All posts by LoreneB

About LoreneB

Lorene Benoit is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator. Qualifications include Bachelor of Education Biology, French and Phys. Ed; Masters of Holistic Healing; Certified Herbal Consultant; Iridologist; Contact Reflex Analyst; Live Blood Analyst; plus certifications in Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing. Benoit founded Lorene Benoit Health Education Services in 1989. She presents, with humour and life, to health practitioners, corporations and the public, from workshops to annual 4 day herbal intensives. Her passion is teaching healthy lifestyles on all levels, so that people can take control of moving toward optimum health !

Rebounding: Mini-Trampoline Exercise

Mini- Trampoline Exercise

Jumping on a mini-trampoline or “rebounding”, as it is sometimes called, is an exercise that has all the benefits of aerobic exercise plus more. It causes less stress on the skeletal system because the trampoline takes most of the stress. It tones and strengthens every cell in the body, cleanses the entire system of toxins and poisons, and uses the force of gravity in an acceleration/deceleration effect in the body.

The majority of people including the elderly, blind, physically and mentally handicapped, babies, and even people in wheelchairs are able to use a mini-trampoline. A baby can be held while someone is jumping, people in wheelchairs can put their feet on the trampoline while someone else jumps.

“Jump on a trampoline 3x a day for 2-5 minutes each time and start slow”, states Dr. Jenner.

Tones and Strengthens every cell

Jumping on a trampoline increases the gravitational pull on the body. At the top of the bounce the body becomes weightless for a split second. At the bottom of the bounce the body receives as much as 2 G’s force. This increased pull causes the cells to tone and strengthen themselves. Bones become denser, all muscles organs and tissues become stronger.

Acceleration/ Deceleration Cleansing Effect

The lymphatic system of the body has three times more fluid than blood. It acts as the vacuum cleaner or garbage collector of the body. It also is the immune system of the body. This fluid (the same fluid that fills blisters) bathes the cells in nutrients, as well as removing debris and toxins. It flows through the body in a system of tubes with one way valves. Dr. Corwin West claims trapped protein gets in the valves and that rebounding is the best way to circulate the Lymphatic System.

The bottom of the bounce causes increased pressure and closes the valves. In the middle of the bounce the valves open and at the height of top of the bounce fluids begin to flow. As the body descends (deceleration) the fluid flows pulling waste matter away from the cells to be eliminated by lymph fluids. All cells in the body are helped by this cleaning process.

Lymphatic Herbal Aids

LYM- MX: The lymphatic system needs to function properly to fulfill its role as an able partner of the immune system. LYM-Mx supports drainage through the lymphatic system.

Contains: Beta-Carotene 1250 IU, Vitamin C 50 mg, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl) 2.5 mg, Vitamin D3 100 IU, Magnesium (magnesium oxide) 12.5 mg. In a base containing: Cliver’s herb, alfalfa herb, chamomile flowers, Echinacea purpurea root, Parthenium integrifolium root, Siberian ginseng root, yarrow flowers, lecithin, garlic bulb, CoQ10, sodium copper chlorophyllin.

Lobelia is another amazing herb for the lymphatic system, besides being nature’s strongest herbal relaxant. As a de-obstruant, lobelia helps to remove congestion from lymphatic system as well as thinning mucous, which makes it excellent for asthma, coughs, COPD  and other respiratory complaints. Lobelia is also one of the best herbs to help people stop smoking. Email our office for full fact sheets or articles on this herb, or to order any products!

References:  “How to Herb Book” by Velma. J Keith;    Benoit & Associates Health Education; Dr. John Christopher


October Health Newsletter


For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office:  Phone: 250-748-6802                                    Email:                                               Website:

Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link:

Candida Albicans / Yeast Infections:

Candida albicans is a form of parasitic yeast which thrives in warm-blooded animals. Candida normally populates the bowel, vagina and mucous membranes. In those with healthy immune systems, it is kept in balance by friendly bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidophilus bacteria. If the balance is upset, the Candida proliferates. Click here to read more


Brilliant Body Dinner Classes:

Back by popular demand – Dinner classes are full of practical health, fun and time for questions. Classes are open to everyone and anyone who would like to understand how their body works and what to do when it doesn’t. The goal is to help you and those you care about achieve optimum health! Click here to read more

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask us with a comment on my website blog and I will do my best to answer.

 We are also connected with many professionals offering classes and conference calls great ways to learn more about your health……so let’s find out more about what’s upcoming…..


Monthly Specials for Members

– see below how to become a member and why you may want to do this!

Natural Changes for Women:        This is a package which offered terrific results for many women. Unfortunately, one of the pills was discoloured, so they have discontinued it. We have 1 package left –first local taker gets it!

 Coupon Book Savings: all members can use any one coupon with any order they place directly with company.

