All posts by LoreneB

About LoreneB

Lorene Benoit is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator. Qualifications include Bachelor of Education Biology, French and Phys. Ed; Masters of Holistic Healing; Certified Herbal Consultant; Iridologist; Contact Reflex Analyst; Live Blood Analyst; plus certifications in Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing. Benoit founded Lorene Benoit Health Education Services in 1989. She presents, with humour and life, to health practitioners, corporations and the public, from workshops to annual 4 day herbal intensives. Her passion is teaching healthy lifestyles on all levels, so that people can take control of moving toward optimum health !

Safety & Effectiveness of MMR and Flu Vaccines ?

The more that evidence points towards the ineffectiveness and dangers of vaccines, the more public health authorities seem to be forcing them upon the public. One has to question this and demand answers from our  “health” providers and law makers who negligently consider only biased  research  funded by the pharmaceuticals.
Vaccine packaging says a person receiving a vaccination should “avoid contact with immune-compromised individuals” for about 3 weeks following the flu shot.  Does this happen in hospital and health care facilities? Workers are often given the shot AT WORK, and it is fairly safe to say that if they are working in a hospital, or senior care home, OR homecare, they ARE working with immune-compromised individuals. How can you tell, on a crowded subway?  Or even in your own family?  Or at school that a vaccinated person is not actively spreading the disease?

Two more studies that should give YOU cause for pause and questions are listed here.

Excerpts from this study concerning MMR:   The Lancet, Volume 351, Number 9103, 28 February 1998:
In eight children, the onset of behavioural problems had been linked, either by the parents or by the child’s physician, with MMR: measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination. Five had had an early adverse reaction to immunization (rash, fever, delirium; and, in three cases, convulsions). In these eight children the average interval from exposure to first behavioural symptoms was 6·3 days (range 1-14).
We have identified a chronic enterocolitis in children that may be related to neuropsychiatric dysfunction. In most cases, onset of symptoms was after measles, mumps, and rubella immunisation. Further investigations are needed to examine this syndrome and its possible relation to this vaccine.

Excerpt concerning Flu vaccines from:  Cochrane Collaboration Independant Vaccine Study Abstract

The Plain language Summary:  italics inserted by L. Benoit

Over 200 viruses cause influenza and influenza-like illness which produce the same symptoms (fever, headache, aches and pains, cough and runny noses). Without laboratory tests, doctors cannot tell the two illnesses apart. Both last for days and rarely lead to death or serious illness. At best, vaccines might be effective against only influenza A and B, which represent about 10% of all circulating viruses. Each year, the World Health Organization recommends which viral strains should be included in vaccinations for the forthcoming season.

Authors of this review assessed all trials that compared vaccinated people with unvaccinated people. The combined results of these trials showed that under ideal conditions (vaccine completely matching circulating viral configuration) 33 healthy adults need to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms. In average conditions (partially matching vaccine) 100 people need to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms. Vaccine use did not affect the number of people hospitalized or working days lost but caused one case of Guillian-Barré syndrome (a major neurological condition leading to paralysis) for every one million vaccinations. Fifteen of the 36 trials were funded by vaccine companies and four had no funding declaration. Our results may be an optimistic estimate because company-sponsored influenza vaccines trials tend to produce results favorable to their products and some of the evidence comes from trials carried out in ideal viral circulation and matching conditions and because the harms evidence base is limited.

Safe Alternatives to Vaccines

Why would one take the chance on vaccination side effects, when research has shown that the best prevention of contagious disease transmission is good hand washing (with no side effects). Other exceptionally safe and effective prevention tips:

1. Put a dab of Silver Gel in each nostril 1 – 3 times per day, depending on your exposure to sick people.

2. Take a tsp./5 ml. of Silver Guard once per day during flu season, so the anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties are circulating in your blood stream.

3. Follow the Four Pillars of Health as outlined in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

4. Other basic health considerations:

  • stay hydrated with enough pure water
  • get outside for pure air and exercise (one of the 4 Pillars)
  • get some sunshine, even on cloudy days it is your  best source of Vitamin D. When it is cloudy, take 1,000- 10,000 IU good quality Vit. D3

5. Keep herbal first aid remedies on hand that you can take at the first sign of cold or flu:

  • HRP-C – A Chinese formula that knocks out viruses, including HeRPes,  very quickly. If you have it on hand and take full dosage at first sign of a cold or flu, it may prevent it. If already settled in, it will help speed your healing response without suppressing the healing process.
  • Silver Guard – liquid taken at higher dosages, or Silver Gel taken about 1/4-1/2 tsp. – both are the best antibiotics in existence. PS Silver Guard is NOT just a mouthwash – it is for internal consumption in any orifice that needs it.
  •  Echinacea Golden Seal liquid.

