All posts by LoreneB

About LoreneB

Lorene Benoit is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator. Qualifications include Bachelor of Education Biology, French and Phys. Ed; Masters of Holistic Healing; Certified Herbal Consultant; Iridologist; Contact Reflex Analyst; Live Blood Analyst; plus certifications in Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing. Benoit founded Lorene Benoit Health Education Services in 1989. She presents, with humour and life, to health practitioners, corporations and the public, from workshops to annual 4 day herbal intensives. Her passion is teaching healthy lifestyles on all levels, so that people can take control of moving toward optimum health !

Smart Meters, EMF exposure

Just look at how many doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists are already seeing the negative impact of excess wireless technology. A few shocking truths:

  • Martin Pall, PhD, School of Molecular Biosciences  –Autism has increased in recent years from an incidence of 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 68
  • Suruchi Chandra, MD, Psychiatrist focused on Autism, OCD, chronic fatigue and mood disorders – Autism has increased 1200% since 1987
  • Victoria Dunkley, MD, Child Psychiatrist – “continued societal inaction on this issue constitutes child abuse”
  • Loretta Lynch, Former President of the California Public Utilities Commission – The science is clear: EMF’s affect health, particularly the most vulnerable among us. Those living within 150 feet of power lines are at increased risk of serious disease.
  • Utilities and telecommunications companies know these facts but obtain “obscenely obsessive profits” from this technology and are in a “desperate scramble” to set regulations in stone before public awareness increases and reforms are widely demanded.
  • Analog meters are “simple, accurate, and reliable.” There was no need to change them out. The only reason they were replaced with smart meters is that the utilities were not profiting off them any longer- they had “fully depreciated.”

To learn more, visit: Physicians and Researchers Denounce Health Risks of Smart Meters, Oct. 2015

We also know that many cancers are triggered by exposure to smart meters, transmission towers, over-use of cell phones, cordless this, wireless that. All those working towards healing need to limit their exposure to all types of EMF, RF, including indiscriminate use of medical radiation. For more references, please check out my book, Natural Approach To Cancer, and other articles on Research Blog Cancer.

To learn more about the widespread attempts to educate the public on dangers of smart meters, visit: Stop Smart This site updates worldwide protests to ever increasing health and economic issues.


Success with “terminal” cancer

This story has just been shared from another practitioner, who uses the same basic Paw Paw Program as in my book,  including the extra nutritional shake recipes in book and on this website.
I am not saying 100 capsules per day are usually necessary, especially if taking NSP nutritious shakes, but for obviously “terminal” cancer, a real commitment to live is required.

Once people have undergone the medical route of cut, burn and poison, cancer often returns more aggressively, as the stems cells where cancer originates, are stimulated by these routes.

This is a remarkable testimony to what the body CAN accomplish with therapeutic nutrition.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 8:25 AM, DR wrote:

“Our guest speaker last night was Joan. Her husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer, then liver cancer, lung cancer and kidney cancer.
He did all the conventional treatments and all failed. He was deteriorating to the point that he was sent to the Respite and given 3 weeks to live. This is when Joan took action. Each day she gave him 2 high dense nutritious Nature’s Sunshine super food smoothies and each day she organized herbs for the liver, prostate, kidney, and lungs along with the Paw Paw program. He was taking 100 capsules a day. Within 2 weeks there was a notable improvement. He was walking again and he was released from the Respite, Within 6 weeks he was on the golf course and within 6 months all signs of cancer in the lungs, liver , kidney and prostate were gone! When you take nutrition beyond sustenance levels it becomes therapeutic and heals your body!!”

As explained in my book, no one can offer a  definitive “cure” for cancer, arthritis, diabetes, CVD or any “disease”. However, one CAN offer the body, mind and spirit the tools that it requires to heal itself. It is up to the body, the person, the mind, and probably more that science will never understand to overcome a disease. We all eventually die, but life extension and quality of life while living are always improved by providing nutrition as one of the first tools. And the sooner the better. Ideally before the body is damaged with chemical toxins (chemotherapy). The above story exemplifies what amazing healing capacity the body does possess.

If you know someone dealing with cancer who would like to consider the Paw Paw Program, they can contact our office to order the book, the correct therapeutic quality nutrition, including Paw Paw Cell Reg at direct prices, and  for professional guidance.