Please watch for Convention specials available the end of October. For those going to Convention, you can order Buy 3 get 1 free. For no attendees, it will be 5% off, full PV, or Buy 4 get 1 free.

 How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

 You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

 What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website
  • Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
  • Go to; choose your country and use sponsor

       # 309344 to receive discount


All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, webinars and conference calls with professionals are free.

  Local Education    

Brilliant Body Dinner Classes in Duncan, Vancouver Island started Sept. 19th

To share these classes worldwide, contact our office for the information.

Thurs Oct 13th        Intestinal

Thurs Nov 10th       Immune

Thurs Dec 8th          Nervous

Thurs Jan 12th           Respiratory

Thurs Feb 9th             Circulatory

Thurs Mar 15th          Hepatic

Thurs Apr 12th           Urinary

Thurs May 10th         Glandular

Thurs June 14th        Structural

Call to register. Health Class only $15 per person. Discounts available:

  •     5 sessions paid in advance:   $60
  •     10 sessions paid in advance: $120
  •      Bonus: Full payment of 10 includes free gift, certification* and Zyto Compass training
  •      Replacement can attend a session if you cannot
  •      Attend 4 consecutive sessions for $15 , 5th one free!

    5:30 Doors open to order your choice  of  food or drink.

   6:00 – 7:30 Classes

  7:30 – 8:00 Q& A and business coaching 

 Vaccine Safety

 I have an email with links pertaining to adverse effects of vaccines, including narcolepsy, death, miscarriages and inaccurate reporting of all events. If you would like this email forwarded, please email with “Vaccine info” in subject line.

Some news of which everyone should be aware:  NCOW Press Release Oct. 28, 2010

 CDC allegedly falsifies reports–ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages from H1N1 Vaccine

More facts about Gardasil:  In September 2008, FDA Closing Statement on Gardasil it was noted that 73.3% of girls in the clinical trials developed “new medical conditions” post vaccination. 17 girls died during the clinical trials.

Parents whose children have suffered catastrophic injuries including death following vaccination with Merck’s Gardasil vaccine, and GlaxoSmithKline’s Cervarix, have launched websites to warn other families that the risks may far outweigh any potential benefit claimed by the manufacturers and health agencies who promote these products. Read the entire SANE Vax report here: 


Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health. 

Watch this 3 minute video :


Success Stories

 Testimonials on Lorene Benoit’s book  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer

From DL, Canada:

  I was most impressed with the clarity and use of “layman’s language”, the small sized book, with easy to read larger print for old eyes, and even little cartoons to break the monotony! I learned so much from “The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer” about cancer that I hadn’t heard about and statistics I didn’t understand! I never knew it was a fungus that feeds on sugar and yeast! I just knew it was a deadly disease that required chemotherapy that made you lose your hair or radiation that sapped your body energy, leaving a person unable to live normally. We are all quite familiar with surgery, possible infections and blood clots, which I wanted none of!! I had only ever had surgery for appendicitis when I was 17 years old. I am now 80 years old and was booked for hip replacement which I wanted done to regain my mobility and life.

My youngest son urged me to get the hip done to restore my `quality of life`, and not to have the radiation he had about 10 years ago. I told this to my daughter, Alexis Gilchrist, who is studying herbology, and she said, `Yes! and then you can go on the Paw Paw Program! “ (Which I knew nothing about – so she gave me one of Lorene Benoit`s books to read).

The information made so much sense to me that it took no time to make my personal decisions! I ordered the necessary herbs to cleanse, build my body and immune system and ones to clean out the cancer cells that may have been left after 3 biopsies. (There were none found in 19 lymph glands tested). I have now had my hip replaced and home doing very well. I believe the herbal build up made me so much healthier that my body responded so well with absolutely no pain that even the doctors were surprised!!!

I was so pleased with the information in the book that I gave it to 3 friends of mine who are retired nurses. They also thought it very good and factual. 2 of the 3 said they were going to buy copies. I intend to continue sharing mine so people will have opportunity to learn as I did from it.

I am taking the Paw Paw program and doing very well!

  Thank you very much for writing the Paw Paw Program book! What an eye-opener!


  I received great news after my scans in August. They showed that there are no new tumors or inflammation anywhere and the tumors that were there have shrunk in size. There is greatly reduced inflammation in the bones of my hips (where doctors had been very concerned before) and the doctors are very pleased with what is happening. I know the pawpaw, as well as the diet and everything else I’m doing, is contributing to my success.                         Thanks.

To order this book, which teaches you about Cancer AND the general cause of all diseases, plus preventative tips for overall health, save money by contacting the author directly via email or phone.


Video Pick / Spiritual and Humour

If Dr Seuss Met Eckhart Tolle (Oh,The Places Your Ego Will Go!):   “Have you had a good laugh at your ego? We all have one. The trick is to stop identifying with it and listening to it as if it were your guidance counsellor. Laughter can help. Witnessing presence through meditation is also powerful”

Video Pick / Your Health and Politics

Did you know that the third leading cause of death in North America is doctors? Watch this 5 minute video to see why.



