Skin Cancer and Paw Paw


Question from Vicki regarding treatment of skin cancer:

I have been treating skin cancer, basal cell with iodine with pretty good success but the cancer cells are very crafty and they are using my blood to move around my body.  I have just started drinking the juice from the mexican fruit guanabana.  I am getting significant better but I feel the cancer cells are not going to leave me alone.  What is this paw paw stuff?”


Thanks for your questions Vicki. Iodine is an effective adjunct to natural cancer treatment that I refer to in my book,The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer : The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally“. You’re right cancer cells ARE very crafty.

Paw Paw is an extract from the twigs of the Asimina triloba tree, and it is very effective at stopping crafty cancer cells. It works through 4 primary mechanisms of action:

  1. Inhibits ATP – Adenosine Tri Phosphate, part of energy cycle
  2. Prevents blood vessel growth: Anti-angiogenesis
  3. Depletes DNA RNA  (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid, Ribo Nucleic Acid
  4. Inhibits MDR ( Multiple Drug Resistant) efflux pump

This is explained in more detail on p. 91-94 of my book. As well, more detail here: Paw Paw Program Specifics

We have had success treating skin cancers, using Paw Paw both internally as a standardized capsule, and externally, by mixing Paw Paw it with Pau D’Arco Lotion, Silver Gel, Pure Aloe Vera Gel, or other salves made with healing herbs.

There are many other research articles on my blog, under Cancer category:                

Re: Guanabana fruit:. Another name for this fruit is Sour Sop, latin name of Annona muricata. It is in the same family as Paw Paw, Asimina triloba, but this article will explain why it is not as potent.

Our best success working with strong antioxidant beverages has been with a product called Thai Go (Zambroza in Canada and other countries) . This super food has been tested by the Ford Cancer Research to increase death of cancer cells. This is also detailed in my book.

Please contact our office if you would like to order my book or to be able to purchase  the program directly from the company I have used personally since 1985 and professionally since 1990.

9 thoughts on “Skin Cancer and Paw Paw

  1. Marijuana The Forbidden Cure for Cancer.
    There are people out there being cured of types of cancer even terminal cancer. You can make your own medicine and avoid radiation and chemo poisoning your body.
    The link below has a pretty good take on it with videos research links and even has a video how to make your cancer medicine and dosages to take. You can grow you own and make your own medicine.

  2. Thanks for sharing this link Terry. Yes, we are aware that there have been some excellent results with marijuana used judiciously, and this link is a good one.
    We of course have very good results with the Paw Paw program as explained in my book, on this blog. Thanks for contacting us.

  3. Thanks Lorene. I am adding your book and site to my alternative cancer treatments links section. I certainly think that any cancer patient should have a full range of options and advise. Certainly diet and phytonutrients are very important. Best of Luck with the book. Be well

  4. I agree with you Terry, and thank you for helping to get the info out. I have also referred your references to people as an option.

  5. There are some good people doing “the right thing” and the others that try to make money out of other people’s desperation and suffering. If you are a cancer patient, please give yourself a chance and try some alternative treatment. Do your research and stay away from those who want money for their secret cures.
    Cancer cells are produced by our own body and it is precisely our body what can destroy them as easily as it has produced them. The answer is in our diet.
    The relationship between nutrition and health is a fact that has been known for long; however, it is not well defined which components of our diet are biologically active or how they exercise their functional effect.
    Nutritional genomics is the study at a genomic level of the influence that nutrients have over our health. Even when there is a well accepted metabolic individuality that prevents us from obtaining a general answer that could satisfy every human need for nutrition, there could exist a selection of nutrients or basic elements common to every individual that are an essential part in every diet.
    There exist genes that can be related directly with the risk of contracting certain illnesses and it is known that the expression of those genes can be modified by nutrition. Genes interact with elements in human diet modifying cellular metabolism and generating a metabolic change that may be associated with the predisposition and the risk to develop common illnesses.
    Human tendency to certain illnesses has changed considerably in the recent years due mainly to the changes in nutrition and most of all to processed food. Refined foods that constitute a high percentage of our diet lack many of the nutrients they should contain and with inadequate processing they could even generate substances potentially dangerous for our health. Cooking, canning, storage, freezing and other forms of handling our food eliminate many nutrients in most cases. In particular, enzymes are very sensitive to heat as many vitamins and some amino acids; consequently, processed food lacks that original nutritional value that it normally has in its non-processed state.
    Enzymes are proteins produced by our body that act as bio-catalyzers that perform structural and metabolic tasks, stimulate or inhibit hormonal functions, regulate physiological response, control the speed and transmission quality of our nervous system’s signals and control waste secretion. Enzymes are bio-catalyzers that allow the transformation of large quantities of substrates utilized in the production of the different components that are essential for the whole vital process.
    For these processes to occur, every enzymatic system requires the participation of co- enzymes, that is, oligo elements, vitamins and minerals that allow them to fit exactly in the substrates. In contrast with enzymes, co-enzymes degrade with their activity and for that reason they must be constantly replenished. An oligo element deficit could inhibit some enzymatic system resulting in the development of an adverse condition.
    Find that combination and your body will defend itself against most illnesses.
    Give yourself a chance.

  6. Glad to be of service and we plan to continue providing useful information. If you would like to receive our monthly natural health newsletter, please contact us via email: This is a free service.

  7. Thanks Olene, I intend to add at least one per week. If you have any health questions, do not hesitate to contact us via our Question and Answer, or Contact from on website.

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