Follow Crisis Management suggestions for helping your body work through illness more quickly and safely. You will get some other ideas on a past post: Safe Vaccine Alternatives.

To order any of the above herbs, ask for an Herbal professional to help with your order , free 10 mins. Contact our office . If you prefer to order online at Nature’s Sunshine,  Choose either Canada or US & use sponsor #1143667 to open your own account and receive a discount. There is no charge for membership with an order and no obligations.

May life be one of good health for you and your loved ones!

Pneumonia and Lung Healer-Chinese

Paul has had pneumonia every year for 20 years – usually in November. Lorene Benoit recommended that after the antibiotics he was on again, he take LH-C  to build up his lungs so they do not keep re-infecting, along with Lobelia to clear the congestion, thin the mucous and stop the coughing.

Within a couple of days he finally started feeling better. Since then, a few months now, whenever he gets congestion he takes 10 drops of Lobelia and it works like a miracle – he coughs up a bunch of stuff and is good to go. He is going to sstart on some LH-C again to hopefully prevent another infection this year.

PS, Mill Bay, BC

HRP-C and VS-C work for all viruses

This original testimonial was posted in 2012, but the times they are a changing, and I have updated tor these “unprecedented” times.

Herpes cold sores – gone!

I had a herpes cold sore that I had been grappling with for 2 weeks, using -l-Lysine  (US ) and several other nutritional supplements.  After taking the Chinese course, I went home & took HRP-C (CA) or VS-C (for ViruS US).  After 8 capsules the cold sore was gone, completely gone!  I thank my teacher for the reminder that this is the best formula for ALL viruses! … T.N., Chemainus, BC, Oct. 2012


Viral Protection? Balancing Natural Immunity?

It’s helpful to know protective tools whether you  have been been injected or not with what is being called a covid “vaccine”. To promote this, the govt. changed the definition of a vaccine. To be clear,  but this injection is an  experimental gene technology is a first of its kind, and research results are showing that immunity is nowhere near as effective or lasting as we were told.

Not to mention the unreported side effects: “I Am NOT Misinformation”.                              See end of this article for additional supporting medical references.

Natural Protective Aids

We keep both these formulas on hand:
Canada: HRP-C  and Cat’s Claw
US:           VS-C     and   Una de Gato

Both are anti-viral/ anti-bacterial formulas and both can safely be taken long term.  We keep these  as part of our home pharmacy.

Anytime any cold, flu symptoms  appear, we can quickly give the body the nutritional aid it requires to prevent or mediate challenges and return to a healthy state quickly.
We take HRP-C / VS-C –  2-3 caps 3 times/day (100 per bottle) or 2.5 ml liquid extract  3 times/day.

IN US there is also a VS-C TCM concentrate, which would be 1/3 dosage.

Cat’s Claw / Una de Gato: 1-2 caps 3 times/day.

Most people notice an improvement within 24 hours.

HRP-C or Cat’s Claw Combination can also be taken as a prophylactic, or preventative in smaller dosages.

For further protective steps, read: Pine Needle Protection for Viral Transmission, which includes NB facts on the Benefits  of PACs in High Potency Grapine:, especially for heart, strokes, circulation and brain.


As  many viruses affect the respiratory system – lungs, bronchials, sinus, we also keep these two on hand to have when needed:

CA: LH-C and Lobelia

US: Lung Support TCM Concentrate and Lobelia


For suggestions to follow during a health or disease crisis, please read :           Crisis Management
Additional Medical and Science Based  References.

Specific antibodies created by these shots are much more short lived than predicted.  At the same time, they  weaken the innate immune system’s ability to produce antibodies for other viruses, such as all the “variants” developing. Nothing new, that’s what viruses do, including every annual flu variant – they mutate for their own survival.

The major difference between natural antibodies and artificially produced antibodies is their ability to adapt to be effective. if you are around those who have taken the Experimental Jab, or if you have been convinced/coerced to take it, you may choose to protect yourself, as many are doing.

There are too many reports of adverse reactions, not only from  those who have received the jab, but also those who come into contact with them. This can no longer be denied.  Doctors and scientists worldwide are warning people, at great risk to their own financial and personal health.

This 28 min. video includes doctors from 10+ different countries each speaking concisely about their reasons for concern:

Can also viewed on Rumble: Urgent warnings of Covid 19 Vaccine

At 20 mins. Dr. K Brogan quotes: “This is penetration of Body, Mind and Spirit by the State.”

Do you trust GMO, bio-lipid nano-particles being promoted by pharmaceutical companies, who make billions, yet have NO liability? If you still do, please read: Just Ask Why?

Please, educate yourself before allowing this clot shot to enter the bloodstream of your children! This is NOT a reversible decision; make it out of LOVE, not FEAR.


As always, Contact us to help you order any products we have used since 1985 at direct discount. Professional service with a HUMAN being.