Turmeric Curcumin with Black Pepper

Nov. 2018 Update: Same product, same quality, name changed from CureQMin BP to Turmeric Curcumin, for ease of identification.

Cindy Klement, Master Nutritionist presented at the Canadian NSP Herbal  Conference. We learned that the new Turmeric Curcumin contains  a concentrated extract from the fruit of black pepper, piper nigrum. This increases  the absorption of the concentrated curcuminoids  from turmeric and therefore the effectiveness  by 2000%. There is no Turmeric on the market that competes with this Nature’s Sunshine brand. The curcuminoid content of 2 capsules equals as much as 200 of some competitor brands, when tested by approved independent labs.

I love Nature’s Sunshine products as they are the most superior herbal products on the market. Turmeric has been studied for powerful properties that have a beneficial effect on pain and inflammation of all types. This article on Herbs Are Effective – 5000 years of science highlights some studies.

Each capsule contains Curcuma longa (curcumin) rhizome 550 mg, Piper nigrum (black pepper) fruit extract (50:1) 2.5 mg.

The 50:1 means it is concentrated 50 times.

Please contact Benoit Health Education to order the best at the best prices, whichever country you live in; we can guide you to optimum health!

The Truth About Cancer – Global Quest

I am loving this on line video series because every minute of it confirms what I have been teaching for more than twenty-five years ! What I have heard  so far IS all my book, The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer, published in 2010. It seems like stating the obvious , but  The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally (part of the book title), and my book encourages people to look outside the box and find the truth. When we search, as did Christopher Columbus, sometimes we see a different truth.

The Truth About Cancer videos take longer to watch than to read my 183 page book, but they provide a lot of supportive research from many of the speakers who I reference.

The The Paw Paw book is a great summation of this series and offers a simple to follow program for both prevention and healing, no matter what health condition you are facing. One client I just spoke to said to her husband,  “this is what Lorene has been teaching us for years!” She is loving the series and it has cemented their commitment to following the 4 Pillars of Health in The Paw Paw Program,  very similar to Dr. Veronique Desaulnier’s 7 Steps, in video 2.

One of the truths about cancer is that medically approved treatments of surgery, chemo and radiation experience a dismal rate for 5 year survival, averaging 2.1%. Yes 2.1 %!  (stats from US Journal of Oncology; first video mins. 22-24). Cancer is a condition involving a failure of the immune system to stop ongoing cancer cell reproduction, and two of the three medically approved procedures destroy the immune system and are classed as carcinogens!

Although not improving mortality rate, this approach is increasing the coffers of the cancer industry – in four years, from 2006-2010,  the Cancer Care cost for all cancers increased from 108 Million to 2.36 Billion dollars!  (refer chart The Paw Paw Program, p. 26).

Just a few things taught in the videos and clearly explained in The Paw Paw Program are:

  • sugar connection to cancer growth- explained in the book p – 82-85 and p. 173, well explained video two, minutes – 41-43
  • the causes of cancer: p. 29-41
  • mammograms causing cancer – read all 3 references- briefly mentioned p.35
  • history of why and how our medical system has come to only promote the expensive cut, poison and burn methodology p.24-28
  • how natural treatments have been suppressed, p. 22-35, (include brief history of Dr. Rife on p. 28).
  • why these treatments only treat the symptom, not the causes p. 43-48
  • how toxins in vaccines contribute to disease, not health

If you have not heard about The Global Quest for Cancer, you can find it easily online. I hope that Ty Bollinger interviews me on the next series!

In the meantime, you may order my book on this site, or via direct email and you will have this clearly written, well researched guide to ongoing health at your fingertips.

Cheers to Your Health!



Q & A? Can I take…..with Paw Paw Program?

This is one of the most common questions I get asked by those using the Paw Paw Program to heal and or prevent cancer, so it is updated on a regular basis

Can I take tumeric, can I take curcumin, can I take Red Raspberry Seed extract, can I take  aged Garlic? Can I take Beta Glucans form  XYZ Company? Can I take quercertin, citrus pectin, coconut oil capsules, cayenne, EGCG (from Green Tea), polyphenols, resveratrol…… the list and options can be extensive and are limitless!

In our experience, because there is so much information available on the net and so many different choices, people are overwhelmed and want to take every thing that is promoted as being helpful for cancer. This is one reason why, in my book, The Paw Paw Program, I devote almost 20 pages of Chapter 2 to discuss other successful and useful herbs, supplements, and protocols. However, after using many of these myself and with clients in my professional practice for almost 35 years, it is also why I wrote the book explaining specific research, actions and program for Paw Paw, Asimina triloba. It is because this is what myself, other researchers and practitioners have found to be the most effective combination.

