All posts by LoreneB

About LoreneB

Lorene Benoit is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator. Qualifications include Bachelor of Education Biology, French and Phys. Ed; Masters of Holistic Healing; Certified Herbal Consultant; Iridologist; Contact Reflex Analyst; Live Blood Analyst; plus certifications in Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing. Benoit founded Lorene Benoit Health Education Services in 1989. She presents, with humour and life, to health practitioners, corporations and the public, from workshops to annual 4 day herbal intensives. Her passion is teaching healthy lifestyles on all levels, so that people can take control of moving toward optimum health !

Healing from the garden and herbs

Starting the never ending process of weeding, as the chickens follow for any upturned bugs. Join us to experience the healing powers we have been provided with, in my annual herbal intensive. The last 12 years, we spend 3 or 4 days, (this year is Sat, July 10 to Mon, July 12th), communing with herbs.

We learn everything you ever wanted to know about healing and food herbs – how to identify, harvest ethically, prepare and apply. Learn the energies of herbs as we make glycerites, salves, tinctures, oils……. Come learn and feel the peace of nature seep into your cells, guided by a Master Herbalist and Healer of 30 years.
On beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia – build a holiday of your lifetime around this event!
Contact our office for poster, accommodations and details:, or old fashioned phone, 250-748-6802.

wild flowers and herbs Lycian Way, Turkey

Spring Cleansing for improved health!

Spring has sprung and we hope that some of you are feeling it. Flowers coming up, rivers running high, all the signs of nature are upon us. More differences obviously for those of us more northerly, but even in southerly climes, the differences can be  noticed when you take the time to look, smell or feel.

The beauty of spring is the time for renewal and new growth. For our bodies, it is also one of the best times to clean out accumulated toxins from the winter, which for many is a time of less activity and heavier eating.

Just as your car needs regular oil changes, your body needs regular cleansing.  The liver is a major detoxifying organ in the body, as well as being responsible for enzyme production, energy levels, glucose storage and release, hormonal balance, emotional states and hundreds of other functions.

Clean intestines facilitate proper nutrient absorption and waste elimination. Time proven tradition has shown that spring  cleansing improves digestion and utilization of nutrients, increases energy and strengthens the immune system. Spring cleansing helps ensure better health in the upcoming season, just as does fall cleansing prepare for the next change of season.

Cleansing can be as simple as cleaning up your diet, and undertaking a raw foods feast, or as complicated as fasting and doing enemas. The addition of herbs that have been  traditionally used for cleansing greatly makes any cleanse more effective. Some of the cleanses we have worked with for years are combinations of herbs which are designed to offer whole body cleansing, including liver, kidneys, colon, lymphatic, blood and cellular level.

The packs make it easy for anyone to do, without having to take time off or starve. A few that we continue to use are listed below. If you would like more information on any of these, or how to get them, no matter what part of the world you live in, please contact our office:

You may be surprised at how reasonably priced they are, and as they come from a company that has been around since 1972, their quality is by design, not by accident, and is a given.

Tiao He PAK (CA)  and  Tiao He Cleanse (US) : a 10 – 15 day cleanse that nutritionally benefits the liver, bowels, kidneys and cleanses blood at the cellular level. Contains 3 formulas and 3 single herbs.

DETOX BASICS  CA & US: a 30 day cleanse which includes Berberin for balancing glucose metabolism., Milk Thistle for liver & enhanced glutathione production, Turmeric, probiotics and more.

Dieter’s Cleanse (US only) : a 14 day program that both builds and cleanses in the proper ratio of two to one. Because it contains many anti oxidants and minerals, it can be used longer term for weight loss. Enhances digestive and intestinal  function; balances glands, weight-metabolism and blood sugar.

Parasite Cleansing is also recommended 1- 2x/s per year. NO matter where you live, chances are about 95% that you have parasites. Herbs such as Wormwood, (Artemisia), Black Walnut, Paw Paw are available in several products and Paks.

LBS II: A lower bowel formula that is beneficial for ongoing building and cleansing of bowel tone and function..  The longer you use it, the less you need it – proof that it works! It is one combination in both of the above packages, but as so many people need this on an ongoing basis, it is also available as a stand-alone formula.

If you feel  weak or depleted, your are wiser to build your body a month or more before cleansing. An excellent herbal aid to do this is :

Energy-V : energy booster to increase overall well being, stamina and energy. Includes adaptogenic herbs which help the body adapt to stress.   Contains bee pollen, gingko, kelp, licorice, siberian ginseng, yellow dock, barley grass, rosehips, schizandra and capsicum.

Good health to you – now go out and find yourself an unsprayed patch of nettles or dandelion greens to eat while cleansing!

NOTE:                                  Product Links change frequently.
Please take advantage of our offer to help you choose the best product for you, PLUS place your first order to ensure you get 25% discount and Free S/H to your door. No charge.  Free 10 mins. consultation.
It’s your health and your life; let a professional help you get it and keep it on track. Contact us via the website  for personal service.

Vitamin B12: Do You Need to Supplement?

I have been taught over the last 30 years that there are good herbal and plant sources of Vitamin B12, including Spirulina, Alfalfa, Hops, Burdock Root, Chickweed, Dandelion Root, Catnip, Hawthorn Berries, Mullein Leaves, Red Clover Tops, Fenugreek Seeds, Dong Quai, White Oak Bark, miso and tempeh. Some say that seaweeds are the best source of Vitamin B12 and provide far more of the nutrient than animal flesh (which provides questionable nutrition after it’s cooked).

However, after a recent in depth search, most researchers indicate that this is not the case. Most up-to-date studies conclude that there is no great plant source that is easily absorbed by humans.

And yes, it is true that if we have healthy colonic bacteria, our body can make some Vit. B12. The challenge is, whether we utilize this effectively or not. Based on these recent studies, it is my opinion that it is quite critical for vegans and vegetarians to supplement.

Other people who are at risk for B12 deficiency are those who have digestion problems, have had intestinal surgery or radiation, anyone aged 60 or older, breast-fed infants of vegetarian mothers, drinkers and people taking cholesterol lowering drugs.

Once you read the many functions of Vitamin B12 and the myriad of symptoms resulting from a deficiency, you can decide. In my clinical practice, I have had some remarkable results with Vit. B12 supplementation.

One example was a lady suffering severe arm tingling from an overuse injury (she was a landscaper). Although this tingling had been ongoing for several months and was becoming unbearable, she noticed a difference within 48 hours of taking a liquid B 12 Plus supplement.

It is easy and very affordable solution to supplement with the NSP Vitamin B12 liquid.
One bottle would last 2 months if a person took it every day. Blood tests HAVE shown that is well absorbed. We have cases where even elderly people, previously taking B12 injections, have maintained and increased their B12 serum levels with the liquid Vit. B12. Obviously taking a supplement by mouth is easier, less invasive and less expensive.

If you would like a very extensive, 22 page article on Vit B12, please contact our office. If you would like to know some other vitamin and minerals found in herbs, our nutritional powerhouses, please contact our office, and ask for the chart “Herbs for Your Health” . – Or click here:  please contact me

Lorene Benoit, BEd, MHH, CHC, CRA, CI, etc.
Benoit and Associates Health Education
5175 Bills Road, Duncan, BC, V9L 6S7   250-748-6802   phone / fax

March Health Newsletter


For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office by phone:  250-748-6802            email:

OR Website

Health Tips

Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Many articles have been added since the last newsletter:

Soy Controversy

Hear about Your Ear: Infections and Tinnitus

Paw Paw Program for renegade cell growth and more

Marie’s Cancer Success – YES finally got this on the blog! Thanks Marie! – click on Blog on the left hand side. For those that may not know this about some blogs; to read the entire article, you may need to click on the title of the article. Guess we are supposed to be mind-readers, as well as techno-gurus?

