gel+, Silver Solution 18-24 ppm
Contact Lorene Benoit to determine best for you.
  • All can be internally and externally safely to kill over 600 bacteria viruses and molds
  • All benefits of colloidal silver but many times more effective
  • Cannot overdose (no blue skin argylosis with these!)
  •  great anti-infection for everything from airborne to digestive and parasitical
  • See many uses & testimonies for Silver
16. Ginger+
  • relieves upset stomach, indigestion, cramps, flatulence, and diarrhea
  • stimulates circulation to help relieve pain and inflammation
  • relieves motion sickness, morning sickness, and nausea
17. Pau D’Arco Lotion
  • relieves itching and pain
  • helps with acne, eczema,psoriasis
  • poison ivy
  • snakebites
  • wounds
  • boils, fungal infections,
  • hemorrhoids
  • Can add Authentic Essential Oils for additional healing
18. Cascara Sagrada (Sacred Healing Bark)
  • herbal laxative, works by increasing peristalsis
  • stimulates secretions in the entire digestive system including the liver, gallbladder, stomach and pancreas
  • promotes the growth of friendly bacteria in the colon
  • the longer you use it, the less you need – the opposite of OTC drug laxatives
  • Lorene’s preferred use in in formulas such as LBS or LB-X.
19. Passion Flower
  • herbal sedative that induces relaxation
  • relieves muscle tension and anxiety
  • relaxes smooth muscles of digestive tract
  • helps treat stress, headaches due to nervous tension, and insomnia
  • Many people choose to use in formula such as HPV, which combines Passion Flower with Hops and Valerian.

Travel First Aid  Kit

For travel to tropical or overseas destinations, we take the following:

  • #1 Tei Fu
  • #2 Peppermint
  • #3 Tea Tree
  • #5 Aloe Vera Gel
  • #6 Lobelia
  • #7 Capsicum (can just take 10 capsules – a little goes a long way)
  • #10 Probiotics- Bacillus Coagulans requires no refrigeration
  • #13 HRP-C or VS-C for infection
  • #15 Silver Gel &/or Liquid
  • #16 Ginger


  • Digestive Enzymes (CA) / Food Enzymes (US) take 1 with each meal unless meal is just peeled fruit. The  HCl acid, pancreatin, and other enzymes help destroy parasites and to prevent intestinal disorders of all types including Montezuma’s Revenge, Thai Trots & other traveller’s food poisoning.
  • One of the following for diarrhea, constipation, colic:

UC3-J  (Slippery Elm, Marshmallow, Plantain, Bugleweed, Rose Hips, Chamomile), OR Slippery Elm OR Psyllium Hulls Combotake as needed. More effective to open capsules and make tea, or bulk Psyllium Hulls Combo.

  • You can also use any of the above as a drawing poultice – open capsule and add enough water to make paste. Hemorrhoids, take as above or as suppository. Promotes growth of intestinal bacteria.
  • Can be used for constipation, as added fibre taken with lots of water.
  • Activated Charcoal (US)– food poisoning, parasites, intestinal cramps. Adsorbs toxins and takes them out via the bowel. Take 2-3 capsules as needed.

The following are additional possibilities, but the above 13 items usually cover everything and all fit into a small pouch. Small ziplock baggies and film canisters work well. You likely won’t use them all – keep them well stored in your Travel First Aid Kit and they will be on hand when you need them and ready for your next trip. Also useful to have on hand for home use.

  • AD-C – Chinese formula to restore Chi – Jet Lag, Swelling, Pain, Anti-Depressant

Take 1 every 2 hours going, take 2 every two hours on return flight to prevent or lessen jet lag. Also used for any “blocked chi” conditions, including headaches, muscle or joint pain, swellings, especially with sudden onset.

  • Lavender Essential Oil – anti-inflammatory, useful for burns, sores, relaxant promotes sleep, anti-microbial (good choice for spritzer). Other Oils in KIT are wonderful for First Aid – zip lock them!

*Special note Silver Guard: 1 large bottle of the Silver 473 ml. unopened in packed luggage, can be used upon arrival- 1 tsp/1 capful each per day. You can also put some in a spray bottle (under 100 ml) to take on the plane and spray to breathe and protect your throat while enroute to prevent “Germ-laden airplane air sickness”, as I call it. If you don’t want to do the spray, the gel can also be dabbed in the nostrils to prevent airborne bugs; the tube is 85 ml, so you can take it on plane in a zip lock baggie.The Gel is wonderful for any kind of rashes, sun burn or wounds.