We are always looking for more people to train as herbal specialists. There is a great need for those who wish to earn and learn, while helping others. We offer coaching for committed individuals. First step is Brilliant Body CD! Ask us if you are not familiar with this program. Phone the office anytime for help!

Yours in health,


Benoit & Associates Health Education

Here to serve you…….

Candida Albicans / Yeast Infections

Note: due to frequent changes to meet FDA & Health Canada regulations,  as well as NSP’s strict Quality controls, products and links change, so……
Please contact us for personal assistance and product details, plus to help you get discount ordering, and free shipping.


Candida albicans is a form of parasitic yeast which thrives in warm-blooded animals. Candida normally populates the bowel, vagina and mucous membranes. In those with healthy immune systems, it is kept in balance by friendly bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidophilus bacteria. If the balance is upset, the Candida proliferates.

As it multiplies in a hospitable environment, this single cell can rapidly develop into new strains, which is why target- specific drugs have limited effect. Researchers have identified multiple species of Candida, including C. parapsilosis, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, and C. dubliniensis. Canvas bulgeris as a secondary fungus that can cause many of the symptoms that accompanies Candida albicans.

Researchers who follow the polymorphic philosophy, believe that these are forms of the same organism as it progresses through different stages. It is known that Candida albicans can change its structure and metabolism into a fungal form, with a mass of filaments that can penetrate into surrounding tissue. These filaments are called mycelium. These mycelium can penetrate the lining of the colon, where Candida overgrowth usually begins, and enter the bloodstream. This is how Candida can spread to other organs and systems. When it enters the blood stream, it can travel to any weaker areas of the body, creating infectious – type responses.

At this stage it is now considered to be “systemic yeast infection”. At this  systemic stage, it can severely affect your health.  As the fungi multiply they also produce toxins which circulate in the blood stream & cause all kinds of sickness & illness,  known also as Candidiasis.



Candida ferments glucose, maltose, sucrose, and lactose to produce gas, acids, ethanol alcohol, as well as acetaldehydes, which can inactivate our body’s enzymes. These and other toxic by-products produce an intoxicated effect if they reach high levels in the blood.  Symptoms can be so far reaching that until a few years ago allopathic doctors refused to believe that Candida could be responsible for so many diverse symptoms and refused to recognize its dangerous potential. The symptoms will often fall under one or more of the following categories:

Allergies: partially due to the inactivation of enzymes and therefore the body ends up absorbing incompletely digested dietary proteins. Allergies can range from food sensitivities, to debilitating environmental hypersensitivities. Chemical reactions, pet allergies, continuous nasal congestion or drainage, dark circles under eyes are some examples.

Gastrointestinal: digestive and intestinal problems: 3Bs: belching, burping and bloating, gas, fatigue after meals, diarrhoea or constipation or both, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut.

Immune deficiency: yeast infections, thrush or mouth sores, frequent infections: ears, tonsils, bronchitis, diaper rash, bladder infections, vaginal or rectal burning or itching, discharge.

Nervous system: difficulty concentrating, poor coordination, mood swings, depression (both unipolar and bipolar), hyperactivity, poor attention span, mental confusion and anxiety.

Skin: constant skin problems, pimples on cheeks, rashes, athlete’s foot, ringworm, cradle cap, jock itch, psoriasis.

Nutritional deficiencies and imbalances: cravings for junk foods & sugar, dry mouth or throat, fatigue, difficulty getting pregnant, PMS problems including menstrual cramps.

Nails, Toenail fungus: read Fungus Among Us for specific solutions to this common yeast challenge, including athlete’s foot..



Antibiotics: promote the growth of Candida by killing friendly intestinal bacteria that control Candida, plus destroy Vit B and K.

Birth control pills: weaken the immune system, alter hormones, release toxins & destroy folic acid, Vitamins C, B6, B2, B12, B1 and E.

Cortisone and other steroid hormones: suppress immune system and destroy Vit A, B6, D, C, zinc and potassium.

Hormones: Progesterone suppositories produce a hormonal imbalance & cause yeast infections. Repeated pregnancies can increase changes in hormonal balance.

Sex:  partners can re-infect each other, so both should follow treatment to eliminate Candida.

Stress: weakens overall immunity, making it a prime target for opportunistic yeast infections.

Diet: Just like the yeast you may use for baking bread, Candida grows rapidly on sugar and flour. Too much acid-forming foods such as meat, poultry, eggs or farmed fish create an imbalanced pH.  Antibiotics and hormones are fed and injected into cattle, chicken and turkeys. Aim for a diet of 80% alkaline, (vegetables of every color and shape) and 20% acid forming foods.

