Q & A: Cancer of bladder recurring and prevention


Paw Paw and its effects on bladder cancer: I have just started taking Paw Paw Cell Reg after being diagnosed with high-grade bladder cancer. Am not able to find much on the internet about its uses with Bladder CA. I was diagnosed with lung cancer 5 years ago, treated with chemo and radiation, and took graviola.

Tumor shrunk in 4 months from the size of a grapefruit to 2.9 cms. Continued the use of graviola for a year after with no recurrence. Now I have a second type of cancer. The small tumor I had in my bladder was removed 3 weeks ago, but I’m being told there are frequent recurrences with this disease, sometimes by muscle-invasive tumors, which would mean removal of the bladder.
I’m hoping to kill the cancer cells before recurrence with the held of Paw Paw. Do you know how soon Paw Paw actually begins to work or show effectiveness? As of now I have no tumors to shrink… just cells to kill.
My next question still is… since bladder cancer can be a lifetime recurring cancer, how do you know when it’s okay to stop taking it? McLaughlin says he doesn’t recommend using it as a maintenance, but more like an antibiotic… am also wondering if there is any possibility cells can also develop an MDR to Paw Paw with long term use.
Thanks very much for any help.                                  Doug M


Unfortunately we see this often – cancer treated with any or all of the BIG 3, especially chemo, then another cancer appears down the road. Whether it has been caused by the toxicity of the first treatment, or is just a reflection that the immune system is not keeping on top of daily cell metabolism, is a moot point. This clearly emphasizes the importance of looking at balancing the entire body to prevent recurrence.

Paw Paw can work quickly – some have noticed a difference in energy levels within several days, for others it can take a month. However, if graviola worked in the past for you, then I suspect Paw Paw will work even better, as it is much more effective.

You are smart to keep on top of this to prevent any further tumor growth. As you are using Paw Paw Cell Reg (US name), this IS the correct species and reparation that has undergone all the research, and had the results.

You also need to look at other aspects of your lifestyle which may be allowing the recurrence. These are all explained in my book, The Paw Paw Program, as we find a person has much more success when they do more than just take herbs, even quality ones Like Paw Paw.

I would appreciate knowing from who you are purchasing the Paw Paw Cell Reg – this IS the correct, tested brand. This is the person who should be answering any future your questions, as part of the policy with Nature’s Sunshine Products is Quality, SERVICE and Integrity. If you are purchasing off Amazon, you are not going to get service.

For any future orders, please contact our office directly, then we can also support you, as well as ensuring you get it at direct cost from the NSP Company. (This person has since ordered the book and become one of our members for direct ordering and discount.)

To answer your second question, “when it’s okay to stop taking it?”,  I will ask you one back: what tests are your doctors using to decide whether you have cancer, whether you need chemo, or how your progress is doing? I would use these parameters, PLUS, even more importantly, HOW DO YOU FEEL? There is no problem taking Paw Paw until all symptoms are gone and you get a clear bill of health. My book addresses how to take for further prevention or re-occurance.

The lifestyle suggestions in my book are also designed to help you achieve and maintain optimum health and prevent other chronic conditions.

As far as dosage, the book explains that if you can split dosage every 6 hours, this is even more effective.

And no, in over 30 years there is no research to suggest cancer cells become  MDR resistant to Paw Paw, as it is not toxic like chemotherapy; it just interrupts ATP production, DNA and RNA replication.

2 thoughts on “Q & A: Cancer of bladder recurring and prevention

  1. What experiences are there with PawPaw and acute myeloid leukemia (AML)? My husband was just diagnosed with that and is now in palliative care. He is 82 and has a hemoglobinlevel of 4. Would it not be dangereous to interrupt ATP which is the energy production in our mitochondria? He also does not eat very much because he gets nautious. How could he swollow PawPaw without throwing up?
    Please help us with these questions. We would like to try PawPaw, but need to know wether it could work in his case. He is very week.

    W. Krauss-Kogan

  2. There have been many positive results with several types of leukemia and Paw Paw,provided the correct species and preparation of Asimina triloba is used.
    We have had situations where the Paw Paw capsule has been made into a “tea” with small quantities of hot water and fed via a feeding tube, or drank, even in very late stages.
    One would start with only 1 capsule and increase each day – any nausea, then decrease.
    You are correct that healthy mitochondria need ATP, but Paw Paw does not affect healthy cells – only “hungry” ones like cancer that consume up to 17 times more ATP! This is all well explained in my book. Please contact us again if you would like to start him on the program. If you order through us: TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com, you have the advantage of being sure you get the right herbs, the best price, plus our support.
    All the best!

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