The therapeutic program in The Paw Paw Program addresses the causes for cancer, and the necessary steps to correct those causes, while rebuilding the the immune system and saturating the body with complete nutrition to enable it to heal and to stay healthy. This means, in a nutshell:

  • determining the cause of injury
  • stopping inflammation
  • healing infection
  • eliminating toxins  via kidneys, colon, skin, lungs
  • ensuring circulation so nutrients reach every cell of the body for healing

To do this, we start with the basic Paw Paw program. This article includes specific recommendations for dosages and timing.

For those who wish to add more to the basic program, we have found those therapeutics listed in the Paw Paw Program Upgrade to be the most beneficial. These nutritional combinations are more effective than all the separate supplements that can be added, such as those I list at the beginning, or any other numerous options. These MAY all be good supplements, if they are quality products; however the additional ones I list in the above article and  in my book  are more specific to support the body to overcome disease with this program.

After E-Tea (the original Essiac formula) and Pau D’Arco recommended in the Paw Paw Upgrade, I would add Cat’s Claw Combination then Colostrum. Here is one excerpt recently received  from a  co-worker who is also very successful with cancer.

 All diseased conditions are caused by inflammation. Quality Colostrum binds toxic lectins, which can be one source of inflammation. Colostrum is a whole food, able to regulate blood sugar levels.  It increases bone and lean muscle mass. It regenerates the neurotransmitters of the brain.  Colostrum regenerates and accelerates the growth of aged and injured muscle, bone, cartilage, skin collagen and nervous tissue. Colostrum is an anti-aging food.

Dr. Shealy says, “By heating it above 140 degrees, Colostrum loses all its potency”.

Colostrum from Nature’s Sunshine is not heated which makes it live and anti-aging.

A separate note on Beta Glucans. Yes, they are compatible with the Paw Paw Program, as the actions do not promote ATP production, plus contribute to the immune system’s ability to slow tumour growth via anti-angiogenesis; similar actions to  Paw Paw Cell Reg, Asimina triloba. They work by binding to receptors on macrophages and other white blood cells and activating them. 

I find if one can get any supplement or nutrition, including beta glucans, in a whole, natural form, it is better assimilated by the body. This is  why NSP offers it in several products, all derived from plant/herb sources.

Beta glucans are a component of Colostrum – another reason Colostrum is recommended. Beta glucans are also included in one of our Super Foods, Nature’s Harvest (which can be added to your blender shake) and  Beta Glucans are also found in Reishi Mushroom, Lycium and Schizandra, which are all found in Mineral Chi Tonic, part of the Basic Program. In the US, Beta glucans are also found in Immune Simulator, from Maitake mushrooms.

I believe that when one sources  nutrition from a whole plant, rather than as an extracted  isolate supplement, the body can digest it better and utilize it better.  The body resonates with whole plant energy more than with a isolated parts. This has been proven through the centuries. This is why vitamins and minerals that are in  a whole herbal, food base are much better utilized even if much lower dosages.

So bottom line, do not worry about taking everything you will hear about online and on the news- if you are following the recommendation in The Paw Paw Program, you are on the right track to discovering the World IS Round already!

According to Dr. Jerry McLaughlin, the world’s expert on Paw Paw, Asimina triloba, the only proven antagonists are those that increase ATP production, such as CoQ10. This is because reduction of ATP to rapidly growing cells such as cancer,  is one of the 4 primary mechanisms by which Paw Paw is effective.  We recommend to not take CoQ10 at the same time as Paw Paw, as it increases ATP production, therefore is counter-productive. After studying with  Dr.  McLaughlin personally, I trust his research and have had results!

As studies  and research on Turmeric Curcumin BP with Piper nigrum, a concentrate form of turmeric, show conclusive positive effects on reversing cancer, it can be a healthful addition. Besides anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, turmeric helps improve intestinal microbiome, and can help reduce pain.

Be sure to use one that contains enough curcuminoids, the active ingredient, to help!  We use a standardized concentrate. This means 2 vegi-capsules equal 1.4 pounds of whole turmeric root. For comparison, you might need 50 -200 capsules of regular turmeric capsules to have this potency, or try eating 1.4 pounds per day?!