Mold in your environment.



As with all health challenges, the Four Pillars of Health need to be considered:

1. Nutrition

Follow a healthy diet, which may also be called a Candida Diet. Think of this not as a restriction diet until Candida is gone, but rather as life-long dietary changes that promote ongoing health and build the immune system. Look at broadening your healthy food choices, rather than as an elimination diet. Eliminate causes listed above – replace drugs and improve health with herbs.

Specific recommendation for yeast, fungal and candida can be found here: Optimum Diet

2. Exercise

Energy begets energy. Choose a form of exercise that suits your lifestyle, your interests and level of health, then stick with it and enjoy it.

3. Emotional

Think positively as you begin taking the steps to improve your own health and you will reap the benefits. As you cleanse your body physically, you will find it easier to cleanse emotional toxins.

4. Supplementation

Herbs, enzymes and probiotics work on a two step approach.

First, the climate or environment of the body needs to be changed to eliminate Candida overgrowth, while increasing the friendly bacteria. You do not want to be a good host to Candida and you do want to create an environment that is a great host to the friendly bacteria.

Second, herbs are used to nourish and balance, plus strengthen the weakened body and immune system.

Once the situation is under control, maintenance programs promote strong immunity and are highly recommended.


  • *Artemisia Combination: Artemisia and Elecampane are specific herbs for aiding the body to eliminate the Canvas bulgeris fungus. Caprylic Acid, from coconut, is a fungicidal for Candida albicans.
  • *Caprylic Acid Combination
  • *Herbal Pumpkin
  • *Candida Clear 14 day Herbal Detox:  is available from US, and available to CA members via Sunshine Direct. It contains the above 3 combinations, plus Enzymes. Contact us to personalize  your  cleanse.
  • Yeast Fungal DeTox:  herbal combination designed to eliminate yeast and support overall health
  • Black Walnut: specific for Candida, helps rebuild a low thyroid, eliminate other parasites.
  • HRP-C: Chinese immune boosting formula for virus, fungal and yeast infections.
  • High Potency Garlic: enteric coated with chlorophyll, low odour, full potency.
  • Pau D’Arco (Taheebo): immune booster, inhibits yeast, viral & parasitic infections.
  • Cat’s Claw with Astragalus and Echinacea: anti-yeast and immune booster
  • Paw Paw (Asimina triloba) is also an excellent anti-fungal herb. This herb is powerful enough to be effective for cancer, as written in my book,The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer”
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force or Probiotics 11: 2 per day upon arising with  1 cup of water,  plus 2 tsps. Chlorophyll  for added benefit.
  • Digestive Enzymes: 1-2 with each meal, OR Protease Plus between meals.

All of the products listed in this article have complete Fact sheets, as well as the advice of trained herb specialists.

Herbal supplements should be accompanied by dietary change, adequate water intake, and daily bowel movements.

N.B. The bowels must move regularly (2 healthy BMs/day) for optimum health. If necessary add Psyllium Hulls Combo with LBS or Cascara to achieve this. Hydrated Bentonite helps to adsorb toxins and carry them out through the bowel as Candida is eliminated and will help prevent too serious a “die off reaction”.

For chronic Candida follow a maintenance/prevention for 5 days a month, after you have cleared it up. Suggested is to take 4 per day of any of the above formulas, or one of the Paks.

If you can do this around full moon, it will be more effective. Doing it 5 days/month means that one set of herbs will last for 5 months, so this is a worthwhile investment.


For optimum nutrition:

  • Power Greens added to shakes or smoothies helps provide dense nutrition, and alkaline body pH that one could get from 5-8 servings of green vegetables.


For full fact sheets on any products, or to receive Candida Dietary Suggestions, please contact Benoit & Associates Health Education
OR ph: 250-748-6802 for free 10 min. meet & greet

Brilliant Body Classes and Herbal Certification


Brilliant Body Dinner Classes

on Vancouver Island


Lorene Benoit BEd, MHH, CHC, CRA, CI

teaching about nutrition, diet and achieving wellness naturally

Back by popular demand – Dinner classes are full of practical health, fun and time for questions. Classes are open to everyone and anyone who would like to understand how their body works and what to do when it doesn’t. The goal is to  help you and those you care about achieve optimum health!

Location:  The White Spot Meeting room , 101 Trans Canada Highway, Duncan, BC .

You can order dinner/snack of choice, separate bill.