To order any of these, please Contact Lorene Benoit  for best prices and personal assistance. Lorene will help you order, and can book a private class to ensure you are confident in how to use these.

Cholesterol drugs increase Alzheimers

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a Senior Research Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), completed research in 2017 that  concluded:  “People who take cholesterol lowering drugs had over 2.5 times the risk of developing Alzheimers.” 

The brain contains approximately 25% of the body’s total cholesterol, so restricting this essential fat is not good for the mind. Cholesterol  is also a necessary precursor for many of our hormones, without which life is just not up to par. Read Hormones Make You Happy to understand more.

Add to this recent finding the fact that 50 YEARS ago, research showed that high cholesterol had little to do with arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries, and therefore heart disease.

Dr. Kilmer McCully discovered that cholesterol and clogged arteries are not the causes, but rather the symptoms of heart disease. McCully’s research, published in the American Journal of Pathology in 1969,  linked elevated homocysteine levels to heart disease, NOT cholesterol levels.  Homocysteine is a naturally occurring amino acid that is damaging  if it accumulates in the blood.

Despite McCully  receiving numerous awards for his research, including the 1998 Linus Pauling Functional Medicine Award, he lost Harvard University funding and was denied further research jobs for more than two years.

McCully says: “My suggestion was that the cause of arteriosclerosis in the general population was an underlying deficiency of certain B vitamins—B6, B12 and folate (B9), (leading to elevated homocysteine levels). The role of cholesterol and fats was secondary. This was too much for the establishment to take.”

His research unfortunately coincided with industry and pharmaceuticals investing multi millions into  the low cholesterol fad, low cholesterol foods, and cholesterol lowering drugs. In other words, it was very un-profitable for this research to be released to the public. B Vitamins are not expensive. Statin drugs sell billions of dollars per year.

When Lorene Benoit first started teaching this in the 1990’s, homocysteine blood tests were rare. They have now become common place for doctors  and patients in the know. So if you are at risk of the number 1 North American disease, Cardiovascular Disease,  you would be wise to consider taking quality B vitamins and other lowering cholesterol naturally. Do you want to risk having a healthy heart , but spending your golden senior years with Alzheimers? Not many people do.

McCully was also one of the earlier researchers to also suggest that genetic defects can play a significant role in the metabolism these B vitamins—B6, B12 and folate. As genetics studies increase and are refined, more defects have been discovered, indicating that at least 12% of the population are affected. This increases both the amount and type of folic acid needed to keep homocysteine levels in the normal range.  Leading edge supplement companies are now producing better assimilated methylated forms.

We have seen significant positive results using either Methyl B Combo, (B12 and folate) and Liquid Methyl B12 ( B12 plus Bs: 1,2,3 & 6).

Please contact our office to access  the best natural supplements for you at the best price with direct delivery anywhere in North America. This will include our member pricing for expert professional personal assistance.

Other Factors Contributing to Cardiovascular Disease

When homocysteine levels rise, they  damage the cells and tissues of artery linings. In an attempt to repair the damage to arterial walls, the body stimulates growth of artheriosclerotic plaques. This is similar to the body’s process of forming scar tissue to heal an external wound – the plaque is  like applying glue to fill in the damaged areas. This is what leads to arterial clogging and heart disease.

Folate, along with vitamins B6 and B12, has been shown in numerous studies to help lower homocysteine levels. The active form of folate, L-methylfolate, can achieve plasma folate levels up to 700% higher than synthetic folic acid and therefore may be more effective at lowering homocysteine levels. Either of the Methyl formulas mentioned above will help balance the body’s levels.

Besides lack of or poor metabolism of B Vitamins, there are several other factors that can increase homocysteine levels, leading to greater chance of arteriosclerosis:

  • Toxic factors such as cigarette smoking, pharmaceutical drugs, environmental and industrial toxins
  • poor nutrition, especially inadequate intake of anti-oxidants required to neutralize free radical damage
  • stressful lifestyles – read more about stress and cortisol effects on cholesterol.

Solutions to these are well  explained in Chapter 6, “The Road to Wellness: The 4 Pillars of Health” in Lorene Benoit’s book, The Paw Paw Program .


Note that some links may be for Canadian products, some for US; some may have changed.

This is why we suggest for more information, or to get yourself on a daily Health and Vitality Program, contact Lorene Benoit, MHH.



Success with Stage 4 Colon Cancer

Update. Just thought you like you know I had an ultrasound of my abdominal area about a month ago. All was clear except for the tumors I knew were on my liver. But good news there.  All were calcified or partially calcified. No active cancer!