Re-read the dietary recommendations, get those Super Shakes happening with some good quality protein such as nuts and Nature’s Harvest and enjoy getting healthier day by day. Blessings!

UPDATE 2018:

You may also want to read Contra-Indicated Medications and Supplements with Paw Paw.

Please contact our office if you would like to order Paw Paw or other health supplements. Besides the best price,  we offer a direct account with discount and our support and personalized service.

Buying “Paw Paw Cell Reg” from Amazon is NOT advisable under ANY circumstances–even if it appears to be the same product. We have heard reports of tampered product, outdated product, or even fake product. In the words of one communication from the manufacturer–when you buy from Amazon, Ebay, and the like, you are essentially buying from an electronic yard sale.


Herbal Gifting – ideas for health!

Some popular choices from over 300 quality Products from Nature’s Sunshine !

Go to Natures Sunshine Products world,  check on your country, phone our office, or contact us via our website. If you are not a member, that’s easy – become one for free with any order over $40.

Use sponsor # 1143615 – Lorene Benoit, MHH, CHC or

#1143667- Francene Benoit,BScN , NHC.


  • Tei Fu Oil #1618         First Aid Kit in a Bottle!                  

A Chinese blend of Essential Oils with multi uses:

Externally: (1-4 drops on affected area) Ideal for burns, bites, stings, headache (temples and neck), stiff neck, arthritis pain, tooth-ache, itching, motion sickness, toe fungus.

Internally:  (1-2 drops back of tongue, or in water) Ideal for colds, coughs, allergies, sore throat, sinus, stuffy nose, vomiting, studying (perks up brain), motion sickness, flu, fever, headache.


  • Tee Tree Oil #1777      Antiseptic, Anti-fungal, Tissue Healer    14ml. 

Externally:  apply directly or dilute with olive oil – boils burns, cankers, cold sores, cuts, earaches, lice, thrush, ticks, leeches, pimples, bites, fungus.

Internally: Candida, infections, bacterial and viral – advice of health professional & small drops.


Ideal for sore and aching muscles, arthritic pain, stiff neck, headache, sprains and more. Natural base allows for better penetration and effectiveness.


  • Peppermint Oil #1706      Peppy, pick me-up                         

Externally: apply to temples, back of neck for headache, directly on aches & pains.

Internally: A couple of drops of peppermint oil added to hot or cold water for a soothing, refreshing after-meal drink as well as a digestive aid.  One drop on the tongue clears sinus, perks up mind, aids headache, breath freshener. Can also be used as natural peppermint flavouring in baking, icing.


  • Silver Gel   #4950     Antibiotic , Anti-fungal Gel                 

Effective for infections, wounds, burns, skin cancer, Athlete’s foot, nasal polyps, herpes.


Contains no polluting phosphates, borates or nitrates and is biodegradable – strong cleanser, cuts grease.


Effective personal care integrating natural products with the latest advancements in science.


  • Nature’s Fresh #1549     Enzyme Spray with Pump  650 ml – Multi-use  

Stain and odour remover, relieves sore muscles, acne, breaks down old tissue to help rebuild new tissue, so good for frozen joints, bruises, wounds, damaged disks…..


Everything you need for personal and home health


– a box of 30 packets makes for great stocking stuffers! Each one good for 500 – 750 ml. A healthy drink for under 50cents per cup!

Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

A book full of healthful tips for ALL disease conditions, and for prevention through creation of optimum health! $29.95


A Gift Certificate for an educational personalized health session.


These suggested gifts can be sent anywhere in N.A. for $ 10-12 S/H – Avoid post office hassles. NSP guaranteed delivery if order is placed by December 16; probable delivery up to Dec. 20. Call or email our office if you need some other more specific ideas.

Everyone welcomes a Gift of Health!

 To order:

Call  Benoit & Associates Health at 250-748-6802
or email

Q&A: Paw Paw for Prevention


I am writing for a friend who does not have a computer. In a CT scan of his one kidney for stones, the doctors discovered a malignant tumor beneath the kidney. They removed the kidney surgically and lasered the large stones. They said the tumor was intact and told him to come back in a year. I am concerned that he will get another tumor because of his acid diet. Does Paw Paw prevent the formation of tumors?




Whatever conditions* this man had in his body to allow the growth of the tumor, if they are NOT changed, then yes, he may be susceptible to more abnormal growth.

Contributing factors, such as acidic diet, plus underlying infection, irritation or something causing inflammation must have been present for the growth to have occurred in the first place. These need to be changed/corrected for ongoing health.

Research shows that Paw Paw Cell Reg helps prevent abnormal cell growth, through 4 different mechanisms as outlined in my book, pgs. 89-95.  There are a couple ways to take it for prevention, either taking low dosage daily, or the regular dosage to tolerance 3-4 times per year, along with the other essential components of the program. Remember good health practitioners work with a program to cover all 4 pillars of health (Chapter 6 of The Paw Paw Program),  not just one miracle product.

In the US, Paw Paw is part of the 10 day Para Cleanse, a suggested seasonal whole body cleanse.  In Canada, the Paw Paw can be added to Para Pak for the same effect.

You may also want to read Kidney Stones: Causes, Prevention & Emergency Treatment. Some of the suggestions for prevention do help to alkalize the body, so you are on the right track!

Please contact us if you want to have a wholesale account set up to get the same professional nutrition that we have used successfully for since 1990. At TakeTheNaturalPath.MyNSP.Com, you can see what products we have to offer, learn about the Quality, and see prices (go to More Info and choose your country at the top of page).

*The wording in your question is a little confusing, as you said they removed the kidney, then lasered the stones, which would not make much sense – why laser them if kidney is gone? Perhaps they just removed the tumor, then lasered the stones? Ot removed 1 kidney and lasered stones in the other? In any case, the above information would apply.

Thank you for contacting us and helping your friend!

Top Ten Healing Herbs in Your Garden


Come out to learn some the best plants for food, nutrition and herbal first aid. You will learn how to use herbs & weeds for safe sunscreens, wound healing, wasp & bee stings, fever, colds, salads and more. If you have your own garden there may be some plants to take home. Can you identify some from this photo?


Lorene Benoit, Master Holistic Health and Master Herbalist, will share her expertise from working  with medicinal plants for 35 years. Classes in her Glenora garden the first three consecutive Thursdays of September from 4-6 pm. Be prepared to use all your senses to experience the healing value nature provides.

$12 per session or $30 for all three classes.

PRE-REGISTER by phoning office #250-748-6802  with your complete name and phone number  OR emailing

For instructions to the Herbal Sanctuary, see:



Success for Diarrhea, Parasites – Updated

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can’t believe how fast the Psyllium Hulls Combo worked – stopped my diarrhea in its tracks!

One dose last night and again this morning – and I have had only one BM so far today with lovely brown, formed lumps. Excuse the detail, but I’m so happy to have no loose stool for the first time in seven weeks!  And I trust the Para Pak (CA) / Para Cleanse (US with added Paw Paw Cell Reg), is socking it to those nasty microbes.

I’m reading a great book, btw, called “Gut – the inside story of our body’s most underrated organ” by Giulia Enders. Fascinating!  See *

Thanks again – I’ll let you know how I’m doing in a couple of weeks.

DR from ON


Author’s Comment: this person had intestinal problems with explosive diarrhea 4-6/day, bad cramping and low energy for  7 wks, since return from a European vacation. All signs of parasite infestation, although medical tests showed “all normal”.

She is also taking Probiotic 11 to re-establish correct bowel flora.

Please read HOW important the colon is.


If you are having any kind of bowel, intestinal or digestive problems, please contact us for personal assistance.


Update 3 weeks later:

I am happy to report that thanks to your advice, I have completely recovered from my intestinal illness – and did not have to take antibiotics! It’s possible I picked up a microbe here in Ontario rather than in Europe:

I completed the two weeks of Para-Pak treatment and took the Psyllium Hulls Combo whenever needed, per your instructions. Thanks again!

Vaccines, autism & brain immuno-excito-toxicty

UPDATE Aug/2024:

Since the covid vax genocide, more info on the truth of ALL vaccines has been researched. The bottom line is that NO vaccines, including all childhood vaccines are safe.

This chart from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System  (VAERS), clearly shows the lack of studies for safety. Studies for effectiveness are basically non-existant.   VAERS is a government agency, which openly admits only about 1% of adverse events are reported, either because parents are not aware, or doctors refuse to submit a report for fear of reprimand from those who pay them.

UPDATE Mar/2019:

An informative 2 minute+ video excerpt from the movie BOUGHT, presents  3 Doctor’s summaries of challenges with the current vaccination of children. A few pertinent quotes:
M.D.Patrick Gentempo:
“Even if individual vaccines might be safe, imagine now combining all these, put together into a little infant that’s just born,  total of 26 of them in it’s first 18 months of life and you’re playing with real fire here.”

Toni Bark, M.D.:
“Giving the HPV vaccine which lasts 3-5 years to a new born? Are they going to have sex before they are 5?   There is a disconnect here. … giving somebody, day one of life, a vaccine that’s never been tested on infants, can’t even legally be tested on newborns, makes zero sense unless it’s lining your pocket.” 

Incidence of cervical cancers has risen since widespread use of HVP vaccine. Sweden, UK, France and US doctors, oncologists and surgeons have all reported  these same conclusions, yet vaccine makers continue to promote the life saving propaganda and force these on the market, targeting juvenile females with fear and false advertising.

Tim O’Shea D.C.:
“In 1993 we were spending three billion dollars on vaccines in the entire world. By the year 2000 it was about twenty billion dollars a year globally that we were spending on vaccines. You have to  follow the money and you can  see how processes and procedure in our culture can be bought.”

Original Article : July/ 2015

This lecture  is critical to watch, especially for new parents who are smart enough to question the medical immunization issue versus building lifelong health.

The Central Mechanism By Which Vaccines Induce Autism – The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development: Dr. Russell Blaylock addressing  the National Autism Association (NAA).

It is a difference between weakening or strengthening the immune system NATURALLY and for life. If you do not have 1 hour and 9 minutes  to listen to the entire presentation, invest at least 4 minutes to watch minutes 38 – 42.

Oops… yet another great video censored, as is most science that does not support Vaccine agenda. But, you can still read a 4 pg. report: Excessive Vaccination and Autism Research

Here are some important highlights from Dr. Blaylock’s research. You can make up your own mind to decide who you believe. Big Pharma making the billions, or a doctor whose livelihood was destroyed when he presented truthful warnings?

“When vaccine toxins are injected they stimulate systemic immunity that causes the microglia of the brain to increase inflammatory cytokines and glutamates within minutes.

This process of priming of microglial begins in utero with  the recommended flu shot for the mother, (LB: H1N1, Avian, whatever is “chosen” as this year’s fear mongering money maker),  is increased with the Hep B shot at birth, then further placed on over-drive with each subsequent vaccine injected, which in the US now amount to 26 vaccines by age 1 yr.  

This brain inflammatory process is happening during the most intense period of brain development of the child. The accumulative effect causes an enormous secretion of inflammatory cytokines and glutamate which can and has caused death, SIDS, encephalitic crying caused by brain inflammation.

With frequent vaccinations causing repeated brain inflammation  the accumulative effect can cause adult disorders including seizure, behavioral problems, OCD and depression throughout life. Through this constant brain stimulation, the brain is never able to heal.”



“Human  immune stimulation during pregnancy is a danger to the unborn child.

There is NO science to support the frequently postulated scare tactic that a pregnant mother is at  a greater risk than any other population. But there IS repeated research showing a 7-14 times higher incidence of autism and  schizophrenia due to immuno-excito toxic response, which is not healthy to the fetus.”

Common toxins in vaccines such as mercury, ethyl mercury, (thimersol IS a mercury derivative) and aluminum, are all powerful microglial stimulators. These adjuvant toxins are cumulative and no studies have ever been done on their additive effect when 5 or 6 different vaccines are given at the same time, and in such frequently repeated dosages.



Death after Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination: Causal or Coincidental? warns that their may be a causal link to death due to neurological autoimmune vasculitis (simplified:  brain inflammation) that needs further evaluation. I, as a parent, or a young woman would not choose to inject this into any young woman’s blood stream.

Further References and Research:

Vaccine reference websites


Lorene Benoit has seen, over the past 45 years in health education,  the results of medical immunizations for ALL ages, as well as the health of children and adults who refuse vaccines. She offers many safe, natural alternatives that work more effectively than  chemical, toxic poisons that alter immunity and brain function.

Contact her office for your personalized program; free 10 minutes to judge for yourself. 

Benoit is author of  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer  – a book on natural health, which includes a wealth of information on healthy lifestyle to build immunity. It includes diet, emotional, exercise, recipes and more that are essential to incorporate for healing of all conditions, including cancer.