Investment: Health Class only $15 per person. Discounts available:

  •      5 sessions paid in advance: $60
  •     10 sessions paid in advance:  $120
  •      Bonus: Full payment of 10 includes free gift, certification and  Zyto Compass training
  •      Replacement can attend a session if you cannot

Time:   Doors open, meal ordering 5:30, Class 6 – 7:30

                  Q&A/ business 7:30 – 8 pm  


Mon. Sept. 19th   

Topic:  Digestion: GERD, Reflux, ulcers & more

Thurs. Oct. 13th

Topic:  Intestinal: Cleansing, Candida, Colitis, Crohns , Celiac, Cancer

Thurs. Nov. 10th

Topic:  Immune: avoid those fall bugs, immunize naturally

Thurs. Dec. 8th

Topic:  Nervous: Stress, shingles, sleep soundly, Christmas blues


Topic:  Respiratory:  Open them up and clear them out for full breathing

———————- 2nd session starts ———————

Thurs. Feb.9th

Topic: Circulatory: Cardio, Chelation, Cholesterol, Heart, Hypertension

Thurs. Mar. 15th

Topic:  Hepatic: Liver for life! Weight, detoxification, hormonal connection and emotional outlook to name a few

Thurs. Apr. 12th

Topic:  Urinary: Incontinence, bladder infections, kidney stones, arthritis

Thurs. May 10th

Topic:  Glandular: Happy Hormones for both sexes, critical for health

Thurs. June 14th

Topic:  Structural: strong bones, supple joints, and flexibility


Limited space- call now to reserve: 250-748-6802

* Certification option: full payment in advance. Attendance and homework requirement; call for details.    

August Health Newsletter – First Aid Tips, FREE specials for August, Education

** August, 2011 **

Hope you are enjoying the lazy sunny days of summer. Our garden is lush – what a great time to be filling our bodies with fresh veggies and fruits – and storing up natural Vit. D!

For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office by phone:  250-748-6802   
email:           Website
Articles added to our blog since the last newsletter, with direct link:

Annual Herbal Intensive 2011 a Success! 
Our Annual Herbal Intensive was busy and full of stewing and brewing. As we had typical West Coast winter weather, (not at all typical for July!),  picking and identifying had to fit in between sun and rain spells. Despite this we learned how to identify, harvest, store, prepare and use over 30 herbs on this 5 Acre property! Click here to read more

Skin Cancer and Paw Paw
Question from Vicki regarding treatment of skin cancer: “I have been treating skin cancer, basal cell with iodine with pretty good success but the cancer cells are very crafty and they are using my blood to move around my body.  I have just started drinking the juice from the mexican fruit guanabana.  I am getting significant better but I feel the cancer cells are not going to leave me alone.  What is this paw paw stuff?” Click here to read more

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask me on my website blog and I will do my best to answer.

Monthly Specials for Members
August special for new members has been extended to include September! 

FREE membership as either Preferred Customer OR Business Associate, plus FREE Silver Guard (118 mL) PLUS FREE small Chlorophyll with $75 order – if you have been thinking of it, now is the time! You can become a member for free, (and still get FREE sm. silver) even without an order! NSP has never offered a free membership and product without an order before, but they are confident once you see the product guide, you will be impressed by the quality, education and wide range of professional products – enough to be convinced that this is the company to help you keep you and your loved ones healthy.  Call our office- no matter where you live in Canada. For other countries, see below.

How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

  • You can receive discounts from 10 – 40% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.
  • Free education, resource centre, fact sheets, webinars and professional conference calls available to all

What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website – Many have found this to be the easiest and fastest way to sign up. Just provide us with your information and we will do the rest.
  • Memberships are free in most countries with an order.
  • Go to choose your country and use sponsor # 309344 to receive discount

In Cowichan Valley monthly dinner classes  will be back by popular demand! There will be a reduced rate for those who register and pay for a series of 4. Stay tuned for topics and be prepared to invite your friends, neighbours and co-workers.

Ztyo Compass – learn what your body’s needs are: watch this 3 minute video to explain this simple, yet accurate biofeedback tool:
Assessments in group setting – fun and informative – are only $25, second time $20 – make it a party to get yours free, plus host gifts

Special Offer on Bodywork- local
I am offering a special opportunity to my clients to take advantage of an introductory treatment from a visiting European therapist. Tanja is offering a limited number of sessions of DSR Fridays Sept. 2, 9th, and 16 and Tuesdays 6th, and 13th in my office. . I have had a treatment and found it to be very relaxing. Please call our office, 250-748-6802, or email her directly to book a 45 minute appointment. Payment is by voluntary contribution.

Derma Segmental Reflexology – DSR deep massage
DSR is a powerful deep massage without any use of oil or lotion. It increases the blood flow, oxygen and nutrient supply. This will release stress and tension in muscles and tissues, while stimulating blood flow to the organs. Toxins stored in fat cells are released with DSR treatment, thereby decreasing the risks of functional disturbances. The DSR massage focuses on the increase of the blood flow, so the muscles get their flexibility back and pain is relieved.
Benefit to you
Pain, stiffness and cramping for many people tend to manifest especially in the neck, shoulder and lower back areas, which can result in spinal deformities. DSR helps to relive this, contributing to greater comfort and an overall feeling of wellness.