Q & A: Excess Uterine Bleeding


A  lady I am going to see  has dysfunctional uterine bleeding. I am going to suggest women’s formula and give her some education about this before she goes and has a hysterectomy. Do you have any extra advice? I feel like this type of topic will be very reoccurring.  MF from NS

You’re right – hysterectomy is a huge topic. Dr. Christine Northrup states that 1 in 3 North American women have hysterectomies by age 60! That is an appalling number, with up to half  of these removals being unnecessary; one of the crimes of our North American society. In some cases it may be necessary, but this is not a decision to be taken lightly, as the after effects of this surgery for many women can be worse than the problems that led to the surgery. In my clinical practice, I have saved a few uteruses from unnecessary removal.

For dysfunctional uterine bleeding, do you mean menorrhagia, or excess bleeding? If so, then yes Woman’s Formula is a good start. I would also add LIV-C as in Traditional  Chinese Medicine, Liver – as part of the Wood element, controls the flow of blood. As this is excessive flow, LIV-C is the excess/yang formula to bring balance and harmony. In fact, the name of the formula in Chinese is TIAO He, translating as “Balance and Harmony”.

It is also important to determine what is the cause of the bleeding – have fibroids been diagnosed? I am glad you mentioned about educating her first. The emotional pillar is a very important  when considering reproductive and menopausal issues. For example, fibroids indicate stagnation or blockage (again Chinese), and one needs to look where there may be stagnation in life.

All of the four pillars of health need to be considered, as suggested in my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.  I am not in any way suggesting cancer –  all recommendations for treatingcancerare the same as those for optimum health, and I cover these extensively in the book.

If she is peri-menopausal, she probably is estrogen dominant, and may need more progesterone to balance, then you may consider Wild Yam/Chaste formula. But I would start with Woman’s Formula and LIV-C, then evaluate after 2-4 weeks. With herbs one will often see improvement within the week when you choose the correct formulations. And if no immediate improvement is noticed, you will still be adding nutrition that the body needs.



September, 2012 Natural Health Newletter



 September 2012


Blessings to all this Autumn, the season to express gratitude for the abundance Mother Nature provides us with food, medicines and beauty.

The Equinox, Sept. 22nd, with its equal light and darkness, signifies a time to re-focus on creating  balance in our life.

For information to help you achieve optimum health, please contact our office:

Phone:   250-748-6802       Email:

** please use this email for all correspondence **


Lorene Benoit’s book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health, as well as specifics for Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

Ongoing special for books, which offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office.


Upcoming Courses in Cowichan Valley, Nanaimo, and Toronto

Chinese Herbal Constitutional Formulas and Five Element Theory – Sat Sept 29th 9:30 am- 4:00 pm in Nanaimo. Cost: $75. Register with our office: 250-748-6802.

The Four Pillars of Health, Mon Oct 15th.  7 pm to 9:30 pm at Island Savings, Duncan 250-748-7529

Free Paw Paw Program Presentation Thursday October. 17th 6:30-8:30 pm Nanaimo, 250 758-0660 or 250-748-6802 for carpooling from Duncan

National Health Convention, Toronto – Oct.25-27th

Whole foods cooking classes wiht chef and caterer, Chef Laura Moore, and Naturopathic Physician, M.J. Atkins: Six week course at North Saanich Middle School starting end Sept. For more information, contact Panorama Recreation Center, at 250.656.7271 or  Chef Laura 250-721-5961

See Upcoming Courses, local and available world wide for details.

Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link:

Q& A: Prostate CA, Paw Paw, Vit. C & Selenium

Answers to questions about the Paw Paw program and counter-indications.

Shake It Up!

The winners present recipes for their 4 delicious and nutritious shakes for quick nutrition and energy! Shakes are a great anytime of the day; first thin in morning, or a healthy pick-me-up alternative to coffee break!

Q & A: Thyroid Cancer and Paw Paw Program

This Question and Answer will help those with some pre and post surgery questions.

 Vaccination Research Websites and Books

Websites and books on vaccination research – please think twice before injecting yourself or loved ones with toxins that may or may not prevent a flu, but have direct correlation with decreased immunity, diseases such as E.B.V. A recent University BC study shows that getting the flu shot 5 consecutive years  increases risk of  Alzheimers TEN TIMES! Do you want to take that chance when there are much safer ways to prevent flu?

Vaccine Myth needs to Die!

If the flu vaccine actually worked, out of 100 people vaccinated, how many would be protected from the flu? About 4.

Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video :

Business Coaching and Brilliant Body

We offer ongoing coaching to help others start their own business using the Brilliant Body CD’s!  The package includes 10 Power Points, covering ten systems of the body: Digestive, Hepatic, Intestinal, Circulatory, Immune, Nervous, Respiratory, Urinary, Glandular and Structural, plus all the tools to educate yourself and others on how your body works – all this for only $25.