I have recently re-listened to the “8 Causes of Disease” CD by Dr. Gordon Pedersen. It is an excellent run down of how we can prevent the top 4 North American killers: cardiovascular, cancer, stroke and diabetes, by what and how we choose to eat, exercise, sleep, drink, think and Yes folks – all scientific studies show that the average person needs supplementation to not be deficient and to add healthy, quality years to our lives.

If anyone would like to purchase this CD for $5, please call our office.

In summary, Dr. Pedersen offers proof that shows we need a wide range of vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, and anti-oxidants on a daily basis. After listening to his tape, you will understand why the Super Trio daily nutrition pack is so popular! Contact our office for a write-up on this convenient affordable way to add life to your life.

VIP – Update and Educate: For any current Nature’s Sunshine Product members, there are always great specials, course announcements, etc. on the Update and Educate, available via email or fax to anyone as a VIP (free) – call or email the office to get registered.  And if you are not a member, and want to purchase professional quality products, to your home, at discount prices – call or email the office to get your personalized health program started now! Membership is free in most countries with a small order.

Spring is a good time to think about cleansing – have you done your Tiao He liver cleanse or Para Pak parasite/candida cleanse yet this year? Cleansing your body is at least important as changing the oil in your car regularly.

Remember what you eat, what you digest and assimilate, minus what you output equals what you are! Something like Einstein’s formula e=mc 2; only this is:

eat + digest + assimilate – bowel movements = health

Maybe a few more things involved like liver, kidneys, lymph….but the basics ARE NB.

After being in this field 30 years, I would still have to say that the majority of health challenges start in the digestive and intestinal system. Enzymes and probiotics are essential keys to health. Contact us if you would like more specifics about what type of enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics are best for you. We work several types because every person is different, with varying needs.

Many of our classes and conference calls are also good ways to learn more about your health……so let’s find out more about what’s upcoming…..

Education available world wide   and    free!

Cancer Healing Conference Call – You are invited to include your friends to listen to

“The Paw Paw Program for Cancer Healing”

When: most Monday evenings at 6 pm PST – to register call our office 250-748-6802 – if no answer, just leave your name and ph # – we will call you to confirm your access code – or email:

Agenda for the calls cover:

What is cancer, Injury and Candida, Recent research, Case studies, Healthy recipe, Q&A

Donna Roth teaches and thinks much the same way I do about cancer – my book will include the joint research we did in her book, plus more detail – coming soon….

Blood type videos on Utube a series of 5 – here is first one’s link: about 6-9 minutes each. Quite informative!

Part 1:

Education Available on Vancouver Island:

Reiki Wellness in Valleyview Centre, Cobble Hill 250-743-8122

Zyto Compass Classes – Tuesday March 9th 1 – 3 PM $25.00

For anyone who has had their initial assessment and would like a follow up they are welcome to come 1/2 hour before or after the class to have their next assessment.  (Please call to pre-book). If you are not sure what a Zyto Compass assessment is, you may be missing an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.  Watch this 3 minute video :

Call our office if you would like more info on the Compass.

If you are a  practitioner, in any of the healing arts, Zyto Compass can help your business and your clients at the same time. Please email us if you are interested.

Special Health Class “Colon Cleansing” Tuesday March 9th 6:00 – 8:00 PM.

This cleansing class is the first in series of 4 …. see below for all the topics
Lorene Benoit BEd, MHH, CHC, CRA, CI will be teaching these classes; 30 years experience, very informative. You will be amazed. Call ASAP to reserve a seat as space is limited. (Zyto Compass assessment available before or after class)

Mar. 9th Colon Cleansing

Apr. 13th Stress & Energy Management

May 11th Transform Your Health & Your Shape

June 8th Diabetes and other Sugar Challenges

Location:      Reiki Wellness

Valleyview Centre #42, (beside DrumRoasters), Cobble Hill, 250

$20 per class includes samples of health products, handouts and life changing education! Prepay for all 4 and get one free, yes $60 for 4 life-changing classes!

Register  743-8122

Cowichan Lake Community Centre

The following courses start this month as part of the Cowichan Lake Recreation program. Classes are in the Lower Centennial Hall. For details, check the Playbook Winter 2010.

Investment is $20 per class. Register 250-749-6742

Mar 16 –  Zyto Compass, Herbs & Technology

Mar. 23 – Healthy Brain

Mar. 30 – 4 Pillars Health & Weight Management

April 6 – Stress and Energy

May 22– Medicinal Herb Walk, Honeymoon Bay Flower Reserve

Slimming Club anyone?

We are considering starting another slimming Club, which has been a very successful program to teach people all about their body – how and why it works, how to  eat for optimum weight, and all sorts of tips on general health. It is a 6 – 8 week program, 2 hours per week. Please contact our office for an outline if you may be interested.

Political Scene

I get hundreds of emails monthly about political issues and generally try to avoid them in my newsletters. I am breaking the rules now, as presently there are 3 issues which greatly impact Canadian’s health. I have spent hours speaking to people, reading to clarify, and getting contacts to simplify, so that you can, and hopefully will take action. Please do.

Issue #1     Natural Health regulations:

Lots of emails and yet very little in the media about the status of natural health supplements. Canadians and Americans seem perilously close to losing choice in their health, yet again. Believe me I have been hearing this for well over 25 years, but it seems this time the government is really being pressured by big pharma. We need to act NOW to let your government rep know we want them to listen. Massive letter and fax campaigns have worked before – they count on voters for their job.

Contact our office for a summary of issues and sample newsletters.

Issue #2   Labelling for GMO products:

Canada and US are again behind our European counterparts. We need to ensure we have GMO foods labelled. European countries will not even allow GMO products in their countries; Monsanto is attempting to shove them down our throats without us even knowing about it!

This 10 minute video gives you enough info to know that you need to care:

Watching the video, ONE THING becomes certain:
The genetically engineered crops that we will ALL begin consuming shortly are ALL ABOUT MONSANTO and not at all about human and animal nutrition and health or the environment.

Due to public apathy and disinterest, the USDA just granted Monsanto an application to market GMO alfalfa  (a primary feed crop).  By 2011, with the addition of sugar cane, wheat and barley, North America’s food supply will be totally dominated and controlled by Monsanto.

Issue #3  Last, but not least, the proposed HST:

Polls show that 80% of Canadians are opposed. ALL health products will automatically increase by 7%, in those provinces that do have PST on herbs and supplements. This is a category with proven cost saving benefits to our public health care system. At the very LEAST, health supplements, gym fees, health treatments, should be both GST AND PST exempt, and certainly not have HST. Again, we have a letter available by emailing us:

Spiritual and Emotional Tips

4 Steps to RECEIVE What You Ask

1- FUNDAMENTALS! Make it a “fundamental” practice to manage your fear thoughts at the beginning and ending of each day. You create your day, so at the beginning of every day write your intentions, wants, needs and desires for that day. “Normalize”  fear  with deliberate statements of intention and if needed, pick up the phone or fire off a call to a like-minded partner. You’ve read that “people without vision perish.” Create your vision of the future you intend to create, you simply can not achieve it! It’s mathematics. Do it, practice it, receive it!

2 – BE WORTHY. You are as worthy as you decide you are! The fundamentals you practice will advance your sense of self and worthiness. Worthiness is something that you can decide to feel and acquire from practicing the fundamentals. The other side of worthy is making certain your actions and behaviour match what you say you want. This is how you feel worthy. Practice holding firm on your vision and focus upon inspired actions that are congruent with what you are intending.

3 – GO FORWARD. You are not stuck! You stop only if you decide to stop. Replace saying  “I’m stuck” with, “I am receiving inspiration which is enjoyable and prospers me greatly.” That’s all. Deluding yourself into believing you are “stuck” only happens when you don’t keep your spiritual muscles taunt by flexing them with daily fundamentals: Statements of intention; Visualizing with feeling; Focusing upon what you prefer; and managing your thoughts to include what you intend and prefer above all else.

4 – MEET or SPEAK  regularly with other like-minded people to help you get your heart desires heard and believed, when you can’t quite believe it and feel it for yourself. Receiving feedback and reinforcement  from a  positive partner, you can rest, content. Spirit is doing the work.

It is our hope you are applying some of these principles to 2010. If you have not yet, guess what ? You can start now!

Thanks to Mary Robinson for sharing some basics of these ideas.

Thanks to those who have read to the end. Man or woman, you deserve a big hug!

Yours in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Here to serve you…….

Marie’s Success Story

My Cancer Story

I was enjoying my 66th year like I had the several previous years; tending my lakefront garden, baking a variety of goodies, traveling around the island visiting friends and family, volunteering on various committees and overall, filling my life full of time with family, friends in the most beautiful part of the world. But then things began to change.

It all started with a nagging pain in my side. Over time things gradually got worse and pretty soon, I was extremely uncomfortable.  My back hurt, my side hurt, my breathing was labored and my heart was racing.  Trying desperately to find relief from my discomfort, my husband and I made many trips to the emergency ward. The quest for answers included five scans and eight x-rays. Each time a possible diagnoses was offered; costio canda nerve, wet pleurisy, kidney stones, bowel obstructions, irritated bowel, blood clot, arthritis, lupus, polymyalgia rhemaitia, and so on. And then in February 2006, an x-ray showed a shadow on the lower lobe of my left lung.

Tests continued until on November 16, 2006 Dr Dewer, a cancer specialist, did a biopsy and diagnosed mesothelioma. The lung and pleura were fused together. I was informed that the cancer was inoperable. I was too weak for chemotherapy or radiation. The doctors told my family and I that I had possibly six months to live.

I tried to be strong and count my blessings but, as I began tying up loose strings, I found myself thinking with dismay, ” I am not going to make our fiftieth wedding anniversary, seven months away!”  But then, as the weeks passed, I became aware of a deep resolve,  “I AM going to make it!” I didn’t know that things would get much worse before they got better.

With the message from the doctors that there was nothing they could do, our family began looking for alternatives. Upon the advice of our oldest son Ron, I started a program with a Chinese medical doctor. The program kept me alive and I even improved slightly. The regime was intense and at first required that I travel to Victoria regularly. Things were not looking good so my husband and I had a notary come to our home and make out our wills and living wills. While I was fighting for my life, I was continually being faced with my death.

Through the Christmas holidays, birthdays, the changes in the seasons, I continued to struggle – each breath was a chore. I spent most of each day in my reclining chair but little by little I regained some strength and by June 2007 we celebrated our fiftieth wedding anniversary with about two hundred family and friends. I was still very ill and incredibly weak. I think most of our guests thought they were saying goodbye.

I continued with a variety of alternative programs over the next two years and made very gradual improvements. Eventually I hit a plateau. I remember thinking, “If this is as good as it gets, I’d rather be dead.” But then I started a program that changed my life.

In September of 2009, a friend gave me a book about a herb called Paw Paw by Nature’s Sunshine and we started consultations with a herbalist, Lorene Benoit of Duncan. The first thing she said was, “No sugar, wheat nor yeast, all organic food and no chlorine in the water.” She started me on a program including herbs to support my health and Paw Paw to kill the cancer.

Within a month my health was showing significant improvement.

About six months after starting the herbal program I went to the cancer specialist and when I told her I still had a lot of pain on my left side she replied, “Oh, the cancer could have metastasized to the bone.” I felt totally deflated. The doctor wanted me to start chemo and radiation, stop taking the herbs and have a scan. I agreed to have the scan and with hesitation accepted future appointments with the chemo and radiation technicians. After the scan we were elated to see that my lymph nodes were clear, the pancreas, liver and spleen were clear and it appeared that the cancer was receding. I called the chemo and radiation offices, cancelled my appointments and told them that I would call if I needed them in the future.

Since that day my health has continued to improve. I continue my regular consultations with Lorene Benoit so that the herbal program can be adjusted as my body continues to heal. After sitting for years with my left side clenched I found myself hunched and stiff so I visit Greg Augustine (Soma for Living) for regular sessions designed to aid my healing. I am improving every day, one foot in front of the other and now one year later I am walking over one and one half miles every day, tending our lakefront garden, traveling around the island visiting family and friends in the most beautiful place on earth.

Sincerely Marie Augustine

250 745 3330

We offer sincere thanks to Marie for her being a beacon of light and hope to so many others far and wide. She and her husband Floyd have just returned from a wonderful holiday in Hawaii and are making the best out of their re-newed  life together! Their diligence to healing on so many levels are one of the joys in this profession.

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Hear this about your Ear: infections and tinnitus


The use of certain herbs can enhance the recovery of problems concerning the ears. This is important to know how to treat naturally, as it is common, and it can prevent life long challenges as a result of inappropriate treatment.

Ear infections fall into two major categories: acute otitis media (AOM) and secretory otitis media (otitis media with effusion (OME)). Children with OME have fluid filling the middle ear. Children with AOM have fluid in the middle ear and ear pain, marked redness of the eardrum, and distinct bulging of the eardrum, often with fever.

Unfortunately, it is common practice for well-meaning physicians to prescribe antibiotics for ear infections. We know that a child who has received two or three courses of antibiotics is seven times more likely to become infected with resistant bacteria. This problem is much worse when the child has been on been on a broad-spectrum antibiotic (an antibiotic that is effective against a wide range of bacterial species). Whenever antibiotics are used, the most sensitive bacteria die first, and the most resistant live to reproduce. When broad-spectrum antibiotics are misused, very resistant strains of bacteria can be bred.

A single dose of some powerful antibiotic drugs is enough to kill most of the weaker bacteria in your child’s body, yet still allow the stronger ones to survive. The likelihood of your child’s getting a subsequent, worse ear infection only increases after this treatment.

Not to mention the effect that the antibiotic has on the probiotics that should be naturally prevalent in the body, especially the colon. This imbalance between ‘anti’ and ‘pro’ biotic (bio = life)

Drug-resistant bacteria, aka “super bugs” , pose a very real problem. Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcus, is the most common cause of ear infections.  Over the past years, resistant strains of pneumococcus have been emerging and spreading rapidly.

This will often lead to ear tubes, which bypass the body’s natural defence system called the ear drum. Repeated use of ear tubes, as the child outgrows them, can result in permanent scarring of the eardrum.

Compare this to having a leak in your roof, which is causing water to drip into your house. Instead of fixing the leak, you attach a pipe to drain off the excess water.

A more sensible approach is to look to the cause of the ear infections, eliminate the infection naturally, and support the immune system.

  • For earaches/ ear infections the following single and combination herbs will help strengthen the body to assist in a quicker recovery.

CBG– Orally and drops in ear as antibiotic. Good for earaches and other respiratory infections.

Lobelia– Influences the entire system; deobstruant which thins mucous. It is a nerve relaxant and can be used alone or with CBG for earaches. Relieves pain both internally, a couple of drops per ear,  and rubbed externally behind the ear with downward strokes towards the tonsils- helps lymphatic drainage.

H.P Garlic– A high potency garlic used as an oral antibiotic.

Golden Seal/ Echinacea or glycerine extract of Oregon Grape – Antibiotic; may be necessary in addition to above, as an added infection fighter if infection has been chronic.

Garlic Oil/ Ear Oil – garlic and mullein infused in oil – used as antibiotic ear drops.

SN-X Relieves sinus infections and blockage.

Xylitol gum and mints have also been found to reduce the incidence of middle ear infections by 40% in young children, potentially eliminating the need for tube insertions. Xylitol has also been used to prevent sinus infections, allergies and asthma.

Bifidophilus Flora Force – If antibiotics have been used, it is essential to replenish colonic bacteria with friendly, immune supporting bacteria. Otherwise, overgrowth of candida (yeast)  infections may worsen the original problem. Bifidophilus Flora Force formula contains

prebiotics and probiotics to achieve this balance.

Blood purifiers can help with runny ears. Combinations will usually include herbs that are mild laxatives & good liver cleansers. Yeast Fungal Detox os one for those with candida or yeast involvement. All Cell Detox is another effective blood purifying combination.

  • For tinnitus/vertigo the following herbs may assist:

Ginkgo Biloba– Increases circulation and blood flow to the nerves of the inner ear and brain. Combined with Hawthorne enhances overall cardio vascular circulation. Available in combination Gingko Hawthorne,or Gingko Time Release as a single herb.

Feverfew – High Potency– Used to help dizziness and tinnitus, as it provides circulation to brain and head. Helpful to ears, nose and throat. Also used for liver related migraines.

To order, or for more info, dosages plus dietary considerations, contact Lorene Benoit Health Services at 250-748-6802 or


Alan Greene MD FAAP Contemporary Pediatrics, March 1994

“Liquid Herbs” 2003, by Lorene Benoit, MHH, CHC

© Benoit & Associates Health Education

Soy controversy

There are many controversial views about soy and soy products.

This article was updated December, 2018.                                           Truth stands the test of time.

The negative talk about soy usually relates to it being indigestible and its phyto estrogens promoting early puberty, sterility in males,  estrogen receptive breast cancer, depressing thyroid function.

The positive side refers to it being a viable, environmentally green protein source,  and its phyto estrogens helping with menopausal symptoms and preventing breast and other cancers.

Our take on soy uses the same approach that we encourage our clients to embrace concerning ALL  natural health issues:

1. Do your research and try to find out who has paid for the research you are reading – this is not always easy to determine and untangling sponsorship connections can take some time!

2. Look at historical perspectives from whatever part of the world this plant (or herb,  product, diet, etc.) originates from.

3. Pay attention to YOUR body if you implement something new. Learning to listen to your body will tell you more than anything else.

This being said, these are our additional thoughts concerning soy:

  • People have to be moderate in their consumption of soy – we do not need a 1/2 lb. slab of tofu – look at how Japanese have traditionally used small pieces in soups and stir fries
  • Avoid over consumption of sugar laden soy products, milks and yogurts filled with guar gum and other fillers and thickeners – not a Japanese staple
  • Fermented soy products DO add other benefits – miso is one of the most nutritious
  • Understand that phyto estrogens are not hormones. Only animals have hormones. Phyto estrogens are plant (phyto) estrogens. They act beneficially in the body by filling hormonal receptor sites, which prevents the body from utilizing more potent or toxic hormones, such as the type of estrogen that does promote ER breast cancer, and chemical hormones, called xeno estrogens. So most people experience positive results.
  • In our office we used a non-GMO soy isolate based protein powder for more than 20 years. Our clients loved this product and after so many years, not one had any thyroid issues; many experienced most of the benefits listed below.
  • It has become more difficult to obtain reasonable quantities of non GMO soy based protein at competitive prices, plus people have been unduly scared off with soy misinformation. Nature’s Sunshine has replaced soy proteins with other excellent protein blends. Three favorites available in both Canada and US are:   In.Form Metabolic Age Support Pea Vanilla Shake, which is vegan, gluten free and contains phytosterols; IN.Form Metabolic Age Support Whey, and Nature’s Harvest, containing protein, vitamins, minerals and vegetables. In the US many people also love the Love and Peas Sugar Free.
  • Some of the benefits that any quality protein supplement will provide for people are:
  1. weight management
  2. endurance and energy for athletics
  3. balancing blood sugar levels for both hypo and hyper glycemia
  4. reducing negative hormonal symptoms of menopause and andropause

On pages 203 -204 of Lorene Benoit’s book:  The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, a recipe for Super Shakes is given, which can include this SynerProtein.

For more information, and personal advice for supplements specific for YOU,  or to order  from our same supplier at wholesale discount, please contact our office.

Should you wish a document of soy related research which has helped form this opinion, we will gladly share a multi-page reference list gratefully provided by Dr. Hugo Rodier, Board Certified MD  PLUS Nutritional and Integrative Doctor. Just email us and ask for “Dr. Rodier’s Soy Research”.

Conference Calls on Paw Paw and Cancer

Monday Conference Calls on Cancer and the Paw Paw Program

6 – 7 pm PST

These Conference calls are  interactive and educational – about what cancer really is and how it can be eradicated.

These calls make it possible for anyone in the world to get access to this knowledge.  On each call Donna Roth, a co worker with Benoit & Associates Health will be leading a discussion for 60 minutes. Donna will cover what cancer is, how it can be healed, what feeds cancer and each call she will expand upon another relevant aspect of cancer healing. Time is allotted for general questions about the program. Please contact our office for more specifics, or to book a phone consultation if you agree with the principles Donna teaches. We, at Benoit & Associates Health, know this program works. See “Marie’s story” on this blog, or email our office to receive MANY case histories of success in healing all stages and types of cancer. The Paw Paw program specifics are in our Cancer section on this blog.

The number for conference calls is: 1-951-262-4343 , then access code  492815 #. Contact our office for past recordings of these calls. 250-748-6802    or

Please note new number for Conference calls

Conference calls and webinars are a great way to learn from the comfort of your home – join us. Contact Benoit & Associates Health Education for more information.

The  number for this conference call has been changed, to avoid a surcharge by Telus. The new number is : 1.951.262.4343 and enter access code 492815#. Other than long distance charges, the calls are free and open to anyone.

Upcoming classes are:

Jan 18th – 6 – 7 pm PST – Cancer program by Donna Roth

This Conference calls is an interactive and educational program about what cancer really is and how it can be eradicated.

These calls make it possible for anyone in the world to get access to this knowledge.  On each call Donna will be leading a discussion for 60 minutes. Donna will cover what cancer is, how it can be healed, what feeds cancer and each call she will expand upon another relevant aspect of cancer healing. Please contact our office for more specifics, or to book phone consultation if you agree with the principles Donna teaches. We, at Benoit & Associates Health, know this program works.

NSP Education Week – free education by experts in their field
January 18th – 22nd, 2010

To register for the webinars, click on each link below
Webinar Topics & Trainers
Mon. Jan. 18th 8pm EST                Steven Horne, MH      Candida  – This call will be finished just as Donna’s cancer call starts –  2 hrs. of free education!

Tues. Jan. 19th 8pm EST               Kim Balas, PHD, ND                                       Menopause

Wed. Jan. 20th 8pm EST                Garry Ford, GM NSP Ca.                                 Taking your business to a professional level

Thur. Jan. 21st 8pm EST                Spence Masson, Science Director                     Essential Fatty Acids

Fri. Jan. 22nd 8pm EST                  Nathan Jaynes , Herbalist extraordinaire, Utah   Single Herbs

NSP will again host Dr. Kimberley Balas, PHD, ND for her exceptional Health Practitioner Calls –  3rd Wed. of each month from 8:30- 9:30 pm EST. starting Feb 18th.

Vita Mix info

Thanks for letting us know you were having trouble with the Vita Mix link, Chris. The Utube has gone, but there is great information on their website: Vita Mix website

Remember to call the office 250-748-6802 – if any questions, and to use the Affiliate # 06-003329 for a discount.

I was just notified: a limited special  for Canadians: a refurbished VitaMix (new motor, complete warranty), white casing, is available for $499. There are only 2 available – call or email our office now if interested.