Health Tips
First Aid for Burns: Silver Gel heals and prevents infection. If area is too sensitive to apply Gel, Silver Guard as a spray is amazing. Dr. Pedersen has pictures, somewhat gross to look at, of an 80+ year old woman with 3rd degree burns to both legs – completely healed with no scarring using liquid silver Guard as a spray. If you do not have silver on hand, which every household should have, here is a home remedy that is almost as effective. Spray cold water on the affected area until the heat is reduced and the skin stops burning. Then spread egg whites on the affected area. If you can, beat them slightly then apply. The whites when dried and form a protective layer of natural collagen. Continue for at least one hour applying layer upon layer of beaten egg whites. Pain and scarring are reduced and skin regeneration enhanced by both of these treatments.

Wasp Stings: Keep Tei Fu Oil on hand and apply a couple of drops immediately – stops pain and prevents reactions, even in those sensitive. Works on most bites, including spider, bees, mosquitoes.

Video Picks
Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business – fairly long, but it outlines the harassment of Dr. Burzynsky who has had one alternative to medical cancer treatments for years. If you don’t have much time, at least watch the first 3 minutes. 

RAID BY FDA: Aug. 2, 2011 a short 7 minute video showing something absolutely ridiculous – unfortunately raids like this are also happening in Canada. This is one reason we need to take control of our own health. On link below, search : Rawesome Foods Raid:

Lorene’s Book

Clearly written book which explains causes, prevention and natural approach to Cancer:

The Paw Paw program has not yet been attacked by either FDA or Health Canada, and also offers safe, yet effective approach to cancer. Please read more about it in my book. For those who wish to order, it is fastest and less expensive for you to contact our office directly, but the Pay Pal on the website works just fine too. See below for link to learn more about my book.

Low Glycemic Lemonade

  • 1/2 cup lemon juice
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 1/2 cups ice
  • 20 drops clear stevia or Xylitol powder to taste

Yours in health,
Benoit & Associates Health Education
Here to serve you…….

Annual Herbal Intensive 2011 a Success!

Our Annual Herbal Intensive was busy and full of stewing and brewing. As we had typical West Coast winter weather, (not at all typical for July!),  picking and identifying had to fit in between sun and rain spells. Despite this we learned how to identify, harvest, store, prepare and use over 30 herbs on this 5 Acre property!

We spent the first afternoon studying the Medicine Wheel garden and opening the Intensive by inviting the energies and spirit of the four elements  to join us. We made a soothing, healing salve with plantain, comfrey, yarrow, St. John’s wort and a few other propriety secrets available to those who participate in the course; St. John’s wort oil; herbal vinegar; herbal glycerites and some down home tinctracts, an alcohol tincture, plus a variety of aromatherapy products. We poulticed, snuffed, and drank lots of medicinal herbs in decoctions and infusions, both dried and fresh.

We prepared a 30% alcohol St. John’s wort tincture, as we have so much of it in late bloom, and it is great as a tincture for a dull winter uplift, and if things don’t change, we may need it for the summer too!

Everyone raved about Alain’s organic lunches; including the “weeds” we picked for the daily salads.

This year we had veteran herbal practitioners and beginning gardeners wanting to start herb gardens, from Canada and Holland, so the discussion and sharing were informative and lively. We may see some return next year and look forward to new people too! Thanks to all who attended – go forth and spread the wonders of herbal healing and health!


Skin Cancer and Paw Paw


Question from Vicki regarding treatment of skin cancer:

I have been treating skin cancer, basal cell with iodine with pretty good success but the cancer cells are very crafty and they are using my blood to move around my body.  I have just started drinking the juice from the mexican fruit guanabana.  I am getting significant better but I feel the cancer cells are not going to leave me alone.  What is this paw paw stuff?”


Thanks for your questions Vicki. Iodine is an effective adjunct to natural cancer treatment that I refer to in my book,The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer : The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally“. You’re right cancer cells ARE very crafty.

Paw Paw is an extract from the twigs of the Asimina triloba tree, and it is very effective at stopping crafty cancer cells. It works through 4 primary mechanisms of action:

  1. Inhibits ATP – Adenosine Tri Phosphate, part of energy cycle
  2. Prevents blood vessel growth: Anti-angiogenesis
  3. Depletes DNA RNA  (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid, Ribo Nucleic Acid
  4. Inhibits MDR ( Multiple Drug Resistant) efflux pump

This is explained in more detail on p. 91-94 of my book. As well, more detail here: Paw Paw Program Specifics

We have had success treating skin cancers, using Paw Paw both internally as a standardized capsule, and externally, by mixing Paw Paw it with Pau D’Arco Lotion, Silver Gel, Pure Aloe Vera Gel, or other salves made with healing herbs.

There are many other research articles on my blog, under Cancer category:                

Re: Guanabana fruit:. Another name for this fruit is Sour Sop, latin name of Annona muricata. It is in the same family as Paw Paw, Asimina triloba, but this article will explain why it is not as potent.

Our best success working with strong antioxidant beverages has been with a product called Thai Go (Zambroza in Canada and other countries) . This super food has been tested by the Ford Cancer Research to increase death of cancer cells. This is also detailed in my book.

Please contact our office if you would like to order my book or to be able to purchase  the program directly from the company I have used personally since 1985 and professionally since 1990.

July Health Newsletter

We have been enjoying these sunny days preparing our herb gardens for the upcoming Medicine Wheel Workshop and Annual Herbal Intensive. Registration is open until July 14th.

For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office by phone:  250-748-6802
email: Website

Articles added to our blog since the last newsletter, with direct link:

To help a person who has allergy problems, one must play detective. There are several body systems which may need to be addressed to solve the riddle. Determining which one or ones are the priorities can help to find quicker resolution. Every person is an individual, and although there are some herbs which will help many people most of the time, there are more severe or stubborn cases, where some sleuthing can make a difference quicker and with longer lasting benefits.

The systems that we assess for allergies are digestive, eliminative, respiratory, urinary and hepatic or liver. Our marvellous liver performs over 500 functions, so for those who are challenged with allergies, the liver is certainly one of the organs to check out. Let’s look briefly at the other systems first, by learning some of the clues as to which system is trying to tell you something. Click here to read more

Muscle Testing:
Muscle Response Testing, or MRT, is based on the principle that there is an energy field which flows around and through all things. The Chinese call this energy CHI. Like a magnet creating a magnetic field, which holds iron filings in a certain pattern, the CHI creates a field which holds the cells of our body in alignment. In muscle response testing we are checking the strength or weakness of the body’s energy field. It is a method of measuring the body’s energy balance. Click here to read more

Weight Loss and HCG:
Response to question: I have done some research and have come up with several opinions which  feel the HCG component is a placebo affect. This makes sense as anytime a person cleans up their diet, and decreases their caloric and carbohydrate intake, they will lose weight! Click here to read more

PhytoTherapy and Hormones:
Many women using synthetic hormones stopped when the Nurse’s Initiative published the negative side effects. Now more women use natural treatments to help with hormonal challenges, ranging from acne to weight gain and hot flashes.

Phytotherapy is the use of plants, either from food or herbs, for healing purposes. Phytotherapy is a wonderful alternative for hormonal balance because it works with your body to give you what you need, and has a proven track record of safety and efficacy. Click here to read more

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask me on my website blog and I will do my best to answer.

Monthly Specials For Members

July special for new members – free Digestive Enzymes PLUS free small Chlorophyll with $75 order – if you have been thinking of it, now is the time! Call our office.

How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

  • You can receive discounts from 10 – 40% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website
  • Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
  • Go to choose your country and use sponsor # 309344 to receive discount


Free education, resource centre, fact sheets, webinars and professional conference calls available to all members. Canadian link is Call our office to get connected in other countries.
Ztyo Compass – learn what your body’s needs are: watch this 3 minute video to explain this simple, yet accurate biofeedback tool:
Assessments in group setting – fun and informative – are only $25, second time $20 – make it a party to get yours free, plus host gifts

Political Scene

If some people actually think there have been deaths from vitamins… which of course is ridiculous because the very word means “Vital Minerals”, please direct them to this one article. It is an excellent backup for those of us who find ourselves struggling to convince people… the article clearly shows that there has not been ONE proven death from natural products in the last 27 YEARS.

Compare this to the annual deaths reported by government agencies on deaths from adverse effects of drugs – in the USit is now over 160,000 per year! (Canadawould be roughly 1/10 of that figure).

More than 2,000 vaccinated babies died: The cost of doing business

Risk of infant mortality linked to more vaccines:

Spiritual and Emotional

It was Tagore who said, “I slept and dreamt that life was joy.  I awoke and saw that life was service.  I acted and behold, service was joy.”

To do the thing that is yours to do today, that’s service.  As we do the thing that is ours to do today, there is joy.  We can act from that joy and live in a state of joy.

It was Charles Fillmore, the founder of the Unity religion, who on his 90th birthday wrote this affirmation:  “I spring out of bed and fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm and go forth this day to do the things that ought to be done by me.”

Health Tip
Have a healthy happy summer storing up your Vit. D3 – sun is good for you in moderation. Protect yourself with clothing and shade, rather than sunscreen, especially between 10am and 2 pm.

Yours in health,
Benoit & Associates Health Education
Here to serve you……

Medicine Wheel Workshop

Our Medicine Wheel workshop integrates the four pillars of health: physical, spiritual, mental and emotional with the four elements: air, fire, earth and water. We learn the actions of the medicinal herbs in each category and their use for healing.

