All posts by LoreneB

About LoreneB

Lorene Benoit is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator. Qualifications include Bachelor of Education Biology, French and Phys. Ed; Masters of Holistic Healing; Certified Herbal Consultant; Iridologist; Contact Reflex Analyst; Live Blood Analyst; plus certifications in Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing. Benoit founded Lorene Benoit Health Education Services in 1989. She presents, with humour and life, to health practitioners, corporations and the public, from workshops to annual 4 day herbal intensives. Her passion is teaching healthy lifestyles on all levels, so that people can take control of moving toward optimum health !

Ginkgo biloba: Benefits to brain, stroke prevention and treatment and other CV challenges

The herb Ginkgo biloba has a long history as the ultimate brain and memory booster. In China it is considered the Tree of Longevity, some trees living to more than 1000 years old. Significant research has shown it can also protect you from brain damage after a stroke, as well as aiding in prevention of all cardiovascular challenges.

The American Stroke Association says strokes can occur when a clot blocks or bursts a blood vessel to the brain. This damage prevents your brain from getting the blood and oxygen it needs. When your brain is starved of life-giving oxygen, it could lead to seizures, vision problems, memory and speech loss, or paralysis.

According to research completed at Johns Hopkins University there is evidence that Ginkgo biloba may neutralize cell-damaging free radicals.  A research team gave mice daily doses of Ginkgo biloba extract. The mice then had a laboratory-induced stroke. The researchers found these mice suffered about half the brain damage as animals not given the ginkgo.

They also found that mice that were give ginkgo five minutes after the induced stroke sustained nearly 60 percent less brain damage the day after the stroke than those not given ginkgo at all. And when mice received ginkgo 4 1/2 hours after a stroke—they still showed about a third less damage than those not given ginkgo!

“If further work confirms what we’ve seen, we could theoretically recommend a daily regimen of ginkgo to people at high risk of stroke as a preventive measure against brain damage,” said lead researcher Sylvain Dore, associate professor at the Johns Hopkins Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine.

Gingko has also been used to improve concentration and memory, Raynaud’s, and is an effective blood thinner for stroke prevention.

The Ginkgo biloba that I use is a time released concentrate, which is very potent and effective. Contact our office to learn how to order this potent Gingko Biloba.

Omega Oils: Why Do You Need Them ?



Daily supplements of  omega-3 fatty acid–found in fish and fish oil–may help alleviate the symptoms of depression in patients who do not respond to standard antidepressant medications, new research findings suggest.

Studies done in England  found that depressed patients who received a daily dose of 1000 mg of an omega-3 fatty acid for 12 weeks experienced a decrease in their
symptoms, such as sadness, anxiety and sleeping problems.

All of the patients had tried other medications before enrolling in the
study, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
such as Prozac and tricyclic antidepressants., both considered standard
treatments for depression.

This is not the first study to suggest that omega-3 fatty acids, such as the
form of eicosapenaenoic acid (EPA) used in this study, may help patients
with psychiatric disorders. Previous researchers have suggested that the
balance of omega-3 fatty acids in the brain may become skewed in people with
depression, and earlier studies have shown that fish oil supplements can
help alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, or manic

People who are depressed, as well as those diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases have relatively low levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood.

Balancing Omega 3and 6 EFAs requires a little education on essential fatty acids.
Your most important fatty acids are your omega-3s and your omega-
6s. The body requires a proper balance of omega-3 and omega-6
essential fatty acids. Flax seed oil contains a balance of these
two essential fatty acids. Most vegetable oils only contain omega-6 oils.
Ingesting too much omega-6 with too little omega-3 creates a
tendency towards inflammation, high blood pressure and other

Most North Americans ingest too much omega-6 and get very
little omega-3. Taking flax seed oil won’t counterbalance this. Most
people need  extra omega-3 to balance the vegetable oils in their diet. The only  reliable sources of omega-3 are wild game, and wild deep ocean fish such as salmon – farm raised does not cut it!

So, fish oil supplements will give you the extra omega-3 your body needs. In a nutshell, these are some of the basic functions of Omega 3’s and 6’s.

Main Functions of Omega 3EFAs:

  • Cell structure and function (central nervous system, brain, eyes & retinal function)
  • Ratio and disposition of blood cholesterol & triglycerides
  • Blood chemistry & clotting mechanism
  • Inflammatory response of the immune system

(More men than women have an O-3 deficiency.  Key symptoms include acne, low sperm count & other testicle problems, dangerous behavior)

Main Functions of Omega 6 EFAs:

  • Cell structure & function (cellular membrane fluidity, flexibility, metabolic function)
  • Dermal fluid permeability and kidney function
  • Endocrine balance (metabolism, immune function, reproduction)
  • Circulation

Contact Benoit Health Education to get omega’s that are tested for purity and strength. We work with Flax Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Super Omega 3’s and a combination oil called Super Oil. We can help you figure out the best one for your needs.

August Health Newsletter


For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office by phone:  250-748-6802   email: Website

Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Please check the articles added since the last newsletter and read those that may be of interest:

Restless Leg Syndrome, or RLS, can affect up to 20% of the population…..begins shortly after one goes to bed and can involve sensations including…….

Childbirth – tips on all stages of pre-conception to postpartum….

Annual Herbal Intensive, we tinctured Lady’s Mantle…….

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask me with a  comment on my website blog and I will do my best to answer.

We are connected with many professionals offering classes and conference calls great ways to learn more about your health……see Education below.


Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer ….. the last month +  on the west coast has been amazing sunshine! Bordering on drought and heatstroke, but frequent dips in the Cowichan River keep us cool.

We had three fabulous days of sunshine for our Annual Herbal Intensive with attendees from Edmonton, Vancouver, and Nova Scotia. Mark your calendar for the next one July 8- 11, 2011. We had fun making tinctures, oils, vinegars, Tinctracts of Heal All, (Prunella vulgaris), Mullein, Burdock, Vervain, a wonderful healing salve, and more. We infused, decocted, poulticed, made green drinks, tooth gel, aromatherapy spritzers, and learned many ways to utilize herbs to their best advantage.