Phone the office anytime for help!



 Car Diffusers – an easy way to diffuse essential oils into your car, camper or RV. Plugs into your car lighter. Just 2-3 drops of pure oil (I use NSP therapeutic Essential oils) and refresh your whole vehicle with Pine or Lemon, relax with Lavender or Chamomile, energize with Rosemary, Peppermint, protect from cold & flu with Eucalyptus, or others ….you get the point.

Diffusers are regular $12.50, including 5 reusable pads. Special 2 for $20 – one for yourself and one as a gift!


Wild Crafted Herbals made during our Annual Herbal Intensive every July for sale:

 Healing Salves:                                              Sm. $6   M. $10   L.$14

Uses: chapped skin, irritations, wounds, muscle stiffness, pre and post natal elasticity (stretch mark and perineum). Enhance and personalize with addition of therapeutic quality Essential Oils.

Tinctures: Alcohol:                                            60 ml. $12

St John’s Wort, Lady’s Mantle, Burdock, Calendula, Cleavers, Mullein

Glycerites:                                                       Sm. $7   60 ml. $17

Lemon Balm, Calming Combination: Lemon Balm & Motherwort, Parasite Combination, Lady’s Mantle, Oregon Grape, Prunella (Heal All), Nettle, Hops

Oils: sun infused in cold pressed virgin olive oil: $7- $15

St John’s Wort, Comfrey, Calendula, Ear Oil (Garlic & Mullein Flowers), Plantain

a concentrated process of extracting active principles: 60 ml.$20/ 20 ml. $35

Raspberry Leaf, Horsetail, Nettle, St John’s Wort, Vervain, Burdock Leaf, Prunella (Heal All), Borage, Mullein

Dried Organic Herbs                                            $3 – $5 bottle, bulk

A large variety from our garden

The 6 week NSP Campaign Specials until October 15th feature Herbal Extracts, Energy Drinks, and Kid’s Nutrition.

Some of our favourites LB Extract Laxative formula supports proper bowel function and is ideal for children and adults who do not like swallowing capsules. Non addictive, the longer you use it, the less you need.

HPR-C Chinese Extract (VS-C in U.S.) is an amazing Chinese formula for all viruses, including colds, flu and Herpes. The liquid can be used internally and externally on lesions.  Helps remove liver toxins and reduce heat.

Focus ATN has helped many children and adults to increase attention and concentration, and help calm hyperactivity. Proven effective in Dr. Amen brain studies.

Gotu Kola has been traditionally considered a brain food. Helpful for anxiety, depression and memory.

Many parents will be happy to hear we have the Herbasaurus children’s line back in stock, under the Rebranded Sunshine Heroes.  They are the hard chewables people and children preferred. Sunshine Heroes Multi Vitamin Plus IronSunshine Heroes Chewable Bifidophilus, and Chewable Vitamin C with Elderberry. See write-ups in campaign brochure or go online for fact sheets. On Sale until October 15th.

Please contact us or your local NSP Associate to receive a free Campaign brochure.  Order by calling our office 250-748-6802 to help you locate a local Herb Specialist, or if you are a member call NSP at your country’s toll free number.


How does Membership Benefit You?

Click here to f ind out how  NSP Membership benefits you?

You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

Members receive great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.

Members can access recorded sessions at: NSP resource Centre


Success Stories

We encourage you to share your stories with others on our website or via email. Success stories can be read at:


Political Scene

GMO Dangers are well documented – just take a look at the photo of Normal and Monsanto GMO fed rats after only 3 wks.

Consumers make their choices through their purchasing power, as laws that are not in the best interests of the public have millions of lobbying dollars by large food corporations and companies such as Monsanto politicians seem to be controlled. Know your sources, and let politicians know your views.















There are times when the answer isn’t control, it isn’t defeat, it is surrender.

Caroline Myss on the Courage of Surrender – a powerful message in less than 3 minutes.      



A short, sweet and fun way to fitness, at least for women…. 1.5  minutes


Video Pick

 False Accusations of Child Abuse, Paralysis and Death – Vaccine Induced Injuries Destroy Families


Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Ph/Fax    250-748-6802                  Email:


Q& A: Prostate CA, Paw Paw, Vit. C & Selenium

Added info: Jan, 2025: at end of the Q&A


Good Day,   I recently started Paw Paw after reviewing the research. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2008, had a prostatectomy, but my psa is rising this summer. It is currently at 16.5.