Friday, July 15th 1:00 – 4:00 pm

About the Instructor: Lorene Benoit is a Health Educator with a Bachelor of Education in Biology and Physical Education. She has a Master of Holistic Health; is Certified as Herbal Consultant, Iridologist, Contact Reflex Analyst and several Body-Mind Healing modalities.

Taught at “The Sanctuary” in Glenora.
5175 Bills Road, Duncan, British Columbia, V9L 6S7, Canada

Exchange: $30 – pre-register by July 12 th

Register: Benoit & Associates Health Education

250-748-6802 or


To help a person who has allergy problems, one must play detective. There are several body systems which may need to be addressed to solve the riddle. Determining which one or ones are the priorities can help to find quicker resolution. Every person is an individual, and although there are some herbs which will help many people most of the time, there are more severe or stubborn cases, where some sleuthing can make a difference quicker and with longer lasting benefits.

The systems that we assess for allergies are digestive, eliminative, respiratory, urinary and hepatic or liver. Our marvelous liver performs over 500 functions, so for those who are challenged with allergies, the liver is certainly one of the organs to check out. Let’s look briefly at the other systems first, by learning some of the clues as to which system is trying to tell you something.

The digestive system will manifest as problems that include bloating, burping, upper abdominal distress, or headaches, to name a few.

The eliminative system will basically push some of these symptoms further down the G.I. tract, causing lower abdominal bloating, cramping or other pain, flatulence, and elimination problems such as diarrhea or constipation.

The respiratory system may show up as foul breath, running nose, watery eyes, sneezing, post- nasal drip or sinus headaches, earache or sore throat.

Problems with the urinary system may manifest through the skin, such as rashes, hives, pimples, acne, dandruff or itching.

Overload or deficiency of the liver can cause headaches, stiffness, muscle aches and irritability. The ability of the liver to handle toxins that we take into the body in our daily lives will also affect all the above mentioned systems. If more toxins enter the bloodstream via the liver, then these other systems must handle the extra burden.

Spring is the best time to improve the health of the liver according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. This is why in most cultures spring cleaning is an annual ritual. If you haven’t yet done this, it is not too late. Herbs traditionally used for liver cleansing are dandelion, milk thistle, nettles, beet, turmeric, gentian and the dock sisters, (yellow and bur). I use western herbal formulas which combine a number of these, as well as two Chinese formulas, one for a toxic (yang) condition and the other for a weakened (yin) condition. The main caution with cleansing is how strongly you approach it, dependent on your condition. If a person is already weakened and they cleanse too quickly it can further deplete their energy. You can consult a qualified herbalist for direction, but you want to also learn to pay attention to your body. It will become your best advisor.

Some of the most effective herbs and combinations for allergies are listed here. Please contact our office to become a member and receive direct to your door discounts on any of these.

Digestive System:

Digestive Enzymes: Good health begins with efficient digestion. This is a full spectrum Enzyme that aids digestion of protein, carbohydrates and fat and is one of the most effective and well priced on the market.

Eliminative System:

Tiao He Pak – “Balance and Harmony” -a 10 day cleanse for liver, bowels and blood
Bod – E Klenz – a 30 day cleanse that also contains building herbs, antioxidants, enzymes and probiotics, along with herbs to cleanse bowels, liver, blood, lungs and kidneys.

Respiratory System:

AL-J – a combination of herbs that promotes digestion, liver function, and lung decongestion.
SN-X – a decongestant and cleansing formula for the entire respiratory tract, especially effective for sinus, both acute and chronic and sinus headaches.
Fenugreek and Thyme – Fenugreek helps break down old, hardened mucous and Thyme is an antiseptic.
Histablock – Controls inflammation and swelling of mucous membranes, supports free breathing.
All the above formulas are more effective if begun during winter to help strengthen respiratory system before allergy season arrives.
Tei Fu Oil – see separate handout for uses for this cure all “snake oil”
Lobelia – helps to thin mucous to allow for better expectoration, calms bronchial spasms, therefore useful for coughs and asthma (anti-spasmodic), also calming to nervous system.

General Nutrition:

Chlorophyll – Nature’s Green Magic” helps you drink adequate water. Adds minerals, vitamins and flavour without calories or sweeteners. Inexpensive and healthy, what a combo!
Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids – nature’s natural anti-histamine.
MSM – Methylsulfonylmethane – scavenges free radicals and foreign proteins, can provide needed sulphur to help eliminate allergies within 3 to 4 days. Also gives building blocks to build stronger nails and hair and reduce inflammation of joints, skin and mucous membranes.

Lorene Benoit has a Master of Holistic Health, Master Herbalist, natural health consultant, CRA practitioner and educator. She teaches and lectures internationally. For more information phone or fax her Duncan office at 250-748-6802 or contact by email: