All posts by LoreneB

About LoreneB

Lorene Benoit is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator. Qualifications include Bachelor of Education Biology, French and Phys. Ed; Masters of Holistic Healing; Certified Herbal Consultant; Iridologist; Contact Reflex Analyst; Live Blood Analyst; plus certifications in Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing. Benoit founded Lorene Benoit Health Education Services in 1989. She presents, with humour and life, to health practitioners, corporations and the public, from workshops to annual 4 day herbal intensives. Her passion is teaching healthy lifestyles on all levels, so that people can take control of moving toward optimum health !

Muscle Testing / Contact Reflex Analysis / CRA

Question from Wanda concerning Muscle Testing:

I am looking for a distance learning course on Muscle Testing (testing for allergies). Would you know of anyone offering such courses?

Muscle Response Testing, or MRT, is based on the principle that there is an energy field which flows around and through all things. The Chinese call this energy CHI. Like a magnet creating a magnetic field, which holds iron filings in a certain pattern, the CHI creates a field which holds the cells of our body in alignment. In muscle response testing we are checking the strength or weakness of the body’s energy field. It is a method of measuring the body’s energy balance.

The scientific community has long since accepted the idea of various force fields (electrical, magnetic, nuclear) and has recognized their existence and function in nature. By picking up certain energy patterns, bees find their way back to the hive, birds head north or south with unerring accuracy, monarch butterflies travel thousands of miles to lay their eggs. We humans must be subjected to these exact same forces. If the energy exists for other animal species, it must exist for us.

Contact Reflex Analysis, BioKinesiology, Touch for Health, and Brain Repatterning (a method of using MRT for emotional healing) are some of the different variations using these principles.

I use Contact Reflex Analysis, or CRA, and Brain Repatterning as specific healing arts with excellent results. CRA assessment communicates with the innate intelligence of the human body.

As CRA can elicit responses based on the effect of what we take into our bodies, it is also very useful in determining what health supplements and dosages are optimum for us at a given time, thus the applicable nutrition can be determined.  I use Muscle Response testing to determine which herbs/foods/supplements will strengthen or weaken our health. This is invaluable for those dealing with food sensitivities.

This is why I believe that MRT and especially CRA is such a wonderful tool for truly preventative healthcare. I find it is an invaluable adjunct to other holistic methods to help determine the root of specific problems. This is especially helpful for an individual who may not be getting a clear understanding of the cause of their problem, whether it be physical, mental and/or emotional.

I studied Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA)  for several years, receiving my  Certification  for Applied Reflexology & Topology via CRA in 1991 from  Dr. D.A. Versendaal , Parker Chiropractic College. I have taught CRA and MRT since 1994.

For more information, or workshops on CRA contact Lorene Benoit at

Solstice Wishes

Perhaps having lived in northern BC and the Yukon for 13 years makes the Summer Solstice very special to me, so I just wanted to send blessings and wishes to enjoy the energy that this offers us.

Here’s interesting advice about the solstice that is timely:

Looking forward to a great Herbal Intensive this July 15-18th. So far we have people from BC and Holland attending! We have been very busy in food, flower and herbal gardens. Bring on the SUN!

Weight Loss and HCG

Question from Nicole concerning HCG and weight Loss:

Hi Lorene,

I just heard about this on the radio as there is a naturopath offering this weight loss program in Vancouver.

I am just curious about this and wondering if you know anything more about this and/or your thoughts/opinions.  I would certainly be interested in trying it to jumpstart my weight loss, but skeptical.  Looks like even Dr. Oz is okaying the benefits of this versus being overweight/obese. Thanks


Thanks for sending me the info – I have done some research and have come up with several opinions which  feel the HCG component is a placebo affect. To me, this makes sense as anytime a person cleans up their diet, and decreases their caloric and carbohydrate intake, they will lose weight!

I also have some concerns about using hormones, when more natural options can address the challenge. There are safe, healthy options to “kickstart” weight loss, with herbal metabolic boosters derived from plants and foods.

We have had tremendous success with weight loss with this basic two step approach:

1. Teaching people how to eat properly, which means limit your carbohydrates to those which give you nutrition:

  • primarily low carbohydrate vegetables
  • protein:-organic animal source or nuts and seeds
  • low carb fruits like berries
  • once weight loss is happening for 2 weeks, then gradually add legumes in small quantities.

Go online and get yourself a carb counter to learn the values, or contact our office to send you one.

2) to “kickstart” weightloss, we have tremendous success by using a protein shake daily with either SynerProtein Powder or NutriBurn Whey Protein with CLA, an added metabolic booster. If these are combined with alkalinizing greens, either from the garden, or from GreenZone, plus some high anti-oxidant, low carb fruit such as berries, (or a shot of Zambroza – the strongest liquid anti-oxidant available), you will not only lose weight, but trim and tone those muscles, decrease cravings, and have more energy! With significant weight loss, there is always some detoxification happening as the fat cells release stored toxins, which is why vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants should be part of a healthy program. With GreenZone and high vegetable intake, you are helping this. If diet is not great, add one  or two packets of SuperTrio per day to provide ALL these essentials.

I will email you a Fact Sheet on each of these products so you can see exactly what they contain. Anyone else can request this weight loss package for free by contacting our office. These will in the end, help you with your weight loss goals, and save you the added expense of the naturopath.

You may also go on the website. To receive a discount, you need a sponsor number; please use 309344.

I am including some of the online references about HCG, a summary with italics  for emphasis:

A controversial usage of HCG is as an adjunct to the British endocrinologist Albert T. W. Simeons‘ ultra-low-calorie weight-loss diet (less than 500 calories). Simeons, while studying pregnant women in India on a calorie-deficient diet, and “fat boys” with pituitary problems (Frölich’s syndrome) treated with low-dose hCG, claimed that both lost fat rather than lean (muscle) tissue.

The controversy proceeds from warnings by the Journal of the American Medical Association and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition[14] that hCG is neither safe, nor effective as a weight-loss aid.[15] However, recent studies in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism show hCG can have an effect on the lean body mass of older men with androgen deficiency.[16]

A meta analysis found that studies supporting hCG for weight loss were of poor methodological quality and concluded that “there is no scientific evidence that HCG is effective in the treatment of obesity; it does not bring about weight-loss or fat-redistribution, nor does it reduce hunger or induce a feeling of well-being”.[17]

The United States Food and Drug Administration has stated that  this drug (Homeopathic HCG preparations) is fraudulent and ineffective for weight loss. It is also not protected as a homeopathic drug and has been deemed an illegal substance.[19][20]

According to the studies noted above, the weight loss indicated by individuals on an “hCG diet” can be attributed entirely to the fact that such diets proscribe a consumption rate of 500-550 calorie per day, or approximately one quarter of what is commonly accepted as the daily recommended value for a male adult of average build and activity. Further, double-blind studies note no decrease in appetite by those taking hCG versus individuals on placebos and have offered no evidence that individuals taking hCG are more likely to lose fat than lean tissue.



May Health Newsletter


** May, 2011 **

For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office by phone: 250-748-6802 email:

Check the articles added to our blog since the last newsletter:
Two short Youtube videos about my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer.

Parasites, Pets and People

Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask me on my website blog and I will do my best to answer.

We are also connected with many professionals offering classes and conference calls great ways to learn more about your health…… let’s find out more about what’s upcoming…..

Education local and worldwide – colour coded, so you can quickly browse through to see which are of interest….

Local Upcoming Dinner Classes:

Tue.June 14th: Hormones for Men and Women

Lake Cowichan:
Wed. May 25th: Herb Walk Honeymoon Bay Wildflower Reserve
Classes again next September – Let us know what topic interests you!

Compass Group Assessment Classes
Come to find out an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health. Watch this 3 minute video

Assessments in group setting – fun and informative –only $25, repeats $20, then $10
– call office to pick a date for your own Compass Home Party – you get a free assessment, plus $50 in free product.

Education Worldwide:

Business Coaching
-if you are interested in earning while you learn, let us know. We have brief meetings after monthly dinner classes and can set up one on one coaching to help you earn some extra cash, while helping yourself and others to health!
We are always looking for more people to train as herbal specialists. The world is in need!

Our Annual Herbal Intensive, July  15th – 18th,  is a great place to start. Ask for the poster for details.

Webinars on the amazing Brilliant Body Systems. If you have not watched these yet, they are well done, very informative and with the CD anyone can present professional education to friends and family anywhere! Great training available free and online to all members; contact us or NSP to find them on website.

Dental advisory about cone beam new technology.

Please warn your friends and family about this travesty–especially those who have kids headed to their first orthodontist appointment. But this warning is for everyone–not just kids. If your dentist wants to x-ray your teeth, ask what technology is being used. If it is, “cone-beam CT scan,” say you don’t mind taking the extra half-hour for the digital camera–or that you’re willing to skip the special effects altogether.

Monthly Specials For Members
– see below how to become a member and why you may want to do this!

May special for new members – free Digestive Enzymes PLUS free small Silver Guard with $75 order – if you have been thinking of it, now is the time! Call our office.
Til mid June “We Miss You Special” for expired members – free S/H and free small Silver Guard with a $50 renewal order.

How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?
• You can receive discounts from 10 – 40% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

What do you need to do?

• Contact our office by email, phone or website
• Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
• Go to choose your country ; use sponsor #1143615
to receive discounts and free shipping – or just contact us.

Free education, resource centre, fact sheets, webinars and professional conference calls.

Video Picks

As diabetes is North America’s No.1 pandemic, please watch this 4 min. video. Although not everyone has the ability to do this on their own, this video proves you can control, prevent and reverse diabetes:

Food Matters – YES IT DOES!
If your time is short, just go to 12:25 minutes and listen to a few minutes from Andrew Saul, PhD Therapeutic Nutrition Specialist. Here are other doctors explaining why and how 94 % of medical doctors do NOT know anything about nutrition, proper eating, and why supplementation is essential:

Political Scene

Natural Health products are under the most severe threat of extinction since 35 years I have been in this field. Canadians are encouraged to continue to write the Minister of Health, the Prime Minister, and your MP to tell them you want access to natural health products. NOW is a good time. Visit to educate yourself before it is too late.

You can also help by getting signatures for Canadian Health Charter petition.

Interesting Stats: deaths per year from adverse reactions of properly prescribed Drugs in various countries:
US: 106,000
UK: 10,000 Compare this to deaths from car accidents – 3,500 and from Prostate Ca – 9,000 (I wonder how many of these are from the cancer treatment?)
Canada: 1/10 of US generally, meaning 10,000+

Compare to this proven, not alleged, deaths from vitamins, minerals, herbs or other natural products: 0 – that’s ZERO. In all of the above countries.Whenever we ask Health Canada to release their purported adverse reactions to NPNs, they refuse to follow freedom of information regulations.


Did you know you can use an eyedropper to put Silver Guard directly in the eyes for infection like pink eye (infectious conjunctivitis), redness, and to help prevent cataracts? So what’s an eyedropper you ask? A clumsy ophthalmologist.
The tip is for real, though.

Spiritual and Emotional

Never under-estimate what one person can accomplish……

Recently a 98 year-old lady named Irena Sendler passed away.
During WWII, Irena, got permission to work in the Warsaw Ghetto, as a Nurse. She had an ‘ulterior motive’. As a German, she KNEW what the Nazi’s plans were for the Jews. Irena smuggled infants out in the bottom of the tool box she carried in the back of her truck. She had a dog that she trained to bark when the Nazi soldiers let her in and out of the ghetto. The soldiers of course wanted nothing to do with the dog and the barking covered the kids/infants noises.
During her time doing this, she managed to smuggle out and save 2500 kids/infants from the gas chambers.
She was caught, and the Nazi’s broke both her legs, arms and beat her severely.
Irena kept a record of the names of all the kids she smuggled out and kept them in a glass jar, buried under a tree in her back yard.
After the war, she tried to locate any parents that may have survived and reunited the family. Most had been gassed. Those kids she helped got placed into foster family homes or adopted.

Last year Irena was up for the Nobel Peace Prize … She was not selected.
Al Gore won, for a slide show on Global Warming.

She died, being nursed by one of the children she saved. It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War. In memory of the millions around the world who were/are murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated. It is imperative to make sure the world never forgets these past atrocities, because there are others who continue to do it today.

Raising Healthy Children

A Super Shake in the morning helps children to focus in school. You need good nutrition for the brain to work! GreenZone, SynerProtein Powder and fruit with water make a quick and simple meal in a minute. TNT (Total Nutrition Today is also a great way to add vitamins, minerals and fibre and it tastes great, so can be used if you don’t have fruit on hand – we like to add some SynerProtein or NutriBurn Whey Protein to TNT.
This drink can also be taken as a school snack; just shake before use!
Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day for both children and adults.

Please contact our office for full fact sheets or to order these products.

Yours in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education
Here to serve you…….

Parasites, Pets and People

UPDATE: Mar, 2025

Parapak, as a PAK is not currently available in Canada – thanks to unHealth Canada regulations changing again, and them having about 4 years backlog in approving natural products that actually HELP PEOPLE.

No problem! The three formulas that made up the pak are available, which offers you about 2 paks worth, plus you save money. One treatment is often not enough to knock all stages of parasites:, ie. egg, larvae and adult. The 3 formulas are:

  • Artemesia Combination
  • Caprylic A|cid Combination
  • Herbal Pumpkin

Dosage I recommend, which is equal to that of ParaPak, is 2 capsules of each formula, 3 times per day.

Please contact us if you need any assistance with ordering at member discount, or want us to do it for you, as links change more often than I can fix them.

Update April, 2021:

Some product links are updated, some links  deleted. You can search other products not linked, on the NSP  US or NSP CA, or Contact us for professional assistance; no charge for ordering or product information.

People have more than 600 parasites that can live in and off them. Pets tend to harbour less species, but some of the more devastating ones are transferable to humans. Perhaps this is why most people are more conscientious about parasite treatment for their house pets than for themselves.

Parasites are any  ranging from microscopic size to meters in length. They cause health challenges in 3 main ways:

  • they eat, stealing nutrition from their host
  • they reproduce, often in terrific numbers
  • they secrete toxins, which cause a host of toxic challenges for the host

Fairly common in North America are roundworms, or ascarids that grow up to six inches in length in pets and up to one foot in humans; pin worms; whip worms, tape worms, guardia, lyme, candida, yeast, fungus….

Some good prevention tips are:

  • avoid touching feces of pets and humans
  • wash hands  frequently
  • avoid eating raw meat and fish
  • ensure healthy digestive system – if you are over 30 yrs. of age digestive enzymes are usually required
  • clean intestines: probiotics, adequate fibre and regular bowel movements,
  • protect yourself from biting insects, such as mosquitoes and ticks

For years it was thought that parasites were only a problem in tropical countries. We’ve had clients with worms, Guardia lamblia, Amoebic dysentery to mention a few, never having left their home town.

Anti parasitic herbs have been used worldwide for millennium. Herbal treatments are less toxic to the body than chemical treatments. Here is  an easy effective herbal recipe for cats and dogs containing well known parasiticide herbs to eradicate worms and parasites, followed by an effective parasite cleanse for people.

Worm Balls for Pets

12 capsules of Herbal Pumpkin

16 oz raw ground beef, other meat or canned food

Open Herbal Pumpkin capsules and mix into room temperature  meat.  Roll it into a ball, about 1/2″ in diameter or ½ tsp. Freeze balls on a cookie sheet, then store in a ziplock bag. Give 1 per day per  25 pounds. Dogs will eat frozen or thawed, cats prefer thawed. Each time you open the freezer they will be waiting for their treat!

These also make their fur shiny. “Herbal Pumpkin” contains pumpkin seeds, black walnut hulls, turkey rhubarb root, violet leaves, chamomile flowers, mullein leaves, marshmallow root and slippery elm bark. For humans, just use the capsules.


Parasite Cleanse For People

This is a complete and effective parasite cleanse. For seasonal  basic cleansing, either one of the herbal Paks can be taken on their own as a 10 -1 5 day cleanse. Please contact our office if you have any questions during these cleanses or to order these professional products direct.

Begin the parasite cleanse by starting with

  • Tiao He Pak – it is a whole body herbal cleansing program in 30 convenient packets.  Mark  start date on calendar. Take one packet 15 minutes before or with meals 3 X day (breakfast, lunch and dinner.)  Drink 1 glass of water each time with the packet.  It will take you ten days to complete this program, or 15 days  at 2X day, if 3 per day is too strong for you.  As soon as you are finished, start with
  • Para Cleanse – a parasite cleansing program with 20 packets to be taken 15 minutes before or with meals 2X day (breakfast and dinner). After completion in 10 days, stop for 7-10 days.  Mark this on your calendar, as you will repeat this process.
  • While on your 7-10 days off Para Pak, take Bifidophilus or Probiotics 11: 2 capsules before bedtime and 2 capsules in the morning before breakfast. Do this each time during the days between Para Pak. You can stop probiotics while doing the next set of Para Pak. Keep either of these pre and probiotic blends in the fridge or freezer after opening bottle. We suggest 2 bottles taken during and after the parasite cleanse.

You will do 4 sets all together (including 1 Tiao He Pak and 3 Para Paks) to make sure that you have rid all the parasites, larvae and eggs.  In future, should you begin to feel energy loss or feel lethargic, this could be a sign that the parasites are again increasing.  Start the Para Pak program again and do it 3 times in a row (10 on and 7-10 days off) with Bifidophilus or Probiotic 11 during the off days.  Depending on how long you have had the parasites, it may take another one or two times to bring them totally under control.  In future, drink filtered water and take other necessary precautions with pets, hand washing etc. Parasite cleansing is recommended at least once per year. This replacement of friendly flora in the lower gut  helps  keep the bacteria load at acceptable levels.


Dietary and other suggestions during cleanse

With both cleanses dietary suggestions are simple: include lots of fresh vegetables and especially green, leafy sources in your diet.  Recommended – each morning have ¼ cup raw oatmeal mixed in plain yogurt with fruit if you prefer.  Avoid wheat grains and all flour products; whole quinoa, amaranth, millet, kamut or buckwheat are acceptable. Avoid coffee, alcohol, all sugar and fried foods.  For protein, use nuts, seeds or add a vegetarian protein powder daily. Drink hot water – at least 2 – 4 cups a day – you can add Liquid Chlorophyll.

During this process, change bedding often and  underwear daily.  Wash hands frequently and for certain after using the washroom – avoid fingers in the mouth, eyes and nose.  If you have pets, wash your hands after handling them.  It is a good idea to have your pets do a parasite cleanse as well, as this may be your source of contamination.  Herbal Pumpkin Worm Balls and Black Walnut are two herbs that will help with this process ongoing,  Contact our office for more information, or for other uses of herbs to keep your pets healthy.

Additional aid – You can help the process by inserting crushed raw garlic directly into the colon with a syringe. Blend 2 cloves of garlic in ½ cup warm water.  Alternately crush garlic if no blender. In fetal position insert with bulb syringe.  Hold as long as you can.  This is an excellent expellant when tape worms are present.  You may experience a slight temporary burning sensation.

Pamper Foods for the Colon and Intestine

  • Raw Steel Cut Oatmeal & blueberries or grated apple or banana. Mix ¼ cup with yogurt and blueberries or grated apple.  This is an ideal breakfast which will help promote colon health (a gentle fibre) and clean blood plasma.  You may consider a sprinkling of ground flaxseed, Flax Hull Lignans, or hemp – a very good idea.
  • Boiled Rice Soupor “Congee” – Method: ½ cup small grain rice in a large pot – stir in 1 tablespoon olive oil with a little sea salt.  Mix well.  Add 2 – 3 cups of water and allow to simmer for an hour or more, stirring often and adding more water when needed until you have a thick, soupy mixture.  You may add blueberries with maple syrup and use as a morning food, or use plain anytime of day with vegetables.  This is a good food once a day when doing a body or parasite cleanse, softening and making it easier to eliminate adhered debris in the intestines.  Parasites do not like this consistency.
  • Oatmeal Drink – Make a thick oatmeal drink by cooking ½ cup oatmeal in 2 cups or more boiling water with a little sea salt.  Allow to boil on medium heat for 15 minutes or more and then strain the oats out.  Drink this thick fluid.  If you need, add some stevia or Xylitol as sweetener. This has a calming affect, allowing for ease in evacuation and is considered pamper food for the colon and probiotics.



You will need the following for this cleanse:

  • 1 Tiao He Pak herbal cleanse (10 days)
  • 2-3 Para Paks – parasite cleanse (3 is better insurance that all eggs that hatch are killed).  Each Para Pak is 10 days.
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force or Probiotic 11 – friendly bacteria – during the 7-10 days off Para Pak.
  • Psyllium Hulls Combination – optional fibre – recommended if you lack fibre in your food.  This also helps removes toxins quickly.
  • Liquid Chlorophyll – you cannot overdose with this supplement

Contact our office to order these professional products direct and receive a 20% discount and FREE shipping to your door. No obligations. Just professional service.

Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome X

Diabetes is without question the fastest-growing chronic disease in North America. More than 2 million Canadians currently have the disease.

Twenty years ago, metabolic syndrome was almost an unknown idea among conventional practitioners. Today it is recognized as the precursor to full-blown diabetes. This is gratifying because it means conventional medicine accepts the idea that diabetes develops over time — it doesn’t just appear overnight.

The diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is made when three or more of five disorders are present in the patient: high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, high blood sugar, high blood pressure and an above-average waistline.

Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome are basically the same thing. They begin with the same faulty cell signalling that, over time, causes metabolic disorders and damage, and eventually, degenerative diseases.

New research is confirming what herbalists and natural practitioners have known for millennium – that we can use specific natural ingredients to sort out the mixed-up cell signalling that occurs in metabolic syndrome and reverse the problem.

Please check out these suggestions on   Choose Canada or US in top right corner.

Contact us for professional assistance to set up a member account with 20-25% discount and free shipping to you door!

Chromium with GTF – Glucose Tolerance Factor helps the body to utilize glucose effectively

P14: a pancreas support combination, containing 14 different herbs that aid the pancreas in digestion, insulin production and secretion; also helps lower blood sugar levels.

Gluco Reg: blood sugar combination designed to help people overcome insulin resistance. Gymnema, Banaba, Bitter Melon, Fenugreek, Chromium, Vanadium

Ultimate GreenZone: Protein, fats and carbs in ratio of 40-30-30 helps keep blood sugar levels balanced, prevents sugar cravings, maintains energy. GreenZone is a source of super dense greens nutrition.

NutriBurn Whey, Nature’s Harvest,  Love & Peas  protein belnds: helps balance blood sugar levels.

SuperTrio – an easy daily supplement to ensure you meet your daily needs. Contains Omegas which helps prevent inflammation, diabetes, decrease carb and sugar cravings.

A full Fact Sheet on any of these products is available from Benoit & Associates Health Education. Ph: 250-748-6802, or email in Contact.


Some explanations of common terms:

Hypoglycemia is a condition of low blood sugar. Reactive hypoglycemia is when the drop in blood sugar happens 2-5 hours after eating. As Dr. Kharrazian, known for his revolutionary book on the thyroid, points out: “Reactive hypoglycemia is an early stage of insulin resistance… and can lead to diabetes.” He also explains how hypoglycemia is related to many forms of hypothyroidism and sluggish pituitary function. (4)

Insulin resistance happens when an ongoing release of insulin is released in response to high blood glucose (sugar). This excess insulin causes inflammation of the cell membranes, making them less able to accept insulin, which transports glucose into the cells.  We then lose energy as we have no fuel. We run out of gas, so to speak. Remember this is all due to excess sugars in the diet.

Some symptoms of insulin resistance:

  • sleepy after meals
  • weight gain, especially around belly
  • hungry all day, even after large meals
  • hormonal imbalances such as breast for men and facial hair for women
  • irritability or foggy thinking if you miss a meal
  • dependence on caffeine to make it though the day
  • difficultly falling asleep at night and sluggish in morning

The last 3 symptoms also point to adrenal exhaustion which is related to insulin resistance and hypoglycemia.

March Health Newsletter


For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office by phone:  250-748-6802        email: Website:

Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link:

Thyroid Health and Radiation Protection:

Summer Annual Herbal Intensive:

Healthy Heart Tips:

Cancer Book 2nd printing now available!

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask via a comment on my website blog and I will do my best to answer.

We are also connected with many professionals offering classes and conference calls great ways to learn more about your health……so let’s find out more about what’s upcoming…..

Education local and worldwide – colour coded, so you can quickly browse through to see which are of interest.

Local Upcoming Dinner Classes:


Tue Mar 22nd: Diabetes, Syndrome X

Tues Apr 19th: Parasite Cleanses for People and Pets

Wed May 18th: Women’s Health, Hormones & Happiness

Wed.June 15th: Men’s Health

Lake Cowichan – Cow Café

Wed. April 20th: Keeping Healthyfor all ages! – The 8 Causes of Disease

May  and June : TBA

** Herb Walk in Honeymoon Bay Reserve Wed. May 25th 5-7 pm; (not a dinner class)

Business Coaching – offered every month after our local Dinner Classes.


Webinars on the amazing Brilliant Body Systems. If you have not watched these yet, they are well done, very informative and with the CD anyone can present professional education to friends and family anywhere!


GO to link:

Tons of professional training, including past webinars, are available free and online to all members, from past training at

Across Canada:

NSP is offering a series of lectures : Winnipeg April 12, St. Albert, AB, April 13th, Kelowna, Apr. 14th and Nanaimo, Apr. 15th,  to share “The System” of Kevin Graff,  as well as how NSP super shakes can help you gain health AND business!

Toronto: March 26th – Sylvia Rogers:  Be Prepared to Grow

Montreal:April 16th –  Dr. Kim Balas: Parasites and Allergies

Call NSP 1-800-265-9163 for details if a member.

Call our office if you are not – everyone is welcome!

Ongoing Compass Assessment Classes

An extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.  Watch this 3 minute video:

Assessments in group setting – fun and informative – are only $25, second time $20 – call office for dates & locations across Canada……

Success Stories / Raising Healthy Children

One mother of three was just relating how much her children love the new natural gummies Super Hero Multi Vitamin and Minerals. She also noticed that while taking them her children were not sick like most of their friends; when they ran out they started coming down with the “bugs” – they are back on them now and feeling great again!  JS

Political Scene

Yes it is happening in Canada! Dr. Eldon Dahl, the Alberta,ND whose home was raided at gun point:

The letters that people are writing to MPs, Minister of health and Harper, are starting to make a difference, but thousands more are needed to stop this government from taking away more of our natural supplements. Since 2004, only 25,900 out of 57,200 applications have received approval. This means we have already lost more than 60% of our supplements. This is costing Canadians 3 times: Health Canada’ s bureaucratic wages, increased cost to consumers, increased cost to our Health Care System.            PLEASE write a quick letter to:

The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq

Minister of Health
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6 (Tel :  613-992-2848 Fax :  613-996-9764)

Write your personal story here and questions or concerns. It can be brief; their answers won’t say much, so don’t waste too much time – it is the numbers of letters that count, as each one comes from a voter!

Ask for a response, include your name and complete address

CC:     Prime Minister Right Honourable Stephen Harper

Parliament Building

Ottawa, ON   K1A 0A6

Glenda Yeates:       email: fax: 613-952-8422

NHPPA:                   email: fax:  250-377-4990

HANS:                     email: fax:  604-435-1561,

Your MP:               email:                                                      fax:

Your MPP:             email:                                                     fax :

MP and MPP (Member of Provincial Parliament) aka MLA:



It is also helpful to send letters to Editor of your local newspaper, as the media is not reporting on this! If you need suggestions or more history, visit any of these sites:

Monthly Specials for Members

April 1st is when price increases come into effect, so take advantage of the Beat the Price Increase specials from March 25th – 29th.

How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972. Ongoing coupon book specials available with order you place direct with NSP.

Professional training available free and online to all members at

What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website
  • Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
  • Go to; choose your country and use sponsor

# 309344-6 to receive discount

All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, webinars and conference calls with professionals are free.


We are always looking for more people to train as herbal specialists. There is a great need for those who wish to earn and learn, while helping others. If you let us know your intent, we will coach you.

Spiritual and Emotional

May we all spend some time sending peace, blessings and healing to Japan, Australia, the Middle East and Africa. The catastrophes and disasters, both natural and caused by men, are truly escalating. Our very sustenance, our Mother Earth needs healing. The ravages that are happening in so many parts of the world are inviting us to look at the things that are important to us in our life.

What small steps can we take to reduce our footprint and damage to our great provider? Can our gratefulness for what we have at this time help us to send positive vibrations to those in need?

Yours in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Here to serve you…….

Thyroid and Radiation Protection

Thyroid and Radiation Protection


Just after the Fukishima nuclear disaster, I had at least 40 emails about radiation protection and many queries. Research to separate the wheat from the chaff takes time. Here is my take, compiling recent information combined with thyroid information I have on files from more than 20 years. Hope it simplifies the information for you.

As links tend to change over the years, please Contact us,  for personalized, expert assistance in obtaining any of herbs mentioned in this article. We have worked with one major quality professional herbal source since 1990 and can help you get the best for your health and your money. Are you worth the best?

The thyroid is an iodine hungry gland. It will absorb any type of halide with similar molecular structure to iodine including: iodine both natural and radioactive, chlorine, fluorine, bromine, perchlorate.

If your thyroid receptor sites are saturated with healthy organic iodine you will not absorb radioactive or other unhealthy sources. If you are the least bit deficient in iodine, the body readily accepts radioactive Iodine 131.

North Americans are generally deficient in all trace minerals including iodine, which has shown itself in many diverse symptoms besides hypothyroid challenges. Deficiency being the norm, whether there is a threat from fallout or not, I believe it cannot hurt to give your thyroid a little natural boost. Many people will feel better for it. Do not overdose and pay attention to your body. Check how to monitor thyroid with basal body temperature.

How to Saturate/Nourish Your Thyroid:


The 3 most common ways to get iodine are:

  • increasing seaweed intake via diet and/or supplementation
  • adding black walnut, or
  • taking potassium iodine

Choose whatever method you are most comfortable or you can do a combination. There is no right or wrong, again pay attention to how you feel and monitor your temperature.

Seaweed, especially Kelp will help absorb both radioactive plutonium as well as radioactive uranium, plus has added advantage of helping to eliminate all heavy metals from your body. Some sources say that Lugol’s does not stop the plutonium absorption. Other seaweed sources are nori, dulse, kombi, all of which can be added into the diet.

Seaweed, plentiful in Iodine 127, protects the body from absorbing Iodine 131. Seaweed was studied and used extensively after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. It has been recorded that 20 years after the Chernobyl disaster, the Polish people treated with Iodine 127 have almost 1000 times less thyroid disease than neighbouring countries further from the disaster site. After WW II nuclear bombs, people living in regions of Japan where miso soup with seaweed was part of daily diet, suffered less radiation damage. Other foods that help protect the body from radiation damage are the brassicas, nettles, Pau D’Arco, all dark orange and green foods.

Dosage: 6 – 10 Kelp capsules per day. Nature’s Sunshine capsules are 525 mg per capsule and according to Dr. Ryan Drum, a world renowned seaweed and thyroid expert, an average sized adult needs about 5 grams per day for optimum health.  Be sure to use kelp that is tested to ensure it contains NO heavy metals. Nature’s Sunshine products DO test, more than 85% of providers do not.

Black Walnut is a natural organic iodine source that also helps kill parasites, yeast and fungus which most people harbour. This will be covered in Duncan Dinner Class (what a topic for dinner?!) Tues. April 19th. Black Walnut is available in capsules and liquid extracts. Contact our office for high quality sources.

Dosage: see Organic IODINE THYROID LOADING THERAPY with Black Walnut and herbal formulas article at end.


Lugol’s Iodine (named from Jean Lugol). One of the cheapest and oldest forms of iodine, declined in use when expensive synthetic thyroid supplementation took over. This is apparently what the Japan govt. is giving to its people, and what BC Health Minister has advised no one to use, and pharmacies not to sell ?!?

– 5% iodine + 10% potassium iodide in 85% distilled water

– 2 drops of Lugol’s solution (0.1ml) contains 5 mg of iodine and 7.5 mg of  iodide = 12.5 mg of iodine

Be aware Iodine can cause adverse effects for individuals who are very sensitive, although there are usually no allergies to natural iodine. If you have high levels of Candida, you may experience die off and feel temporary weakness and possibly headache or nausea. If this happens, cut back temporarily on the amount and drink plenty of water and diluted teas or juices.

Dosage: for thyroid conditions 100 – 150 mg. max per day for adult of 150 lbs. 16 drops = 100 mg ; 24 drops = 150 mg.

Take less for smaller weight, children and seniors, or if you do not experience any symptoms of low thyroid.

Divide drops in 3-4 daily dosages in water, or with apple cider vinegar, 20 mins. before food.

Start with low dose and gradually increase per day over a 3 week period.

Lugol’s is oxidative, so avoid taking anti-oxidant supplements (Vitamin A, C, E, selenium, glutathione, etc.) for the duration of your “higher-than-normal” usage of Lugol’s. You should also follow high usage of iodine products with Bifidophilus Flora Force to replenish vital intestinal flora.

Some History of Lugol’s :

The following information in italics was taken from an old Lugol’s label. The new labels do not contain internal dosage, and since synthetic thyroid drugs entered the market, with huge profits, Lugol’s use has been discouraged.

Note these dosages were for viral and bacterial infection, not thyroid, which might explain lower dosages.

Dosage: One drop if body weight is 150 lbs. (68 kg.) or less; two drops for body weight of more than 150 lbs.
Directions: Take the suggested “Dosage” above two times per week – temporally equidistant (i.e. such as Wednesday and Saturday). In times of bacterial or viral infection, take Dosage three times per week (i.e Monday, Wednesday, Friday). Take Lugol’s on an empty stomach about 20 minutes before eating in an 8 oz. (236 ml.) glass of distilled or purified water with one teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar added for slight acidification.

Some benefits of increased iodine / symptoms of low thyroid are:

hypothyroid and autoimmune thyroid symptoms improve

cancer therapies are more effective, especially hormonal cancers

other autoimmune disorders improve

fibrocystic breast syndrome improves

Candida, stuffy nose, headache, vaginitis, severe depression

adrenal exhaustion, cold hands and feet, extreme fatigue, low libido

Note: weight gain or loss is NOT a good indicator of low thyroid

Monitor basal temperature:

The best way to monitor under active thyroid is the Barnes’ method. A regular Basal thermometer is preferred.  Shake it down and put it on the bedside table at night.  First thing in the morning, before getting out of bed, place the thermometer under your armpit.  Leave it there at least  5 minutes for accurate reading.  Record your temperature, for 3 weeks in a row, so the body goes through all of its cycles during this time. If 3 consecutive weeks is not possible, then do 5 days at a time, during different times of the month. Temperature average should be 97.8 – 98.2 F degrees or above.

If regular thermometer is difficult to find, you can use the digital kind.

Other health tips: Increase foods rich in iodine: ocean food, radishes, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, rhubarb, potatoes, peas, strawberries, mushrooms, lettuce, bananas, cabbage, egg yolk, and onions; taking preparations known to be rich in iodine, including, kelp tablets, black walnut KC-X or TS II –  herbal thyroid support combinations, cod liver oil.

Re Radiation risk: Do not rely on government reports. As with the Gulf oil disaster, the truth was hidden. Check to monitor radiation levels. Take precautions recommended IF radiation does increase: staying inside, as Iodine 131 we breathe or get on our skin is likely to be absorbed if we are Iodine deficient. Have safe water and food supplies that will not be contaminated.  If you are not supporting thyroid for any conditions listed above, I would still suggest starting iodine supplements within one to two days of any expected fallout.



with Black Walnut and herbal formulas

This is a 3 week program adapted from article by Dr. K. Balas, ND

It has helped many people with hypothyroid “kick start” their thyroid so it starts producing adequate hormones and to avoid a life long dependence on synthetic medications.

Start: – For 3 days

1 tsp. (5 ml)  Black Walnut extract in AM & 1 tsp. in PM

Noon: 5 caps TS II, KC-X, Kelp or Black Walnut Hulls


After 3 days increase to:

2 tsp.(10 ml) Black Walnut in AM & 2 tsp. in PM

Noon:  10 – 15 capsules of KC-X or others as mentioned above.

Do this for a total of two weeks.  Gradually taper down to maintenance at the end. This would mean 8 bottles of 2 oz (59 ml) black walnut tincture – it may seem like a lot, but if it avoids you becoming a life long drug addict, or dealing with possible side effects of synthetic thyroid, it is worth it.

Should one need to go the prescription route, try to find a specialist who will work with desiccated thyroid versus synthroid.

For maintenance, take 2 -4 capsules a day of  KC-X or TS II.  Eat sea vegetables, naturally dried  unprocessed sea salt, deep-sea fish  and other suggestions above in your diet.

Basic Program for all Hormone Imbalances

  • Super Oil or Super Omega 3
  • Master G – herbal and vitamin glandular support
  • Adrenal Support
  • Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic
  • Bifidophilus or Probiotic 11– probiotic/prebiotic blends
  • Garden Essence– plant enzymes

Best to do the Thyroid Loading first for 3 weeks, then focus on the overall hormonal balance with the Basic Program. Contact our office for full fact sheets on any of these products.

Check with a qualified herbal nutritionist if you have questions. With kidney or other weakness, half dosage may be suggested. Contact us to help choose program for you and get your member order placed. No charge 10 mins.


© Lorene Benoit Health Education 250-748-6802,



Dr. Derry, deceased MD from Victoria: used Lugol’s with his patients for years for both thyroid and fibrocystic breast disease.

Dr. Hulda Clarke recommends Lugol’s and Black Walnut for cancer treatment

Dr. Kimberly Balas, PhD, ND

Dr Orian Truss

Dr. Jarvis

Dr. Ryan Drum

Dr. David Brownstein, MD has an excellent book explaining iodine, thyroid and health issues: Iodine:  Why you Need It Why You Can’t Live without It

Herbal Intensive July 15th – 18th, 2011

Herbal Intensive: What, Why and How?



The Cowichan Valley supports a lush growth of plants that have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes, as well as for food. We will study indigenous, wild, and some cultivated botanicals with a Master Herbalist who has 30 years experience.

In this 3 1/2   day Intensive you will learn:

Ø       introduction to botanical terms

Ø       plant families and identification

Ø       medicine wheel & plant energy

Ø       drying and storage

Ø       doctrine of signatures

Ø       harvesting


You will also learn how to prepare and apply herbs in a practical and fun “hands on” setting:

Ø       Poultices, fomentations and compresses

Ø       Infusions,  decoctions and juices

Ø       Sweat baths, inhalations

Ø       Herbal oils and salves

Ø       Enemas and douches

Ø       Tinctures, herbal vinegars

Ø       Preparations for eyes, teeth, sinus and nose

Ø       Glycerites, syrups and more…

Someone might get a poultice applied; another a compress. Faces often contort as we taste the various decoctions!

We learn how to prepare and apply herbs in a practical and fun “hands on” setting.

Plus: 1/2 day Medicine Wheel Workshop, July 15th, 1-4 pm

Ø     Understand the 4 element model that has endured from ancient cultures around the world,

Ø     Learn to apply this to 4 pillars of health:

  • physical,
  • spiritual,
  • mental and
  • emotional.

Ø      Learn to understand  herbs and conditions

People can take Medicine Wheel Workshop  on its own, (Contact the office) and those attending the Intensive are encouraged to arrive early and participate in the Medicine Wheel workshop.

One trained practitioner from Calgary, Alberta wrote this in her evaluation:
I learned to identify herbs out in the field, herbs which I have used with people for many years but never knew what they looked like.  It was great to see them in their natural habitat.  It helped me get to know them better as living beings! ”
Monica H.  Calgary, AB.


Join us to experience the healing powers we have been provided with by getting in touch with herbs. Feel the peace of nature seep into your cells, guided by one of Canada’s leading herbal experts,  Master Herbalist and Healer of over 30 years.

On beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia – build a holiday of your lifetime around this event! Please contact our office for posters with details.


You will keep a minimum of three herbal products you help make.


Date: Friday-Monday, July 15th– 18th, 2011

Investment: $475 includes: ½ day Medicine Wheel Workshop Fri, plus 3 full days Sat, Sun, Mon, all supplies, samples, and organic lunches.

Early Bird Discount for payment received by June 15th: save $100!


Registration closes July 7th $50 of registration fee is a non-refundable deposit


About the Instructor: Lorene Benoit is a Health Educator with a Bachelor of Education in Biology and Physical Education. She has a Master of Holistic Health; is Certified as Herbal Consultant, Iridologist, Contact Reflex Analyst and several Body-Mind Healing modalities.  She has engendered nutrition, lifestyle management and natural therapies for more than 30 years. Her passion is empowering people through down to earth education of   their own bodies, herbs and health on all levels.  In her vision to help people move towards optimum health, she offers consultations in her Vancouver Island office, writes and travels extensively to lecture and teach. This annual intensive is a favourite, where all the connections of healing come together in nature!


Location: These courses are being taught on 5 wild and cultivated acres within the temperate rain forest, and riparian (riverside) habitat of the Cowichan River, Vancouver Island.

5175 Bills Road, Duncan, British Columbia, V9L 6S7, Canada


Payment:    Money order can be mailed to Lorene Benoit at above address.


A list of local accommodations, B&Bs, or camping options & other activities available to help you stay and enjoy the Cowichan Valley paradise!


Register: Health Education, 250-748-6802 ;