I have altered my diet eliminating sugar, relying on proteins and greens and taking other supplements. I feel great but here is my question…
Some prostate cancer formulas (e.g. prosticaid) contain vitamin C and selenium which appear to be a no-no for integration with paw paw. Do you have any experience with this or any opinion?
Thank you for your time and all the work you contribute on this subject.
PP, Ph.D, Clinical Psychologist, CA


In our opinion, there is no problem with Vit. C 500 mg. /day or less, nor with the recommended daily dosage, 50mcg. Selenium. Very high dosages of some anti-oxidants will interfere with the ATP inhibitory action of Paw Paw, which is why they are counter-indicated. We realize  some websites list others, but often do not provide research to back their statements. Our proof is from our successes with clients.
A supporting product that many men use with Prostate Cancer is Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)Concentrate , which has no Vit. C, Selenium or other counter-indicated actions with Paw Paw, yet offers excellent nutrition  for the prostate. Many men over 40 years of age also use Men’s Formula, which also contains Gingko and Nettle, for ongoing prostate support and prevention.
If you do not already have it, Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally contains many answers and explanations at to why the program works, as well as case studies, research, recipes and more. You can order via an email, or on the above link.

For further information on health products we have worked with professionally since 1985,  or If we can be of more assistance, please contact our office to set up a private consultation.



Covid has helped a lot of people realize that the medical “professionals” are not to be trusted without question! Research into the PCR tests show us that they  inaccurate, were primarily a huge money maker, plus a fear mongering tactic.

My article from 2013 ago warned about Mammograms, PSA and other screening tests.  The PSA , Prostate Specific Antigen, has been questionable since the 1990’s. This particular article presents compelling research into why.

Prostate Cancer: Over-Testing and Over-Treatment

Q & A: Thyroid Cancer and Paw Paw Program


I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and am having surgery in September, 2012.
I will be getting my whole thyroid removed. The doctor told me I will be on synthroid for the rest of my life. I would like to know what I have to take for herbal meds to make me feel normal and healthy again. I am 49 year old weight is 159 lbs.  I believe I am a healthy person as my medical report came back as very good. Except for the cancer. I will be going for radiation as well in about 6 weeks time. Please help me get my mental health, physical health and spiritial health back on track. I have read the book (Paw Paw, the Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer) which I found very interesting and informative. Thank You!!! So my questions are:
1) what and when can I take the Paw Paw program after my surgery. What should I take for my cancer after surgery and before and after the dreaded radiation? I don’t want this cancer to flare up elsewhere in my body.
2) Do I take anything with and when I have radiation?
3) Are any of the herbal meds going to affect my thyroid medication?
4) Where I live fresh or organic fruits and vegetables are very hard to get. Our closest city is 3 hours away.
5) I was taking curcumin 95% 2 x 2 a day. and also taking 1 tbsp of Vital greens 1 x day. I stopped taking them 7 days before my surgery. The doctors told me to go off all medication prior to surgery.
Please help me with this health issue that took over my body, mind, and spirit:
Thank You very much and can’t wait to hear from you!
( GW from CA)


1) Post-surgery: You can start taking the Paw Paw as soon as you are eating after surgery. Follow the recommendations in the book to continue to destroy any cancer cells AND to prevent cancer flare up elsewhere. Certainly post surgery, taking high levels of anti-oxidant immune boosting herbs, such as Zambroza, called Thai Go in the U.S., speed recovery. Also be sure to get your bowels moving within 12-24 hours. If needed, herbal supplements such as LB are very safe and effective, much more so than chemical formulations like Senekot, generally used in hospitals. Both the above are liquid, and can be started as soon as one is able to consume any liquids.

2)  Please determine your need for radiation  by asking the ” Questions to Ask Your Doctor” in my book. Other than the fact that this is probably ‘accepted medical protocol’, how can they determine you will definitely need radiation until they have completed the surgery? Perhaps the surgery will be completely effective, and they are only do this as a prophylactic (preventative) measure, which is very questionable.  Please ask the questions first, as this will determine your long term health outcome. If you do decide to have radiation, then yes, I would continue the Paw Paw program. In addition, there are some natural aids to lessen the side effects of radiation. We could set up a phone consultation to discuss this before you make your decisions.

3) No, none of the herbs in the basic Paw Paw Program will affect your thyroid medication, synthroid.

4) One has to do the best that one can with what is available. Again, we can cover some of this in a phone consult, as I may have some suggestions, such as sprouting to obtain organic greens, no matter where you live, sources to get you set up to accomplish this easily.

5) Pre-surgery: Most doctors do ask people to stop all supplements before surgery, as a few such as higher dosage Vit. C , Gingko Biloba, Red Clover, may thin the blood and there is a concern of excess bleeding. As herbs and supplements are not their area of expertise, they feel safer and save time doing research by requesting stopping of ALL.  Some say 24 hours ahead, some say 3 days, yours is being very cautious with 7 days.

Get a good night’s sleep pre-surgery and visualize a positive outcome! Imagine yourself coming out of surgery with a great report that all was successful.

We look forward to answering any more specific questions on an individual basis. Contact our office at 250-748-6802 to arrange a time.