A garden angel named Monica came and helped us for a month, so there were not really that many lazy days around here, as we spent hours in the garden. Between this and working on final edits for my book, The Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer, has kept me busy, so you did not miss a July newsletter, as there wasn’t one.

My book which will be about 250 pages of information on natural approaches to cancer, including the Paw Paw program, dietary suggestions, lifestyle changes and more, should be out by October – hopefully in time for NSP Convention in Lake Louise. The price will be $29.95, plus S/H.  SPECIAL OFFER: If you order 2 books by September 15th, you will receive 1 FREE. That works out to a special price of only $20.00 per book. Phone or email our office to take advantage of this offer.

Education local and worldwide – colour coded, so you can quickly browse through to see which are of interest……..


Monthly dinner classes in Duncan

Back by popular demand – fall sessions at various restaurants. We’ll have a simple dinner with a class full of useful health information. These are open to everyone and anyone who would like to learn!  Dinner, class, handouts and samples should be in the range of $25.  First one is scheduled for:

Mon, September 20th. Candida – Can it be Sabotaging Your Health? Twisted Mug in downtown Duncan

Wed. October 13th Cleansing for your Health Romeo’s

Wed. November 3rd Healthy Alternatives to the Flu Vaccine Romeo’s

Tues. December 7th Stressed Out? Romeo’s

Mark your calendars now, then stay tuned for details!

You can register now for Sept. 20th class, as space is limited. Call:

Reiki Wellness     743-8122

Teya Naddelin     210-4082

or Benoit & Associates Health Education 748-6802

More course:  Cowichan Lake Recreation programs – register 250-749-6742

Oct. 12th Choosing Optimum Supplements using Biofeedback

Nov. 2nd Healthy Brain: Improve Concentration, Focus, ADD, etc.

Nov. 9th Weight Management – Basics, Cleansing, “diets”

Nov. 23rd Stress Management – just in time for Christmas!

In BC Lower Mainland Live and Dry Blood Analysis Certification Course

Qwest 4 Health carries on Michael Coyle’s legacy in excellence in teaching and practical understanding of the *native blood* with Live Blood Analysis and Oxidation Test (dry blood) courses.

Qwest 4 Health is now offering a 2 1/2 days basic certification course in Nutritional Microscopy with the added feature of mentorship with ongoing support to firmly establish the student in his own practice.

The course are offered in our main office in the South-Surrey location, On September 11,12,13.

Other arrangements are possible to suit specific need or location. Please check our website at to learn about us and get more info or give John or Diane a call at 604-531-3480

Available Worldwide:

Your Nature Your Health- book available in limited numbers

Back by popular request, I have reprinted of one of our best resources for the Nature’s Sunshine Chinese constitutional formulas. The book Your Nature Your Health by Sabuti Dharmananda, has descriptions of the excess and deficient elements, plus checklists for emotional and physical symptoms to help one learn how to choose the most appropriate formulas. Our Chinese formulas are truly amazing – when one uses the correct formula, changes can be noticed within hours or a day or two. Please contact our office to order. $21.95 & S/H.

Also: ongoing Teleconference – free Cancer Education every Monday night , 6-7 pm PST, with Donna Roth – call for numbers.

Nature’s Sunshine Annual Conference Wild West FUN & EDUCATION

Oct. 21st – 24th The conference registration package is now available on NSP website in the Events section under annual conference. Great speakers, Drs.McCallister, Balas, Hassay, Steven Horne, Judith Cobb. Let us know if you are interested in attending – we may be able to help with discounted packages.

Ongoing Compass Assessment Classes

Come to find out an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.  Watch this 3 minute video :

Assessments in group setting – fun and informative – are only $25, second time $20

call office for dates & locations – we have people trained in this simple, effective Biofeedback assessment tool across Canada.

Success Stories

Weight Loss and Energy:

People are loving the NEW! Solstic Slim – enhanced weight loss with Grape, Yerba Mate, Green Tea & Damiana with natural Huckleberry flavour.

Both Solstics come in a box of 30 for $30 retail – members cost less – and each stick is good for 500 mls (2 cups).

Energy, tremors, diabetes:

I felt so exhausted all summer with no energy, no appetite, & bad tremors, it was quite scary.  All the medical tests I had done came back normal, including those ordered by the 3 specialists I was sent to.  On my own I finally decided to start taking adrenal support capsules & zambroza as I have been on thyroid medication since I was 9 years old & I have been a type 1 diabetic for 22 years and both those conditions are related to the adrenal gland.  I am very happy to report that I started feeling better and could function again within 3 or 4 days of taking the adrenal support capsules & zambroza and it was wonderful and such a relief.  Obviously those capsules are another excellent product as they sure helped me.



Healthy Baby
Well it was a great pleasure producing such a healthy baby and being asked why I didn’t have stretch marks, why my varicose veins were nearly gone etc. I attribute that to good nutrition and the NSP supplements I have been taking for years.

Here is the list, some of which I would like to now continue to stay healthy with the new babe:

HSN (Hair Skin & Nails)
Marshmallow pepsin
Cal Mag  & D
Super-vits and min
Green Zone
Liquid Chi mineral Chi Tonic
Liquid chlorophyll

I have been drinking a cup of nettle and raspberry leaf tea everyday.  I was having mild signs of pre-eclampsia and my midwife here in Kelowna had me drink lemon water and nettle tea everyday.  Within about a week things started to settle down.  Too cool.  I also started having trouble with clotting.  I would get a simple blood test done and I would bleed and bleed and bleed.  I am hoping that the nettle tea will help with that since it has Vit K, is that right?  So, I will get the 5W (a US product available through Benoit Health) and then I will take the bottle to Jane.  My pregnancy hasn’t exactly been smooth so I am cautious. I just want to do what is best for baby and me. I started having contractions at about 22 weeks.  But I am now 31 weeks!  Yipee!!!  We will stay connected and I hope you are well.

Take care, Elana

Political Scene

Good time to contact your local MP about opposing Bill C-36, especially if they are Liberal, and likely to vote in favour of this bill that harbours possible devasting effects on our rights to choice in health care. Natural supplements are already over regulated, even though their history of safety far surpasses that of drugs.

20 minutes, but the first 10 mins. tells all. IF you watch the last portion, about a natural supplement offering help for bipolar, contact me if you would like more info on how NSP’s Super Vitamins and Minerals in high dosages (like 6 per day) can turn a person’s emotional state around.

Removing natural products would harm millions of people

It is difficult to understand how Canadians would be served by subjecting NHPs to consumer protection legislation which is not structured to regulate health products.

NHPs are not being driven off of the market by Health Canada for safety concerns. As far as I am aware, there has never been a documented death caused by a natural health product in our 143 years as a country. This does not mean that NHPs do not carry a risk. Risk is, however, relative. We know for example that nuts and shellfish cause a number of deaths and hospitalizations each year. It is a statistical fact that NHPs for which we cannot point to a single documented death in all of our history, are safer than peanut butter and shrimp which cause a number of deaths each year.

If the government were really concerned for our safety, they should be petitioning the minister for stricter regulation of peanut butter rather than of NHPs.

Perhaps one of the more sobering opinions comes from Dr. Marcia Angell in her article, Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption, where she writes: “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”

Anf rom ~Dr. Abram Hoffer MD PHD FRCP(C) : “For the past fifty years I have been demonstrating that the use of natural nutritional treatment is and must be the most effective form of medicine and that when it is not used and the profession depends soley on the use of toxic drugs the results are abysmal.”


Check out this new drug:

Spiritual and Emotional Tips

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE with…an Attitude Free Zone
We all make a difference somewhere, somehow, every single day. The question is, “What kind of difference do we make?”

Making a difference is the lifeblood of one’s existence and therefore of any organization we work for or contribute to. Everything flows from it and is nourished by it …it’s an attitude.

To create alignment between yourself and an individual that is problematic for you, the very best place to begin is with Behavior Modification’s #1 Rule: Before you can change anyone else you must first change yourself. So, what do you need to change? Your attitude!

Before you can change anyone else…. you must first change yourself

You simply cannot have an attitude and keep it a secret! If you don’t like an individual, you will not be able to work with them harmoniously or successfully. Your attitude determines whether you are a divider or a unifier. You cannot create synergy from constant discord and fault finding. While you may have concrete evidence that “they” are the problem, without taking the initiative to connect with them from a non-adversarial position you are in fact participating in the problem. You are either contaminating or contributing to an outcome based on what you’ve decided about any given individual or situation.

If you want an immediate improvement, you must be willing change your attitude: fear, judgments, entitlement, prejudices and condescending labels. In doing this you change your attitudinal energy for the better and this will positively impact and heal unproductive behaviors, seeing better and faster results than you could have imagined.

Change your attitude, and you shift the resistant energy between you and another quickly and in an easy, relaxed manner. The “energy” of your attitude is — and always will be – the key factor to the success of your interpersonal experiences.

How do you get to alignment? Get really honest with yourself, “What have I really decided about this person?” After you see how you’ve labeled them, simply decide to pull that attitude of yours back in to your own energy zone. Suspend judgment and you literally make an energetic safe space: an Attitude Free Zone – or AFZ as I like to call it – in an instant. When you do this, you are changing yourself and will powerfully and energetically influence what is happening between you and others involved in a productive direction.

If you don’t like something, change it.
If you can’t change it, change your attitude.

– Maya Angelou     Section 5: pg 82

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”    Max Planck, father of the quantum physics

Yours in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Here to serve you…….

Restless Leg Syndrome

WHAT IS IT? Restless Leg Syndrome, or RLS, can affect up to 20% of the population. It is also known as Kborn’s syndrome. It usually begins shortly after one goes to bed and can involve sensations including itching  or crawling skin, pins and needles, cramping, jerking, or thrashing. Obviously it affects one’s ability to attain a restful night’s sleep with adequate REM time. (Rapid Eye Movement).  Unlike leg cramps, RLS is not usually stopped by gentle stretching or massaging.

RECOMMENDATIONS: As with all health challenges, the Four Pillars of Health need to be considered. These are covered in Chapter 6 of  Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally. These are critical to optimum health and prevention of all chronic conditions and diseases !


1. Nutrition

Follow Healthy Diet, ensuring that enough alkalinizing, vitamin rich vegetables are being consumed daily. Avoid nutrient-depleting foods, such as all sugars or all processed foods. These create an acid environment, which can cause widespread health conditions.    Positive life-long dietary changes can promote ongoing health and build the immune system. Look at broadening your healthy food choices, by adding new vegetables you have not tried before. If one is not consuming adequate vegetables, consider adding 1-3 tsp. Of GreenZone into your diet.

2. Exercise

Choose a form of exercise that suits your lifestyle, your interests and level of health, then  stick with it. Relaxing exercise such as yoga is excellent with RLS. This or any other form of gentle stretching and relaxation in the evening may help.

3. Emotional

Think positively as you begin taking the steps to improve your own health and you will reap the benefits. Practice mental relaxation or read meditative content before bed.

4. Supplementation

Herbs are nutrient–dense powerhouses which provide support to all body systems.


  • HVP: This herbal combination of Hops, Valerian and Passion Flower provides nutrition to relax muscles and improve sleep. 2 – 4  during the day (depending on how much stress is in your life) and 2-3 before bedtime, with a warm cup of relaxing tea. HVP is particularly beneficial to individuals who awake repeatedly during the night due to nervous tension or an overactive mind.
  • Calc-Mag & D: a balanced formula in a herbal base that ensures absorption of these essential minerals.  1 with each meal and 1-2 at bedtime until symptoms decrease, then  gradually decrease.
  • Magnesium: additional Magnesium can make a world of difference. Besides being essential for many metabolic processes, Magnesium promotes muscle relaxation. Take 2 – 6 NSP capsules per day (at least 2 of those with evening Cal Mag) until improvement is evident. Once saturation is achieved, one will need less.
  • Melatonin: 1 capsule before bed helps many people sleep more soundly. Besides aiding sleep, this hormone also plays a vital role in aging and energy. As people age, they produce less melatonin. This formula contains Gingko extract for circulation, Siberian Ginseng to help reduce stress and aging effects, (an adaptogenic) and 30 IU Vit. E.

All the above supplements and more are listed alphabetically and easy to locate for more information and prices.


Other Considerations and Aids:

  • Warm bath with Epsom salts with 6-10 drops of therapeutic grade Lavender Oil can help relaxation.
  • Decrease or eliminate any caffeine beverages, such as caffeine, black tea or colas. Absolutely none after 4 pm. Replace with Rooibos, Chamomile or other relaxing herbal – caffeine free tea.
  • Smoking decreases blood flow to large muscles and is absolutely contraindicated.
  • If no improvement is noted, have a complete physical to rule out other conditions, such as thyroid, kidney, diabetes. Check blood iron levels – ferritin to ensure this is within range. If low, take I-X, a herbal iron formula, until within normal range.
  • If condition has existed for sometime, be patient with your body’s ability to heal.


©Prepared by:


Healthy Baby Making




It is always advised to be in optimal nutritional form before conception. Ask for “Daily Food Regime” handout. This can be achieved by full body herbal cleansing, including kidneys, colon, lymphatic, and cellular detoxification, such as the

TIAO HE PAK. A cleanse is a good way for both parents to eliminate unhealthy habits and prepare themselves for creating a new life. A clean system functions better. Proper nourishment with a whole foods diet and optimum supplementation, will contribute to balanced hormone levels. This will aid in conception, and well being for both baby and mom during the full nine months term, and after birth.

Folic Acid Plus is recommended for women planning on becoming pregnant, and essential during the first 3 months, to ensure normal spinal and neural development.  400 mcg. 200 mg. Vit. C in a base of bee pollen, rich in B Vitamins.


CONCEPTION, LIBIDO (before and after pregnancy):

X-A: Siberian Ginseng, Parthenium, Saw Palmetto, Alfalfa, Damiana, Sarsaparilla, Cornsilk, Garlic, Capsicum, and Chickweed.  Tonic used both in men and women to increase conception.

Maca: nutritive tonic that improves sexual desires for men & women, supports glandular system, promotes mental clarity and concentration; buffers the effects of stress (adaptogenic).

Women’s Formula: Helps stabilize hormonal balance, tone reproductive organs, regulate ovulation and periods, alleviate PMS, soothe nerves and muscle spasms.



Red  Raspberry Leaves – one herb that is renown for pregnancy. It can be used as a capsule, or opened and made into tea. It is safe and effective to take throughout pregnancy. It is high in iron and calcium fluoride, helps prevent birth defects, strengthens the uterus, and promotes flexibility for easier delivery. Women who take Red Raspberry usually have shorter labours. For post partum, Red Raspberry promotes less bleeding, faster uterine healing and helps lessen after – birth pain.

Wild Yam and Chaste Tree combination also has general positive benefits for all stages – pre conception, pregnancy and post partum. Health benefits include relieving cramps, pain, nervousness, indigestion, post partum depression and infertility; prevents miscarriage, increases milk flow.

The following formulas are excellent formulas to take during pregnancy as needed. Although some herbs carry warnings during pregnancy, remember that they are always safer than a pharmaceutical chemical, with its plethora of possible side effects. This includes antibiotics, anti-nausea, anti-gas, harsh laxatives. Always choose natural first!



Mineralizing the blood helps prevent toxemia. Decrease red meat, white sugar products and white flour products; increase low glycemic vegetables.

Three: Kelp, Dandelion, and Alfalfa – concentrated, easily absorbed minerals

GreenZone is a concentrate powder full of greens, enzymes and complete nutrition. Can be blended daily in raw apple juice, pineapple juice; can add fruit. Zone balanced 40-30-30 for balanced blood sugar levels.

Chlorophyll, concentrated from alfalfa and flavoured with natural spearmint oil, chlorophyll helps builds blood and makes drinking enough water pleasant. Drink 3 cups/day to as much as desired, in hot or cold water.

Super Vitamins and Minerals provide a balanced formula in an herbal base, which enhances absorption and assimilation. Also add, Folic Acid, see above.



Iron is essential for the formation of hemoglobin, which carries the oxygen from the lungs to every cell of the body, including the fetus.  Pregnant women need extra iron.  The above suggestions will often prevent anemia, but some women need more. The following are very effective choices:

I-X: Herbal formula high in iron, manganese, phosphorous, B1, B2, Vit. C, A & Zinc.  Gentle laxative. Contains Red Beet Root, Yellow Dock Root, Red Raspberry Leaves, Chickweed, Burdock, Nettle, Mullein.

Yellow Dock is almost 50% iron, and it is also a gentle laxative.



Eat raw vegetables and fruits daily. Refer to Yellow Dock above. If needed, add:

Psyllium Hulls Combo – Psyllium hulls, licorice root and hibiscus. Gentle fibre formula can be taken daily, or as needed. Always drink a large glass of water with this. If still not having at least 1 BM daily, add LBS II, a lower bowel herbal formula, and/or Bifidophilus Flora Force.



Catnip & Fennel extract: drink a tea of this concentrate will help.

Lobelia 0.5 ml (1/2 dropper) every ½ hour is known to help relax spasms of the uterus. Lobelia is called the “thinking herb” in cases of threatened miscarriage (for short term use only). Lobelia is one of nature’s strongest natural nervines, making it also very useful during labour.



Red Raspberry taken as capsules, or opened and made into tea helps prevent miscarriage.

C-X: Blessed Thistle, False Unicorn, Black Cohosh, Licorice, Squaw Vine, Sarsaparilla, Siberian Ginseng. . This formula was developed by Dr. John Christopher as a uterine tonic; balances hormones, also excellent for all stages of menopause, including peri and post.

Lobelia – see above under False Labour. Contact author for detailed description of lobelia.


Papaya Mint chewable tablets aid digestion, or, when available, fresh papaya or will help.

Ginger in small amounts is also helpful, use capsules or open to make a tea.

