I get so many articles detailing ongoing research about the devastating side effects and life long immune problems being created by our ever-increasing onslaught of vaccinations. Since I first studied the vaccination issues in 1984, when pregnant with our daughter, I get daily confirmation that we made the right decision to question the status quo.
Whether it is injecting multiple toxins directly into the blood stream of unsuspecting infants, whose immune systems and brains are not yet fully developed, or forcing seniors with already weakened systems into adding this toxic burden to their drug laden bodies, it is nothing short of criminal. Big pharma vaccine producers previously paid billions in fines & lawsuits, but have since lobbied government not only to promote their dangerous goods, but then to provide legal immunity for their damages.
I have many other articles and references in Vaccine archives, along with tips to naturally exercise and develop a healthy natural immune system.
My website provides a whole list of Vaccine References, where you can continue your own research, and make an EDUCATED decision, not one based on fear and coercion.
Please contact the author if you wish to get you or your family onto a HEALTH PROGRAM and learn how to take control of your own health.
IF you have already subjected yourself or your family to vaccines, do not beat yourself up – this is what you were told to do, and you trusted, right? There ARE natural solutions to rebuild your immune system and regain health.
Since 1974, I have not found a condition yet that could not be treated naturally, at least as well, and most of us think better, than any drug based approach. This includes pneumonia, rashes, measles, whooping cough, bronchitis, cancer, diabetes, gout, arthritis, burns, puncture wounds, and the usual colds & flus, you name it.
Giving the body the tools to heal itself is what works!