Vaccination Research, Websites and Books

updated Nov. 2020

Excellent References:

Vaccine Choice Canada (formerly Vaccination Risk Awareness Network).  Excellent articles, vaccine schedules, ingredients, and links to science based facts; this organization is dedicated to research. Those who do research, want CHOICE. They are worth joining!

Think Twice has stories and articles to help parents make choice to vaccinate or not.   and

VacLib provides extensive research  plus  links to forms for avoiding vaccinations.

Dr. Tenpenny’s lecture on Vaccines 101 for The Wellness Way, Feb.2018 was still available, as of Nov. 2020, but removed during Covid truth censorship.   She explains safety, effectiveness, trials, ingredients, and a few financial facts which help us understand WHY: 

  • vaccine business increased from $5 to $54 BILLION in 16 years
  • vaccines used as  a”lost leader” to get people into the trillion dollar drug business required for treating vaccine side effects, including auto immune diseases,(PMR,CFS,MS, etc.) asthma, allergies, ADD, excema, ear infections, diabetes
  • Vaccine makers are exempt from lawsuits since they lobbied to have this law passed in 1986. However, by 2017 U.S. taxpayers have paid damages of $ 3.2 Billion in vaccine injury claims, which is estimated to be less than 10% of actual injuries.

Unfortunately chart with CDC statistics, showing ineffectiveness of vaccines, and how all diseases including Polio, decreased BEFORE vaccines, has been removed.

National Vaccine  Information Center – one of largest groups in North America with excellent charts to see  mercury, formaldehyde, antibiotics, MSG amounts in each vaccine.  Sorry, this site  has also been taken down by covid censorship.

Vaccine inserts information, statistics re: vaccinated children having up to  500% MORE disease, theory.

Dr. Mercola – Barbara Fisher Loe interview  13 minute video outlines challenges with children’s health due to increased vaccination.  – sorry –  during Cov censorship, YOU Tube removed most videos designed to teach parents about vaccine truths. You can search these experts online as they continually seek other ways to disseminate the truth.

Canadians for Health Freedom: their site for flu vaccines side effects reporting. Sorry – this site has also been shut down, making it more difficult to report Adverse Vaccine effects.

One can still report directly to Canadian Govt: Report a Side Effect, as many doctors will not. This can be for vaccines, drugs, and medical devices. 

Vaccine Safety Website – Dr. B. Classen. Peer reviews – another website censored! Getting medical truth from those NOT paid bu govt. is  tricky, since Covid.


Good Reference Books:

The Medical Mafia by Dr. Guylaine Lanctot

Vaccinations, Are they Really Safe and Effective? Emerging Viruses- Dr. Horowitz

A Shot in the Dark- Coulter and Fisher

Vaccinations, Behavioural Problems I Childhood – Dr. Viera Scheibner

Immunization – The Reality Behind the Myth by Walene James

Vaccinations: Are They Really Safe and Effective? by Neil Z. Miller

Universal Immunization-Medical Miracle or Masterful Mirage? Dr. R. Obomsawin

Vaccinations – 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows That Vaccinations Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System by Dr. Viera Scheibner

Just a Little Prick by Hilary Butler

Vaccinations and Immunization Issues”  76 page cerlox bound Booklet compiling articles from many doctors, parents and Vaccination research groups, $12. to order contact:

Benoit&Health Associates,, or

There are many healthful ways to build and challenge the immune system naturally, rather than poisoning it by injecting toxins directly into the bloodstream, which ultimately weakens the body. Please see other posts on this blog, or contact the author of the The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally



Vaccine Myth needs to Die!

April, 2021 Update:

Video link by Drs. Null and Humphries stating “there will never be a safe vaccine” has been censored; no surprise. However, this article referencing Dr. Gary Null may help you:  THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES MIGHT JUST SAVE YOU FROM DISABLING COMPLICATIONS

11 mins. interview by Dr. Suzanne Humphries has been censored. Check bit chute – you will see many informative videos by this brave doctor.


If the flu vaccine actually worked, out of 100 people vaccinated, how many would be protected from the flu?


Zero to 4 – to see the mathematical calculations to prove this, please visit

The CDC (Centre for Disease Control) has reported measles outbreak in 100% vaccinated populations. Obviously there is NO scientific evidence to support the fact that vaccinations prevent flu. Hand washing has a higher rate of success, with less side effects and considerably less cost.

Is it any wonder that only 30 – 34% of doctors, nurses and other health care workers get annual flu shots? They are educating themselves! Could those in charge of forcing edicts which affect the physical and financial welfare of citizens also spend some time educating themselves? Those in office need to spend some time questioning the expensive vaccine myth – one hour of  research would help them see why those who educate themselves do want to risk their health on questionable, myth ridden, fear mongering flu shots.