Marshmallow Pepsin combination or Digestive Enzymes, which are a full spectrum enzymes formula also help improve digestion, thus lessening gas from fermenting food. Eat small meals.


Extra calcium is required during pregnancy. If dairy suits you, add natural, unsweetened yogurt to the diet.  The following herbal CALCIUM combinations will help, taken with Chamomile or other relaxing tea before bed, as night time is when Calcium is leached from the body to neutralize acids.   These combinations will also help leg cramps.

CA-ATC: Marshmallow, Alfalfa, Oat Straw, Slipper Elm, Irish Moss, Thyme, Passion Flower.

NSP also has Cal-Mag Plus D, Synerpro Calcium-Magnesium, Liquid Calcium Magnesium. All are balanced with Magnesium, Vitamin D, and in absorbable herbal bases. Ask for the best choice for you.


Ginger Take 4 -6 capsules with hot water (or empty in water to make a strong tea) before rising.

B6 and Zinc are often deficient – 1 B6 and 1-3 Zinc per day. All of the following help – find what works for you:

Peppermint Essential Oil 1 drop neat or as a tea; refer also to Gas and Heartburn suggestions.



The following formula will help the labour, delivery and recovery. Most midwives and many healthy Moms have used it for decades:

5-W:  Black Cohosh, Squaw Vine, Dong Quai, Butcher’s Broom, Red Raspberry. (US special order product  – available through Lorene Benoit Health Services)

5-W formula also helps to rebalance hormones after delivery and prevent post-partum depression.

LABOUR: The 5W formula, above will make this process easier. Lobelia during labour is very helpful to relax the organs and the mother in general. Not to exceed .5ml per hour. It can also be applied to labial area externally for natural pain reduction.



Catnip and Fennel liquid extract is the best formula for baby’s colic, or other digestive upsets. Also safe and effective for constipation, fevers  and colds.

Wild Yam and Chaste Tree: to help rebalance hormones promoting progesterone activity. Helps alleviate  post partum depression, stimulates milk production, relieves muscle spasms and pain. Any 5W left over from before birth can also be used for this benefit.

All the above supplements and more can be found at, or by contacting the author for personal assistance.

As some formulas have multiple uses, you may choose to consult with a qualified Natural Health Practitioner to get the best formula for your circumstances. You may also wish to follow your blood type diet. An investment in your health at this time will reap life long benefits in the health of you and your child. For more information, please contact:

Lorene Benoit  & Associates Health Education, Duncan, BC,   250-748-6802

Phone consultations available, or call for referrals to natural health practitioners in other locations.

Herb Gardens and a Great Intensive!

Wow! The gardens, including all those wonderful healing herbs are keeping us busy, and starting to look good and provide us with great food and medicine.

At our Annual Herbal Intensive, we tinctured Lady’s Mantle, Cleavers; made St. John’s (St. Joan’s) Wort sun infused oil, some very strong tinctracts: Burdock, Vervain;  herbal glycerites of Mullein and Heal All (Prunella vulgaris); along with a very healing skin  salve which soothes bumps, bruises, chapped skin…. We also stewed and brewed many infusions, decoctions, made poultices to fix our own cuts and bruises, and draw out a sliver…. all while having a lot of fun learning! Identification terms and learning a few latin names kept everyone on their toes.

Our woofer Monica is enjoying combining her nursing background with the natural healing approach – she is loving it and we are loving her.

What a pleasure to be able to provide these herbs from our own land. I am already thinking ahead about some great ideas for next July’s course.

Herbal Intensive Course: Come, Learn, And Enjoy

The Cowichan Valley supports a lush growth of plants that have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes, as well as for food.

Each summer for the past 12 years people of North America have gathered here to take part in a Herbal Intensive of 3 to 4 days to really get in touch with these gifts from nature.

We study:

  • indigenous, wild, and some cultivated botanicals
  • the Doctrine of Signatures 
  • plant identification
  • harvesting ethically
  • storing and preparing the plants 
  • using  them for medicinal purposes.

Someone might get a poultice applied; another a compress. Faces often contort as we taste the various decoctions!

We learn how to prepare and apply herbs in a practical and fun “hands on” setting. 

One trained practitioner from Calgary, Alberta wrote this in her evaluation:      
I learned to identify herbs out in the field, herbs which I have used with people for many years but never knew what they looked like.  It was great to see them in their natural habitat.  It helped me get to know them better as living beings! ”
Monica H.  Calgary, AB.

The Medicine Wheel, which is part of what is shared in the Annual Herbal Intensive, integrates four pillars of health:

  • physical,
  • spiritual,
  • mental and
  • emotional.

Tied into this are the active principles and actions of herbs, seasons, directions, animal guides, and tastes.

This year, we will be offering a special workshop just on the Medicine Wheel the afternoon before, July 9th, 2010 from  1 – 4 pm.

People are welcome to take this on its own, and those attending the Intensive are encouraged to arrive early and participate in the Medicine Wheel workshop.

Join us to experience the healing powers we have been provided with by getting in touch with herbs.

Come to learn and to feel the peace of nature seep into your cells, guided by one of Canada’s leading herbal experts,  Master Herbalist and Healer of over 30 years.

On beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia – build a holiday of your lifetime around this event! Please contact our office for posters with details.
Many traditional lifestyles embrace the significance of four……

The four directions, north, east, south and west,
Balance between these offers life at its best.
The four seasons and winter, spring, summer and fall,
The four elements, air, fire, water and earth, represents all.
The four races of man, represented in the colours red, yellow, black and white,
The four changes in a day, sunrise, noon, sunset and night.

Blended within these are the spirits of creation, life, love and light.
Follow a pathway of the heart to truth, peace and harmony.
Lorene Benoit         BEd, MHH, CHC, CRA, CI, Benoit and Associates Health Education 5175 Bills Road, Duncan, BC, V9L 6S7

May Health Newsletter, 2010


For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office by phone:  250-748-6802



Professional Product Discount Ordering:

Health Tips


Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter:

Super Foods and Smoothies how everyone can easily ramp up their nutrition

Super Antioxidant Foods – to enhance longevity – a must if you are healing serious health conditions!

Spring Cleansing – May is not too late to receive the benefits

Vitamin B12 – who needs to supplement this vitamin?

Paw Paw Programfor renegade cell growth and more


To read these articles, go to: – click on Blog on the left hand side. Tip: to read the entire article, click on the title of the article.

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask via a comment on the blog and we will do my best to answer.

Lorene  continues to teach the Untold Truths –excellent information in these mini courses, written and recorded by professionals in the field. “Transform Your Health – Transform Your Shape” teaches us how the body metabolism works and covers topics of Diabesity, Estrogen Dominance, Revving up Metabolism, plus how Stress Toxicity and Emotions can all affect Weight Challenges.  Course taught locally June 8th – see below.

Ongoing scientific studies suggest that the average person needs supplementation to not be deficient and to add healthy, quality years to our lives.

The Untold Truth Series are wonderful teaching tools for both personal and family use AND for business purposes, if you want to help others learn how to take control of their own health and better life.

If anyone would like to purchase these courses, the CDs are $5 and the entire course, which includes a 50 – 65 page booklet, summary pamphlets suitable for sharing, questionnaire and product suggestions are available for $15 – 25 & S/H if applicable. Please contact our office. Topics available are:

Estrogen Overload– dealing with hormonal shifts and imbalances

Colon Health – know how critical this organ to health

Transform Your Shape – understand blood sugar and Weight Management

Running on Empty –- nutritional deficiency and the Standard American Diet

Stressed Out – factors involved and effective management tools

Diabetes Epidemic – cause, prevention and natural treatment

Heart Health – factors involved in healthy heart and cardiovascular system

You Won’t Believe What’s Inside You – whole body cleansing

ABC of Raising Healthy Children

11 Elite Ingredients – one Amazing Blend: Zambroza (Thai Go)

Traditional Chinese Medicine – Eastern Remedies for Western Ailments

Sweet Death with 250 page book  $25/$20

8 Causes of Disease–  common health issues and daily health solutions

The professionals that write and record these courses all agree that there is ample proof indicating we need a wide range of vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, and anti-oxidants on a daily basis. Due to modern living, pollution and food sources it has become next to impossible to meet our needs with a healthy diet alone, and definitely not with the SAD = Standard American Diet.


Call our office to know what specials are being offered this month on professional quality health supplements.

Many of our classes and conference calls are also good ways to learn more about your health……so let’s find out more about what’s upcoming…..


Education available world wide and  free!


Nature’s Sunshine continues to offer excellent natural health education via conference calls and webinars. Best is – it’s free!

These calls are usually the 3rd Wednesday of each month, 8:30 – 9:30 pm EST

Contact our office for the call numbers, or if you have an NSP discount membership, ask to receive the VIP Update and Educate via email or fax, so you will know when and what training is available.


Cancer Healing Conference Call – You are invited to include your friends to listen to

“The Paw Paw Program for Cancer Healing”

When: most Monday evenings at 6 pm PST – to register call our office 250-748-6802 – if no answer, just leave your name and ph # – we will contact you to register.

Agenda for the calls cover:

What is cancer, Injury and Candida, Recent research, Case studies, Healthy recipe, Q&A

Donna Roth teaches and thinks much the same way I do about cancer – my book will include the joint research we did in her book, plus more detail – coming soon….



Education Available locally on Vancouver Island


Medicine Wheel Workshop:  July 9th –  1:00 – 4:00 pm


4 elements Medicine Wheel Garden in preparation for annual Herbal Intensive starting next day July 10th.

If you would like to have fun and learn about healing herbs and the 4 elements Medicine Wheel, join us in this free work exchange workshop! Participants are asked to come prepared for garden work; herbal teas will be provided.


12th Annual Herbal Intensive: July 10 – 12th 9:00 am – 4 pm

The Cowichan Valley supports a lush growth of plants that have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes, as well as for food. We will study indigenous, wild, and some cultivated botanicals, with an experienced  Master Herbalist working more  than 25 years. In this 3 day Intensive you will learn:

  • introduction to botanical terms
  • plant families and identification
  • medicine wheel & plant energy
  • ethical harvesting
  • drying and storage
  • doctrine of signatures

You will also learn how to prepare and apply herbs in a practical and fun “hands on” setting:

  • Poultices, fomentations and compresses
  • Infusions (teas) and decoctions, juices
  • Sweat baths, inhalations
  • Herbal oils and salves
  • Enemas and douches
  • Tinctures, herbal vinegars
  • Preparations for eyes, teeth, sinus and nose
  • Glycerites, syrups and more…


Your Investment: Early Bird Special: If you pay before June 15th, save $100 and pay only $375; after June 15th $475.  Includes 3 full days of instruction, including healthy lunches each day and samples. Participants are also encouraged to join the Friday afternoon Medicine Wheel workshop for free.

Reiki Wellness in Valleyview Centre, Cobble Hill 250-743-8122

Valleyview Centre #42, (beside DrumRoasters), Cobble Hill

Zyto Compass Classes Thursday May 27th 6-8 PM $25.00


For anyone who has had their initial assessment and would like a follow up they are welcome to come 1/2 hour before or after the class to have their next assessment.  (Please call to pre-book). If you are not sure what a Zyto Compass assessment is, come to find out an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.  Watch this 3 minute video :

Reiki Wellness now also has their own Compass assessment tool, so you can call them directly to book an assessment.
Special Health Classes: Transform Your Health & Your Shape

6:00 – 8:00 PM.                   Tuesday June 8th


Diabetes and other Sugar Challenges

Tuesday July 13th
Call ASAP to reserve a seat as space is limited. (Zyto Compass assessment available before or after class)

$20 per class includes samples of health products, handouts and life changing education!



Benoit Health Top Video Picks of the Month


I watch many (too many?) health related videos weekly. These are a couple that I recommend you take the time to view – short, informative, to the point and promote the same teaching as our office.


Gluten Sensitivity – Dr. Hyman has a good 7 minute videos on Utube : very informative, explains how and why gluten has a negative effect on many people. Not just those who have diagnosed celiac, but many chronic conditions such as  osteoporosis, arthrtitis, Mulitple Sclerosis, auto-immune conditions, plus mental conditions including depression and autism. The simple solution is to eliminate all gluten from your diet for 3 – 4 weeks, then introduce and pay attention. It is worthwhile looking at:


Food Matters: how to change our health – this is a 3 minute trailer for the movie Food Matters, which will greatly impact how and what you eat.

The Zyto Compass is helping many people to accurately choose supplements suited for their specific needs based on their current reading of 76 biomarkers. This company and the founder, Dr. Vaugn Cook,  also offers webinars to better understand this too. It has also helped others who are wanting to do business helping others find better health.

If you would like to know more about using this tool to help develop business, for the personal health care of your family, or to find someone in your part of the country who can offer you an assessment, please contact our office. You may also watch a 3 minute Compass video:


Success Stories


You Don’t have to Have Lupus or Be Diseased . Just Make a Decision Says Lynn

Ten years ago Lynn was diagnosed with Lupus and was given 2 years to live.

“My whole life ended and I went into a deep depression. I was hospitalized to a psych ward for a period of 3 months. I was totally overwhelmed and I broke down.” For years Lynn’s life was totally consumed by doctors. Visits to doctors’ offices were her entire social life.

“I was letting the doctors tell me what to do. I was living on borrowed time. All I did was make appointments with doctors and sit around in the waiting rooms to see doctors. I shaved my legs daily to see doctors. I was up to visiting 15 doctors a week. I was very timid and I was lost. I was bitter. Why is my life shutting down? ”

No one could give Lynn an answer. Then one day she made a decision – a decision that changed her life. Someone had told her about an expert herbalist and she decided to visit her for a consultation. The consultation discovered that Lynn was very deficient in many different minerals, enzymes , and essential fatty acids. On July 31/06 Lynn started on her new adventure.

“I decided I would do exactly what the herbal specialist said I should do. I taped the instructions to my fridge and I stuck to the program.

Every day Lynn took the following Nature’s Sunshine herbal program:

Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic 3 oz a day

1 Tbs. GreenZone Super Food

LIV-C 12 capsules a day

Super Oil 4 capsules a day

Colostrum 4 a day

No sugar, pop, wheat, yeast products. A diet of vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, hormone free meat or poultry, eggs. Plenty of pure water for hydration and to help with flushing of toxins. Chlorophyll added for extra nutrition and alkalizing.

At the end of August/2006 Lynn visited her liver specialist who did a liver enzyme test for her. The results showed the liver enzymes to be down to normal for the first time in 10 years. The doctor couldn’t believe it and so he did another liver test just in case there was an error in the testing procedures. Once again the liver test showed the enzyme levels to be perfectly normal. All other blood tests showed everything to be in the normal range. The blood pressure came down from 180/110  to 127/85.  The doctor was absolutely amazed and told Lynn she wouldn’t have to see him for another 6 months. Lynn also weaned off 5 of her 7 medications- the anti malaria drugs, the blood pressure meds, the diuretics, the potassium and the arthritic pain drugs.

Today Lynn rarely has any pain. The cramps she would have in the liver and the ribs every time she ate have gone. Her leg cramps decreased dramatically. She rarely gets headaches any more and her sugar cravings are gone. The anxiety attacks, stress and depression are gone. Her sporadic menstrual cycle is normal now.

“I learned I had to speak for myself and do it myself. I was letting the doctors tell me what to do. I changed my eating habits. I changed my shopping habits from cookies and potato chips to fruits and vegetables. I get excited when I cook now. I discovered how my intestinal tract works. I feel younger today then I did 10 years ago.”  Lynn’s advice is to gain knowledge about yourself and to do it yourself.

How many quality years do you have left? What are you waiting for?

For herbal consultations contact Lorene Benoit 250-748-6802 or call Lorene for a herbal specialist close to your home.




Spiritual, Emotional or Humour


Weight loss tip?    “When I buy cookies I eat just four and throw the rest away. But first I spray them with Raid so I won’t dig them out of the garbage later. Be careful, though, because Raid really doesn’t taste that bad.”                                                                                             – Janette Barber


If you would like a beautiful power point presentation on Happiness, please contact our office via email, with “Happiness is PP” in subject line.

Business Tips

More and more workers will continue to leave the work force and start their own part-time networking business. Why? They are bored or frustrated with their present jobs. Industry experts estimate that 40% of all sick days occur on Fridays and Mondays. This estimate confirms the workers’ desire to leave a boring workplace environment. If you like health, enjoy helping others, and are interested, contact us.

Please comment and  congratulations if you have read through to the end! You are a herbal warrior!!

Yours in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Here to serve you…….


Super Foods And Super Shakes

Superior nutrition can be accomplished regardless of age or sex, and the results can be noticeable within as little as four weeks!  Experience a healthier immune system, more positive outlook, greater energy and longer life expectancy.   Combining healthy eating habits, regular exercise, pure water, fresh air and Nature’s Sunshine products will make for optimal health!

For those times when you just don’t feel like preparing a nutritious meal, shakes are a great way to get the nutrition your body needs, without all the calories.  A well-balanced shake can provide protein, green super foods, herbs, fruit, fibre and vitamins and minerals.   ********************************************************************

Here are suggestions with Nature’s Sunshine Products that help ensure you get a full dose of protein, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids to keep you healthy.

One – half to one cup of berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries)

One serving of GreenZone powder  (CA) or Ultimate GreenZone  (US) – alkalinizes, and provides whopping servings of green nutrition. When you have cups of organic, fresh greens available, such as kale, beet greens, lettuce – not iceberg, sprouted vegies, swiss chard – you don’t need GreenZone. Otherwise you do!

One serving of Protein Powder: see excellent choices below.

Please contact Benoit & Associates to discuss which of these would be best for you, as well as to set up a direct ordering account for the best price, plus professional support.

Optional: 1/2 to one serving Flax Hull Lignans (CA)  or other superfoods

1.5 cups of clean water or ice cubes

Thoroughly mix all ingredients and enjoy!


These Superfoods help make life easy and health full.

 Ultimate Green Zone:  Provide the body with Superior Nutrition from whole foods.  One serving equals six servings of healthy greens. Contains the finest blend of some of the most nutritious land- and sea-based herbs, plus minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and bioflavonoids. Zone balanced 40-30-30.  A low calorie, nutritionally dense whole food that leaves you feeling vibrant and alive. Blood sugar stablizer,  balance weight, increase metabolism, detoxify. Aids healing and regeneration; strengthens body’s ability to cope with stress.

Nature’s Harvest (US) and (CA) which contains a host of super nutrition, including Beta Glucanswhich may help slow tumour growth via anti-angiogenesis. Supplementing with protein helps build lean muscle and increase metabolism.

Nutri-Burn Whey Protein:  (CA) – enhanced with CLA (conjugated linoleoic acid), a natural polyunsaturated fat that research has shown has powerful weight-loss potential, particularly for abdominal fat. Health benefits include decreased hunger, improved stress response, increased metabolism, improved insulin sensitivity and immunity, better sleep, increased endurance during exercise, and reduced food-induced allergic reactions.

Collagen is another complete protein designed to build and tone muscle. It also helps heal leaky gut.

Love and Peas (US only)- is a vegan option, dairy free gluten free, lactose free that fulfills 75% of daily requirements for 18 vitamins and minerals.

There are other great protein super shakes to choose from, in both Canada and US.: IN.Form Metabolic Age Support Soy and Pea Protein, Love & Peas….

Contact the author for suggestions of the best one for you and to place your first wholesale priced order – no charge – for 10 minutes. 


Other healthful additions: Fresh or frozen fruit: banana, berries, pear, free range eggs or locally grown vegetables. Concentrated Zambroza, Thai Go (US) , Liquid Essential Minerals OR Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, Nature’s Gold, Flax Hull Lignans – a herb specialist can help choose your best Super dense nutritional foods.

Prepared by:  Lorene Benoit, M.H.H.CHC; 250-748-6802

Mar/09 Updated October, 2013


Super Antioxidant Foods

The following foods are some super anti-cancer foods.  Choose as many as possible in their raw state, where appropriate. Consult a health practitioner to further personalize for Blood Type or address allergies.  These foods are used for their ability to provide super nutrition and phyto chemicals.

leafy green vegetables  cabbage                    yams                                    apricots

chard                                  endive                      zucchini                             grapefruit

kale                                      peas                          squash                                grapes

mustard greens               asparagus                  tomatoes                            mangoes

spinach                               tomatoes                   blueberries                        bananas

beet greens                        cauliflower               raspberries                        papaya, melons

romaine, leaf lettuce     avocadoes                strawberries                     nuts (soaked)

arugula                              garlic                        blackberries                    seeds (sprouted)

broccoli                             onions                       apples                                 beans

celery                                  sweet potatoes         pears                                   lentils

ROOT VEGETABLES:  carrots, turnips, radishes, kohlrabi, artichokes, beets, rutabaga

TASTY NUT MILK:  Puree blanched almonds in the blender with water. Sweeten the milk and cereal with stevia or xylitol. Avoid drinking coffee.

CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES: broccoli, cauliflower, mustard greens, brussel sprouts, cabbage. They contain indoles, which are used to destroy inactive estrogen in the bloodstream.  Particularly important for estrogen related cancers like breast cancer. Indoles are in Nature’s Sunshine Essentials Garden Formula, SynerPro formulas and GreenZone.

VITAMIN C FOODS and supplements: Rose Hips, Vit. C complex 500mg.

GARLIC:  Not only is it high in allicin, which kills bacteria, fungi, and intestinal parasites, but it contains 32 sulphur compounds, which are also anti-cancerous. High Potency odour controlled garlic is effective, as is raw, organic garlic.

TOMATOES:  source of a potent anti-oxidant called lycopene.

ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS:  in cold-pressed, organic flax oil, and NSP Super Oil, and Super Omega 3 necessary for the formation of healthy cell membranes. The EFAs work with the iron in chlorophyll rich foods (GreenZone, Chlorophyll) to make hemoglobin.  It is hemoglobin that transports oxygen throughout the body. Fungus cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment.

BASIC SALAD DRESSING: Dr. Johanna Budwig’s Blend 1 tbsp. of cold-pressed organic flax oil into ½ cup or so of low-fat cottage cheese. May add ground garlic or horseradish.

For creamy Italian-add pure, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and Italian seasoning. For

Thousand Island-add a bit of lemon juice, tomato juice, chopped boiled egg.

RAW NUTS, SEEDS, soaked or sprouted. Grind or chew until liquid for proper absorption.

WHOLE GRAINS: Quinoa, amaranth, millet, buckwheat. Slow cook in a thermos to preserve nutrients. (Before bed at night, place a serving of whole grain in a good thermos.  Fill thermos with boiling water. Cover. Shake. Leave overnight. In the morning the grain is soft and ready to eat.) Try to eat grains that are more alkaline and suit your Blood Type.

LEGUMES, (PULSES): Must be well cooked so you can digest them. Try to eat grains that are more alkaline and suit your Blood Type.

ALL FOODS SHOULD BE ORGANIC IF POSSIBLE. Use no food with refined flour, oil, deep-fried foods, sugar, cured foods. All feed fungus.

USE PURIFIED WATER, not tap water. Fluoride & chlorine create toxins in the body. Add Chlorophyll, with a pleasant natural, spearmint flavour, to help you drink more water, while adding nutrition.

Green Tea (one capsule extract makes a very strong cup) is super high in antioxidants, including ellagic acid. E Tea is also available in a capsule for a stronger, easier to get the blood purifying benefits of Essiac Tea. Zambroza is a delicious, high anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory nutritious beverage. See for more info; contact Benoit & Associates Health to receive discount.

©Prepared by Lorene Benoit     Health Service, Duncan, BC (250) 748-6802

Data/Write-ups & Cancer/Super Anti-oxidant Foods