I had a chest xray too because I had been coughing severally for at least 2 months so concern for spots on the lungs. But no pneumonia or spots! All clear! Such great news!

I do believe the Paw Paw had something to do with the calcified tumors on my liver! I would take the Protease Plus first on empty stomach then later after a meal, the Paw Paw.. I also used most of the supplements suggested in your book, The Paw Paw Program  as well as healthy diet. Vegetarian mostly. No dairy or sugar, processed foods.Organic as much as possible..I believe healthy eating is very important to fighting and killing cancer cells. I am hoping the tumors will continue to shrink and completely die on my liver.

I’ve come a long way since being diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer over 40 months ago. I was given 6-9 months to live. But I’m a fighter and survivor! Your book was a big help and encouragement to me. Just wish more could be helped! D. H.,  Louisiana

The Truth About Vaccines

UPDATE:  Jan. 2025

Original post was  almost 8 years ago, so some links will have changed. The ideas and truths presented in my posts have not.

Submit comments or questions at the end of this article, or contact the author for assistance or further education.

Be assured that if I learn new information that contradicts any of my previous research,  I will correct this. Unlike most government officials, I  accept the fact that science changes. Science should always be about questioning and proving, or disproving , theories. One must always be open to new research. One must always question who is paying for the research? Or is it WHO? and for what purpose? The benefit of mankind, or the financial gain of a 1% minority?

Because of the disastrous results of the COVID injections,  more research on vaccines continues to come to light. Daily I receive VALID information that affirms my beliefs and what I have posted and taught about vaccine choices since 1985.  Here are 3 articles of relevant research  from this morning.

1. Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Serious and Irreversible Neurological, Developmental, and Immune-Related Health Risks, by Nicolas hulscher, MP, via Courageous Discourse. “Four Studies Reveal the Grave Consequences of Childhood Hyper-Vaccination.


When studies compare vaccinated to unvaccinated children, they find serious and irreversible neurological, developmental, and immune-related health risks (in the vaccinated). This is likely one of the primary reasons that prevents Big Pharma and our regulatory agencies from conducting such studies — their flawed business model of pushing inadequately tested injections would collapse as parents learn the true risks of vaccination. It’s important to remember that ALL of the routine childhood vaccines were licensed WITHOUT proper long-term, placebo-controlled trial.”

  •  as of 2024 Canada has increased childhood schedule to 29 different toxic injections up to 12 months! Each one contains toxic adjuvants such as heavy metals, chemicals, foreign cells from human embryos and other animals that are disclosed. What other ingredients are not disclosed?


2. “There is no known example of a drop in measured infant or child mortality temporally associated with the rollout of a childhood vaccination programme.

Independent studies suggest that, contrary to dogma, excess infant mortality (not averted infant mortality) is associated with vaccine programme rollouts and maintenance. Using yearly infant all-cause mortality rate directly, I estimate approximately 100 million vaccine-rollout-associated infant deaths 1974-2024 worldwide, with the caveat of concomitant largescale economic transformations. I conclude, overall, that the longstanding industry of infant vaccination programmes is a baseless fraudulent enterprise of exploitation.”

Denis Rancourt Ph.D 


3. Alberta’s COVID-19 pandemic data review further evidence of mismanaged crisis, A key recommendation in the report is the call to discontinue the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines 

“ The Task Force raises concerns about the long-term safety and efficacy of these vaccines, citing authoritative sources such as Health Canada, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization, and the manufacturers’ protocols and results. The lacking scientific evidence for the efficacy of face masks and vaccines in preventing the transmission of the virus is clearly laid out.”

Dr. Claus Rinner via Toronto Sun


From 2017:

Having just watched the 4th Episode of this excellent series, The Truth About Vaccines, I strongly encourage YOU to watch as much as you can.  This is especially important if you are a pregnant woman, a parent, a senior,  work in the health care system, a doctor, a scientist or someone who cares about YOUR health.                                                                      UPDATE: NO LONGER  EASILY ACCESSIBILITY.

Lorene has been teaching and writing about the vaccination myth since 1985. This series collects research from many North American medical experts that may be shocking  to anyone who has never questioned vaccinations, while supportive of everything she has been teaching. Please see other articles on this website under Vaccine Archives, which also include safe ways of creating  strong immunity using wholistic approach with natural healing.

The Truth About Vaccines series presents studies from NA and around the world. Just to touch on a few  interesting FACTS from this one episode:

  • The US recommends 26 vaccines by age 1 and has the 34th worst infant mortality rate of first world nations, versus Iceland which requires 12 vaccines by 1 yr. and has lowest infant mortality rate. Canada mandates 15 vaccines by 1 yr.
  • UPDATE: as of 2024 Canada has increased childhood schedule to 29 different toxic injections up to 12 months!


  • In a 2009 study,  Iceland had an autism rate of 1 in 2,000 , while the US had 1 in 150.
  • In the 1970’s autism rates in US were 1 in 10,000. They are now 1 in 45.
  • There is a direct correlation with increase in number of vaccines to increase in autism, allergies , ADHD and other challenges that are affected by lowered immunity, such as childhood cancers.
  • The Cochrane Collaboration is one of North America’s most respected independent, NON-PROFIT research groups of doctors & scientists. After conducting meta-analysis of years of flu vaccine studies they concluded that of 100 people thought to have the ‘flu’, only 7 actually did have the flu. Therefore pandemics and epidemic warnings promoting vaccinations are false.
  • Their review concluded that, “Of all the research and studies on flu vaccines in childhood, elderly or those who work on them, none  proved the flu vaccine to be safe OR effective.”
  • UPDATE: The Cochrane Review was “bought out” in 2016 by 1.5 million dollar grant from Bill & Melinda Gets Foundation.


  • Pediatricians in the US are paid $400 bonus per child by Blue Cross/Blue Shield, IF they comply with full vaccination schedule. In other words, if they do NOT convince all parents to vaccinate their children they are financially penalized.
  • This episode covers flu, DPT (Diptheria, Pertussis Tetanus), HIB (Haemophilus Influenza B) vaccine for meningitis, Hep B, polio, pneumococcal…..
  • HIB vaccine contains peanut oil and is linked to the increase in peanut allergies
  • Synthetic Vitamin K injections given at birth to prevent a rare anti-clotting disease called VKDB contains aluminum, benzyl alcohol & propylene glycol & has been linked to an increase in childhood cancers. It could be effectively replaced with a safe, natural form of Vit. K taken orally.
  • The dangers of giving children acetaminophen /Tylenol, especially to counter-act the brain-inflammatory screaming common after vaccination – watch for research just released from Harvard and Duke Universities about the dangers of Tylenol. 
  • Research shows the link between acetaminophen and autism and also explains why boys have a higher rate of autism due to the magnifying effect of testosterone on acetaminophen

You may wish to read Safe Vaccine Alternatives and take control of your health and those of your loved ones. Infants and the elderly are particularly prone to vaccine damage, due to more sensitive systems.

Also be aware of research linking  5 years of Flu shot to TEN Times  increase in Alzheimers, explained in Vaccine Myth Needs to Die with the common, heavily promoted Flu Shot.

More Reference Links: 

Vaccination Research: Websites and Books

Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute

Age of Autism, Thimersol


Essential Oils for Aromatherapy

Authentic Essential Oils have a wealth of applications for healing emotional and physical conditions. Whether via inhalation, diffusion, massage, baths, compresses, adding them to Hand & Body Lotion, Aloe Vera GelSilver Gel, Massage Oil, uses are limited only to your imagination.

NSP Essential Oils in Canada have a history of availability since before aromatherapy became popular in the early 2000s. However some have been discontinued in CA as of 2022. All to do with sales, nothing to do with their unsurpassed Quality. There are many blends and singles available via the US – contact Benoit Health Education for this info.

         Please note – as links frequently change or break, PLEASE contact us for personal, professional support.
       We will help you get what you need, with no additional charge. Person to person!

Some specifics on oil use have been given in past articles. One called Herbal First aid with Essential Oils, lists some uses.  We have now organized these into a separate category:  Essential Oils, which can be found on the R side bar of blog .

Purchase NSP Essential Oils Canada – please contact us, 250-748-6802, or NSP Canada, 1-800-265-9163.

NSP Canada has Tei Fu Oil, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Essential Shield, and Pine, as of Dec, 2022.

Many other EOs can be orderedfrom the US via Sunshine Direct. To order, call Customer Service CA , 1-800-265-9163, or email your order to

Purchase NSP Essential Oils   US

In addition, Nature’s Sunshine has a wealth of resources and training for those wishing to learn more about EOs, or use them as a fun way to earn some extra money! We can support you in this endeavour.

As always, the best way to ensure you get the best product for YOU, the best price, AND support from an expert of 40 years, is to contact Benoit Health Education. Part of our service is free personal assistance in placing your first order, or setting up a free wholesale direct account.