All posts by LoreneB

About LoreneB

Lorene Benoit is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator. Qualifications include Bachelor of Education Biology, French and Phys. Ed; Masters of Holistic Healing; Certified Herbal Consultant; Iridologist; Contact Reflex Analyst; Live Blood Analyst; plus certifications in Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing. Benoit founded Lorene Benoit Health Education Services in 1989. She presents, with humour and life, to health practitioners, corporations and the public, from workshops to annual 4 day herbal intensives. Her passion is teaching healthy lifestyles on all levels, so that people can take control of moving toward optimum health !

Immune system affected by Bifidophilus loss

This medical researcher proved the negative impact the spike protein from Covid vax causes to gut health microbiome and immune system.   You can watch the 7 min. info-packed video below, but here is my take away summary.

After determining that these injections decimated the gut microflora , specifically Bifido bacteria, researchers tested efficient ways to re-build a healthy  microbiome. Their research team tested  27 products. Only 3 of of 27 products  had enough active Bifidobacteria to get the desired increase, despite whatever was on the label.

Customers need to be very aware of Quality issues. This is one reason we have personally used and recommended Nature’s Sunshine products for our clients. since 1991.

With Nature’s Sunshine unsurpassed quality and in house products, what is on the label, is IN the bottle. All our probiotics also contain prebiotics. The importance of these is explained below. We have seen the results with both of these probiotics.  based on years of improved immunity and overall health for our clients ! We recommend one of these 2 products:

  1. Bifidophilus Flora Force  CA and  Bifidophilus Flora Force US , containing 1 Billion  Bifidophilus .
  2. Probiotic Eleven CA,  and Probiotic Eleven , US, containing 600 Million Bifidobacteria , plus ten other strains, totalling 4 Billion.

To  learn more about how your microbiome affects overall health and immunity, watch the interview with the researcher – seven minutes:

Update April 25, 2024: the video has unfortunately been removed – censorship of truth is well and alive. If I can find the video elsewhere I will add it. The article emphasized different brands of probiotics tested in the study. They ranged from totally ineffective to very effective, so as always, QUALITY  is essential.  I did find other supporting research.

The gut microbiota plays a key role in modulating host immune response. We conducted a prospective, observational study to examine gut microbiota composition in association with immune responses and adverse events in adults who have received the inactivated vaccine (CoronaVac; Sinovac) or the mRNA vaccine (BNT162b2; BioNTech; Comirnaty).
Conclusion: Our study has identified specific gut microbiota markers in association with improved immune response and reduced adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines. …the gut microbiome plays a significant role in immune regulation, and hence may be pivotal in influencing the immune response to COVID-19.  Importantly, our understanding of the role of the gut microbiome in COVID-19 infection remains in its infancy, but future research may potentially aid our mechanistic understanding of viral infection, and new ways in which we might approach treating it.


More on Probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics:

are all beneficial to our gut health, but are different in nature and in function.


Probiotics help to restore the balance of good bacteria in our gut and may offer various health benefits, including:

  • Improved digestive health: Probiotics can help to alleviate symptoms of digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and diarrhea.
  • Boosted immune system: Probiotics can help to enhance our immune system by producing certain antibodies and stimulating the activity of immune cells.
  • Reduced risk of infections: Probiotics can help to prevent and treat various infections such as urinary tract infections, vaginal infections, and respiratory infections.
  • Improved mental health: There is evidence that probiotics may help to improve our mental health by reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Other potential benefits: Probiotics may also have potential benefits for skin health, weight management, and reducing the risk of certain cancers.


Prebiotics are a type of dietary fibre that is not digested by the human body but serves as food for beneficial bacteria in the gut.


Postbiotics are bioactive compounds that are metabolic by-products produced by the fermentation of of dietary fibre by gut bacteria.

Probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics are all beneficial to our gut health.


As always, if you would like further assistance with your health issues, or a live professional to help you choose the best health supplements, at the best price, please Contact our Office.


Do you want to live a longer, healthier life?

I couldn’t have said it better?
There was a  poignant meme,  which someone, somewhere has censored.  Meaning it must have been the truth you are not supposed to know about.

It was about learning to look after yourself and avoiding the medical cartel whenever possible. For a car accident, broken bones,  anaphylactic shock, heart attack, etc. Yes! seek EMERGENCY medical assistance, but then get back to natural healing ASAP to get back to better health.


This has been the experience for our family and a network of many thousands of clients who have achieved better health via education in the use of herbs, natural foods, mental /emotional health.

Basically following Chapter 6 in The Paw Paw Program:   The Road to Wellness – The Four Pillars of Health.

With the recommendations of government health enforcers since 2020, we have seen the medical system get worse, more dangerous, and definitely NOT following the science.

Fresh air, sunshine, and COMMUNITY are determinants of health.

Isolation and separation never improves health.

Contact us if you choose to start on your journey to optimum health.

Q&A: Anti Aging – Fountain of Youth?


I would like to know if there is a herb or substance I can take to improve my muscle tone and perhaps muscle size.  I don’t really expect to recover my youth.  But would like to add anything to my routine of regular exercise and good diet, that may help my muscle tone and/or size ?
So now that you have picked yourself up off the floor from laughter; maybe  you could make a suggestion of a herb,  or a hormone,  or maybe a plastic surgeon (just kidding) that  could help.
Please don’t take this too seriously, but – HELP !!!!!  (just kidding again)  Thanks much, all the best, D


No joke D, your concerns are shared by most people over 60, myself included.
Many magic fountain of youth formulations have been touted for years; I have never known any of these to be scientifically backed. However, there are certain things I believe help, which I personally use; some of them for years. The evidence and research is solid, and I have seen positive results during my 40 years of helping people.


I take Melatonin, Collagen powder and Skeletal Strength every night before bed.
I sleep like a baby and so far, touch wood, have none of the aches and pains that many in their 70’s have to deal with.

* Melatonin Extra

Melatonin has many advantages, in addition to helping many people sleep more soundly, Sleep is when the body rebuilds and regenerates all cells, including organs and bones.
 As explained on p. 63 of my Paw Paw Program book. Melatonin is not only an essential hormone, from which other hormones can be created; but a potent anti-oxidant; it slows abnormal cell growth; and is critical for natural healing processes.

* Collagen

Collagen that I use contains effective peptides derived from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows, leading to substantial beauty & wellness benefits.  A quality processed Collagen contains premium collagen peptides. Studies have shown that when collagen hydrolysate is taken orally, it is absorbed as di- and tripeptides (two or three amino acids) typically rich in hydroxyproline. These smaller peptides are able to  reach target tissues like skin or cartilage where they help support collagen-producing cells (fibroblasts).

  • Supports healthy skin, hair and nails
  • Supports joints, bones, and gut health
  • Promotes elasticity and hydration
  • Offer a clean, effective source of pure protein
  • Aid in promoting and maintaining a more youthful appearance

* Skeletal Strength

Skeletal Strength is the ultimate combination of more than 20  vitamins, minerals and specially chosen herbs for enhanced nutritional support, known to support  your bones & healthy teeth. Plus it’s great for what’s NOT in there… For example, our calcium citrate is free of pesticides, animal derivatives, allergens and gluten. It’s also Kosher and Halal certified. Our vitamin D3 is non-GMO and allergen-free.

  • Vital for Bones, Muscles, Ligaments, Tendons, and Skin
  • Provides nutrients for proper structural system function
I follow the dietary suggestions in my book. Plus there are a few healthy recipes. No matter what diet you choose to follow, keto, vegan, intermittent fasting, blood type, always includes more  low carbohydrate vegetables and fruits. Here are 2 or 3 other articles that deal more specifically with diet. 

In my 284 page book I cover the 4 Pillars of Health. Two more Lifestyle Pillars are:

  • Exercise -to build muscles, one must use them! Weight bearing exercises are essential for building the bone matrix – i.e. flexible and strong bones.
  • Stress – destroys many nutrients, in addition to affecting our emotional & mental health.  Managing stress is important.

All pillars of health are essential for healthy aging.

To order my book for detailed why’s and hows, including a few recipes. Canadians save money if you contact me to order this book. US clients can order using PayPal button in top R of this page:  Paw Paw Program

*Should you choose to purchase any product recommendations

Links change frequently so please contact Lorene if I can be of assistance to you in your natural health journey. I can help you get the best product, 20-25% discount, plus Free Shipping, with no obligation.


Note that someone will receive a commission when you purchase any health supplement, whether the company, some unknown Amazon seller, or me. If you go through me, or an associate who works with me, you will get professional support in addition to the discounts and Free S/H.


Warnings on Natural Products – should you worry?


Sorry to have to ask about this but pretty important for my health.

I was going to start Para Pak tomorrow, full moon as you suggested.

HOWEVER I read the “Risk Information” and it would appear not many (if anyone) should take the supplements. One of the reasons I want to take this is I am quite sure my issue is parasites. I have taken a course of Wormwood and digestive enzymes and had some relief thought this might clear every thing up. I still have diarrhea although I get to sleep all night now YAY!!! The Risk Info warns against taking Para Pak if you have that. Can you give me some guidance? Have you ever read the Risk Info? It’s extensive!!! Do you have clients who’ve taken it? Are they house bound for the entire time?



Not a problem to ask this, as yes, it is important. I do get this question once in awhile, and finally found the time to write  a post on it.

Yes, we have used this product, Para Pak for 20- 25 years, at least, with very good results.
Nothing has changed in all those years. EXCEPT unHealth Canada warnings. Every time they want to make work for themselves, get a raise, get bonuses, or please the BIg Pharma lobbyists (Millions of $ of bribes every year), they apply new regulations, new warnings, new fake “adverse effects”. They have never been capable if divulging any details, medical reports to show any evidence of any harm from herbs or other natural supplements.

There has been one I can remember in 30+ years. A “natural” supplement approved by unHealth Canada, was found to contain a diet drug. It was pulled.It was not from a reputable company like Nature’s Sunshine, which has the been the leader in Quality since 1972.
There has never been one proven death nor serious side effect in Canada from approved natural health products that are from quality sources.
Compare this to hundreds of drugs that are pulled every year due to serious side effects, including death.  There  more than 100,000 documented  adverse events every year from pharmaceuticals.  Many millions more since Covid. You were unfortunately one victim of this corrupt system. And you know how hard it is to get a doctor to submit one of those adverse reaction reports, right?
This constant change costs the health food industry and therefore the consumers inordinate price increases in natural products, which are our birthright.In Canada, Bill C-37, clauses 500-504 are just another example. Millions of Canadians have responded to this, and it will likely become  an election issue.

Rather than testing product suppliers like they used to, they just blanket all products with Risk warnings.
Luckily, I have the fact sheet from 2004 for this exact SAME product, which I sent you.

You will notice there are NO warnings. Every  2 or 3, or 5 years,  the warnings increase. And you are absolutely right – if people believe these cautions, no one would take any natural supplement.
Hmmm… you wonder if that is the idea behind this?
If people ever read the counter-indications for any pharmaceutical, they would never take a drug either, which would be a good thing. Unfortunately this door doesn’t swing both ways. I find this puzzling when one looks at any warnings on pharmaceuticals. Most include multiple serious adverse effects, and many conclude with, “….and may cause death”. Doesn’t seem to stop anyone.
And you well know,  who lobbies, rather bribes, unHealth Canada? Of Course, pharmaceuticical companies. They do not want any competition.
The good news is – more people are learning – latest surveys say at least 74% Canadians are using natural health products. These are the wise ones who question and discern.

Somewhat like mainstream news – believe the opposite.


PS     If you get  “housebound”, from this, or any other detox or cleanse, just slow down the dosage -and  please contact us if you have any further questions.

If anyone reading this would like to join the majority who know the benefits of herbs and other natural health products, please contact us to get you started with professional expertise since 1983.

We have used Nature’s Sunshine Products since 1985, and can ensure that you get results. If you use our sponsor #1143615, you get our support to choose best products for your conditions, in addition to 20-25% discount and free S/H. As I do not find their website first time freindly, we do not charge to get your first order figured out.

Lest We Forget About Truth and Freedom

Since my last entry “Should You Take The Next Booster?“, I had many people submit supporting research, several of which I added in the Comments  of that post. If you need truthful research to help your fellow mankind wade through propaganda, please do your part and share.

This 18 minute summary from Dr. Ryan Cole merits a new post. Dr. Cole is a well known pathologist, who also happens to be quite humorous. This very brief, but science packed presentation from Nov. 11th Florida Summit on COVID called “Food, Family and Medical Freedom”, is worthwhile and life saving.

Dr. Cole calls for a “ Return to Real Health and Wellness”, versus Wealth and Hellness“.

If you want assistance in seeking real health and wellness for you or your family, contact Benoit Health Education to guide you. We have been helping people gain optimum health for over 40 years, and are committed to HELPING YOU HELP YOURSELF, using natural approaches, such as Dr. Cole refers to in the above presentation.

Should You Take The Next Booster?

This is a fraction of the research that has come into my inbox just in one week. It should give each person enough information to make an educated decision, if that is what one is seeking.
This post is designed to educate, not instill fear. Most people who have been convinced or coerced to take this experimental injection are not doomed;  and counter measures can be taken to address health challenges.
But it is clearly proven that each successive jab is playing Russian roulette. Everyone should have by now, seen the pages of side effects in the Pfizer report; widely available online. It is conclusive.
Cancers Appearing in Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch
Dr. Ryan Cole: Alarming Cancer Trend Suggests COVID-19 Vaccines Alter Natural Immune Response
Medicare Death Data Proves Covid Vaccine Increasing Mortality
Other scientists have conclusively determined that the Pfizer and Astra Z injections contain toxic amounts of graphene oxide;

which causes symptoms exactly the same as Covid. Multiple scientists worldwide have determined graphene oxide toxicity as the factor in most deaths and side effects misleadingly blamed on a non-identifiable virus. Graphene oxide was and still is found in many masks, as well as the injections.

Increasing glutathione  production helps enable the body to neutralize graphene oxide:

Herbs/foods/supplements that are precursors or cofactors for glutathione

    • Milk Thistle TR Extract
    • NAC, N-Acetyl Cysteine (or Whey protein, which is high in amino acid cysteine) – also used for allergies and sinus
    • Curcumin Turmeric
    • Rosemary
    • Green tea
    • Schisandra berry
    • Quercetin
    • Selenium – acts as cofactor in glutathione production
    • Roobios tea – with optimal steeping time of at least 10 mins
    • Brassica and Allium  are both rich in sulfur….according to EPFX (rife technology) biofeedback machines, many people are deficient in sulphur

The Paw Paw Program is still the most effective natural program to combat cancer that we have used since our 40 years in the natural health field.

Contact Benoit Health Education for more information or to check out quality, reasonably priced sources for these.
United States:
Total compensation paid by National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program over the life of the program up to 2021 is $5,070,467,797.02 – over $5 billion. And less than half the claims are accepted.
The charts say updated Sept 2023 but have Covid shots are not listed, as they are exempt, meaning Vaccine manufacturers are NOT liable:
“Pfizer intentionally misrepresented the efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine and censored persons who threatened to disseminate the truth in order to facilitate fast adoption of the product and expand its commercial opportunity.”



Yes, Canadian government has now been forced to start a new compensation program for any vaccines administered after Dec. 8, 2020 – i.e. Covid injections.
Please advise if you or anyone injured that you know has tried to apply for this compensation program. Not likely it will be easy to prove, as any doctor who is involved. will face job loss, ostracization, and possible legal action.
When people are compensated and if anyone is compensated under this new program, who will pay? Taxpayers!

Will the Big Pharmaceutical companies EVER have to repay, or will it always be the taxpayers, while Vaccine manufacturers’ profits increase by billions?


UPDATE: Oct. 16th, 2023:

Just had to add this recent study, especially for those over 60 years of age. I continue to receive multiple negative reports daily. Thankfully, the general public are also starting to hear that Covid injections are neither safe nor effective, and compliance rates worldwide are dropping drastically!

This doubling in mortality risk per COVID-19 injection every 4–5 years is about two times faster than the (normal) 10-year doubling rate of the yearly risk of death due to key old-age illnesses such as cancer, pneumonia, and heart disease.”

References:    Recent study shows mortality data from 17 countries, including those that keep detailed records Chili & Peru……..


UPDATE: Dec. 26th, 2023:

As of December, 2023, only 14% of Canadians took the latest booster,  even though Govt. and their paid media are still pushing them. Many countries worldwide have stopped. The truth WILL prevail, but at what cost to human life and long term suffering?

You can help stop the medical misinformation and do your part to share the truth with the 14% who are still uninformed. You may save a loved one’s life.

One excerpt from the Oregon University  of Medicine  and Govt. Education Dept. Barcelona, Spain recent Review:


The review noted that COVID-19 vaccination has been associated with lymphopenia—a condition in which there is an abnormally low count of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that helps the immune system fight against foreign bacteria and viruses.

Clinical trials of the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine described a “decrease in plasma lymphocytes 6-8 days post-vaccination in 45 percent-46 percent of participants.”

“Lymphopenia has long been associated with increased cancer incidence and risk of malignancy,” said the review. “Lymphocyte alterations are frequent in patients with cancer and strongly impact prognosis and survival.”

“Extreme caution” must be observed when recommending COVID-19 to cancer patients—“especially those undergoing (medical) anticancer treatment.”

Reference: COVID-19 Vaccines Can Potentially Worsen Cancer

The above reference also contains an excellent interview with US top cardiologist. Dr. Peter McCullough, who explains in detail why these dangerous injections must be stopped.

New Zealand official reveals data of mass vaccine casualties. 9 mins. very informative.

This is NOT new information; my research blog has articles over three years old,  with challenges of this injection, all referenced. You can access here:





Conspiracy or Rational Theory? Health Related?

I have been called a Conspiracy Theorist (CT) many times over the last 40 years, due to some of my views on natural and wellness versus pharmaceutical disease modification.

Certainly have heard this term more since my 2nd Covid post Apr, 2020, the Plandemic.  Pretty sure you will agree these have all become reality, and are all now facts, not theory. Conspiracy Theorist is now supposedly a very negative name to be called. Now millions of  Canadians have been and continue to be called this.

But what happens when conspiracy “theories” become facts?

Think back to just a few of  these “Conspiracy Theories”, which are now Conspiracy FACTS:
  • Chem trails – for more than 25 years these were  a CT – spouted by tin foil hat wearers. The last 5 or more years it is a recognized FACT, with govt. admitting they have been doing this for years , but with a new name: geo-engineering. For our own protection, of course.
  • It was a CT that the Covid Plandemic outcomes would be a Cashless Society (CBDC) and Digital Global control (WEF can now tell every country what to do during the next plandemic)? – now FACTS!
  • Lockdowns  and travel restrictions were a CT – certainly never in a democratic country – did they become a FACT?
  • Medical injections as population control – do you know more than usual dying suddenly, unexpectedly, or terminally ill,  especially younger people 30-50 yrs. from MrNA injections, or choosing MAID (Medically Assisted Injection Death)? FACT
  • Medical professionals can not choose what they feel are best  treatment for their patients – this  is now true – all CA medical professionals must now follow govt. political protocols or lose their license, be jailed, fined, and client office records (supposedly private) can be confiscated without warrant. No theory – FACT, unless enough pressure is applied to repeal this nasty Bill 36 in BC. FACT
  • The covid mRNA vaxxine was not effective. This has been proven true beyond a doubt; now even by the CDC: Outbreak at CDC Conference Bigger than Reported.
  • The Covid mRNA vaxxine was not safe! One of many thousands of reports:                  5 Millions Adverse Events Reported by Pfizer
  • Canada now is offering Covid vaccine damages – this will cost taxpayers Billions, unless they decide to sue manufacturers, as some countries are now doing. Otherwise Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca continue to profit while more people die – FACT not THEORY.
  • You can decide whether the above examples are  conspiracy or not, but they are definitely not theory; they were predictions that are now FACTS.
  • This is RATIONAL THINKING, based on political, medical, scientific,  and historical knowledge.

On the other side we have government predictions to keep us in fear and panic mode:

  • many related to “Climate Crisis”: oceans rising and flooding us all ( pre 1990 predictions), Arctic Ice disappearing, Global Cooling, Global Warming, oceans rising and flooding, oceans sinking. When all these proved to be incorrect, the term “Climate Crisis” and “Climate Change” became the terms to cover whatever nature does.
  • How many of these predictions have come true?
  • Malaria coming to NA for the next plandemic,
  • Leprosy on the rise in NA
  • crop failure and food shortages
  • drought
  • fires

Most of these that do come to pass are because  they are controlled and caused by geoengineering, bio-engineering – and if you consider this a CT – read : Ravaging Earth and Her Populations, Druthers, July 2023,  page 6. No theories here, just facts that date back to HAARP project started in 1990. While you’re reading, be sure to notice the Space Fence surveillance system.

Government  thinks they can change the course of nature. Climate and nature fluctuations have occurred since the beginning of the earth:  droughts, floods, ice ages, volcanoes, earthquakes, warming, cooling. These fluctuations have always been around – and they have NOT been caused by humans!

Read: NASA FACTS on climate change:

The govt solutions are always more taxes, more regulations, more restrictions. They can’t control their own finances; how do they possibly think they can control Nature?

Solutions and what has this to do with Health?

ALL of this relates to health: our personal health (and choices to attain and maintain health); the health of the air,  water, earth, and spirit – the traditional energetic  four elements of the medicine wheel that dates back to early Greek times and some variation of integrated into  almost every culture.

Let’s get back to the garden,  growing our own food;  learning nature’s medicine for self care; respecting the earth’s bounty, and building community with like minded rationalists!

Also learn to speak out when government is not acting in the best interests of these principles: practice saying,  “I Do Not Consent

Blessings to all those who can figure this out and stand up for their God given rights.

Gratitude to those who are Rational Thinkers! 

Enough venting; these pictures speak a million words.

How about defining what it really is?


Rational Theorist

I am proud to be a Rational Theorist!

If you want to check out the validity of my other  “conspiracy aka RATIONAL theories” on Covid since it began, you can check how many are now facts:  Covid 19

Below is one simple,  important Rational step for everyone concerned about Global domination of every country, including CA & US, formerly considered free and democratic.
Going digital and cashless IS a big threat; the last straw to total control of every person.

There are so many good sites for reliable, science based, statistical health analysis that anyone can learn from – at least those that have not been censored. Contact me if you need help finding the facts.

Each human has choice. You can choose to be Rational.

Omega 3’s: Concussions, Hormones, Skin, Nerves, Heart, Immunity & More…

I am currently teaching the Brilliant Body Course online.  Omega 3 was coming up in so many body systems: Circulatory, Nervous, Immune, Glandular/Endocrine, and Structural.

It reminded of the importance of Omega 3 and I thought it was time to add some additional notes about this critical supplement in which many people are deficient.

Omega 3 been part of our Daily Insurance program for decades, available as Super Trio. This convenient Pack consists of Super Omega 3, Super Vitamins and Minerals, and Super N-TOX ( a super Anti-oxidant), conveniently packaged as 60 packets with 1 of each. Great for busy people and those not following a specific natural health regime.

Omega 3 is  also part of the Basic 4 supplements for the Paw Paw Program for Cancer.

Then I saw this article on the importance of Omegas for  Concussions in the June issue of   The Herbal Collective. I have expanded upon this article and hope you will add this important reminder of care for head injuries to the long list of benefits of Omegas.

Who gets concussions?

Out of the 3 to 4.5 million concussions every year, nearly 2,000,000 are children
aged nineteen or younger who are treated in emergency rooms for sports and recreational-
related head trauma.
The list for sports-related brain trauma includes soccer, hockey, lacrosse, wrestling,
playgrounds, bicycles, baseball,football, skateboards, horse-back riding, and falls.

Symptoms of Concussion

According to CDC, the most common symptoms of concussion are headaches,
brain fog, fatigue, lack of energy, personality and mood changes, anxiety, irritability, and a type of vertigo called BPPV  ( Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo).
Sometimes symptoms may not be readily apparent for days or even a couple of weeks.

The Essential Fats Protocol:

How do omegas help treat brain injury? “The brain is made of fat and about 30
percent of that fat is what are called omega-3 fatty acids, (Super Omega 3)”, says Udo Erasmus, author of ” Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill”.

“We’ve learned if we saturate the brain with what it is made of, we can create the nutritional foundation making it possible for the brain to heal itself.”
Erasmus says most people do not get enough Omega 3 fatty acids which come from cold water fish like salmon,  nuts and seeds like flax and chia seeds and walnuts.

Following a concussion, Udo recommends 3 grams of a balanced omega 3-6-9 oil  (Super Oil) in the morning noon, and night which will supply 9 grams of combined bioactive essential fatty acids daily. This nutritional support should continue for at least a week, or until  symptoms abate, whichever is longer, at which time supplementation should continue at gradually reduced dosages.

In my experience, many people do get more Omega 6, and 9’s via their diet, so are more deficient in the Omega 3’s, so we often see the need for Super Omega 3, which is 1000 mg. from quality tested sources. It contains a balance of EPA and DHA.

Additional benefits of essential fatty acids as reported by CDC:

*Improve heart rate and rhythm
*Reduce triglycerides and high blood pressure
*Lessen the effects of chronic inflammation on the heart and blood vessels
*Reduce the risk of angina, heart attack, and stroke
* Provide the body with more energy, help stabilize the weight or aid in weight loss                * Enhance the immune system                                                                                                                             * Prevent and reduce inflammation                                                                                                                  * Provide more nourished and healthy skin.
* Omega 3 fatty acids are an integral part of cell membranes throughout the body (thus      required for healthy cellular regeneration)
* Provide a starting point for making hormones                                                                                       *Omegas have important benefits for the heart, brain and metabolism                                *Considered specific for nervous conditions such as MS, Parkinsons, Dementia, including Alzheimer’s.

More information on Omega 3’s and Emotional Health, Depression: (

Sources of Omega 3 as Daily Insurance:                                              (

To order Quality Herbs or health supplements, call

Benoit & Associates Health Education: 250-748-6802

or order via this website:       NB:  make sure this Sponsor Ac# 1143615 comes up, so you get our support, full discounts, and reduced consultation rates.  Or call us for free 10 min. consultation or to place your 1st order at no charge: 250-748-6802.  You will get a real person, no AI robots.

Lorene Benoit, MHH, BEd, CHC, CRA, NSP #1143615

AUTHOR OF:  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The Worls IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller

To understand current N.American and Global state of affairs, decline in health , loss of freedoms of choice of personal health, work, speech, travel, please look & listen to sources other than those creating the havoc. Thousands of reliable references on these sites:

World Council Health alert to parents of babies and small children

51 seconds: World Council for Health alert to parents of babies and small children.

One could say so much more about vaccines, but remember he Covid injections, including all the boosters are  NOT vaccines; they are genetic modification loaded with toxins.

The devastating effects on adults is bad enough.  Please do not do this to your child!

Contact us, or check this website further for ways to keep your children healthy Naturally and Safely:

Herbal Viral Protection for all Ages

Protect Your Children

Recurring Ear Infections Specifics for Children

Please share.

As mentioned, the COVid injections are not true vaccines. In addition, they have now been proven to be ineffective in preventing infection AND transmission of this cold/flu. They have more side effects that all other vaccines combined since the 1950’s!  The death rate world wide continues to grow daily.

You may be a believer in childhood vaccines, but reading previous Vaccine articles on this site , or referring to any of our References, will educate you more thoroughly.

Do you have any idea what is actually in vaccines? For a complete list, please look at the list prepared by CDC (Centre for Disease Control):

You will note this does not list ingredients for Cov injections, as the manufacturers have yet to disclose this information.

As all vaccine manufacturers are protected from all liability, this means YOU, the taxpayer, pays for the millions of dollars in damages annually. Our public health officials continue to turn a blind eye to the damages caused by the cumulative exposure to harmful vaccines. Cov Vax manufacturers, who supposedly dedicated themselves to “helping the world” have posted Billion dollars profits exceeding any previous year.

Multiple References are in most articles, as well as here: References





Q & A: Paw Paw Cell Reg and Basal Cell Carcinoma


Cell Reg – 2 brief questions

Hello! First time writer here. 1. Is there anything Cell-Reg should
NOT be taken with, for example melatonin, Vitamin C, etc? 2. Do you
have any experience with using Cell-Reg with Basal Cell Carcinoma?
Thank you!


Charles, these articles may help you re: contraindications.
 I especially recommend Melatonin, and include reasons why in my book, The Paw Paw Program.


And yes, good results with all Cancers, including basal cell. This usually involves external application of Paw Paw Cell Reg in a carrier, such as Silver Gel, Pau D’Arco Lotion or Aloe Vera Gel. One may also choose to add Frankincense EO.
Depending on the severity, one may want to also do the internal program.


You are welcome to call the office 250-748-6802 for free 10 mins. consultation about how to use it for this condition, plus how to get the correct quality products, at discounted price.  Best time is 9-10:00 am PST Tuesday or Wednesday.Lorene an usually get back to you within 48 hours.
PS. Great that you included your phone number, as Lorene already contacted you due to  your email reply being rejected.