As Dr. Humphries so succinctly states, “If the vaccines were so wonderful, why are they needing to be forced on the public? History books show that the people who were vaccinated were the sickest.  It is blazingly clear that much of what is taught in medical school is enormously limited.”  Please make intelligent choices and state your views to your provincial, state and federal employees, who are supposed to be protecting you! !

There is not a shred of evidence to support the myth that vaccines prevent disease. In fact, research shows the opposite is true.

The FACTS are that besides low efficacy, a few other reasons for not wanting the flu or any other vaccine might include:

  • The two publicly-funded vaccines in Canada, Fluviral and Vaxigrip both contain thimersol. For those who may not be aware, that is mercury – the cause of the Mad Hatter’s Disease – remember Alice in Wonderland? Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, world leading immunogeneticist, states that getting the annual  flu shots for 5 consecutive years increases chances of getting Alzheimers by 10 times. Not surprisingly, he has been blacklisted and his research labelled an ‘urban myth’ by the ‘experts’ promoting vaccines.
  • Neuroscientists at UBC recently published several scientific papers that question vacccine safety due to thimersol.  This published study discusses negative effects on brain and immunity for children.  It is particularly relevant for the ever-increasing number of childrens’ vaccines being promoted. If one follows the CDC recommendations, a 6 months old infant will receive more vaccines than anyone over 35 has received in their lifetime. (CDC profits from vaccines.)
  • The first syndrome to be clearly correlated with the influenza vaccination was the Guillain-Barre paralysis (1977). That’s right – since 1977, and not with a few research papers, in a few countries, but over thousands! Only one year later, researchers discovered that neurological complications were not at all restricted to this one syndrome; on the contrary, they found a good number of post-vaccination neurological affections.
  • ALL charts that show mortality from ALL communicable diseases, including Tuberculosis, Polio, Scarlet Fever, Whooping Cough, Measles, Tetanus,  Small Pox, from 1860 to present clearly indicate that these diseases ALL decreased in 78 – 98% before the introduction of vaccines. Several also show an increase in death after vaccinations!
  • Of the 2769 flu outbreaks reported in Canada in 2009/10, 95.4% occurred in schools. Why are Health Care workers being targeted?

As health care workers and the general public become more educated and question both the safety AND efficacy of vaccinations, is this the only way the government can respond, forcing the vaccine with penalties to workers? Wearing masks, no work, no pay? Mandatory vaccinations are imposed in some US states; every person needs to fight this to prevent noxious, poisonous substances from being forced into our bloodstreams!

The Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms guarantees freedom of religion or conscience and the right to “security of the person”. Canadian Medical Law affirms the right to exercise Informed Consent and to refuse invasive medical procedures based on risk assessment. Forced vaccination violates basic rights as a Canadian citizen. Pretty sure it does in the US too.

It is time for some real research, some real facts. I willingly offer to provide websites, medical journals, charts and references to any interested, and would greatly welcome any response to this.

Two other excellent non-profit sites for your research are: and . It is time to dispel the many assumptions and myths upon which immunization theory and practice are based as they have been proven false in their application.

For a full page of excellent vaccine websites, stay tuned:

For SAFE, EFFECTIVE ways to prevent flu and other diseases, read:   and


August Natural Health Newsletter


August, 2012


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For information to help you achieve optimum health, please contact our office:

Phone:       250-748-6802


** please use this email for all correspondence **



Lorene Benoit’s book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health, as well as specifics for Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

Ongoing special for books, which offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office for this special.



 Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link:

Upcoming Courses, local and world wide

Information on upcoming courses, starting in Sept. Also Natural Health and Herbal Training that is available worldwide.

Q & A – Natural Treatment for diarrhea

Treating diarrhea naturally, including great tips for your traveling first aid, especially when traveling to tropical countries, where you may be prone to Montezuma’s Revenge, Thailand Trots, Cuban Cramps ….we think you get the point.

Q&A: Vaginal Infections

Using Silver Gel for Vaginal Infections is effective, easy and inexpensive.

Are Vitamins Safe? Who to Believe?

Here is an excerpt from a report recently released by Orthomolecular Medicine News Service

Cancer and Sugar Connection

Understand the connection between Sugar and Cancer and most other diseases.


The Difference between Healthy and Unhealthy Hearts

The Heart Infographic gives an excellent up-close look at a healthy heart vs. an unhealthy heart with an interactive sliding screen that allows you to see the difference between the two. It also provides tips for how to lower your risk for heart disease.

You can review the graphic at

For more suggestions for heart health, view the Heart articles on our blog:

Energy Saving Tip

In case of power outage you can use solar lights inside at night.  Stick them in a jar or plastic bottle and they give off plenty of ‘free light’.


Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video :


Business Coaching and Brilliant Body

There is ongoing coaching to help others start their own business using the Brilliant Body CD’s!  The package includes 10 Power Points, covering ten systems of the body: Digestive, Hepatic, Intestinal, Circulatory, Immune, Nervous, Respiratory, Urinary, Glandular and Structural, plus all the tools to educate yourself and others on how your body works – all this for only $25.

Phone the office anytime for help!

Lucy Taylor, of Phoenix Healing in Nanaimo, BC, is doing some excellent business building classes bi-monthly. If you live in this area and are interested, give her a call at 250-758-0660.


Upcoming Courses in Cowichan Valley, Nanaimo, and Toronto

Free Paw Paw Program Presentation Thursday Sept. 13th 6:30-7:30 pm South Cowichan Library, Mill Bay

Chinese Herbal Constitutional Formulas and Five Element Theory – Sat Sept 29th 9:30 am- 4:00 pm in Nanaimo. Cost: $75. Pay by Sept. 19th and pay only $65. Register with our office: 250-748-6802.

The Four Pillars of Health, Mon Oct 15th.  7 pm to 9:30 pm at Island Savings, Duncan

National Health Convention, Toronto – Oct.25-27th


See Upcoming Courses, local and available world wide for details.



For Canadians, we have 6 wk. Campaign specials offering 10 % off or Buy 3 get 1 free on selected seasonal herbs. Right now, you have a few days left to take advantage of specials ending August 31st, featuring Digestive Aids, Summer Cold Relief,  Safe Personal and Home Cleaning Products, Pain relief and a few more to help ensure optimum health. A few of our all-time favourites are:

Tei Fu Oil, useful for so many respiratory and pain relief benefits – Tei Fu success story

Digestive Enzymes have helped so many people with GERD  belching, bloating, and burping.


New specials start September 1st – until October 15th. They feature Herbal Extracts, Energy Drinks, Kid’s Nutrition

Some of our favourites: LB Extract Laxative formula supports proper bowel function and is ideal for children and adults who do not like swallowing capsules. Non addictive, the longer you use it, the less you need.

HPR-C Chinese Extract (VS-C in U.S.) is an amazing Chinese formula for all viruses, including colds, flu and Herpes. The liquid can be used internally and externally on lesions.  Helps remove liver toxins and reduce heat.

Focus ATN has helped many children and adults to increase attention and concentration, and help calm hyperactivity.

Gotu Kola has been traditionally considered a brain food. Helpful for anxiety, depression and memory.

The old Herbasaurus Multi Vitamins Plus Iron, Stock 1722-9, is now back by popular demand. It is labelled as  Sunshine Heroes Multi Vitamin Plus Iron, in time for school start up. Same product, different name.

The other Sunshine Super Heroes Children’s supplements are chewable tablets like the previous Herbasaurus line, as people preferred these over the gummies. They are all on sale in Autumn Campaign starting Sept. 1st: Sunshine Heroes Chewable Bifidophilus, Chewable Vitamin C and Chewable Vitamin C with Elderberry. See write-ups in campaign brochure or go online for fact sheets.

Please contact us or your local NSP Associate to receive a free Campaign brochure. Order quality herbs & supplements by calling our office 250-748-6802, to help you locate a local Herb Specialist, or if you are a member call NSP at your country’s toll free number. If you are not a member, read on…..


How does Membership Benefit You?

Click here to find out How does  NSP Membership benefit you?

You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

Members receive great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.

Members can access recorded sessions at: NSP resource Centre


Renewal Promotion for members who have expired, please take advantage now:

4 great reasons to RENEW your membership with Nature’s Sunshine:
1. Reactivate your membership for only $10.00 with a $50.00 renewal order.
2. Receive one FREE bottle of Zambroza ($45.00 retail value).
3. Receive a FREE Product Guide, Coupon Savings  Book , Product Price List and Specials Brochure.
4. Receive FREE Ground Shipping for renewal orders placed before September 30th.

PLUS: We offer a free mini consultation to help you figure out what to order, or to place it for you. Just give our office a call! If you know what you want, Call 1-800-265-9163, Fax 1-800-822-4884,be sure to ask for Renewal Promo. This special is not available online. For other countries, call our office.


 Success Stories

We encourage you to share your stories with others on our website or via email. Success stories can be read at:


Political Scene

Although this movie is 2 hours long, justwatch the first 10 minute introduction by Gary Null, PhD to help understand the corruption that is prevalent in the FDA. Helps explain the long time involvement of Codex and HARMonization challenges the world is facing. WHO and big pharma control regulations and the health care system.

This one also gives you a very down to earth explanation of Codex , how it is affecting the US, Canada and your life.





Censored for language, but you get the point.

If you do not see the photo, please read first line of newsletter to see it!



Every thought is a prayer.   Let’s make a decision to create a perfect day by broadcasting gratitude and appreciation, and show how good and precious it is to live this life today.


 Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Ph/Fax    250-748-6802                Email:
